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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Since the whole ship is sinking, it affects everyone equally and is therefore balanced.


What do you know about holes on ship ?? you never built a ship, I had a cork boat when I was in kinder garden.


Patch on ship with hole on ? so what the other boat has patch on, ride with us for seven years and we will have patch on hole on ship.


This is not the ice berg you are looking for.

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As long as the world PvP is broken then there's no rational reason to lvl up my main char. I think i'll lvl up my alts till they ding lvl 15 or ish... Then i'm gonna stop playing until the world pvp is fixed and Bioware do something has a meaning.


My sub still has half a month and i'll take my time. :)

Edited by Aetla
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The game is junk, people are getting tired of companies throwing out unfinished games, then paying them while they are fixing it.


I always equate my job doing surgery to companies and their games. I can assure you if I did my job the way they do theirs, there would be alot of dead people coming out of the OR and I wouldnt be doing surgery anymore. So its ok to sell a broken game with tons of bugs in it, but I have to be flawless in my work. Doesnt make sense, why arent they held to the same standards I am?


The are making alot more money, dont have the same responsibility, and can pretty much throw a big turd out there and call it good.

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The game is junk, people are getting tired of companies throwing out unfinished games, then paying them while they are fixing it.


I always equate my job doing surgery to companies and their games. I can assure you if I did my job the way they do theirs, there would be alot of dead people coming out of the OR and I wouldnt be doing surgery anymore. So its ok to sell a broken game with tons of bugs in it, but I have to be flawless in my work. Doesnt make sense, why arent they held to the same standards I am?


The are making alot more money, dont have the same responsibility, and can pretty much throw a big turd out there and call it good.


Very well said , i am sick and tired of the ridiculous excuse the fan boys give "all mmo's are like that, the game just came out etc etc " .

As a customer when i buy a product or a service i want it to be the way it is supposed to be because that is what i am paying for.

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I thought about quitting last night. This random loot things is pretty retarded. To top it off the commendations per bag is ridiculous. To get a full set you need to get some bonus pieces. Pretty sick of RNG kicking my teeth in over and over. So what can you do? Really only one choice. Quit. I'm pretty close to being doing with MMOs. Thought I'd give it another week and see how it goes.


Another thing that I've been bitter about is how the game was release. Early game access pretty much screwed people over. Many people rushed to 50 and started pvping. This let them roll the level 30s in the game without even trying. Granted, this would have happened regardless but its been a nightmare for me dealing with people who have had this advantage. What makes me even more bitter about it is that my friend got in on the first wave and there were like 5 people on the entire server.


Bioware you make excellent single player games. But so far I've been unimpressed.

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I hope you all leave so the game can actually grow.


So call PvP'rs are a blight on the MMO genre.


Well dont promise something lure people into buy your game then dont deliver. All they had to do was leave pvp out of the game and all this would go away.

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Well dont promise something lure people into buy your game then dont deliver. All they had to do was leave pvp out of the game and all this would go away.


This game was not sold as a pvp game.


This game was sold as a story driven MMO.


The only ones to blame are the ones who read that this was a story driven pve game and still thought the pvp would be something special.


I suggest you play Guild Wars till Guild Wars 2 comes out. Or try Eve. Those in my opinion would be the only 2 successful pvp games out there right now. Or maybe l2 now that it is free.


But...big but.....if there are so many pvp'rs looking for a game why don't they all rally and join one of the other pvp games out there that needs players.


A game company wont throw money at a pvp game if it has no subs and pvp'rs need some patience instead of just going from game to game QQing all the time.

Edited by Amiracle
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I've played lots of mmos with pvp (UO, EQ, SWG, DAOC, Shadowbane, Wow, Vanguard) and I have beta tested TOR since August.


Is TOR pvp perfect? I dunno what that would even be.... Is it fun? For me, oh yeah it is. I will be keeping my sub. Hope your guys find the game your looking for. :cool:

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Consider how many flaws most MMO's have at launch, I'd say Bioware is doing a damn good job.


As far as Warzones are concerned.. if you recall.. there wasn't even ANY type of Battleground when WoW launched.


Keep in mind this game isn't a 7 year old polished gem.


And if you don't have the patience, good riddance, because this is the smoothest launch of any MMO I've seen.

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I'm unhappy and I canceled. I don't want to fight a brick wall now. I don't want to have my level 50 matches determined by who has less low level characters in it. I don't want people who are roflstomping me now to have an incredible gear advantage due to easy wins. Bolstering is cool. Making level 50s gods and allowing them to fight mortals is not.
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Consider how many flaws most MMO's have at launch, I'd say Bioware is doing a damn good job.


As far as Warzones are concerned.. if you recall.. there wasn't even ANY type of Battleground when WoW launched.


Keep in mind this game isn't a 7 year old polished gem.


And if you don't have the patience, good riddance, because this is the smoothest launch of any MMO I've seen.


This argument is pathetic and tired.


WoW didn't launch with BG's 7 years ago you are right. But last time I checked this wasn't 7 years ago.


Anything released currently must be in line or better than the current products not 7 years ago.


Launching with BGs is a STANDARD now, so stop with this tired pathetic excuse for an argument.

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"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware
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This argument is pathetic and tired.


WoW didn't launch with BG's 7 years ago you are right. But last time I checked this wasn't 7 years ago.


Anything released currently must be in line or better than the current products not 7 years ago.


Launching with BGs is a STANDARD now, so stop with this tired pathetic excuse for an argument.




^^This X1000


Please sticky this..

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This argument is pathetic and tired.


WoW didn't launch with BG's 7 years ago you are right. But last time I checked this wasn't 7 years ago.


Anything released currently must be in line or better than the current products not 7 years ago.


Launching with BGs is a STANDARD now, so stop with this tired pathetic excuse for an argument.


Agree with this completely. With any new product or service you have to release and compete with the current products/services.


You need to improve upon the current or at least provide the same default services. This is what ppl are used too and expect this day and age.

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This argument is pathetic and tired.


WoW didn't launch with BG's 7 years ago you are right. But last time I checked this wasn't 7 years ago.


Anything released currently must be in line or better than the current products not 7 years ago.


Launching with BGs is a STANDARD now, so stop with this tired pathetic excuse for an argument.



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Ah, I see, so the starting point of any MMO now must be around 20 raid level encounters (15 of which are depreciated) and 5 years of player driven balance endeavour.


I suppose you expect 4 star Michelin chefs are your local Burger King, too?

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Ah, I see, so the starting point of any MMO now must be around 20 raid level encounters (15 of which are depreciated) and 5 years of player driven balance endeavour.


I suppose you expect 4 star Michelin chefs are your local Burger King, too?


If a corparation (BW) wants to build market share, they have to have a better product...L2P BioWare.

Edited by TOR_Archimedes
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I've cancelled because of the lack of open world PvP. I am fine with Warzones on occasion but as it stands they are the only real way to get commendations and valor. I much prefer open world to instanced and Ilum is just dead and meaningless beyond the daily. Edited by Ecii
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