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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Wow, watching some of these threads get deleted, apparently Bioware doesn't want to hear what alot of people think. Welcome to MMO land Bioware, it doesn't appear you're enjoying your stay yet.


My two cents: PvP is awful. Huttball is garbage, can't choose warzones, stacked teams, all those level 50 skills vs lowbies? Sigh.


PvP is where it is easiest to spot the shortcomings of combat, the unresponsiveness, the game handles higher latencies poorly (I have 25ms average so it's not my end, but I know when people are chatting about both being from Australia...). Super slow combat default movement speed, definitely the slowest default speed in any MMO to date. Is this catering to newbies or something?


The entirity of the PvP feels like an after thought and is nowhere near this game strong point. It's even more compounded by the disgusting, unalterable UI.


I have zero fun in PvP.


On the flipside:


The PvE is great, having a blast. I enjoy the story even though I've played alot of Bioware titles and alot of it feels old now, but it's still decent. I enjoy the open worlds, the abundance of quests and quest types (single, multi, heroic, etc.). The space combat is average, boring mainly.

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I'm sure most if not all ppl that like and support PVP in this game are Imperial. I rerolled Imperial and join warzones at level 10 without picking advanced job and won 5 matches in a row. Why because we had 50's and they republic didn't.


I also noticed the whole Huttball games 90% of the time.... LMAO


Can you at least let us choose what Warzone we want?


I also wonder did the Empire and Republics get a group discount on the interior design of the Fleet ships? They are both the same inside *** really Bioware??? How Lazy of you....

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Has nobody considered that bioware is simply waiting for the game to properly mature before it starts balancing? What I mean is, the game has only just begun and everyone is getting used to the features, leveling up learning the abilities. Perhaps bioware just wants to see how the balance issues pan out before making changes instead of making them and then realising later that they weren't needed, they want to let everything settle down first.
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Has nobody considered that bioware is simply waiting for the game to properly mature before it starts balancing? What I mean is, the game has only just begun and everyone is getting used to the features, leveling up learning the abilities. Perhaps bioware just wants to see how the balance issues pan out before making changes instead of making them and then realising later that they weren't needed, they want to let everything settle down first.


Game developers and players have a different sense of time. Players won't sit around pissed for 3 months while they figure out what to tweak, even if they feel like they need that much time. Deciding you don't want to wait for months while Bioware figures out what to do is fine, you are doing what is in your best interest. We don't owe bioware anything, and if it isn't a game you enjoy at the moment, cancelling is the reasonable thing to do; unless, of course, you want to keep up with progression so when they finally DO fix everything you will be on top.


Bioware may not get everything right immediately, but they definitely need to start implementing things before people leave the game. I already quit playing my juggernaut that is level 50 because of how crappy pvp is on him. There's 6 days /played wasted.


It was a mistake for bioware to release the game with a pvp system that is inferior to their main competitor's in every way. You don't necessarily need ranked bgs/arena immediately, but you definitely do need to do things like take RNG out of gear, have QUICK balance tweaks coming out, and have the ability to queue for specific warzones.


My main problem is people were telling bioware what was wrong with juggernauts for at least 8 months, and very little changed. Go look at the juggernaut forums, everyone's pissed.

Edited by Crackerjacks
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Has nobody considered that bioware is simply waiting for the game to properly mature before it starts balancing? What I mean is, the game has only just begun and everyone is getting used to the features, leveling up learning the abilities. Perhaps bioware just wants to see how the balance issues pan out before making changes instead of making them and then realising later that they weren't needed, they want to let everything settle down first.


I know you are trying to "show us the light", but BioWare has had a year (7 months for myself) to explain what the hell kind of direction this game was going to take. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Expertise is a retarded idea and is causing huge balance problems already. 50 vs 10 is fine. 50 w/Expertise vs anyone without Expertise is a joke. A stat that increases your damage done and decreases the damage you take, and they didn't have the foresight to realize this would be a problem? No, they said "hey WoW has crappy gear progression in their PvP game, lets copy that, but not make the controls as good, cause who gives a **** about controls in PvP?"


Canceled 5 mins ago. I gave BioWare the benefit of the doubt in beta, though I was very vocal about the issues this game has during beta, but that has fallen on deaf ears.

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i cancelled about a week after the game came out. It's a fun game for it's story aspect, but there's nothing great about the MMO features in my opinion. I'm still playing through the free month; hoping that after the month, the game will pick itself up.

