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Romancing--female->female ?


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wait... did you just call Bioware... the same company that practically pioneer same sex romances in games... homophobic?




to OP, yes its officially, though at this time, the word of god is that it will be done with new companions. the ones already in game will stay as they are.

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wait... did you just call Bioware... the same company that practically pioneer same sex romances in games... homophobic?




to OP, yes its officially, though at this time, the word of god is that it will be done with new companions. the ones already in game will stay as they are.


First point; to be fair, isn't The Old Republic being developed by a seperate team from previous games? Austin or some such? Not quite sure, so I could very well be wrong.


But nonetheless, I sincerely doubt it is straight homophobia as much as minimizing losses. Homosexuality, whether you like it or not, is quite a hot issue in society today. Wherever it is brought up, you tend to get extremists and arguments. I think it is perfectly reasonable to assume Bioware wanted to dodge some outcry against it for the launch of their new game, while also pleasing their LGBT following at a later date. They have earned that much respect from me, at least.


Second point; so far as I know, that is false. The only quote we have states, in two seperate phrases of the answer, that


A) There will be gay romance added in some form.

B) There will be new companions, who might play into this.


The quote is not binding in anyway, so for now, it is up in the air until clarified whether current companions will be changed or left alone. If you think about it, developing whole new companions will be hard. Would each class get a gay male and female? Would each class get a unique version of them, or would they be "shared" like the ship droid? Why would the same companion join a Bounty Hunter as well as a Sith Warrior?


We really have nothing to work on beyond a single, intentionally-vague quote from Stephen "Rockjaw" Reid. We just have to be patient and positive.

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it might be a different division, but its still bioware.


as for the quote, I never said it can never change, bioware have been known to change their minds before, but currently it stands to reason that by saying "new companions will be added who will feature expanded options" they pretty much said that they plan on adding new characters for s/s romances.


the biggest issue with expanding existing companions is figuring out how not to penalize people who may have already gotten to high level if not level cap and had multiple conversations with their companions without the option to flirt. they would need to figure out how to equalize that process so that both old and new players could enjoy the benefits, without forcing people who played for a while, to reroll, just so that they could have a relationship they would prefer.


and this would be quite a few companions to handle. its not impossible. the question is - is it cost effective? only bioware knows.

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80% of the guys playing this game just want to see two pretty females kissing (to put it simply), and that's the main reason I rather not see homosexual relations possible. They shout about Bioware being 'homophobic', but their cravings in fact have nothing to do with tolerance towards homosexuals. And that bugs me.


If you wanted to romance with a female, you should have chosen a male character in the first place.


And btw, I'm a girl.

Edited by aeterne
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They're going to add it in a few months from now.


Would've been nice if it had been in at launch.


Wait what? /sigh Way to go getting the basics in BW. So does that mean I'll need to start my character over after they finally get around to it or will they simply ruin the whole pacing of the story and spam you with conversations if you've already leveled? Guess I'll go find something else to do for a few months till BW finishes getting all the basic content in.

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80% of the guys playing this game just want to see two pretty females kissing (to put it simply), and that's the main reason I rather not see homosexual relations possible. They shout about Bioware being 'homophobic', but their cravings in fact have nothing to do with tolerance towards homosexuals. And that bugs me.


If you wanted to romance with a female, you should have chosen a male character in the first place.


And btw, I'm a girl.


You clearly know nothing about the LGBT fanbase for BioWare, don't you? silly girl.

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it might be a different division, but its still bioware.


as for the quote, I never said it can never change, bioware have been known to change their minds before, but currently it stands to reason that by saying "new companions will be added who will feature expanded options" they pretty much said that they plan on adding new characters for s/s romances.


the biggest issue with expanding existing companions is figuring out how not to penalize people who may have already gotten to high level if not level cap and had multiple conversations with their companions without the option to flirt. they would need to figure out how to equalize that process so that both old and new players could enjoy the benefits, without forcing people who played for a while, to reroll, just so that they could have a relationship they would prefer.


and this would be quite a few companions to handle. its not impossible. the question is - is it cost effective? only bioware knows.


I honestly hope they do a mix of both, would make everyone happy, I'm not overly joyous about the current companions, Jaesa is the only one that gets even close to a 'deep' character for me, unless you think Dashade are viable romance options, lol.


And oh dear god do i wish this had been made in Edmonton, but hey, we can't be that lucky every time can we?

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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And you clearly don't know what 80% means?

You are suggesting that the people arguing for it's inclusion (I don't see why as this argument ended on September 15th) are '80% of guys wanting to see girls kissing' which is beyond ludicrous.


Given that the LGBT fanbase is an active mature group of people, and not a random percentage picked from thin air we can hence conclude that SGRAs are a gold mine of $ signs waiting to be mined.


Edmonton knew this, and even proved that the pro SGRA crowd vastly outnumbers the Against crowd, because unless you've been living in a cave, you'd realise that the MMO scene is filled with LGBT gamers, simple.


And so far, Austin seems to have realised all of this to.


The final most important piece is getting rid of people whom put their own enjoyment (which won't be effected in anyway whatsoever by this), in front of others' enjoyment.


I for example, don't like PvP Warzones at all, i like the story of this game, and the story only, but that doesn't mean I'll say because i don't like it, it shouldn't be included, because i know one group of people enjoy this, so by all means include it.


But i guess we can't all be so community friendly and open-minded.

