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Cybertech/Biochem need a nerf.


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The weakness of consumables is that its supposed to be costly so that you can't use them nonstop. With the permanent consumables from cybertech/biochem its actually a free ability.


The stims and adrenals are very powerful to begin with, to essentially making them a free ability asks for nerfing.

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Not a single person has pointed out actual facts about the reusables. Especially regarding the bio-chem ones.


Those being that the versions of said reusables are only first used by the chemists themselves. Secondly that they have less of a heal then the blue counter parts that can indeed be used by everyone. The trade off, or balance if you will, is the fact that you get to reuse the same item but in exchange you do not get the HOT that the blues have associated with them. That again, is called balance.


To all asking for nerfs, you are the reasons that games go FTP, loose so many subscribers in a short amount of time and are also the first ones to point fingers at the games production and managing companies saying that they are to blame for a games failure. You, the ones asking constantly for these nerfs, are those exact reasons. Stop reaching for the tissues and start using your noodles. Stop asking for the destruction of parts of the game when you can be putting that same effort into trying to get other parts buffed up. Help them game instead of destroying it.


In short, there is no need currently for either of these to be "nerfed" Also there is a major money sink in these. Perfect example is the higher end schematics that you need to train on (level 400 ) takes over 300k to train them all.

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X profession as Nice Thing . They can't have Nice Thing because my profession doesn't get a Nice Thing . Please take away that Nice Thing .



The bonus for having Biochem is not having to acquire the standard medkit/stims. They don't give an unfair advantage, but a return on the leveling investment that won't break even for most players for several months of steady play.


Cybertech? I honestly don't know, but if the grenades have a five (5!?!) minute cooldown, that's insulting for suggesting it's overpowered.


I'm certain that BW can look at endgame/raiding/'hardcore' players and see what professions are being used. If something is showing up excessively, such as Biochem being on every member of a operation what killed a boss world first, then BW can decide it's out of hand and adjust as needed. Buffing other professions to have some unique, balanced aspect would be a better solution albeit it more difficult to achieve with so many players, playstyles (FP, OP, PvP, etc.) & professions.

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so your nonsensical rage is concerning the schematics that allow for reusable med-packs, stims and adrenals?


shut up.


first off, it's hard enough to make money as a biochemist, you HAVE to send your companions out on missions, which cost money on a chance that you'll get the supplies you need to build ONE stim. after you do that a thousand times, costing you thousands of credits, you'll have enough stims to break down and find the prototype, and wash rinse repeat until you get the reuseable schematic. now this is where it gets fun folks, because these schematics require an epic drop from a diplomacy mission, which, in my expirence you have to buy from a slicing or investigation player.


i assume its fairly parallel with cyber tech, and it is not easy. im behind, well behind on my powers because im spending all my cash on biochem, so no, they don't need a nerf.

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I have a cybertech already, thank you. Between mods (needed), droid parts (needed), speeder building (convenience), ship parts (nice to have), grenades (handy in both PvE and PvP). One skill does so much, it's amazing.


Biochem users have already admitted how handy it is to have a self-use never ending buff themselves.


The point is while certain crew skills have some niche (mainly mods), only cybertech and biochem have something at 400 so desirable that would affect serious competitors at endgame.


Please refrain from insulting if you have nothing nice to say, thank you.


Again, if Biochem is so awesome why aren't you leveling one instead of whining? Is there some part of that question that confuses you?

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People complain about it because they want to level other professions and not be pigeonholed into rolling biochem on every character they make. I would prefer all the other professions to get buffs to give bonuses at end game but if that is to hard for Bioware I'd rather see every profession be endgame useless equally.
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People complain about it because they want to level other professions and not be pigeonholed into rolling biochem on every character they make. I would prefer all the other professions to get buffs to give bonuses at end game but if that is to hard for Bioware I'd rather see every profession be endgame useless equally.


Since when are they?


Those epic patterns are exactly the same as the blue patterns. the only difference is that they're reusable.


The only thing biochem gives to biochemists that the rest of you don't have is the stims not being consumed.


That's after we've broken down two tiers prior to that to get the epics - which we can't sell to anyone other than other biochemists who probably have the pattern anyway, unlike the rest of you who can sell and profit from your epic crafts.

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I agree everyone needs to stop asking for other crew skills to be nerf. One, no one is stopping a person form taking these so called better crew skills. Second, if a crew skill is lacking, a person should ask for the other crew skill to be made equal or have something added to it. I hate that the game hasn't even been out a month and people are yelling for nerf. Eventual nerfing will just end up making all the crew skills useless and unrewarding.
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The weakness of consumables is that its supposed to be costly so that you can't use them nonstop. With the permanent consumables from cybertech/biochem its actually a free ability.


The stims and adrenals are very powerful to begin with, to essentially making them a free ability asks for nerfing.


While one of my toons is a Biochem (others atm are artifice and armourtech) I've never bought medpacs for any of them. Plenty of them drop while i'm out and about so i'm not sinking money into healing myself. Most useful biochem imo is the companion and self heal, since it's on the same timer as the self heal and as my biochem is a Guardian i'm not flush with heals like other people....... However the money to be made is in selling blues on the GTM, but if i'm selling them I can't RE them to get the purple schematics. You can see the problem... As for knocking out those blues and purps to my knowledge I can ONLY get the rare components I need for them by sending my companions out on a diplomatic mission, which seem to have a frustratingly high fail rate.


It's only all sunshine and lollipops for a biochem when you get to the end of the rainbow.

