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10 Good
  1. Jedi Knight -- Zabrak female, Sentinel, Light Side but with a few decisions weighted darker for disagreement with the Jedi Code. Sister to the Sith Inquisitor Jedi Consular -- Miraluka female, Shadow, Neutral. Leans light side in personal morality but is pragmatic and will get the tough jobs done. Trooper - Miraluka female, Commando, Light Side. Values ideals over pragmatism but will get her hands dirty from time to time. Smuggler - Zabrak male, Scoundrel, Light. Generally apathetic in appearance in concern to all but his ship, in reality he is far softer than he lets on and will go the extra mile to help out someone in need. Sith Warrior - Sith Pureblood female, Juggernaut, honorable warrior personality; Dark Side. Sith Inquisitor - Zabrak female, Sorcerer. A stark pragmatist, sees the order of an Empire as a necessity but wishes to change many of its darker attributes from within. Fiercely patriotic, sees the republic as a decaying force for stagnation and will take no qualms in manipulating the enemy there. As for her fellow Sith she wishes to see an end to the constant infighting which only weakens the Empire as a whole. Sister to the Jedi Knight, light 1. Bounty Hunter - Human male, Mercenary, sarcastic, effective, clever, and inconsiderate to authority; Neutral, always gets the job done. Imperial Agent - Chiss female, Operative, intelligent, observant, double agent observing the inner machinations of the Empire and relaying/acting upon what might be done to separate Sith Hierarchy from the more desirable order of an Empire ruled by Law and not force users. Neutral.
  2. Add-ons are a really nice thing. They aren't required and I didn't even use them in WoW before near the end of Wrath. The only thing I had was vent and a hatred of all things undead. Eventually I started getting into add-ons, yes I got a DPS meter, why? To physically see how awesome my frost mage was doing ( even though everyone said frost mage was worst DPS I constantly beat everyone's dps.) and to , yes, pick out the bads. When I'm in a fight and we've lost four times in a row now with excellent raid awareness I want to know " Why the hell are we dying?" I look at the DPS/heals per second meter... " SO who's the weak link and is it possible I can help them improve their DPS/heals through my knowledge of the class?" I also got MRP and some UI editing add-ons because that's how I wanted to have 'my interface' look. MRP is a great role-playing tool and UI editors change the interface so you can play exactly as you want to... these aren't min/maxing tools in the slightest. Your complaints are," It makes the game less fun for casual players." No, it doesn't several of these tools make the game even more exciting and fun for casual players. As for raiding... why are you raiding if you're a casual player? Raiding is designed for the more hardcore gamers of the player base. As for the dungeons or 'flashpoints' it'd be nice to see who's pulling their weight and ask the 'bads' ( yes if you are bringing the rest of the group down you're a bad.) what they are doing and actually assist them in becoming better. I've never simply kicked someone for not min-maxing, just trying to assist when the rest of the party is having their game ruined by someone who either A) doesn't know how so we can help them... or B) refuses to play the class as it's meant to be played in a flashpoint setting and won't change no way no how no matter what I say. Those people will be booted for bringing the rest of the fun from the party as they are entirely uncooperative.
  3. Species/Race: Zabrak Name: Valjan Last Name: Remal Nickname: Val Gender: Female Date of Birth: (( Not entirely sure how the date works in Star Wars...so I'll leave this blank)) Place of Birth: Dromund Kass Age: 20 Height: 5'4" Weight: 125 lbs Hair Color/Style: A simple brown overlaying the spikes protruding just barely from her skull. The style is short but still longer than the common 'male' hairstyle. Facial Appearance: Heavily tattooed as is the way of the Zabrak. She looks rather young and the word 'cute' is one of the quickest thins to come to mind when one looks over her facial features. Eye Color: Deep green with a red shattered ring about the outside of her iris. Body Appearance: She is often wearing the lower half of a robe and the upper half of a full functioning body suit. Her head is most often covered by a fully functional mechanical skull mask which also gives a mechanical twang to her voice. With this she appears still rather skinny... even frail looking...but quite horrifying all the same. She is rather wiry, an incredibly skinny looking girl but without the clothing she is seen as well built just skinny. Corded muscle runs along her arms and legs. If one were to see her without clothing they would discover her body is littered and heavily marred by scarring from burns and whip marks. Her arms are tabooed as well signifying 'strength' and 'wisdom'... one might think she placed these tattoos without earning them but anyone who actually knows her would see otherwise. Home Planet: Dromund Kass Current Residence: Fury ( She rarely lives anywhere but her favored Ship nowadays.) Allegiance: Sith Empire Profession: Fighter Pilot Armor/Clothes: As stated above. Her Armor is generally that of a black and red combination but she wears casual clothes from time to time. Primary Weapon(s): The Force ( particularly lightning) Secondary Weapon(s): Single-bladed, Self-crafted, Yellow light saber. Miscellaneous Item(s): Three vibroblades, a hidden blaster pistol, force focus, Holocomm., various gear required for adventuring or delving into tombs in her pack. Biography: (( will post later I am needed ))
  4. Yes, It's only a touch buggy and my frames are still a little ****** here and again, but I've got an old computer it's expected. I'll be staying for at least some time ( till GW2 probably)
  5. Heya, just want to point out to all the people saying force users shouldn't be neutral and that neutrality is a foolish option... canonically, gray jedi do exist. In my SI storyline the character literally said," Why does it always have to be so black and white with you Jedi, why can't it be shades of gray?" Point is, neutrality is something they want some people to go for, it doesn't make sense that they'd gimp the player by not allowing them access to relics. Now, I feel I could grind my points and I'm not too averse to doing that endgame... I just wish they'd make a 'grind' for everyone if that were the case, no reason to punish a player for picking the style they'd like to play.
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