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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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And seriously, all you haters, shut the heck up. It's really getting on my nerves. Most of you aren't being productive. I appreciate those who have problems with the game and post it in very professional posts. The rest sound like toddlers crying because Mommy and Daddy didn't give you the toy you wanted while you were out at the supermarket. CAN IT!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH!!!! Ya so was I, and no it was not.


I don't have these illusions, I was there too and can tell you it was buggy, lots of server instability, lots of lacking features, and tons of issues but all these things were tolerable. They were tolerable because the game on the whole was better than things offered at the time. It was worth it.


WoW responded with a new game that answered important key questions that everquest players (and MMO players entirely) never even knew they needed changed. This was with a game(everquest) devoid of needlessly long grinds, corpse runs, and strict player grouping conventions that demanded nothing be soloable.


The Age of Accessible MMO's was born when WoW came out. WoW was amazing, and i'll even dare to say revolutionary because no longer did i have to staticlly check open world camps to see if i could do even the most MUNDANE things like leveling (when was the last time you asked the zone "CAMP CHECK?"), or get in line for the bext xp camps, or try and play nice with other guilds struggling for the same world Bosses (before POP). These were all problems EQ players faced that WoW had specifically addressed. Also, my class was defined particularly by these new talent points, a system EQ players had to pretty much wait till endgame to get to do, and it was much different with alternate advancement.


Now I ask you, someone who is enjoying SWTOR, what issues WoW players are faced that made them quit it, or want to leave it that SWTOR has specifically addressed, and in what ways are they substantial and meaningful? I'm dying right now cause for me, it SWTOR feels way too much like WoW circa 2007, when i quit it. I want something better than WoW on a feature, and innovation level, not something thats still trying to just do everything like it.


Games that are amazing and fun, buy themselves much more time for bug tolerance and issues. Thats the difference with WoW's launch compared to SWTOR. With WoW, the troubled launch was worth it cause for me, I realized instantly I was playing a superior product to others out there. The Juice was Worth The Squeeze.

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exactly, but they seriously should fix many bugs ASAP.


rift is a wow clone, but swtor isn't. its an evolution of it with extreme potential which should be used to its fullest.


SWTOR isn't in which particular ways? I've been fishing around for a while because my experiences so far suggest otherwise.


I know their personal experiences, but I'm having a hard time finding things I can do in SWTOR that I didn't already get bored of in WoW.


The cinematics helped for the first 30 levels, but now they're just makeup and don't hide the fact that its just the same old tired kill/gather/click quests.


PVP was cool at first, but its really just like Queueing battlegrounds in WoW. I hop in, get some kills for a while, but lose because Empire(horde) always beats Republic(alliance). No big deal, i take my cookies and leave just like i did in WoW happy to top heal meters for my team or whatever.


Now when i want to complete my daily instances, i LFG up and find a team, head into it just like i would an instance in WoW, we then CC, tank, spank accordingly just like I did in WoW.


Now after that, i'll get some crafting in, which I admit is a unique feature in SWTOR. I really hope they develop it because the idea that my guns can crit and i'd end up with a nice weapon with an additional augment slot is pretty rad, I also like the RNG randomness on disenchants to end up with a slightly more varied recipe list than others. HOWEVER, like in WoW, none of this even matters because by endgame its trivialized and irrelevant anyway, just like weapon crafting is in WoW.


I talent spec and respec just like i did in WoW circa 2007.


Everything in SWTOR boils down from features directly from WoW, but hardly better than.


Now I can give you a list right off the top of my head that WoW bested EQ with when it came out, some were slight iterations over, while some were completely new/ground breaking:


1. Talent tree's.

2. Quest based leveling instead of camp grinds.

Realm vs Realm PVP.

3. Accesible Skills from vendors (in EQ, most spells and abilities you had to craft or buy, some would be so expensive your guild purse would have to pay for em).

4. Instances right out of the gate at low levels (EQ only barely started to do this in POP, and it was specific raid encounters only).

5. Gathering node/ skill based, and no fail craft system.

6. Mounts (EQ paladins did have them but no one else for a long time).

7. Accessible travel system via griffins.

8. Auction house (EQ had a market, but it was vendor based and impossible to search)

Mail system


So yea, again, give me reasons SWTOR isn't a WoW clone.


I'll start by giving you two easy ones:


1. Cinematics at the front and backs of quests (quests are still the same however)

2. ship/crew features.



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Yes, and seeing all these naysayers going away makes me even more happy. Unlike the complainers, i'm patient, not spoiled rotten, and have other things to do every day besides sit infront of my computer for 10 hours beefing through the levels.


I look forward to the content that will come when I reach 50 (which I am no where near atm, since again, I don't sit infront of the computer the whole day.), and I look forward to playing through each storyline. I have enjoyed every aspect of this game, and fully satisfied with my purchase. TY Bioware, for such a fun MMO.

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Absolutely YES. I love the game and I'm having a lot of fun.

I'm actually really looking forward to the free month being over so that all the haters from these forums will be gone and the real fans don't have to put up with their whining in these forums and in the game.

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No I will not Resub,


I prefer a multi player game! This is a Single player game with a chat feature.... I prefer a game that has content other then kill npc, kill npc, kill npc for quest, quest, quest.....


An MMO has to have a relevant in depth crafting system not something designed so that people that dont like crafting can do so without getting to bored!


All in all stwor is much like STO a fine single player game severly lacking in anything multiplayer!

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The true answer? I love Star Wars. Have for over 30 years. A SW MMO omg!!!!


Objective answer? I only have complaints about a small number of things and none of them I find game breaking.


The top of the list would be that I'd prefer some more sandboxy elements, but there probably is still a lot of room for end game growth in different directions.

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I'm at that point where I make way too much money to worry about $15/month, however there is still the idea of principle behind all this.


Why should I pay a company to continue to work on a game just to get it to a "release standard?" I pay for a finished product, not one that was rushed for xmas. All MMO's are rough at launch, fair enough, but that excuse only goes so far; the abundant lack of basic features in this game is far and away from just "MMO launch;" it's just lazy design!


The launch? Smooth as silk! I've been around for plenty of MMO launches, and there's no denying that the Swtor launch was nothing short of wonderful, truly, but that doesn't forgive the sheer behemoth lack of features that we've come to expect from a 2011 launch.


I don't mean to insult anyone here, but I'm fairly convinced that anyone who actually continues to pay after 60 days is only paying because they're HOPING that the game becomes good, or that they WISH the game was as good as they want it to be. Is there a perfect game to take Swtors place? NO! There never will be, but it doesn't mean we have to settle for this incredibly underwhelming MMO design philosophy. I just think that the only people that will continue to pay after a few months are the ones who are doing so because of social pressure (big guilds, group of friends, etc) the big fans in denial (meaning the individuals that will settle for less because it makes them feel good because they think they're "right" that the game is good as-is) or those who simply are so bored with WoW, Rift, Aion, LotR, etc that they don't even care anymore, as long as they have a MMO to come home to.


Life is too good to waste time on a game that isn't finished AND pay money for the "privilege" to waste time on it. I've ALWAYS said the game has massive potential, and I still believe it does, but I'm not about to start paying Biowares electricity bill while they figure out how to make it happen.


For those that read the whole post, thank you; but to reward Bioware for under-developing a game they labeled as a "MMO" is not only degrading but simply wrong on several levels. Again, to those that read, thank you for hearing out the very SHORT version of my argument.


Happy gaming!


I think you hit the nail on the head here. Well said.

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