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Krannus class quest fight.


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What's the strat for this? I tried fighting him first up. Got pwnd. Went back and tried disarming the bombs first. Disarmed the first bomb no worries, then all of a sudden I was outside the cave and the quest had failed o_O


How have you guys completed this quest?

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I didn't even see that timer at first.


I really wish they had a larger timer. A big red flashing, like Metroid counter.


That said, 1 shot it.


I had kira. Left her on him, and I went onto the adds, killing them first. Them down, I and trooper allies, tore him apart pretty quick.

Then, after a few moments, I noticed the timer. haha. I had 3:30 to get them. Did that pretty easy.

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Doc was being weird for me on that fight and not healing, and I kept getting aggro on ALL the adds and getting pwned. Only quest that gave me trouble.


After force camo from the pull things got very easy and I downed him with ~3:30 left on the timer.


You only need about 30 secs to kill all the bombs.

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I did it yesterday with Kira.


If you have a good medpac probably the specialist you should be good in terms of healing if you need it. Just clear the adds first or they'll eventually mow everyone down with Krannus.


After that easy peasy.

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Focus on adds. Use your def. cooldowns early to mitigate damage and Force Camo once you get weak to remove aggro. Once the adds die it's a cakewalk as the NPC Troopers are more then capable of handling Krannus.


The key is surviving early. The first time I did this fight I just died instantly as Krannus + all his adds went right to me. But once you survive that initial wave you'll be fine.

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Yeah this fight was probably the easiest boss fight I had seen up to that point. All of the trooper support we get is golden here. I'd suggest burning down the adds (easy) then focusing on Krannus. if you do this well enough you'll have around 3-4 minutes to disarm the bombs which is way more than enough.
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As has been said, burn down the adds then take him out.


Keep your companion off him at first, the guy leading your backup is a champion npc and will happily tank him. I had plenty of time left after the fight to deal with the bombs, but I was a couple levels higher than the quest which may have helped.

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Tried last night. Had Doc. No matter who I went for first, Doc got steam rolled. Finally got a guildie to help.


The first time I did it Doc did very little and got /asploded.


Second time I pulled him back with follow and let the troopers get aggro, then cut down the adds first. By the time I got to the boss the troopers already had him dead. With a standard leap in and get aggro situation for some reason this fight seemed ridiculously hard, but it's actually a joke if you let the NPC's do the work for you.

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