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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Supports SOPA indirectly, but does a PR move to make it seem like it dosn't




You're really going to fault a company, any company for trying to protect it's intellectual rights and copyrights?


Not saying I agree with SOPA in particular, but most people are ridiculous about how they expect companies to continue to take no action against people who steal from them on a daily basis.


If I had people stealing millions of dollars out from under me everyday by illegally "trading" my software, I'd want to support anything that deters those actions too.


As for the maintenance thing. it's an MMO ALL MMOs have maintenance. Bioware is a Nortrh American based developer as is EA, did you really think they would throw downtime out on NA's prime time? and even if they did it's ALWAYS going to be SOMEONES prime time. Besides it's just once a week. they are longer downtimes currently because a lot needs to be fixed, eventually they'll be smaller.


Be glad you don't play a game like EvE Online where downtime patching means go find something else to do for 24 hours or more.

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Yep, plan to subscribe for periods of 3 months at a time and see where Bioware take the game.



It's a MMO, I don't play just for here and now gratification and having it all at once, but rather for the long run and investing in the growth of the game. :)

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I am levelling four different characters on two different servers in the same time, two of wich exclusively with my girlfriend. We play quite a lot, but not every day and our pace is slow. We enjoy the fact we don't need to power-level in order to be able to play with our friends. We will get to the end-game eventually, but I don't consider it a priority. We have fun instead. It seems we are happy. So I am going to stay for some time.

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Yes, but they need to do the following things:


1. increase combat responsiveness (this should be the absolute top priority IMO)

2. greatly improve the auction house searching and posting system

3. allow for custom UI and mods (default UI is terrible



These things are absolutely essential for me and need to be fixed asap.


4. a dual spec

5. a lfg system

6. world pvp for pvp servers. (I actually read somewhere that on Nar Shadaa, while each side quests in the same zones and the zones overlap, each side quests in different phases so it is nearly impossible to have players from opposing factions run into each other.)


these things are not absolutely essential for me, but should be implemented in the next few months or i will cancel my sub later on.


If I don't see some of these features being implemented or worked on i will cancel my sub by march.

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Still undecided...

Definitely some nice ideas/features in here, but also a lot that is just horrible compared to WoW. Sorry for the comparison, but WoW is what this game has to compete with.


Major dislikes so far:

- No LFG feature ... no I don't think standing on the Imperial Fleet for 30 min. spamming for a no-show healer is fun.

- Horrible GTN (AH) interface.

- Combat responsiveness is bad

- UI is really bad. For a 2011 game, you would have expected something better than WoW 1.0 from 7 years ago.

- No combat log or any other way to measure your own performance/gear. Raiding will be horrible where you basically have to guess what goes wrong or how you can improve yourself.

- No dual-spec feature

- No addon support.

- Companion ability bar is awful. It expands over your own bars and you can't move anything. Simply just awful.

- No guild bank. Come on, that is basic MMO functionality.

- Re-playability. Voiceacting and cutscenes are awesome... the first few times around. But when you level alts or do the same flashpoints many times, it just gets boring. Especially in flashpoints where you constantly have to wait 30-60 sec for the rest of the group to finish their dialogues.

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Nope not a chance,there are far too many irregularities in this game to continue.Unless i get really bored i might be tempted to grab a month here and there but there's no way i'll pay for " months in advance "

i'll just manually renew my subscription each month and never have a card on file lol

Edited by Qlimitus
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I'm certain there's other than me that has already answered with this, but are you people serious?


You're demanding the impossible! The game is entirely new... Give it a *********** chance. You people who demand stuff like a decent lfg system and a "better" Auction house and better pvp etc. What the hell is the matter with you? this is not world of warcraft... If you miss the game so damn much then go back and play and let the people who enjoys this game have it for them self.


My answer is, yes. I'll continue to play Star Wars the Old Republic.

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I do hope that those saying things related to Guild Wars 2 and the like aren't the same people who had astronomical expectations for TOR and were let down.


Guarantee you, history will repeat itself and you will be disappointed.

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