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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Um...that's been a large portion of the discussion about EVERY GAME EVER MADE. Because frankly? Most of the people who are happy don't make a point of going on forums to discuss it: only the unhappy people do. Right now? Most of the happy people are too busy actually playing the game to bother to post on the forums. Doubly so since the game just launched.


That's really most of what it is: selection bias. Forums have always been dominated by a vocal minority: right now that minority is primarily made of people that either A.) Maxed out too fast and are bored because they got ahead of the people with lives and the people that don't hit spacebar 15 times per convo, B.) Are angry that their unwarranted feelings of entitlement haven't been catered to, C.) Are trolls, or D.) Don't really understand how MMOs actually work.


The simple fact of the matter is, excepting the trolls, if they really were that unhappy and ready to cancel, most of them wouldn't be here posting about it. Excepting the trolls, the fact that they're posting here indicates that they DO care on some level, and WANT to continue playing the game.


The real test is going to come on Jan 19th and the week or so after that, when the free month people got starts running out: if the complaints continue after that, You'll know that they are, in fact, full of it and have no intention of actually cancelling. Same as most of the complainers on every MMO ever made.


And frankly? half the problems will solve themselves given time.


Couldn't have said it any better myself

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Yep, I have 3 months paid for, at the end of that time, we will see. Right out of the box, I am impressed with it more then other MMO's I have tried fresh releases. Yes, there are bugs, but welcome to MMOs. Could be a lot of really neat stuff in the future here. My only real issues, (besides the standard bugs and issues that come with all new toys), are personal gripes, but I don't expect Bioware to cater to me for those.
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Only level 48 so far, so I haven't really gotten to see end-game, yet. I got a 60 day time card for Christmas, so I imagine BioWare has 90 days (60 + 30 included) to show me their game can be fun at end-game and that they are seriously trying to resolve the problems I feel need attention (Yes, I said the problems I feel need attention. If they don't fix what bothers me, why should I continue to pay them? Let the people who are happy with the changes they did make continue to fund their development.) I'll move on to another game, i.e. GW2.
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You're quitting because /follow isn't working? I'm sure they are more worried about fixing things that are keeping people from actually being able to play.


If you're such a gaming expert and know how things run in "this part of the gaming world", why aren't you working for a major game designer?


Oh wait ... self-proclaimed expert.




Speaking of self-proclaimed experts.


I love how they come out from under the rocks and tell everyone else what is or is not game breaking or keeping every single person playing the game from being able to play it.


After all, everyone plays just like you.


Right? Gotcha. BTW, what are you doing coming into a thread thats marked POLL asking people if they are renewing as if your personal opinion on why they are should be in it? Trolling perhasp? Gotcha.

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Other popular MMOs are flooded with complaints in their forums. There's always a gripe about something legit or some below average player complaining about being destroyed by someone in pvp - but nothing so overwhelmingly negative like these forums.


Because, well, everyone else is too busy leveling and whatnot? The game just launched, there's a lot fewer people with the time to sit around posting on the forums than normal for an MMO. The only ones that have the time are the whiners.


There's not a lot of content to keep new players busy if their goal is end-game. All this game has going for it is creating alts and experiencing the various story-trees. There's no MMO experience to be had on the vast majority of the servers.


Which is in many ways more of an experience than any MMO ever made. SWG and EvE don't really have a storyline particularly. WoW's is an afterthought layered on top of the gameplay in an inconsistent way, and is the same on every play-through. STO has the 'same on every play through' problem, but also burns through too much content too fast, expending entire massive, epic story arcs on a handful of quests that take a few hours to play through(Seriously: It took me a month and a half on MAXIMUM DIFFICULTY, SOLO to burn through the Orions, the Gorn, the Klingons, the Romulans, The Remans, The Cardassians/Dominion, the Terran Empire, the Borg, and the Undine. And a couple more weeks to burn through the Breen, Devidians, and Romulans part 2 when they were added.)


Good for you and your server. There are about 10 total servers like that in the US, the rest are empty and lifeless after the starting planets.

This is, frankly, nothing new. Even on World of Warcraft, outside of the major cities it was not unusual to only run into a few people out in the World. Might be a few in town, might occasionally run into someone passing by or questing in the same general area, but much of the time you hardly saw anyone.


In fact, it was much more annoying when you DID see a lot of people, because this generally meant they were all doing the same quests as you and taking all the quest objectives, preventing you from doing your quests. And were they interested in grouping? Not generally.


This game already needs server mergers in a bad way - or cross-server functionality for a dungeon finder and pvp.

Server mergers? Some of us still have queues! And to put it simply, it is NOT Bioware's fault that you rushed to 50 weeks ahead of most other people. Once people start to catch up, on most of the servers the lack of people doing PvP or Dungeons will start to evaporate. Right now, most of the population is still focused on leveling, and it'll probably take a month or two more for that to really start to settle out.


It's way too early to be complaining about not being able to find groups.


Also, my god, why would you even want to run dungeons with random people anyway? Your chances of getting at least one idiot who ruins it for everyone else are about 95% even withOUT cross-server functionality or a LFG tool. Add in the inability to effectively weed out the idiots over time that cross-server adds in and it'll go to hell real fast.


And on WoW? Cross server fixed PvP queues, but it destroyed PvP. You ended up with one of two things, most of the time: farmers that didn't care about winning, losing, or having fun, but merely how many marks and honor they could get; or pre-mades that stomped all over everyone in lopsided, un-fun blowouts.


