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It's the animations ... Wow just wow /boggle


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There are many threads about this ... With average imperial players saying everything is fine and average republic players saying something is wrong I can't be this bad at PvP


I am going to preface this with I am not an average player and belong to a 150 person republic guild who have been together a LONG time in PVP game


Heh maybe longer than some who are playing have been alive


When we load up our pre-made team speaks we win about 80% of the time if one or two more get in the cue with four its all but won before it starts


With that said however that is just from playing together a long time and team speak


We still see the imbalance in animations and it's just wrong that secs could be so dumb thinking these animation time differences wouldn't effect game lol guess devs were serious when so many of them said they were going empire .... We see why


IA/smuggler dirty kick ... Animation problem advantage empire

BH/trooper death from above etc ... Animations again ... Advantage empire

SI/JC Lightening vs stones animation delay again advantage empire


I mean what the heck bioware ....


How can you screw up delays so bad ???? And ALL for one side????


Pve none of this matters and mirroring working


PvP the animation delays are making it a very lopsided engagement particularly in random groups no pre mades and equally matched team speak pre mades




If you do not understand difference in mirroring and time delays on animations and stopping to cast vs not stopping please do not post and make yourself sound incredibly dumb


My legitimate factual two cents ;)

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It's sad to say I am very disappointed in a LOT of the armature mistakes that BW is making.


You also left a couple off.


IA - Flash Bomb - 60 sec Cooldown


Smug - Flash Bomb - 90 Sec Cooldown



IA - Sabo Charge - Instant Animation


Smug - Sabo Charge - Travel Time To Target (like Project)

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We are republic and win most of our team speak pre made matches


But the lopsided balance in animations is ridiculous

I feel sorry for republic players without premade


You can't overcome the animations most times in pickup group


I guarantee that the statistics are showing bioware this now

I'd bet my entire net worth on it

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It's sad to say I am very disappointed in a LOT of the armature mistakes that BW is making.


You also left a couple off.


IA - Flash Bomb - 60 sec Cooldown


Smug - Flash Bomb - 90 Sec Cooldown



IA - Sabo Charge - Instant Animation


Smug - Sabo Charge - Travel Time To Target (like Project)


IA flash bomb is 90 seconds

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Forgot to say i did experiment


I have two level ten chars on wife's account one a BH one a trooper

I queued up 50 times solo with each


My skills are a constant


My empire char won 85% of the time

My republic lost about 80% of the time


These were all random pugs I left all matches that had premades

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Forgot to say i did experiment


I have two level ten chars on wife's account one a BH one a trooper

I queued up 50 times solo with each


My skills are a constant


My empire char won 85% of the time

My republic lost about 80% of the time


These were all random pugs I left all matches that had premades



A lot of this has to do with the quality of the players you're pugging with. I really don't like making blanket statements like this but I think in addition to what the OP is pointing out, the average empire player is still significantly better than the average republic player.



For some reason it seems like the pvp crowd gravitates towards the bad guys, we experienced the same thing in wow, on most BGs the horde won the vast majority of the time, and we all know that if anything the alliance had the better racials (considering they were 90% humans with double trinkets)

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A lot of this has to do with the quality of the players you're pugging with. I really don't like making blanket statements like this but I think in addition to what the OP is pointing out, the average empire player is still significantly better than the average republic player.



For some reason it seems like the pvp crowd gravitates towards the bad guys, we experienced the same thing in wow, on most BGs the horde won the vast majority of the time, and we all know that if anything the alliance had the better racials (considering they were 90% humans with double trinkets)





I'm sorry but that's a crap excuse I've heard for 10 days now


It does not cut it The only peeps saying that are empire players


It's the animations it's the animations it's the animations


Did I say it's the animations ???

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A lot of this has to do with the quality of the players you're pugging with. I really don't like making blanket statements like this but I think in addition to what the OP is pointing out, the average empire player is still significantly better than the average republic player.



