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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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When MoP hits, they'll be back. I'm guessing Pandas and Baby's First Talent Tree coupled with improvements made to this game will flood the servers with anal spamming gimme, gimme, gimme, I want no server autonomy, rude, quad spec plz WoW refugees.


EDIT: Hehe, yeah I plan on playing this for a while. Building a new rig in the spring for the sole purpose of playing this game.


WoW is a terrible game, Blizzard treats people like garbage. The reuse skins and content and resell it as new.

To many sheep play that game.

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Haters gotta hate.


I will be in for the long haul. This game is amazing as is.


Certainly is everything I was expecting and so much more.


For those whining about menial BS. Cry moar.


The game's only going to get better and will be only improving. I'm sorry that you people thought the game was going to apparently be something else in it's first two weeks of launch. Apparently you have the patience of cracked out 5 year old with ADD. Sucks to be you.


I will support this game so that it can only get better.

Good luck to those impatience pr!cks.

Edited by Sith_Ecks
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I already cancelled my account, and so has my friend.


I would still be playing if they had more quest variation than kill 30 mobs - bonus click box bonus kill xxx guy which is literally all you from lvl 1 to 50 or what ever the max level is i got to lvl 32 and im bored to tears because i know i will experience nothing interesting as everything thing is the same. This despite the story aspect which i enjoyed at first soon you realise ow wait this is all pointless because i know im just going to have to go and do the same quest ive been doing since lvl 1 kill some 30 mobs rinse repeat.


Every quest they made in this game should have been scraped and then told the quest designer wait this is STAR WARS do more than kill a bunch of mobs. seriously. Never mind all the bugs and ui issues those can be fixed with time but their is not a chance in hell that they will change the way you quest its just one long mob grind with a voice over and that is why i have cancelled my subscription.

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The game has only launched. Yes there's a lot of bugs and stuff needs improving, but honestly, what MMO at launch isn't like this? This has been the best launch for an MMO ever. Just by looking at that it has the best potential to go even further.


I can't wait to see what they bring in the coming months, so I will be continuing my subscription.

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Already cancelled.


- Shoddy experience from the get-go with all the half baked design choices, in my opinion this is a "pseudo" MMO


+ All "species" look the same and use the same model, this is Star Wars.

+ Heavy instancing and completely Linear "worlds" that are not actually worlds at all

+ Plain bad animations in many cases

+ Combat bugs

+ Framerate issues on good hardware


- Reeks of Warhammer design approach/feel


+ It's hard to explain this one, but I can feel it in the game -- and I dislike it immensely


- Horrid customer support


+ The responses to customer issues have been completely fail.

+ The responses, when they do come, are vague and seem to be constructed by some type of want-to-be PR manager without actual talent, total gamesmanshi

+ The patches released have been a joke


- PVP sucks


+ Some of the Warfronts have potential, but really? Huttball? Seriously?

+ Level 10s fight along side and against level 50s. Fire the man/woman who made this decision.




The more I think about this title, the more I feel like it was another cash-and-grab play by EA, just like Warhammer.


Taking the same guys who made the embarassing failure "Warhammer Online" and allowing them to work on this title in any creative fashion was a rookie mistake, and it just goes to show that those making the decisions for the products are completely out of touch with reality. Not surprising.




PS: I don't care if you don't care that I am leaving.

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I already cancelled my account, and so has my friend.


I would still be playing if they had more quest variation than kill 30 mobs - bonus click box bonus kill xxx guy which is literally all you from lvl 1 to 50 or what ever the max level is i got to lvl 32 and im bored to tears because i know i will experience nothing interesting as everything thing is the same. This despite the story aspect which i enjoyed at first soon you realise ow wait this is all pointless because i know im just going to have to go and do the same quest ive been doing since lvl 1 kill some 30 mobs rinse repeat.


Every quest they made in this game should have been scraped and then told the quest designer wait this is STAR WARS do more than kill a bunch of mobs. seriously. Never mind all the bugs and ui issues those can be fixed with time but their is not a chance in hell that they will change the way you quest its just one long mob grind with a voice over and that is why i have cancelled my subscription.


your one of those people with a broken space bar arent you?


ever play an MMO that didnt involve going somewhere and killing something? cause i havent.


the differance between swtor and the rest is the "story" which you obviously skipped or dont care about, and if you dont care about the story you shouldnt be playing a "story-based" game.