Edited by Simoon
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I don’t think slicing should have been nerf either. I think it is very likely people could have made more credit selling top end items and done it faster than slicer could have even before it was nerf. I feel nerf any crew skill is a bad idea.
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However the money to be made is in selling blues on the GTM, but if i'm selling them I can't RE them to get the purple schematics. You can see the problem... As for knocking out those blues and purps to my knowledge I can ONLY get the rare components I need for them by sending my companions out on a diplomatic mission, which seem to have a frustratingly high fail rate.


It's only all sunshine and lollipops for a biochem when you get to the end of the rainbow.

The high fail rate for missions (which is shared by other mission skills) disappears once you send out your companion on yellow/green missions.

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The Rakata medpack is in fact better than the blue version (though it requires a raid drop). I haven't checked on the stims/adrenals. I'm worried at this point that I'll have every one of my toons as a biochem if nothing changes.


Crafting shouldn't give anyone an edge in combat but the reusable stims certainly do. People die a lot in PvP. There are two good solutions for me, either would be satisfactory.


The first solution is to keep stim buffed through PvP/WZ death. This way people without the reusable can use stims in PvP without needing several stacks of them before setting out.


The second is to take out the biochem requirement on the RE reusables. This means biochemists can sell their 'incredibly-expensive-to-obtain' wares and recover some of their investment while still being able to get the Rakata versions later on.

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The permanent use epic items gained at 400 give these two classes too much of an advantage over players who do not have the items in both PvE and PvP.


They need to be consumed on use or lowered in effectiveness in order to bring it along with other crew skills. Fair is fair after all.


i dont care about your 'pvp', i dont care about your 'pve'.


if you dont care about my crafting, then just shut up. my gameplay is not underdog to yours.

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The Rakata medpack is in fact better than the blue version (though it requires a raid drop). I haven't checked on the stims/adrenals. I'm worried at this point that I'll have every one of my toons as a biochem if nothing changes.


Crafting shouldn't give anyone an edge in combat but the reusable stims certainly do. People die a lot in PvP. There are two good solutions for me, either would be satisfactory.


The first solution is to keep stim buffed through PvP/WZ death. This way people without the reusable can use stims in PvP without needing several stacks of them before setting out.


The second is to take out the biochem requirement on the RE reusables. This means biochemists can sell their 'incredibly-expensive-to-obtain' wares and recover some of their investment while still being able to get the Rakata versions later on.


The blue stims that give stat buffs crafted by biochems do last through death. The only difference is they're consumed and don't stay in your bags. If you're having to run with a stack of stims running through PvP/WZ you're probably using vendored stims - in which case I have no pity for you. Or you're using the green and not the blue quality stims.


There's little to no difference between the blue and epic quality of the stims/adrenals till end game. I know my epic healing stims lose the hot for the epic version and don't have an increased amount of HP healed on the initial burst for it. The rest of my epic versions are exactly like the blue versions with no stat gain or loss.


Wish people would stop screaming for nerfs on the professions that work and are useful end game - should be calling for buffs for the broken ones.

Edited by Manathayria
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I want all other crew skills' epic crafts nerfed to blues out of spite.


I guessing OP was one of the people who rolled Slicing because he heard it was OP, with no foresight. It was obvious before launch that Biochem would be the only useful crewskill, but all it does is save you money in the long run, you can get the exact same flask type buffs from the Auction house.

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The permanent use epic items gained at 400 give these two classes too much of an advantage over players who do not have the items in both PvE and PvP.


They need to be consumed on use or lowered in effectiveness in order to bring it along with other crew skills. Fair is fair after all.


did i tell you how i did not care about your 'pvp' and 'pve' ?


do you care about these crafters' crafting ? if you dont, then just shut up. if you do ...........well, if you did, you wouldnt be opening a thread like this.


reciprocity. if you dont have respect for others' gameplay, you cant have respect for yours.

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The permanent use epic items gained at 400 give these two classes too much of an advantage over players who do not have the items in both PvE and PvP.


They need to be consumed on use or lowered in effectiveness in order to bring it along with other crew skills. Fair is fair after all.


NO, actually those two professions are where they should, all the other craftin skills needs to be given perks to even them out.

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Other than being reuseable pretty much everything a Bio can make is available to any other non Bio player. If players are too lazy to use them or too cheap to buy them then that is down to the player not the profession.

You can't move round the place without bumping into a Stims vendor.


Bio gives no advantage that isn't readily available to non Bio players, for a price.

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The permanent use epic items gained at 400 give these two classes too much of an advantage over players who do not have the items


ITT: Another slicer still angry that he cannot exploit the crafting system.


There's a trend to these threads now. Some wretch looks at the biochem recipes and sees the level 400 rakata medpac and goes OMG SO OP NERF IT


Realize a couple of things, whiners:


1. Biochem classes actually have to level up, buy their recipes, collect or buy their mats, and in general work for a living.


2. The level 400 purples require RAID DROPS in order to make. You don't see a lot of people with this kind of gear; I've been 400 biochem for a while now and I just don't get the rare mats to make this stuff. You don't have level 15 millionaires like you did with slicing. (That you nerf. Regular crafting progression you do not.)


3. For the amount of time, money, and effort it takes to craft a lesser re-usable medpac (non-raid), you could just as easily grab a stack of 50 off the GTN. Heck, they are given out as quest rewards like candy. Better yet, contact your local biochemmer and ask him to cut you a deal for bulk medpacs, he will be delighted not to have them sit on the market.

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