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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Have not been happy with PvP. Expected more open world PvP but the system in place just does not lend itself to it.


I knew this wasn't going to work out well after one interview back during the summer when one of the head dudes mentioned the WAR PvP team was behind SWTOR's PvP

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You guys are just a bunch of people who can't take a loss. Get you butt to level 50 and start doing some damage. I'm sure Bioware will add in brackets with its next patch, and this game is not all suppose to be revolving around PvP in the first place..


For example, you don't have to be 50 to do good.. I've gotten the "Immortal" status in a game on the "Civil War" map, with 9 Medals as a level 43 Vanguard a couple days ago! Just grind through it, be patient and see results! Once you and 3 friends reach 50, start dominating the opposing team and queue with each other.. You can't expect to hop on a game and quickly jump into high level status and dive into success, games don't work like that. You must put the effort and time into getting to that level so you can make a difference for your teams overall outcome.



Just to add.. it's 2 weeks after launch, give it a couple more weeks so Bioware can fix the little things to not have as many people be unsatisfied with the game in general.


Major Airforce (50)

Havoc Squad

Ahto City

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I haven't canceled yet, but I'm getting really close. The whole PVP thing is just broken. Every class has too many stuns, knockbacks, blinds, and slows to do anything. And don't even get me started with Force Leap in Huttball. Warriors and Knights can jump halfway across the map to score, not to mention they leap three levels high. It's pretty rediculous.


This game was really fun, for about a week......

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You guys are just a bunch of people who can't take a loss. Get you butt to level 50 and start doing some damage. I'm sure Bioware will add in brackets with its next patch, and this game is not all suppose to be revolving around PvP in the first place..


For example, you don't have to be 50 to do good.. I've gotten the "Immortal" status in a game on the "Civil War" map, with 9 Medals as a level 43 Vanguard a couple days ago! Just grind through it, be patient and see results! Once you and 3 friends reach 50, start dominating the opposing team and queue with each other.. You can't expect to hop on a game and quickly jump into high level status and dive into success, games don't work like that. You must put the effort and time into getting to that level so you can make a difference for your teams overall outcome.



Just to add.. it's 2 weeks after launch, give it a couple more weeks so Bioware can fix the little things to not have as many people be unsatisfied with the game in general.


Major Airforce (50)

Havoc Squad

Ahto City




Wise words.

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I haven't canceled yet, but I'm getting really close. The whole PVP thing is just broken. Every class has too many stuns, knockbacks, blinds, and slows to do anything. And don't even get me started with Force Leap in Huttball. Warriors and Knights can jump halfway across the map to score, not to mention they leap three levels high. It's pretty rediculous.


This game was really fun, for about a week......




I don't mind lack of content, but this is basic 3 year old kiddie stuff. If they can't fix it by the time the 30 days run out, I'm not subbing, and telling everyone I know not to.

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Canceling as well. PvP should be test of skill, not who powered to lv 50 the quickest to get OP gear. I really love this game for the PvE side, but the PvP is beyond broken. Too much CC, imbalanced classes, and broken as gear just makes me not want to play.
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People are expecting flawless PvP in a game that's less than two weeks old.


I would say that is a rather gross over exaggeration.



People are expecting to have something relatively close to the status quo for PVP in 2011.



There are errors in TOR's PvP design, that should have easily avoided -- because of experience in other games like WoW, War, Rift, etc.



The game has been out for only a few short weeks, and customers are seeing issues --- which the developers should have seen long before it was released.


That is why people are upset -- not because the PvP game is not 'flawless', nor a complete innovation upon PVP combat.
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I dont plan on keeping my sub goin but not cuz of what you whiney carebears say. I'm not level 50 and I still manage to top scoreboards over 50's while i'm in the low 40's. Level up, skill up, and shut up. The only problem w/ the warzone pvp on here is the insane ability lag. World pvp should and probably will be encouraged. I, however, will wait until they fix those 2 issues b4 i come back
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Just to add.. it's 2 weeks after launch, give it a couple more weeks so Bioware can fix the little things to not have as many people be unsatisfied with the game in general.



Imo, these are not some problems that could not have been avoided.


Rather, it these are obvious problems that should have been immediately seen -- as the customers have been able to do so in those 'few short weeks'.



So it is understandable why some customers are frustrated with BW making what appears to be simple mistakes. If they are not 'simple', I would be interested to see why, especially when we have games like WAR and WoW, as examples, as well as how obvious the problem is the first time you pit Lvl 50's against non-Level 50's.


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cancelled gg


Here's the way i look at it, you make improvements in games as they come out. Companies have had plenty of time to figure out what works and what doesnt since wow, eq, rift, dcuo, city of heroes, ua, daoc, champions online, aoc, lotr, gw, aion and warhammer online. All fail except one, really?? How many more titles do they need to fail to figure out people want to fight each other and do some pve content together.


