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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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So many ppl are ************ about the dumbest ****....




/CRY The AH sucks


WAaAAaaaAAAaaaaa! Huttball blows.


Really?...really?....The game is pretty darn good overall. I can understand you may not like a few aspects. I do not care for the space combat or the small number of warzones but here is pro advice...


MMO's CHANGE over the course of time. The game has been out a couple of weeks and ppl expect perfection (which btw doesnt exist) Get over yourselves and enjoy the game for being just that...a game. Soon, MAYBE some of the silly **** ppl are complaining about will "meet their standards" (which are probably stupid high anyway) /endrantflamesuiton

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You'll definitely come back. That goes without saying.









To answer the OP's question ... Yes .. I will.


I was adamantly against SWTOR (anyone in SWG that knew me knows how much of an understatement that is coming from me).


I decided to try it out though since LA pulled our license.


I have to say that I am really enjoying SWTOR.


I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.


OMG, Krelos is a TOR fanboy now....im in shock.


Glad you gave it a chance.

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Really?...really?....The game is pretty darn good overall.

It's really not. It is a very basic and very generic MMO with cut scenes stapled on. All those things you dismiss are the quality of life things that can raise a mediocre game above the competition. As it stands, this has nothing of the sort. The mechanics are nothing special. With few exceptions, the missions are standard fare. And, really, plenty of obvious things that have become effectively standard in the industry are completely missing.


It is technically a well produced game, but it's a question of how far good production values can go without a more solid underlying product.

Edited by ApesAmongUs
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I am not sure, as it is now i am not enjoying the game. Was really fun in beta and first week of swtor. I almost lived inside the game, but i really dont like how its evolving with level 50's destroying whatever fun that was left outta pvp.


I like SWTOR mainly because of PvP, in the start it was skill vs skill and i did very good. I was hooked, but now because of 50's with expertise bonuses i have no chance. I am not willing to sacrifice my social life to be able to do "good" in an MMO. Thats never going to happen. Its just a game.

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Answer: NO


Obviously I canceled my subscription, 30 days of play time are more than enough for a single player game, when developers will turn it into an actual MMO I'll definitely come back.


What he said ^ , tho might reup when guildies catch up, but yeah as it sits prob not.

Great singleplayer game tho

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Nope, already cancelled and sent in the feedback on why. I only subscribe to 3 MMOs and this one isn't better in any area except story than any of the 3 I currently play. Maybe if they throw away the "MMO Programming for Dummies 1999 version" and actually make an effort to turn this into a real MMO, I may check it out again.





I can sense a bunch of reading comprehension challenged forum jockeys getting all excited to post go back to WoW. Sadly for those simpletons I don't play WoW.

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Yes. There are issues with the game but they have the framework for it to be amazing. It'll get 3-6 months sub out of me then I'll be done until/if more content is added.


^ this for me too. so yes ill be here. lots of us my self included have been wondering when you ignorant childish folks were gonna leave we assumed as soon as your first month was up so good ridden.

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It's really not. It is a very basic and very generic MMO with cut scenes stapled on. All those things you dismiss are the quality of life things that can raise a mediocre game above the competition. As it stands, this has nothing of the sort. The mechanics are nothing special. With few exceptions, the missions are standard fare. And, really, plenty of obvious things that have become effectively standard in the industry are completely missing.


It is technically a well produced game, but it's a question of how far good production values can go without a more solid underlying product.


agree 100%

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I'm not sure either.


The MMO market is screaming out for another decent MMO but sadly I just don't feel SWTOR is an immersive MMO, it feels more like an arcade game to me.


It is early days yet and I really hope they expand the game to not feel so linear. The space part of the game is what I think they should concentrate on. Make the space part a whole MMO as well like EVE.


So I am undecided at the moment whether I will continue to sub.

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I am not sure, as it is now i am not enjoying the game. Was really fun in beta and first week of swtor. I almost lived inside the game, but i really dont like how its evolving with level 50's destroying whatever fun that was left outta pvp.


I like SWTOR mainly because of PvP, in the start it was skill vs skill and i did very good. I was hooked, but now because of 50's with expertise bonuses i have no chance. I am not willing to sacrifice my social life to be able to do "good" in an MMO. Thats never going to happen. Its just a game.


i hate to tell your ignorant butt this but BW and alot of us said pvp's focused for the 50's theres even a planet just for 50's what'd you think you were gonna go pvp with boosted stats at 10-30 even and mow down a 50? i mean sure you hit hard but a well geared 50 will take that damage absorb it probably heal it and smash your face in.


its not like its hard to reach 50 which is my biggest gripe... haven't even been trying to level but every damned thing you do gives you experience and more then enough. I had to skip planets even in order not to hit 50 to early and to get more of a challenge by going against levels that are 3-5 higher then my current.


It's kind of sad to because a lot of the quests tie in with the old republic story lines.

Edited by Urieaal
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Yes, absolutely I'm staying. I'm loving it, enjoying every minute of the stories and all the side quests. So what if a lot of the quests are similar? The underlying reasons - the STORIES - are different and that's what's fun for me, I love watching all the cutscenes. Some of them make me laugh out loud - especially a couple where Vette or Khem have added something; e.g. my mad Inquisitor asked Khem if he would eat Darth Scotia, and Khem said he wouldn't, half machine was bad for the digestion :D


I have 5 characters at the moment, 3 Empire, 2 Republic. Ttwo are level 17, one 13, one 10 and one 7. I don't care about being a high level or end game content, I'm in this for the journey not the destination :) And as I'm already wondering what it would be like to be a light side Inquisitor or a dark side Trooper, I expect I shall be playing all the roles several times over ... so yep, I'm here to stay :)


My one regret is that it's going to be very hard to RP with only the chat box. I really hope they introduce overhead chat at some stage so you can be with a group of people and have a conversation in game, instead of just watching the chat.

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Short answer: No.


I have my 3 months of prepaid time at the moment but I most likely will not be subscribing on a monthly basis. There is no native macintosh client and the license for windows 7 I did purchase was activated within Parallels desktop and I don't want to spend another $200 to play. The game is playable, but memory restrictions prevent me from having a fully positive experience. No crashes or anything, just really laggy in terms of swapping to the page file. Graphics are decent at a playable FPS.


I have faith in the game and will continue to play until my prepaid time is up, but see the above paragraph as an explanation as to why I might not continue to subscribe.

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