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My question is why do you care so much if I am going to continue to play the game? If I say I am not are you going to cancel and visa versus. I personally don't give a crapp what anyone does after January. I am not playing this game for everyone else in the world and pretty much could care less about peoples opinions.
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for me is not only the bugs, i dont care about the bugs, even without bugs the game its still inferior, i dont feel free in this mmo, all worlds are small and corridors everywhere, all instanced even the outdoor zones.... dont know how to explain it...i just dont like it. i feel all alone and all small...and the worlds looks dead i prefer skyrim than this if this were a single player game.


edit: alredy cancelled too

Edited by Stormag
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for me is not only the bugs, i dont care about the bugs, even without bugs the game its still inferior, i dont feel free in this mmo, all worlds are small and corridors everywhere, all instanced even the outdoor zones.... dont know how to explain it...i just dont like it. i feel all alone and all small i prefer skyrim than this if this were a single player game.


Absolutely. It's a pseudo-MMO. The MMO elements of the game are tacked-on illusions. You feel trapped and confined because you are!

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Its a No for me.


Might check it out in the future, but as of right now i think i am just over mmo's in general. I usually like PVP'ing, but i am really not enjoying the pvp system in this game. Questing system at first was great, slowly got tired of the drip-fed main story quest and in the end just lost interest entirely. The 2 mins of class story related conversation was not worth the hour running around killing 20 mobs and collecting 10 items of side quests to maintain a relevant level to continue the class quest.


I get sucked in to every MMO launch, never last past the first free month. Thought i would have learned by now and saved some dough.


I am interested to see how this plays out.

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Cancelled a couple of days ago. And I've never experienced fanboys to this extent before. They just can't take any criticism, it's like Mac vs. PC all over again.


never seen so many people cancel subscriptions for so few reasons. somebody in the crew skill forums says he unsubbed because of the nerf to slicing, like... really!??!!? because they nerfed one thing. you guys are all "ZOMGWTFBBQTHISGAMESUCKSIQUIT!!!!!! NEEEEEEEEEERRRRRDDDDRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!"

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your one of those people with a broken space bar arent you?


ever play an MMO that didnt involve going somewhere and killing something? cause i havent.


the differance between swtor and the rest is the "story" which you obviously skipped or dont care about, and if you dont care about the story you shouldnt be playing a "story-based" game.


Thats it go on be a rabbid little fan boy, il have you know i havent skipped one story sequence thing at all done them all up to 32 and again on my lvl 16 sith inquistor and agent so what your saying is trash and you can keep your snide remark to yourself what i said is nothing but the truth and if your happy to play a grind game with no pve mechanics what so ever apart from killing mobs that just stand around waiting to be killed well that is fine for you go ahead and enjoy it. I on the other hand expect better quality from my gaming experience and i definitely expected more than this from a studio like bioware.


But go ahead enjoy your asian style mob mash all you like i wont and i payd for this game im entitled to give my opinion on it and you and anyone else dont like that i do not care it effects me in no way what so ever.


Ow and i have played nearly every mmo out with the exception of rift and i can tell you games like eq2 wow eve even that trash darkfall have far more interesting things to do while questing that this game which is just literally whack a mole. So enjoy and defend it all you want because if they dont spice this game up no ones going to be playing it.

Edited by ItsTheDale
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never seen so many people cancel subscriptions for so few reasons. somebody in the crew skill forums says he unsubbed because of the nerf to slicing, like... really!??!!? because they nerfed one thing. you guys are all "ZOMGWTFBBQTHISGAMESUCKSIQUIT!!!!!! NEEEEEEEEEERRRRRDDDDRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!"


And I've never seen such an ambundance of delusional fanboys in my life. Open your eyes, tool. These reasons are real. Maybe you'll understand when half the population vanishes in a month, and another in 3. No, you'll probably continue making dumb remarks.

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I doubt anyone will care but when I cancelled, BioWare actually asks why you're cancelling and this is what I wrote to them. Again, for all who enjoy the game, have a blast and more power to ya :). If you're cancelling, I hope you guys actually write something and tell them why. Cheers.





I'm sorry guys. I love you, BioWare and have tremendous amount of respect for you but...


Sadly, NO, I won't be subscribing.


Here's why...


As much as I wanted to enjoy and LOVE this game... I don't enjoy it much because SO many of the design decisions made detract from my enjoyment of the game to the point where the phrase "Maybe this isn't the game you're looking for" truly applies to me.


This simply isn't the Star Wars I fell in love with and aside from the quests/flashpoints (which are AMAZING and by far the best thing about this game) falls greatly short of allowing me to feel like I'm in this place that I love. That I'm a part of that galaxy. That I have the freedom in that galaxy to be what I want to be. A sandbox/themepark hybrid would have been a much wiser choice of direction, in my personal opinion.