I can remember before the cross-server PvP queues, when the horde would be dominating the alliance match after match, over the course of a few matches putting together a decent group out of the random people that were there. Starting to coordinate, starting to work together, to communicate... and turning it around and starting winning. It was glorious.


After cross-server it was just all about farming. And the Alliance kept using the same strategy in AV for over two years. Even though the way it worked had been changed about 3 times during that, and the horde won most matches because they knew how to counter it (which wasn't hard).

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sure, because im having fun.. which i really didnt expect in this game.. Story is a lot cooler than i thought.


I don't need macros to have fun, nor do i need mods, nor a LFG tool...


i also find it pretty odd that people actually quit for something like that, as i see it so often, but, ah well.

Edited by Tic-
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cancelled my sub just a few minutes ago

several reasons, most addressed in this thread already

game feels like a single player game most the time, occassional groups for flashpoints

however much money was spent on the voice overs should have been spent to make a better mmo

the graphics are dated, and i know about the 'high resolution package is not working, should be fixed soon' bs, that is like telling me the new car i just bought and paid to have AC on doesn't have AC but if i bring it in in 6 months they will add it to the car.

Bioware fails on their 1st attempt at making a mmo

maybe they can make drastic changes and fix things but i am not going to try and play a game that bores me for 6 months or a year while they do.

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


I'll probably play into March/April after I have completed all 16-classes to their end points. Then I'll be done because there's not a lot past that.


The combat is atrocious and suffers from skill bloat which makes it a chore. This means raiding is just not appealing for me.


The game is full of graphic bugs (faulty emitters in re-used assets everywhere, DX11 crashes about once a week, the high-res textures don't work). The sound has issues too as I keep having sound bugs where it cuts out inexplicably, especially with my speeder... Other times, in cut scenes, my character is talking but his/her lips aren't moving.


Many of the side-quests are amateurishly broken.


I don't see the point of guilds in this game. (Though I have to say that for most MMOs.)


PvP is a joke in these kinds of MMOs.


Bottom-line is this is pretty much a single-player on-line game where we happen to be playing our single-player game with other people playing their single-player game.


Honestly, in all my years of MMOs this game really reminds me of Guild Wars, only without any meaningful Guild-on-Guild combat... And I'm not willing to fork-out a monthly sub to sit around and do nothing all day...

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I will be staying, the only other mmos I will look at would be,

Back to EvE for a bit, I always seem to go back for a few months every year, and every year it seems a bit better.

Rift is dead to me and Tera looks like garbage. Enjoy the loli's and the animations and game play I seen already left me saying ***?


GW2 is free to play after the retail copy, so why not play both it and TOR?


DDO is boring and pay to win, LOTRO is meh. WoW is, well after 4+ accounts and years of time I am done there.

Warhammer would be nice to try again but I know it still (mostly) sucks.

I wanted to try STO, but most people seem to think it sucks.

Not really any other mmos I want to try or play.


I have plenty of games still to play from the last steam sale as well, to be honest Rail works 3 has been awesome sauce, and Fable 3/Saints row 3 are great for some silly fun.

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This plays like a single player game so once I hit 50 I'll unsub. That is probably going to be in the second month since I'm 44 and have lost interest in the game.


I will play extremely casually and then go back to BF3 and CoD which are free to play. I'd pay maybe $5/month for this 'not really an MMO'

Edited by monjiay
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YES ! This game has all the elements to be the best Star Wars game ever! As an MMORPG it's an MMORPG people say oh well it's a WOW clone but all MMORPGs are WOW clones because their is only so much innovation you can do with an MMO. WOW has been around long enough to realize this! How is WOW not a clone of Ultima Online the first MMO and every MMO after it I mean come on. Oh a FPS isn't the same basic mechanics as all FPS games. Grow up people Innovation takes years not months. One thing that SWTOR has over WOW is the Storyline aspect, which is innovating for an MMO. As for SWTOR being a solo game (RPG) what the hell is WOW I played WOW for 4 years and most of the time I was soloing! I had guilds and friends! If SWTOR is a clone of WOW then why don't you like it, I guess you just don't like MMOs.


Sincerely your friend,


Common Sense!

Edited by Oxsideous
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I would really like to stay but the queue and constant error 9000 is really getting to me. If they either manage to somehow reduce queues or have some kind of grace period for logging back in after a crash I will sub, if they don't fix this by the time 30 days free is up I won't continue until they do fix it. Don't feel like paying for a queue simulator game...


Yes I know I can play on a low pop server but my guild and friends all play on this server and if the only way to play is to play alone on some other server I may as well not play at all.

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Answer: NO


Obviously I canceled my subscription, 30 days of play time are more than enough for a single player game, when developers will turn it into an actual MMO I'll definitely come back.


The quit trolling the forums. :)


Yup yup im here. Bought a 6 month subscription already.

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The quit trolling the forums. :)


Yup yup im here. Bought a 6 month subscription already.


See, he's not trolling, but all the blind biodrones who can't understand why people are making the posts talking about bugs and all that consider it trolling, so how about you stop trolling the forums?


No I'm not, unless things get sorted out majorly I will be going back to WoW, I don't care about pandas, but atleast I don't have ability delay, getting stuck on random bits of terrain every 2 seconds, voice overs / mission cutscenes (That were advertised heavily and one of the major focus points of this game) that bug out, have awkward animations and some of which do not make any sense at all), decent end-game, and LFG system that lets me utilitze the end game without sacrificing half of my day getting a group together, pvp that's not about win trading and I can see party chat and guild chat 100% of the time because it's UI doesn't bug out and is actually pretty simple and easy to use.

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