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Please support Linux/WINE again.


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I realize Linux is not a priority, but the game used to run perfectly up to the 11/11/11 beta, after that WINE would try to connect to any game server then never receive the reply and disconnect after 30s leaving the loading screen on.


It would be so simple to fix / figure out what changed between the release and 11/11/11 beta, it was in whatever code that uses winsock / ws2_32.dll


Provided this gets fixed, it'd mean the game will run on Mac OS X, Linux, and gain a new user base.


Any pointers to fixing wine would be also great.


If you're gonna say "LOL NOOB USE WINDOWZ!!!111oneone", please don't :)

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I fully support this. It's a pain in the neck to switch back and forth between operating systems. And using a VM is out of the question because this game uses enough system resources on its own without sharing it with another OS.


Of course, the best course of action would be if the video game companies created clients for multiple operating systems (about the only thing WoW has over SWTOR at the moment), but I know I won't survive if I hold my breath on that one :mad:

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I realize Linux is not a priority, but the game used to run perfectly up to the 11/11/11 beta, after that WINE would try to connect to any game server then never receive the reply and disconnect after 30s leaving the loading screen on.


It would be so simple to fix / figure out what changed between the release and 11/11/11 beta, it was in whatever code that uses winsock / ws2_32.dll


Provided this gets fixed, it'd mean the game will run on Mac OS X, Linux, and gain a new user base.


Any pointers to fixing wine would be also great.


If you're gonna say "LOL NOOB USE WINDOWZ!!!111oneone", please don't :)


It does run on OS X, using Bootcamp running Windows.......


And yes, I will say....use Windows that's what the game is written for.


They have also said that there are no plans for a Mac version so not holding your breath is a good idea.

Edited by Lamuse
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It does run on OS X, using Bootcamp running Windows.......


And yes, I will say....use Windows that's what the game is written for.


They have also said that there are no plans for a Mac version so not holding your breath is a good idea.


**edit NM, re-read OP. And what is being asked for is a bit different.


What they are asking for isn't going to change the fact that there is no OS X client. I am not sure what they were meaning.

Edited by Onyx
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For reasons I won't go over right now, I can't install windows on my computer so I'm actually laying using vmware, getting 10-15fps and have to turn off the sound.


also to the bootcamp guy, you *missed* the point of my post, the game ran perfectly fine on Linux 3 betas ago, I had max settings, shadows and had ~40-60fps.

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They never supported Linux/WINE in the first place.


Not supporting an environment means that fixing bugs isolated to said environment won't just be a non-priority - they'll likely never get intentionally fixed.


"It was in whatever code that uses Winsock" - that's the Windows Socket API. I don't even want to think about the amount of code that interfaces with that in this game, especially considering this is an MMO.


Your only hope is with the WINE developers.

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"LOL NOOB USE WINDOWZ!!!111oneone"


No, really, do.

I dont see any reason why to post this kind of threads ? The game is barely running on Windows yet you want it to be ported to Linux which is like the LEAST gaming platform ever invented, nice try tho. (Dunno if troll, or just in big need).

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... both OS X and Linux are very capable gaming platforms, if programmers use them. ID Software is (or was at least, did not check in a long time) developting their doom and quake series under Linux and the games where always also available as Linux clients (free download, if you got the Windows box).


Now, since Mac OSX is gaining popularity (Mac sales are the only ones still continuously rising as compared to Windows PCs), I'd not bet my pension on Bioware/EA ignoring those customers after the first year has passed and the dust of release has settled. Especially, since Mac hardware is so much more predictable than Windows stuff. You cannot imagine what systems people scrap together for gaming.


Currently, there are many very serious bugs to fix, not a small number due to the limitless possibile ways people have built their PCs.


My guess is, a Mac client will be available in the future, Linux I would not bet on, since EA does note see any paying customer base and Linux people tend to not go too well with rootkits and trojans transferring your personal data to EA, which you are apparently required to install before you can play the game.





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It would be better to either contribute to Wine, or at least file detailed and through bug reports there, it's up to Wine to run the program, not the program to cater to Wine. (At least assuming Wines primary goal is to still be an API wrapper that properly implements the nightmare that is win32 and it's supporting libraries.)
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I hate to do this, but bump.

Just help us figure out what broke in the networking code, we're not asking for a Linux client, it was working fine until the 11/11/11 beta, betas after that broke it.