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80% of the guys playing this game just want to see two pretty females kissing (to put it simply), and that's the main reason I rather not see homosexual relations possible. They shout about Bioware being 'homophobic', but their cravings in fact have nothing to do with tolerance towards homosexuals. And that bugs me.


If you wanted to romance with a female, you should have chosen a male character in the first place.


And btw, I'm a girl.



some what agreeable.. most of the younger audiance though is not 80% I would say about 20% tops and that might be pushing it.


I am male.. I just want to have 1 or 2 female characters



Whichever one romances faster, Female or male, thats the one I will be going for first.

Edited by Bhudduh
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80% of the guys playing this game just want to see two pretty females kissing (to put it simply), and that's the main reason I rather not see homosexual relations possible. They shout about Bioware being 'homophobic', but their cravings in fact have nothing to do with tolerance towards homosexuals. And that bugs me.


If you wanted to romance with a female, you should have chosen a male character in the first place.


And btw, I'm a girl.


The logic behind this... It is ludicrous.


By your train of thinking, all the glitches in the game should NOT be fixed, mainly because 80% of the people complaining call out Bioware as a company of lazy-slobs (when they are in fact just busy fixing said issues.)


The extremists, no matter the topic, will sling insults. That doesn't justify denying a whole aspect of the game to the much-larger silent group who are politely waiting, or just asking for information on it.


As for the second point? No. No, no, no. I am a woman. I do not play male characters. I have no desire to ever play a male character. To imply that it is my fault and my fault alone for choosing my preferred character when you just finished blaming others for "not wanting to include the option" is pure nonsense. If Bioware hadn't included the option or made mention of it being added after? Sure, my bad. I was uninformed. But to imply that I do not have a right to a promised feature due to the loud minority (and really, the "all men want to play lesbians" is just as false as "no women play games.") is childish and rude.


Let me be clear; I do not believe Bioware is homophobic in any way, shape, or form. I do not DEMAND that s/s romance be added before other features. I merely wish to see it happen eventually, and your supposed "teenage boys" slinging mud at Bioware is NOT just cause to deny the LGBT fan-base of a part in the game that they pay for, and were promised in the future.


And as a side-note, who cares if a few guys want to play a female/female romance? Or girls want to play a male/male romance? So long as the target-demographic is pleased, I don't rightly care who else enjoys the feature as well. Do you really wish to spite that group of players so much as to actively deprive others of a feature designed for them?

Edited by Raiellyn
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And as a side-note, who cares if a few guys want to play a female/female romance? Or girls want to play a male/male romance?


There is a genre called yaoi, homoromantic (males only) fiction targeted for girls/women. The variety of people's preferences are practically limitless.


What you do with your character and its companions, or with some questgivers, behind closed doors should be no one else's business than yours.

Edited by Couac
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no offence ,I meant it just for saying that this was in Dragonage,but here so far i read it is not.so i wondered.sorry if there was any offence


Well imo Bioware has gone insane making everyone they create Bi-sexual (I'm bi and male so whatever) and I originally thought this on the annoucment male Shepard can now be gay.

While I know they said the characters in the game will have same sex romances at some point I want them to take time and figure out which ons fits the persoanlity.

Sith Warrior example, Jaesa I see being "experimental" but not bi. Vette since Twi'leks are like the Asari sexual wise

I can see her being bi until her sister refused to give females a dance.


For males Quinn is about the only one I can being somewhat Bi maybe.

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You clearly know nothing about the LGBT fanbase for BioWare, don't you? silly girl.


I'm another silly girl, in that it sure seems that every single person I have seen clamoring in-game for F/F relationships (and it's always F/F, it's never M/M) are hetero males.


Now, I know the LGBT community tends to support BioWare, due to their growing inclusiveness of non-hetero relationships (huzzah!! I say, even though I am not interested in them myself), so I'm not trying to put you down. Goodness knows, you get put down too much as it is.


Just that the loudest/whiniest voices tend to be hetero males wanting to see hot action between females. The LGBT community seems to lack the ...offensive whining. Y'all have more class than that, perhaps, or just stage your battles on actual productive fronts instead of in-game with other customers.




And I'll never understand what the above-mentioned hetero males get out of lesbian relationships (since it's not like said lesbians would ever be interested in a guy), or how they can be so hypocritical with M/M relationships. They want the F/F, but so often they're revolted by the M/M.



Please note: If you're a hetero male, I'm not saying you automatically belong to the above-mentioned whiny, hypocritical group. They just tend to be the loudest.

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There is no conspiracy.


It's actually possible that SR meant what he said, and it's the truth: SS romances will come later.


There are a whole laundry list of things people want, and things people want fixed, and things people want nerfed.


Stop with the BW being homophobic, or that it's a different team from the Edmonton crew. Many of the Edmonton crew are working on TOR in Austin.


And for those who don't know Texas very well (a traditionally conservative state), Austin is VERY different in that it is a quite (for the most part) liberal/progressive city.


Just please, please stop with the BW conspiracy theories.

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I for example, don't like PvP Warzones at all, i like the story of this game, and the story only, but that doesn't mean I'll say because i don't like it, it shouldn't be included, because i know one group of people enjoy this, so by all means include it.


But i guess we can't all be so community friendly and open-minded.


There is also a group of people somewhere who enjoy ****** and killing kids. By all means, lets include it!!! We won't lose potential clients!!!!


Didn't mean to offend, but hell, I couldn't resist from posting it.

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