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Mass Empire Republic imbalance


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That's why the hard roll Republic.


If the dynamic plays out like it does in other MMOs, the hardcore PVPers will eventually switch over to the underdog. When you are the underdog side and you want to PVP, its always easy to find a fight somewhere. When you are part of the zerg, its a lot harder to find targets.


This dynamic will come into play even moreso in the warfronts (minus huttball). Republic will have insta-queues for warzones while Empire will have long queues. In a short time, since Republic players will get to play in more warzones, they will get more experience faster as well as acquiring PVP rewards faster.

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Over on the PvP forums they are saying there is a huge imbalance of the sides, anyone in-game able to shed a little light on this?


It's true the game is MASSIVELY imbalanced. On this server I want to play on there are like 400 Empire and 300 republic, and over 1,000 people waiting to get into the game.


I'd love for somebody to explain how an MMO can have a population imbalance at least 6 days before it actually launches when a good 80% of the people who bought the game can't even log in yet?

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I thought it was kids and sociopaths like to flock to the bad side?


Yeah I have always found children and Immature people usually go evil, and casual players and adults go good. Been that way in WOW, DCUO, and the worst of all Aion


That being said fighting against the odds has always been the case for the light side in star wars soo it's not a big deal. Helps for RP I guess

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Having played enough MMO games on PVP servers I can say that they almost always are imbalanced because one faction is darker in tone than the other. I suspect this is because the gamers who want to be "hard-core" gravitate towards the toughest looking characters.


With that said, I have also noticed that the "underdog" faction tends to be more balanced as far as classes go (the "dark side" tends to be all damage dealers or the "imbalanced" class of the day) and far more organized; and as a result the good side tends to win most fair fights.

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Is anyone shocked?


All the data from the pre-launch guild phase was showing that for those guilds playing on PvP servers, Imperial guilds were outnumbering Republic by about a 2.5-to-1 ratio. Imperials players were outnumbering Republic (again, PvP servers only) by about a 65-to-35 ratio.


In other words, every PvP server in the game is essentially going to see Imperials outnumbering Republic by (conservatively) a 2-to-1 margin. How you will see any sort of balanced open world PvP under these circumstances is hard to see.




Quality players on the republic side. No shock there.

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Well the game has a balance system already in place. The light and dark side points. All of the classes are basically the same on either side. Once you get to a certain level if you have enough light side points you should be able switch to light side from dark side. If you have enough dark side points and you're on the light side then should be able to switch.


With this system you could even add in more hours of story for the role reversal. It happened in SW all the time.... Darth Vader... Point and case. All you have to do is add in a lvl 25 quest that gives you the option to follow a new master or path.


Here are some examples.

Agent - At around lvl 25 you receive a quest to assassinate a republic operative; you get caught. He gives you the chance of working with the republic. If you have enough light side points you can. BOOM YOU SWITCHED! And now you don't have to make a smuggler but get to continue down the smuggler quest line.


Jedi knight - You're sent to guard some noble you encounter a Sith Lord sent to kill the noble. He/she whoops your ***** in a cut-scene then gives you the option to kill the noble yourself and become his/her apprentice or fight him/her to the death. BOOM now you're a Sith Warrior. (You can only switch if you have enough dark side points.)


Just an idea.

Edited by bumish
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They fixed this problem by having free for all kill zones. Yes empire can kill empire and republic can kill republic. No imbalance. Not all zones are like this but it helps. Saw the video confiming this on mmorpg. The girl with colored hair mentioned it.
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People heard the voice acting for the Inquisitor. The rest was inevitable.


Yeah, the female voice actor for the inquisitor is fantastic. Haven't heard the male version. I would absolutely roll an inquisitor first thing if it weren't for my perception in beta that roughly 3/4 of all sith types all went that way. You could get from one end of a zone to the other by walking on all the Khem Vals' heads!

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simple math


kids and ppl with lady parts tend to flock to the good side


well adults and ppl that are borderline sociopaths tend to flock to the bad side


Totally wrong. Statistics show that younger people tend to lean to the "evil" side more than the "good" side. There is actually a report on this. Google the statistic and it should show up on the first page. And now you know. Don't just throw out random facts when posting :).