This is a friggin joke honestly, makes me wonder how intelligent the people designing games really are. Its like the russian frontline here in WWII keep sending troops into bullets till they run outta bullets. Whatever these companies are doing isnt working, someone with half a brain looking into the situation can see it a mile away, why cant the devs.


Why is pvp always secondary? All the data supposedly shows the majority of people are casual players that like to do both. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out a target demographic and build a game around it. Im sorry if youre a hardcore mmo player, but the bulk of the money is coming from casual players, deal with it.


Ya pvp zones are now killing fields for lvl 50s, great. Now the rest of us that dont have 20 hours a day are leaving, good job, enjoy the empty servers...

Edited by sunsu
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I played the beta and currently have an active sub... to be honest my comments about PvP in beta were horrible! My words exactly was "PvP is crap", its clunky and a little unbalanced... sure they bolster your stats but with constant root and hold attacks by higher levels it really doesnt matter.


I have about 2 weeks left on my sub if there is not a patch notice or at least a thread by the dev's stating "What do you want from PvP" I dont want a post by the community, want the dev's to take the inititive on this.


I just came from an MMO that cared abot PvE and special PvE loot... dont wanna have a repeat.


Dont put PvP on the back burner!

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Also, warzones = zero risk in PvP.


If I wanted to play a warzone I'd play BF3.


*** ever happened to risk in PvP and PKing e.g. Ultima Online, EverQuest.


Make this game more open world PvP centric and add in some damn risk. E.g. you die you lose EXP or your coin/items can be looted.


Would gladly play on a ruleset server like this. Maybe I've been away from MMOs for too long and skipped the whole WoW thing but this just feels like garbage to me. PvP in MMOs was always about risk/reward.

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I kept deciding against posting overly negative thoughts but Bioware if this were any other game, I'd have uninstalled, unsubbed, and tossed this piece of **** of a PvP game in the garbage bin prior to Christmas. But for SWTOR I can at least wait.


Hardly unique but my foremost concern is that the entire CC system needs an OVERHAUL because they're so easily executed and PvP combat as it stands rely far too much on them. This becomes self evident when higher levels are pitted against lower levels in Warzones. As for other issues I won't even bother myself listing them.

Edited by Akabeth
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Suck it up and get to 50.


Suck it up and enjoy the emptying servers. Most the nerds that are at 50 levelled and did bg's with folks either at their own level or below.


50s in PvP gear are OP... expertise needs to be added for all or removed of they aren't going to put in brackets.

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I've cancelled days ago as well, and it makes me sad because I had so high hopes for the game and I really, really wanted to like it. I'm just not paying a monthly fee hoping it will get better, I'm not a charity organization.


Kotor was one of my favorite games ever, same for Mass Effect 1 and I loved 2 as well. DA:O Is another game I rate highly(**** DA2 :p), so it's not because I don't like Biowares storybased games, but I'm also a MMO veteran and when I play a MMO i expect the MMO features to be good. This games feels like a story based single player game, with some second thought MMO content to make it a MMO. They should have mad it a MMO based MMO (hence the damn name :p) with story as the additional thing.


PvP in this game makes me want to carve my eyeballs out and since they seem to give PvP a backseat, I don't think I'll come back to the game. And it annoys me because it's a friggin Star Wars MMO!! I so much want to like it.


Oh well, at least I can play some storylines before my "free" time aka beta testing is up.

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How is cancelling your subscription supposed to make pvp better?


Post suggestions on how to make pvp better.


Why should we pay money to play a game we are not enjoying in the hopes it gets better? At this point, I am going to finish off the other side's pve and then go back to wow.


The story is fun, it's KOTOR 3 which is great. Once it's done, it doesn't have the log in after work social element.

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Suck it up and get to 50.


OH, you mean simply ignore 99.99% of the games content, and space bar your way to 50, just to play 3 warzones over and over, instead of Bioware adding brackets and sorting this pos; *** are you smoking, that makes you so stupid.

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BioWare promised us good World PvP...


World PvP is a colossal failure in every aspect possible. It's like RIFT all over again. If they somehow manage to sort things out I'll resub, but until then I'll stick to EVE.

Edited by Ikyouto
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BioWare promised us good World PvP...


World PvP is a colossal failure in every aspect possible. It's like RIFT all over again. If they somehow manage to sort things out I'll resub, but until then I'll stick to EVE.


Eve is a great pvp game, makes SWTOR look like a joke, it also destroys WoW but most pvpers don't want to put in so much time to be competitive.


Basically MMO and pvp boils down to guild wars or eve depending on if you want sandbox. Any other MMO especially SWTOR doesn't have anything I would consider competitive pvp.

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