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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Well, this would be just a small representation of the populace, i wouldn't take it as an indicator of either success for failure.


Reminds of the threads in the Rift forum about how Xfire only represents a small percentage of the playerbase when people posted about the downfall of Rift according to Xfire.


Yup, those people clearly were wrong.


Like it or not, SWTOR is on the eve of failing. :(



Edit: Agreed, a forum is not xfire playerstats, but still...

Edited by Gehoornde
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nope, though i may come back depending on when they deal with all the problems.


if i'm totally honest there isn't a game on the market that is trully grabbing my attention.


i'm after something that isn't out or even coming out...which is a shame.


after playing mmo's for some time i want to see a game that takes the best from them and create an even bigger world and game to play in but so far they all seem to be coming up short of what i believe a game in this era should be.


swtor has the story but thats about it the actual gameplay is no different to any other mmo, in that regard i'd like to see a tera control style mmo but not in a fantasy world...gees i'm probably asking for to much there but thats what i want to see.


i guess i just expect more...i mean swtor aside from story didn't do anything thats not been done and the voice overs while nice don't complement the game the way they should.


i wanted a rogue squadron esq ship combat game in here as well and what i got was a rail shooter which interesting the first time is the same with different shineys for both jedi and sith.


i set my expectations for this game pretty low at first then i admit they rose quite high when the game arrived and i was playing but it didn't really match my lowest expectations but then i fully admit there isn't a game coming out that will either.


perhaps i'm losing interest in games but i feel it's the games companys that keep delivering the same crap time and time again thats causing me to get a bit disgrunteled with the whole scene.


ah well perhaps later when the game has ironed out some of the kinks it will be fun.

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Yes, having a ball. First game I've played in a while, where I don't think about my level.


Would I have liked to see a deeper game, with SWG mechanics? Sure I would, but I give props to BW for building the game they said they would. Like the game or not, it's rare these days to see dev's deliver the game they promised. Since I don't expect the game to be anything other than advertized, I'm embracing it for what it is and having a good time.

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No afraid not loved the first couple of weeks then reality hit. without the major bugs sorted such as input lag, FPS issues, broken q's, lack of content, lack of mods, horrid UI, bad companion pathing and AI, overly repeatative quests... etc.. I loved teh voice acting as it reallt made me get into the character but then the above bugs have torn the heart out of the game for me.
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Reminds of the threads in the Rift forum about how Xfire only represents a small percentage of the playerbase when people posted about the downfall of Rift according to Xfire.


Yup, those people clearly were wrong.


Like it or not, SWTOR is on the eve of failing. :(



Edit: Agreed, a forum is not xfire playerstats, but still...



So wait, what exactly are you claiming then? That because of the forums, the game is on the eve of failing? If that were the case, that 9 million pound gorilla over there would have been dead long ago!


As for X-fire player stats - they're where they've been since launch. Still holding around 30% - Still hitting 70+K hours per day played.


I'm really not sure where this 'fail' is.


I am already subbed, and plan to remain so. I'm having fun.

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No, probably not. I will just say that, considering that we are in 2011, the game HAD to be better at launch. That said, enjoyed the questing, but got tired of it too fast... Dont understand why it is so poorly designed...
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You have been asked this many times I'm sure but, why do you post on the forums of a game that you cancelled your subscription to? Like a real reason....? :sul_confused:


I still have 12 free days, on my account


On January/20/2012, I will decide to Re-sub to World of Warcraft, or SWTOR. BioWare's actions over the next 12 days will determine this choice

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I still have 12 free days, on my account


On January/20/2012, I will decide to Re-sub to World of Warcraft, or SWTOR. BioWare's actions over the next 12 days will determine this choice


Well nothing game breaking is going to come out in 12 days. I don't know what you are expecting, they already showed the patch notes for the next patch, which has like 5 pages of bug fixes and some new content. Seems kind of shallow that you would only give them 12 days to add new content or whatever you want them to fix. These kind of things take time, and if you are expecting a perfect game right when released, it almost never happens for games. They already acknowledged issues such as ability delay so not sure what the problem is.

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I still have 12 free days, on my account


On January/20/2012, I will decide to Re-sub to World of Warcraft, or SWTOR. BioWare's actions over the next 12 days will determine this choice


You rushed to 50 in the first week, wow big surprise your canceling.

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You rushed to 50 in the first week, wow big surprise your canceling.


So what you're saying is that the only "meat and potatoes" this game has to offer is in the leveling process?


Also, take note of the way in which I used the contraction: you're

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