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Please support Linux/WINE again.


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Linux is not a desktop OS. Sorry, but you're SOL there.

The game is designed for Windows, it's time to go back and use what everyone else uses if you want to play what everyone else plays.


Don't get me wrong, I love me some Linux, but the reality is that it's a server OS, it's NOT a desktop OS.


Such much fail in this post. How is it not a desktop OS? Linux is just as much a desktop OS as OSX.

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Such much fail in this post. How is it not a desktop OS? Linux is just as much a desktop OS as OSX.


no, actually, it's not

Name one MAJOR vendor that provides support for Linux on an application basis.

Go on, name one.

manufacturers that DO provide support for Linux have to rewrite their entire product just to do so.


Again, don't get me wrong, I love me some Linux, but on a desktop level, it is nowhere near ready, and never will be, because it's not profitable enough to do so. A minority of users take on Linux as a desktop OS. It is nowhere near ready for primetime, nor will it be until it receives major support, not only from hardware vendors, but from software vendors as well, and that aint gonna happen.

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Not even my distro of Ubuntu Desktop? :(


There are hundreds of distributions for linux. Thats why almost no company will create a client for that platform. To choose one specific one will turn the open source environment into a windows/apple type competition, where one platform is favoured so everyone starts programming for that one.

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There are hundreds of distributions for linux. Thats why almost no company will create a client for that platform.

Not quite.

At the core , Linux is just the kernel. It doesn't get that much different from flavor to flavor to flavor. Even the core utilities are pretty much the same from flavor to flavor. Libraries, etc, etc... That's why vendors like php/apache/ncftp/etc can get away with just giving out a single 32/64 bit binary and have it work from distribution to distribution. That's why the few companies that do manufacture drivers for Linux (there are a few of them out there ;)) do the same thing.


The problem? If you want something that works in Windows to work in Linux, you've got basically two options:


#1: emulate it (Wine, etc)

This is the fastest way to get it working, but that's not really an effective way to do it.


#2: rewrite it from the ground up.

Since Linux != windows, it requires a ton of different interaction, and it's going to be different all around. This is why the few companies that have decided to take on Linux versions (VanDyke, Ultraedit, Nero, even bioware with NWN) had to write at the very minimum application specific clients, and most just chose to rewrite the whole program.


The reality is that while Linux may be (to some) a desktop OS, it will never be profitable enough to warrant this kind of support.

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But if this is true why did it run so well in Beta? it was the final release that broke it for us Linux users thats all. and i get what people are saying i understand the tech behind it all. But in the end its down to choice what OS poeple run and wanting a game to run on there platform is all part of it.


Its just a shame that some companies are not willing to take a chance when it comes to Linux it wouldn't be to hard to run it in wine while developing the game just to see how it goes or just keep wine in mind while developing it at the end of the day its extra cash in Biowares skyrocket if it works. but all this chat will not get us anywhere anyway, its a new game and it just about runs on windows guess the Linux and mac guys will have to see what the wine community come up with.

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If you want something that works in Windows to work in Linux, you've got basically two options:


#1: emulate it (Wine, etc)

This is the fastest way to get it working, but that's not really an effective way to do it.

There are lots of games that run well under Wine. You don't know if your favourite game will run until you check the app database, but there are thousands of games that do.

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There are lots of games that run well under Wine. You don't know if your favourite game will run until you check the app database, but there are thousands of games that do.


yeah, lots of games...until it doesn't play the one that you want to play

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Name one MAJOR vendor that provides support for Linux on an application basis.

Google (Chrome, Picasa)

Oracle (VirtualBox)



yeah, lots of games...until it doesn't play the one that you want to play


*shrug* If you tend to play new games all the time, and don't want the hassle of rebooting to Windows for some games, then Linux is probably not for you.


But if you tend to play the same games over long periods of time, and they're listed in the app database, Linux can work very well for you. I played Everquest 2 on Linux for two years, and also played LoTRO from time to time, and both games worked very well.


Many older gamers tend to focus on one or two games for years at a time.

Edited by metacell
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  • 2 weeks later...

This has my full support.


Windows is quickly falling out of favor with me. And if Windows 8 is out 2 years from now, I'll be moving either to Mac or Ubuntu full time for my computing. It would sadden me to have to drop ToR because Linux support was dropped during beta.

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no, actually, it's not

Name one MAJOR vendor that provides support for Linux on an application basis.

Go on, name one.

manufacturers that DO provide support for Linux have to rewrite their entire product just to do so.


Again, don't get me wrong, I love me some Linux, but on a desktop level, it is nowhere near ready, and never will be, because it's not profitable enough to do so. A minority of users take on Linux as a desktop OS. It is nowhere near ready for primetime, nor will it be until it receives major support, not only from hardware vendors, but from software vendors as well, and that aint gonna happen.