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LS/DS has nothing to do with imbalance.


Imbalance is due to more Empire vs Republic players.


Yeah but if you could switch factions in the middle of the game it would help the imbalance. Say everyone wants to be a sith lord only to find out its not their cup of tea. They don't like the empire story-line half way through, don't like the Empire players, or want to join a friends guild. Rather than remaking your char you simply switch sides halfway through the game.

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Side changing will not happen.


The only thing there is will be a Inbalance of players.


World pvp will be worthless due to it.


Why would 100 rebels try to fight 300 Empire ?



PvP servers will become ghost towns.



All these so called, hardcore pvp guilds that are rolling Empire should re roll Republic if they want decent pvp and a challenge.


but i dont see that happening, its going to be a trash talk zerg fest.

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Yeah I have always found children and Immature people usually go evil, and casual players and adults go good.

I'll be sure to phone my dad, who's decided to give this game a try, to know that he should go republic because of this; instead of Bounty Hunter.


Cause generalizations are totally correct.

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Well I'll be playing a Jedi sentinel on a pvp server along with my friends at least! I know my one buddy will be rolling a scoundrel smuggler and we'll do BGs and probably world pvp (provided it's not too imbalanced) together. Pocket heals FTW! Also, from playing the beta anyway it seemed rather balanced, win/loss ratio was around 50:50. That was also with me playing as a gunslinger most of the time which seemed far inferior to the dual wielding jedi which I later played. (crouching and being stationary for most good attacks=complete pvp fail) Edited by torotacoman
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Side changing will not happen.


The only thing there is will be a Inbalance of players.


World pvp will be worthless due to it.


Why would 100 rebels try to fight 300 Empire ?



PvP servers will become ghost towns.



All these so called, hardcore pvp guilds that are rolling Empire should re roll Republic if they want decent pvp and a challenge.


but i dont see that happening, its going to be a trash talk zerg fest.


I think some of you (most of you) have no idea how zones work. They are population capped and form instances over a set population.


So, unless a server is like 90% Imp, there will likely always be at least one instance of say...Illum where the numbers are even.


There will obviously be another instance where there are almost no Republic and a bunch of Imps, but most Republic players and a fraction of the Imps will be participating in 'balanced' world pvp.


So, it's not like it's 100 Rep vs 300 Empire. It's more like it's 100 Rep vs 100 Empire in the first instance of a world map, then 200 Empire all by themselves in the next instance.


As for the faction imbalance on pvp servers, all during beta...Darth Malak (general beta's only long term pvp server) was always heavily Empire. I don't think this faction imbalance surprises anyone. :p

Edited by revial
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Yeah but if you could switch factions in the middle of the game it would help the imbalance. Say everyone wants to be a sith lord only to find out its not their cup of tea. They don't like the empire story-line half way through, don't like the Empire players, or want to join a friends guild. Rather than remaking your char you simply switch sides halfway through the game.


Except that really would be a massive headache. It's not just a player character's inventory and character sheet that has to be converted, it's their class storyline (which can radically differ from their mirror on the opposite faction and make no sense started half-way through) companions (obtained at varying levels and potentially in a different order than their mirror), etc. etc.


Not impossible, but really a huge mess to try and pick through. I don't see that happening for a very long time, if at all. More likely it will not happen.


As an example, without posting spoilers--going from Jedi Consular to Sith Inquisitor would make almost no sense at all, because the class storylines clearly define in very specific terms who the respective characters are, not just in terms of ability but fundamental identity.

Edited by marshalleck
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Fine by me.


Idk about the servers you all've tried in other games, but the faction that was outnumbered usually had the best pvpers in my experience.


S'trewth. In DAoC we called it called farming the noobs for Realm Points.


Just find a cluster of morons and AOE-bomb for the win!

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PvP players gravitate to the darker, more powerful stereotypes. Most MMOs see imbalance when the factions are aligned to good/evil or light/dark.


Its a tossup. I am thinking most of the baddies and kids will roll empire this time around because they want to be darth maul/vader and shoot lightning.



In RIFT all the bads went defiant


When I played WoW I also felt like most of the best arena players were ally.

Edited by TheDirtyRider
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