My guess is, they implemented some sort of anti-cheat code. They never, ever, work well with wine, because of the restrictions Linux puts on processes.


Edit: Basically, wine will have to figure this one out on their own.

Edited by Truga
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Look on the bright-side, by the time the game is working on WINE, maybe they'll have all the bugs out and you can actually play the game.


BTW, I heard that BW said they were seriously thinking of a Mac port. So maybe if they can get it to work on Mac, there's hope for linux.

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Look on the bright-side, by the time the game is working on WINE, maybe they'll have all the bugs out and you can actually play the game.


BTW, I heard that BW said they were seriously thinking of a Mac port. So maybe if they can get it to work on Mac, there's hope for linux.


There's no way they'll do a Linux port. Gaming in Linux is mostly dead (mostly). I was full on Linux back in the day, as was said in an earlier post, when id Software, and others (Descent 3! Tribes 2! Alpha Centauri!), were putting Linux game boxes on the shelf. It lasted for a few years, but there was basically no interest from the end user, so it died. There's zilch money to be made.


Here's the article on Mac port possibility:





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There's no way they'll do a Linux port. Gaming in Linux is mostly dead (mostly). I was full on Linux back in the day, as was said in an earlier post, when id Software, and others (Descent 3! Tribes 2! Alpha Centauri!), were putting Linux game boxes on the shelf. It lasted for a few years, but there was basically no interest from the end user, so it died. There's zilch money to be made.


Here's the article on Mac port possibility:






I'm with you on that there will most likely never be a linux port, but if they do a Mac port, it will likely be a "wrapper" program, which means that it'll be workable on WINE, or at least easier for the WINE people to figure out the tricks.

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I'm with you on that there will most likely never be a linux port, but if they do a Mac port, it will likely be a "wrapper" program, which means that it'll be workable on WINE, or at least easier for the WINE people to figure out the tricks.


Yes, probably, as that seems to be the fashion these days.



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Thanks for making this post.



I am having a hard time playing because I must switch over to a Windows partion boot to play.


This most likely means I will not continue playing the game. Yeah, I'm having some fun playing the story at the moment, but once Winter is over and work is in higher demand, it will be impractical to switch.


What makes me excited about this post vs posts asking for FULL Linux support is all it will take for this bug to get fixed is a developer to read this post, realize how easy the change would be, and make said change when he/she has a few extra minutes.


It's sad that SWTOR will be 'to big to fail' and will never be REQUIRED to support linux, but it's even sadder how easy it is nowadays to provide cross-platform functionality in this day.




One day, one day the world will open it's eyes and Linux will be more mainstream. Android :D



Edit: It was only 5-10 years ago that companies refused to make mobile friendly apps/sites because the market was too small and they hadn't been forced into it because other companies were doing it. One big company will be INNOVATIVE to support linux, and reap the benefits.

Edited by earthmeLon
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Such a great post above.


I have been playing games on Linux for the past 10 years its such a great OS, My main MMO at the min is WOW as it runs great on wine with no problems i want to switch to SWTOR and have even paid for it to show my support. Like most people have said above the wine Community have found the problem they just need abit of help to fix it why is this so hard.


Kind Regards


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I totally understand Its a new game lots and lots of bugs just hope your right here is hopping. But all we can do is keep on asking and showing that there are gamers out there for Linux and are willing to pay.


Kind Regards


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The problem is the gamer base for Linux is just too tiny. The peak, when I was doing it around the release of Quake 3, is long gone. There are statistically many more Mac users, and even they don't have a client right now.


With luck one day it'll just work (again) on WINE because someone at BioWare has some extra time, SOMETIME, and tweaks/fixes whatever causes the problem.



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Linux is not a desktop OS. Sorry, but you're SOL there.

The game is designed for Windows, it's time to go back and use what everyone else uses if you want to play what everyone else plays.


Don't get me wrong, I love me some Linux, but the reality is that it's a server OS, it's NOT a desktop OS.

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Linux is not a desktop OS. Sorry, but you're SOL there.

The game is designed for Windows, it's time to go back and use what everyone else uses if you want to play what everyone else plays.


Don't get me wrong, I love me some Linux, but the reality is that it's a server OS, it's NOT a desktop OS.


It's an open source OS-- it's what you want it to be.

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