I expectto resub... Just doesn't seem like I will, anytime soon.

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So, what you guys is saying is that, it's unfair to make the game require teamwork and communication because you guys don't use it while playing, so they need to fix it to make Warzones faceroll-friendly?

I am fine with all of you quitting because it means a more challenging Warzone for me. I play with a premade of my guildies and we are still undefeated. Not because we're 50, because half of us aren't. But because we play smart, communicate and work together.


ALTHOUGH I will admit that Bioware needs to come out of their hole and address the issues in this game... It has been out for three weeks now after a really long beta test. I feel the game should be less buggy than it is. I am still getting 50% load bar freezes and I haven't heard anything about Bioware working on resolving issues in game or working to make things more efficient. Maybe they should take advantage of their launcher and issue updates as to what is being addressed and fixed there. May settle a lot of the concern among players.


Once again not the issue, its lvl 50's having gear that affects pvp gear completely. We are forced to bracket with them no matter what if we wanna pvp. And bioware won't make a seperate bracket for 50's.

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Once again not the issue, its lvl 50's having gear that affects pvp gear completely. We are forced to bracket with them no matter what if we wanna pvp. And bioware won't make a seperate bracket for 50's.


They might once more people hit 50, right now there aren't enough for fast queue times.

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I cancelled my little 3 month sub that was going to go into effect in a couple of weeks.


But, if they show up with a nice big fat patch to remedy some of the stuff I'll probably resub. One of my big issues right now is the extremely weak patches they are adding to the game. Its making me nervous about what kind of support they expect to offer this game overall.


I guess I expected them to be patching bugs like crazy for the first month after release. Especially considering the sheer number and intensity of them. Overall, it was a great release though. But the support for the first 2 weeks has been lacking hard.

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LOL @ this game.


Cancelled, and it only took a couple wf's to decide.


No choice in wf's

No macro's

UI has extremely limited customization.

The graphics in this game are equall to runescape. Which is made for children 8 and under, or even socialy undeveloped *******.


Thanks, but no thanks.


For those who will be staying, enjoy your neverending reading and no way of escaping the forced storyline.


Also enjoy your limited gameplay. This game will be shortlived.


Vote between failure FFXIV vrs SWOTOR

FFXIV wins

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Holy sand filled ******* Batman.


Seriously the game just launched and they are busy fixing things that effect general gameplay. Most likely one they get that worked out they'll turn to balancing etc etc. The thought process that a lvl 10 should be able to compete with a lvl 50 is a joke. Be happy that bolstered your stats so at least you can compete and whether you die alot or not suck it up and enjoy the free exp and credits.

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I love how poeple want to cancel already cause bioware made a game based on STORY and pvp wasn't put to the front of the list. Really guys? The game just came out and you want your cake and eat it too. Jeez, I wish I could have everything I want right away in a game... man that would be great. Why don't they just start everyone off at 50 with all the best gear and give everyone a billion credits to by whatever they want. That would be the greatest thing ever. Then I wouldn't have to work for anything.


You should be thanking Bioware for coming out this this game. Let them do their jobs and patch accordingly. The fact they have done this much is quite a feat. Things should be cleared up in a few months.


With love,



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Just cancelled epic fail on not having Warzones with level caps like EVERY game before you has had way to not learn a thing about the PVP crowd.


Side note leveling was way to fast in this game, sure if you like watching movies for the story line get this game, but even the average player will be 50 within the first month and completly geared out max crew skills and dark side / light side points within another 30 days whats left then?


Game needs something to make you wanna stay and PVP is not it right now.

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Canceled two days ago...it's a shame too, I had high hopes for this game, but PvP seems to be an after thought. The storylines were fun though, but an mmo needs more than just a good story, this isn't supposed to be some single player game.
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The actual implementation is brilliant. No matter what the level difference you could always queue up with friends.


Bolstering is really strong and of course you will never be able to beat a level 50 on equal terms and skill, but neither should you.


On top of it, you have short queue times, but people that suck tend to blame it on something different.


Along the lines, when you see someone stumble over a rock you would think he is clumsy, but if you stumbled yourself over it you would ask who puts a rock there?

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The graphics in this game are equall to runescape. Which is made for children 8 and under, or even socialy undeveloped *******.



Hahaha, you probably got destroyed all the time because you have the reflexes and skill of a drunken monkey, and now you come to cry here in these forums, implying someone cares about your rants.


Grow up.

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