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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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A lot of you guys are missing the point here.


Its not about cc, broken abilities, bugs, balance e.t.c. All those things can be fixed over time. Its about content. They brought 3 warzones and a orvr zone that does not work and it's poorly designed. And they show no intention of making pvp better.




So what is there to talk about? 3 wzs (they might bring more but that is not the point) and lol-Illum. So i hit lvl 50 and got my champions gear. What now? Am i supposed to play warzones until my eyes bleed out?


All the companies that design MMOs have one thing in mind; get the juice out of WOW to make money. They all end up failing at that and pvp players migrate from one game to the next one to find something to play.

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This game is just like any other MMO, he who has the best gear wins. I've seen Sith Warriors or whatever the tank class is with 20k HP and massive damage redux on them, that are unkillable if they are getting any kind of heals.


Because everyone is in the same bracket, in general its he who is highest level wins and similar levels best gear wins. The Caveat to this is that after level 36 every class has all their main abilities and people 36+ can beat down higher levels, but it is not the norm, and certainly doesn't count when its against a level 50 v a 36.


Disappointing... thank you for the info though. I return to retreating this as a PvE game, and get my PvP fix elsewhere.

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A lot of you guys are missing the point here.


Its not about cc, broken abilities, bugs, balance e.t.c. All those things can be fixed over time. Its about content. They brought 3 warzones and a orvr zone that does not work and it's poorly designed. And they show no intention of making pvp better.




So what is there to talk about? 3 wzs (they might bring more but that is not the point) and lol-Illum. So i hit lvl 50 and got my champions gear. What now? Am i supposed to play warzones until my eyes bleed out?


All the companies that design MMOs have one thing in mind; get the juice out of WOW to make money. They all end up failing at that and pvp players migrate from one game to the next one to find something to play.


Show me.


As for my argument to counter your point:


"• PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis."


James Ohlen

Game Director


Right now Illum is far from stunning, at least on my server, but only because the Republic seldom venture to cap and it is Imperial controlled 99% of the time. But this is barely week two, the vast majority of players are still in their 20s and 30s. Give it some time. If you don't feel like waiting, you can always unsub and come back in a few months. I for one, am having a blast leveling alts and pvping on my 50 Operative healer.


They have to prioritize fixing bugs above everything before they start throwing out new content. And right now, end game PvE is very buggy.


I would imagine their priority on bugs are where the vast majority of their player population is. It only makes sense to triage what is effecting the largest base of players and work your way down the list.

Edited by Slickerpunk
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A lot of you guys are missing the point here.


Its not about cc, broken abilities, bugs, balance e.t.c. All those things can be fixed over time. Its about content. They brought 3 warzones and a orvr zone that does not work and it's poorly designed. And they show no intention of making pvp better.




So what is there to talk about? 3 wzs (they might bring more but that is not the point) and lol-Illum. So i hit lvl 50 and got my champions gear. What now? Am i supposed to play warzones until my eyes bleed out?


All the companies that design MMOs have one thing in mind; get the juice out of WOW to make money. They all end up failing at that and pvp players migrate from one game to the next one to find something to play.





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Dear. Lord. I read every post in this enormous whine-fest of a thread, bored waiting for the servers to come back up... and Christ! I didn't realize the PvP population of these MMO's was this full of a bunch of impatient, whiney little babies!


C'mon guys, this game is awesome. It's saddening to see that so many people have become so jaded and nit-picky about everything. EVERYTHING! This game's been out for only two freakin' weeks for ****'s sake! Take a chill pill, relax, and wait for everyone else to catch up to you H4RDC0R3 1337 PvPers and start going at it on Illum. I promise you, you'll have fun. That is all.

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I cancelled yesterday, but not because of PVP


IF it took them over 100m $ budget and 4 years of development, to launch such a bug-filled, class unbalanced, GCD-locked-until-animation-ends fighting style... i dont know how much time will take them to fix it.


When remaining gameplay runs out, im back to Skyrim and SC2 full time, where true PVP belongs

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When WoW came out... world pvp was where it was at, the BG que times on my server were 45 minutes.... The fact people are comparing this game to wow as it is now instead of when wow was launched is mind baffling this game has been out for under a month and is doing pretty rock solid so far.
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I canceled two days ago, this PvP system is abysmal. It's completely unbelievable they expected a system like this to work and be accepted. Level 50s against level 10s? This is laughable and if I had known battlegrounds(warzones) would be this stupid I never would've bought this game. I've been a BG addict ever since DAOC but this game just might cure me of that...


