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Is it just me or is BW delusional


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I quote this right off BWs news section which can be viewed here"



"So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!"


Did I miss something, did I take a wrong turn on Ilum or something cause at this point BW is either VERY delusional or I am on the wrong Ilum.


A world PvP point to capture with no REAL objective does make me feel a little blown away but more like "I am blown away that this company could think this is good".


Am I the only one that is at a loss here as to what I was suppose to be "blown away" by or is BW THAT delusional that they think people will enjoy this already failed attempt at world PvP done years ago by WoW.


You cant just throw a point in the middle of no where and say "ok now fight over it". It failed in WoW, its failed in WH and it will fail in this game.

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Oh there's people on ilum, but it's not exactly a battle lol.


theres 2 imp guilds on death wind corridor who go around in a group of about 14 ganking people doing dailies all the time. maybe its just ur server give it some time. Im starting to make some fraps of me killling imps out there since i destroy them 1v1 on 435 expertise focus guardian/.

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theres 2 imp guilds on death wind corridor who go around in a group of about 14 ganking people doing dailies all the time. maybe its just ur server give it some time. Im starting to make some fraps of me killling imps out there since i destroy them 1v1 on 435 expertise focus guardian/.


So you're one of those guys that ruins it for the rest? Eh, no wonder they gank you. You aren't playing by the rules.


As Republic, my sole role in Ilum is to help the Empire out since there aren't enough republic to capture points so that the Imps can do their dailies. We dance and have fun together while I help them out.



Yes, there are 14 traveling around together, but on my server, they never gank because they need to complete their dailies. They likely only gank you because you are ganking them.

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So you're one of those guys that ruins it for the rest? Eh, no wonder they gank you. You aren't playing by the rules.


As Republic, my sole role in Ilum is to help the Empire out since there aren't enough republic to capture points so that the Imps can do their dailies. We dance and have fun together while I help them out.



Yes, there are 14 traveling around together, but on my server, they never gank because they need to complete their dailies. They likely only gank you because you are ganking them.


This - the r:e faction population is so skewed that the empire aren't really interested in killing any republic in the ilum battle area (because if they do it takes forever for them to do the daily). The PVE dailies are another matter entirely of course though.

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It's not really biowares job to put people in the field of battle on illum remember vanilla wow there were no rewards.


High warlord gear wasnt a reward? The pvp we had at the END of vanilla was better than the pvp we have now in swtor. We had 3 very different battlegrounds, all of different sizes. We had world pvp in the form of tarren mill vs southshore. No objectives, other than rolling over the opposing town. Of course you did get honor/CP for this. It was fun though, so people participated in it. If you dont remember how awesome SS/TM was, then you clearly didnt play vanilla.


Right now in SWTOR we have 1 good warzone.. Alderaan. Voidstar is decent, but stack a few healers and its just a killingfest at the first doors. And I think most of the community can agree that huttball is garbage.


I would really like to see some bigger warzones, 8v8 isnt very "heroic" and Bioware seems to be all about heroism. The pvp gearing system is also complete garbage. Vanilla WoW didnt have a perfect system either, it took TIME, but it was about time not luck. You didnt luck your way to rank 14 gear.

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So you're one of those guys that ruins it for the rest? Eh, no wonder they gank you. You aren't playing by the rules.


As Republic, my sole role in Ilum is to help the Empire out since there aren't enough republic to capture points so that the Imps can do their dailies. We dance and have fun together while I help them out.



Yes, there are 14 traveling around together, but on my server, they never gank because they need to complete their dailies. They likely only gank you because you are ganking them.


Your server sounds really gay and carebear...I dont know about you but i dont care about PvP rewards i have the full set/weapon/implays etc I go out there to mop people up and fraps video to lol at them when we get server forums.

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Your server sounds really gay and carebear...I dont know about you but i dont care about PvP rewards i have the full set/weapon/implays etc I go out there to mop people up and fraps video to lol at them when we get server forums.


So you just got really lucky with the broken gearing system... ok.

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Some of you lost the point of this topic. I never said PvP does not happen on Ilum I said there is no POINT for World PvP on Ilum.


World PvP can happen anywhere but as for rewarding World PvP its none existent and I am FAR from "blown away".

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