DELL http://linux.dell.com/

HP http://h71028.www7.hp.com/enterprise/cache/309906-0-0-0-121.html?jumpid=go/linux


So, yeah, that's TWO major manufacturers.. didn't even look for more...

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Linux gaming isn't dead. Sadly it is just going towards phones and tablets. Go look up the stats on how many people bought games for Android/WebOS devices in the last year. Still though there is hope as tablet graphics start to catch up to a "good enough" point that the companies might start offering Linux desktop editions. Linux just needed someone like Google or Ubuntu to pick a "standard" when it came to things like audio drivers. In the past it would have been nearly impossible to support any Linux game as every distro was using different audio drivers. For better or worse, it looks like PulseAudio has won.


Back to the subject at hand, I do wish they would fixed this issue. It is hard enough to get WINE to work with documented win32 usage. Then companies do some crazy hacks and everything breaks. SWTOR and Dungeon Defenders are the only things that keep Win7 as my default desktop. KDE and XFCE are just so much more customizable. And not needing some "pro" version to do things like remote desktop and having to use putty to ssh into my server. And heaven forbid companies making Windows programs offer the x64 compiled version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to make things clear to the windows fans in this post:

- nobody as asked for a linux or a mac os port

- running in wine doesn't mean running it with an emulator, wine means "Wine Is Not an Emulator"

- as another user has already said we just need bioware to give a couple of hints to the wine guys and they will do everything by themself as usual


It used to work good, now it doesn't, this sucks.

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It does run on OS X, using Bootcamp running Windows........


Hate to break it to you, bootcamp does not use OSX at all once configured. you are running windows natively on Mac hardware.


that being said, I would love to see a little support to allow cider or wine projects to meet the game developers at least halfway. but i dont think they will work on anything besides windows until they can polish the game for at least one OS, asking them to support MAC or Linux before they have all the kinks worked out in Windows is unrealistic.


If your hardware supports it you can use XenDesktop as a VM hypervisor to swap between two OS's and get 3d support but its not quite ready for the gamers to go nuts with yet.

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Linux is not a desktop OS. Sorry, but you're SOL there.

The game is designed for Windows, it's time to go back and use what everyone else uses if you want to play what everyone else plays.


Don't get me wrong, I love me some Linux, but the reality is that it's a server OS, it's NOT a desktop OS.


I hate to break it to you, but Linux is very much a desktop OS now. It has better hardware compatibility than windows does out of the box, and the interface now is incredibly well polished. If not for gaming i would have dropped windows some time ago. some examples being SUSE/OpenSUSE, Fedora, Mint, Ubuntu


and for application support I have yet to need anything that i couldn't find already available for Linux. aside from gaming. and there are a number of applications i wish i had in windows from the Linux world (yes i know i could probably recompile them but i HATE coding)

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I have actually stopped playing TOR because of not being able to play it in Wine. I got a couple of toons to 30ish, but I just cannot handle Windows anymore. I will head back to LotRO, or WoW just because of their ability to run in Wine. I know it is not a huge priority for the devs to help out that community, so ill check back in a few months and see if I can play again.
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I would love to see SWTOR work on WINE. I am not a huge linux fan and am fine using windows. Unfortunately, my Dad, who I love playing these types of games with, abhors windows. I realize this is a conscious choice on his part and is in no way the SWTOR Devs' problem - however, seeing as the game used to work with WINE, I don't think it is an unreasonable request to put a bit of effort into fixing it, expanding the customer base, and keeping people like me happy gaming away with their family for the foreseeable future.


I would imagine the market for SWTOR on WINE is actually much larger than it seems given that (in general) people patient enough to get games working on WINE are of the mature sort and are less likely to be whining on the forums and making a scene. This thread has almost 5000 views for only 46 replies. I would encourage people checking this out in the hope that a solution has been found to drop a post in supporting the cause.



Edited by Lankyspanky
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I'm a major supporter of running TOR in Wine. I use Ubuntu as my main OS and this would make it so I can finally completely get rid of Windows on my PC. I'm sure eventually we'll see the Wine support, although it may have to come from the community, not the developers. Linux gaming is such a minority now that, really, no company sees any difference in sales by including or not including it. Even though linux can be used with more hardware, Mac OS X still beats it in terms of usage, and Windows beats OS X, those of us who use Linux and play PC games are just in too far of a minority at this point. Anyways, I hope someone figures this out, since I dislike having to constantly reboot to play a game :p
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I'd love to see TOR run under Linux. I know it will never get a native port, but if a few devs could dedicate a day or two to getting it up under WINE, that would rock (pending critical bug fixes and such of course). WoW ran perfectly under WINE and I'd love that option here too.
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