Some things I really don't enjoy:

-Art style: I just can't connect with it. I especially can't connect with my character for which there was a very lacking character creation tool where so many of my options were simply unappealing. The gear, I would say about 90% of it, I find dorky/unappealing with terribly color schemes. How can I enjoy myself when I'm looking at a character I can't stand looking at? The hair options, the facial hair options, most of the tattoos, just all very uncreative and to be perfectly honest, they look cheap and uncool. If a proper appearance tab was implemented (there are MANY problems with using the ORANGE GEAR system for appearance that I won't go into now) at least I could enjoy my character more...


-Combat: Absolutely sick of this type of combat system. The only class with any kind of real diversity I thought looked cool during combat was the Bounty Hunter. That's a fun class to play. The rest? Unimpressive and boring to BE.


-The Worlds: I felt so boxed in and visually, they don't compare to worlds in games that are years older which feel more like vibrant living places as far as the art goes. No day/night cycles really hurts for immersion. Everything looks low res and again, just cheap and can't compete with brilliant worlds being designed by ArenaNet and Funcom. I can't help but wonder if you guys had made 7 less worlds and focused more on the dozen left over, if the worlds could have felt more alive. Remember that scene in the Cantina on Tattooine? THAT'S STAR WARS. This... is not the Star Wars I feel in love with. This is a huge, empty place that manages to feel like a box. The one time I found a path that I thought was unknown to most players, I got excited -- I was EXPLORING! Oh look, it was a dead end. Wonderful.


-The Many Small Design Decisions I don't enjoy added up: Legacy System ties ONE last name for all characters? Who came up with that rubbish? Terrible idea, I'm sorry it simply is a terrible idea. Characters should all have access to their own unique last names.


-Segway/lawnmower speeders that are slow and look so dorky it makes a Star Wars fan FEEL dorky. Seriously... just terribly un-fun. It's not something you want to spend credits on and earn. It's just lame.


-Complete Lack of Social Gameplay: I know this is 'fluff' to many, but the game is basically nothing but QUESTING right now, with breaks for a space game that's something more suitable for an iPad than a AAA MMORPG and PVP that doesn't even let you choose what kind of match you'd like to take part in. I'm sure you have a WALL OF CRAZY full of amazing ideas like swoop racing, gambling with cards etc. but as of right now, there are no social mini-games which again detracts from the Star Wars experience.


-Lack of Sandbox: You have to realize that STAR WARS sparked something in people that made it more than entertainment, it's a place that people want to BE A PART OF, more than just the stories. People are literally wanting to ESCAPE to that fantasy to live out lives there. The more power you give the players, the more they will 'move into' your game universe. Right now, the game is essentially nothing but tunnels and restrictions. That is how the game was designed to be, and I'm sad about that for sure.


-The competition: Simply looks better and more fun. TOR looks and feels like the OLD republic. It looks dated, feels dated, and I guess, just not for me.


The exact opposite can be said about what companies like ArenaNet and Funcom are doing. Their design philosophies challenge the 'old hat design' that I've gotten very bored of. Obviously, many people love The Old Republic and I'm happy for them, but it seems like ... again... 'This game isn't the game I'm looking for'.


I'll be playing GW2 as soon as I can and here's why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBC_ig73aMs and I won't need to pay $15 a month for that game.


My monthly sub, I will likely save for The Secret World. No classes. No levels. Total freedom of play in an interesting, amazingly designed setting with great creative quests that also have voice over, such as INVESTIGATION quests.

Info: http://www.thesecretworld.com/gameplay


That being said, if you watch the following video and put a Star Wars coat of paint over it... and add BioWare's great RPG adventures for questing, I think you would've had a perfect Star Wars MMORPG:


That opening shot looks way more like Tatooine than what's in TOR btw.


Good luck BioWare, may the Force be with you.




If you watch that last link ... don't you wish Tatooine looked like that in TOR? :o Maybe it's just me...

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LOL I'm about to. Anyone that thinks this game is a good MMO are fooling themselves. This is the biggest pile I ever played.


Thanks for all the hype for piece of contained garbage.


Even if this game had no bugs or any problems of any kind, its still a bad game.

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I doubt anyone will care but when I cancelled, BioWare actually asks why you're cancelling and this is what I wrote to them. Again, for all who enjoy the game, have a blast and more power to ya :). If you're cancelling, I hope you guys actually write something and tell them why. Cheers.





I'm sorry guys. I love you, BioWare and have tremendous amount of respect for you but...


Sadly, NO, I won't be subscribing.