Funny, I hear this about every pve game with a side of pvp.


When will these people learn.


Whats even funnier is that companies have tried to make dedicated pvp games and they fail in the NA market.


Only 2 games out there. Eve, and GuildWars.


Now I have to ask....


If you are so into pvp why are you hiding in a pve game with a side of pvp?

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Dear. Lord. I read every post in this enormous whine-fest of a thread, bored waiting for the servers to come back up... and Christ! I didn't realize the PvP population of these MMO's was this full of a bunch of impatient, whiney little babies!


C'mon guys, this game is awesome. It's saddening to see that so many people have become so jaded and nit-picky about everything. EVERYTHING! This game's been out for only two freakin' weeks for ****'s sake! Take a chill pill, relax, and wait for everyone else to catch up to you H4RDC0R3 1337 PvPers and start going at it on Illum. I promise you, you'll have fun. That is all.



WHAT YOU fail to understand is that all of these "whiny little babies" are the ones paying BioWere employees bills.


It's like this in the MMO community. Some start to leave and thell others who enjoy PvP dont pay for TOR it sucks. Subs lost. Friends who play together some leave rest follows because they want to play together so they leave for a new MMO with better PvP subs lost.

Players not enjoying PvP who is not in a guild etc getting gankes by 50s in warzones stop playing, subs lost. etcetcetc Do you get it ? 1 leave more leave. Those who left tell others and in that way preventing more people to sub for TOR. $ lost for BW/LA/EA.


And in the end like any other dail MO out there MMO gamers dont forgive and never come back, look at AOC SWG etc etc.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I cancelled yesterday, but not because of PVP


IF it took them over 100m $ budget and 4 years of development, to launch such a bug-filled, class unbalanced, GCD-locked-until-animation-ends fighting style... i dont know how much time will take them to fix it.


When remaining gameplay runs out, im back to Skyrim and SC2 full time, where true PVP belongs


Did you seriously just say Skyrim needs PVP...? Really? You should not be allowed to play that game anymore.

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WHAT YOU fail to understand is that all of these "whiny little babies" are the ones paying BioWere employees bills.


It's like this in the MMO community. Some start to leave and thell others who enjoy PvP dont pay for TOR it sucks. Subs lost. Friends who play together some leave rest follows because they want to play together so they leave for a new MMO with better PvP subs lost.

Players not enjoying PvP who is not in a guild etc getting gankes by 50s in warzones stop playing, subs lost. etcetcetc Do you get it ? 1 leave more leave. Those who left tell others and in that way preventing more people to sub for TOR. $ lost for BW/LA/EA.


And in the end like any other dail MO out there MMO gamers dont forgive and never come back, look at AOC SWG etc etc.


This is somewhat true, but what you have to realize is that the competitive pvp group only accounts for a minimal portion of the whole games community. They're usually just the loudest, but that just goes with that whiney, ego driven portion of the population.

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WHAT YOU fail to understand is that all of these "whiny little babies" are the ones paying BioWere employees bills.


It's like this in the MMO community. Some start to leave and thell others who enjoy PvP dont pay for TOR it sucks. Subs lost. Friends who play together some leave rest follows because they want to play together so they leave for a new MMO with better PvP subs lost.

Players not enjoying PvP who is not in a guild etc getting gankes by 50s in warzones stop playing, subs lost. etcetcetc Do you get it ? 1 leave more leave. Those who left tell others and in that way preventing more people to sub for TOR. $ lost for BW/LA/EA.


And in the end like any other dail MO out there MMO gamers dont forgive and never come back, look at AOC SWG etc etc.


You really didn't address anything I said though... Why can't you guys just chill out for a while and fully test this BRAND NEW game out before you rage quit? I'm serious, the level of nit-picking I see in these forums is sickening. Is this how jaded the world has become? Seriously, I really want to know, it's heartbreaking almost. I honestly don't think there's much game developers CAN do to make people content with a game nowadays... :confused:

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You really didn't address anything I said though... Why can't you guys just chill out for a while and fully test this BRAND NEW game out before you rage quit? I'm serious, the level of nit-picking I see in these forums is sickening. Is this how jaded the world has become? Seriously, I really want to know, it's heartbreaking almost. I honestly don't think there's much game developers CAN do to make people content with a game nowadays... :confused:


Instant gratification generation at its best...

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At least someone agrees with me... *mumbles*


Nah, just seeing things for what they are. It reminds me of a bunch of kids that ***** that their mom didn't bake them the right flavored birthday cake, all the while ignoring the ******ed party she organized, the friends who shared that day with them, or the numerous gifts they received. Self entitlement is a nasty product of the current state of society.