Here's why...


As much as I wanted to enjoy and LOVE this game... I don't enjoy it much because SO many of the design decisions made detract from my enjoyment of the game to the point where the phrase "Maybe this isn't the game you're looking for" truly applies to me.


This simply isn't the Star Wars I fell in love with and aside from the quests/flashpoints (which are AMAZING and by far the best thing about this game) falls greatly short of allowing me to feel like I'm in this place that I love. That I'm a part of that galaxy. That I have the freedom in that galaxy to be what I want to be. A sandbox/themepark hybrid would have been a much wiser choice of direction, in my personal opinion.


Some things I really don't enjoy:

-Art style: I just can't connect with it. I especially can't connect with my character for which there was a very lacking character creation tool where so many of my options were simply unappealing. The gear, I would say about 90% of it, I find dorky/unappealing with terribly color schemes. How can I enjoy myself when I'm looking at a character I can't stand looking at? The hair options, the facial hair options, most of the tattoos, just all very uncreative and to be perfectly honest, they look cheap and uncool. If a proper appearance tab was implemented (there are MANY problems with using the ORANGE GEAR system for appearance that I won't go into now) at least I could enjoy my character more...


-Combat: Absolutely sick of this type of combat system. The only class with any kind of real diversity I thought looked cool during combat was the Bounty Hunter. That's a fun class to play. The rest? Unimpressive and boring to BE.


-The Worlds: I felt so boxed in and visually, they don't compare to worlds in games that are years older which feel more like vibrant living places as far as the art goes. No day/night cycles really hurts for immersion. Everything looks low res and again, just cheap and can't compete with brilliant worlds being designed by ArenaNet and Funcom. I can't help but wonder if you guys had made 7 less worlds and focused more on the dozen left over, if the worlds could have felt more alive. Remember that scene in the Cantina on Tattooine? THAT'S STAR WARS. This... is not the Star Wars I feel in love with. This is a huge, empty place that manages to feel like a box. The one time I found a path that I thought was unknown to most players, I got excited -- I was EXPLORING! Oh look, it was a dead end. Wonderful.


-The Many Small Design Decisions I don't enjoy added up: Legacy System ties ONE last name for all characters? Who came up with that rubbish? Terrible idea, I'm sorry it simply is a terrible idea. Characters should all have access to their own unique last names.


-Segway/lawnmower speeders that are slow and look so dorky it makes a Star Wars fan FEEL dorky. Seriously... just terribly un-fun. It's not something you want to spend credits on and earn. It's just lame.


-Complete Lack of Social Gameplay: I know this is 'fluff' to many, but the game is basically nothing but QUESTING right now, with breaks for a space game that's something more suitable for an iPad than a AAA MMORPG and PVP that doesn't even let you choose what kind of match you'd like to take part in. I'm sure you have a WALL OF CRAZY full of amazing ideas like swoop racing, gambling with cards etc. but as of right now, there are no social mini-games which again detracts from the Star Wars experience.


-Lack of Sandbox: You have to realize that STAR WARS sparked something in people that made it more than entertainment, it's a place that people want to BE A PART OF, more than just the stories. People are literally wanting to ESCAPE to that fantasy to live out lives there. The more power you give the players, the more they will 'move into' your game universe. Right now, the game is essentially nothing but tunnels and restrictions. That is how the game was designed to be, and I'm sad about that for sure.


-The competition: Simply looks better and more fun. TOR looks and feels like the OLD republic. It looks dated, feels dated, and I guess, just not for me.


The exact opposite can be said about what companies like ArenaNet and Funcom are doing. Their design philosophies challenge the 'old hat design' that I've gotten very bored of. Obviously, many people love The Old Republic and I'm happy for them, but it seems like ... again... 'This game isn't the game I'm looking for'.


I'll be playing GW2 as soon as I can and here's why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBC_ig73aMs and I won't need to pay $15 a month for that game.


My monthly sub, I will likely save for The Secret World. No classes. No levels. Total freedom of play in an interesting, amazingly designed setting with great creative quests that also have voice over, such as INVESTIGATION quests.

Info: http://www.thesecretworld.com/gameplay


That being said, if you watch the following video and put a Star Wars coat of paint over it... and add BioWare's great RPG adventures for questing, I think you would've had a perfect Star Wars MMORPG:


That opening shot looks way more like Tatooine than what's in TOR btw.


Good luck BioWare, may the Force be with you.




If you watch that last link ... don't you wish Tatooine looked like that in TOR? :o Maybe it's just me...


I lost you at "im sorry guys" but I bet it was filled with complaints. lol

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