The problem isn't the game, its developers, or its mechanics. It's the whiney brats playing it.

Edited by Cowflab
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The amount of low level scrub BK's complaining about PvP in this thread is funny. Stop complaining, level to 50, and learn how to play your class. Until then your opinion on PvP really has no merit.


Neither does yours since 90% of the time as a lv50 you're fighting people that are not 50.

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At least someone agrees with me... *mumbles*


What you don't seem to understand is that this is 2012, SWTOR has had COUNTLESS MMOs to study, find out what failed and what went great.


They had years of beta to test, tweak and fix things. Not only that but they had open beta and feedback from people playing at conventions.


Through all of this the PvP is not more polished than a game made back in 2004 when the MMO scene was in it's infancy and developers didn't have a strong mainstream game to reference.


It being young is no excuse at all.


Nah, just seeing things for what they are. It reminds me of a bunch of kids that ***** that their mom didn't bake them the right flavored birthday cake, all the while ignoring the ******ed party she organized, the friends who shared that day with them, or the numerous gifts they received. Self entitlement is a nasty product of the current state of society.


The problem isn't the game, its developers, or its mechanics. It's the whiney brats playing it.


Another problem to add to the list is players like you, players that ***** and moan about legitimate complaints coming from a crowd that expect polish, they come from games like Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft and expect the same level of quality if not better and when they dont recieve it they are dissapointed.


So my suggestion to you is stop acting like judgemental old fart and learn to except people have different points of view other than your own.

Edited by Connection
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What you don't understand is that they did study and found that most of the pvp games fail due to the players.


The NA pvp crowd like to use the scorched earth tactic.


They want to drive you so far into the ground and make your pvp experience so miserable that you leave the game.


And when people leave thay all sit around wondering where everyone went and then jump to the next pve game with a side of pvp and do the samething. They never learn.


And they all wonder why most companies don't make a pvp version of their pve game.

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I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaughter houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


It's said before, and I'm gonna say it as well: If you get owned by 50's and you're not 50 yourself, make sure you get to 50 ASAP. I managed to level in 2 weeks time, and only able to play about 3-4 hours a day on average. If you can't do that.

Yes, Bioware should make a tiered PvP, like WoW has for example. That I agree on. But ranting on about how you get beaten to a pulp in a PvP-setting where you know there will be people much higher then you, is stupid. Be happy that they @ least scale your HP & powers somewhat so you can actually hit them.

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It's said before, and I'm gonna say it as well: If you get owned by 50's and you're not 50 yourself, make sure you get to 50 ASAP. I managed to level in 2 weeks time, and only able to play about 3-4 hours a day on average. If you can't do that.

Yes, Bioware should make a tiered PvP, like WoW has for example. That I agree on. But ranting on about how you get beaten to a pulp in a PvP-setting where you know there will be people much higher then you, is stupid. Be happy that they @ least scale your HP & powers somewhat so you can actually hit them.


Ya rush to 50 and skip over only the main selling point of the game and what they spent years making ... i.e. the content.


Bracketed pvp is a standard in mmo's and needs to be implemented so you can take your time and enjoy the content AND enjoy fair games in PVP. 50s with expertise gear have too much of an advantage.


Bioware has dropped the ball hard on this.

Edited by Feds
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yeah good idea. let's all cancel so they have less money to develop stuff. give me a break. 3/4ths of you didn't even cancel. the game is great. it was launched WEEKS ago. mmos take more than a couple weeks to get polished. give them time. Edited by tylersavesworld
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What you don't seem to understand is that this is 2012, SWTOR has had COUNTLESS MMOs to study, find out what failed and what went great.


They had years of beta to test, tweak and fix things. Not only that but they had open beta and feedback from people playing at conventions.


Through all of this the PvP is not more polished than a game made back in 2004 when the MMO scene was in it's infancy and developers didn't have a strong mainstream game to reference.


It being young is no excuse at all.




Another problem to add to the list is players like you, players that ***** and moan about legitimate complaints coming from a crowd that expect polish, they come from games like Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft and expect the same level of quality if not better and when they dont recieve it they are dissapointed.


So my suggestion to you is stop acting like jugdgemental old fart and learn to except people have different points of view other than your own.


Neither of those games were released polished...


Keep your opinions to yourself if you're going to talk out of your arse.


...and who is being judgemental here? Name calling? Really?

Edited by Cowflab
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