For some reason it seems like the pvp crowd gravitates towards the bad guys, we experienced the same thing in wow, on most BGs the horde won the vast majority of the time, and we all know that if anything the alliance had the better racials (considering they were 90% humans with double trinkets)



I'm sorry but that's a crap excuse I've heard for 10 days now


It does not cut it The only peeps saying that are empire players


It's the animations it's the animations it's the animations


Did I say it's the animations ???


actually it's a combination of both guys. Your both right. We are dealing with a two fold problem.


1) Animations are killing republic people using certain abilities they SHOULD be using in PvP.


2) Population imbalance on top of this problem will make PvP suck for both sides. Republic players = facerolled usually. Empire Players = huttball, huttball... with a side of huttball.

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A lot of this has to do with the quality of the players you're pugging with. I really don't like making blanket statements like this but I think in addition to what the OP is pointing out, the average empire player is still significantly better than the average republic player.



For some reason it seems like the pvp crowd gravitates towards the bad guys, we experienced the same thing in wow, on most BGs the horde won the vast majority of the time, and we all know that if anything the alliance had the better racials (considering they were 90% humans with double trinkets)


It has absolutely nothing to do with Empire being good. As a matter of fact, many of them seem downright bad. The only reason Empire has higher win rates is because there are no brackets. Since you guys have 2-3x the players we have, it also means you have 2-3x the level 50s and 2-3x the high levels. For instance, if Republic team has 2 level 50 players, Empire generally have 4-6 in the same match. This is all due to not having brackets and flawed match making design.


By the way, since so many Empire have hit 50, Republic win rates have dropped significantly. They weren't great before either because you guys still had more high levels which is also an advantage, but they were better than now.


Also, animations do need to be fixed. There is no excuse for there being such a huge imbalance between animations and delays.. and all favoring one side at that.

Edited by Ashanor
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I'm sorry but that's a crap excuse I've heard for 10 days now


It does not cut it The only peeps saying that are empire players


It's the animations it's the animations it's the animations


Did I say it's the animations ???


If you are dying because of an extra second of a long animation then you were going to die anyway. Face the facts that 1-2 seconds really only matters in certain situations. Could it determine a match yes. But every fight. No way. This is just qq due to bad teammates/teamwork.

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If you are dying because of an extra second of a long animation then you were going to die anyway. Face the facts that 1-2 seconds really only matters in certain situations. Could it determine a match yes. But every fight. No way. This is just qq due to bad teammates/teamwork.


It's really not. It's an obvious imbalance under any circumstances, especially when they all lean to one side. It isn't what is causing us to lose, but it still needs fixing asap.

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I would like to see some animation advantages given to Republic. I can't think of any at the moment. Anyone know of any?


I wish mortar volley was half as fast to start firing as death from above.


There are zero animation advantages for republic it's all tilted heavily to empire

And animation fixes will BALANCE the PvP


Fixing animation delays and a couple of timer things like sniper vs gunslingers 60 sec and 90 sec ... ( mirrored really ??? ) will then be up to player skill as it should be


At the moment it's not skill based because to much to overcome as republic side


Still boggles me no one in a dev meeting said ... Hey guess don't you think these animation delays might unbalance PvP .... I'm still baffled this got trough a couple years of testing .... Almost seems decision makers wanted to play with hoping nO one would notice??



Just still blOws me away they will not even say they realize there is animation problem and will address it down the road ( it will require a lot of dev time so don't expect it to be quick )


But I DO EXPECT it as a player


Or PvP will never work

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It has absolutely nothing to do with Empire being good. As a matter of fact, many of them seem downright bad. The only reason Empire has higher win rates is because there are no brackets. Since you guys have 2-3x the players we have, it also means you have 2-3x the level 50s and 2-3x the high levels. For instance, if Republic team has 2 level 50 players, Empire generally have 4-6 in the same match. This is all due to not having brackets and flawed match making design.

Wouldn't that just mean we have twice as many lowbies aswell? Meaning the average match would still just have 2 50s on both sides.



And I seriously doubt that a half second on a few animations is causing the republic to lose the vast majority of the time... That's just silly.


By the way, since so many Empire have hit 50, Republic win rates have dropped significantly. They weren't great before either because you guys still had more high levels which is also an advantage, but they were better than now.

I don't see much of a difference.


Also, animations do need to be fixed. There is no excuse for there being such a huge imbalance between animations and delays.. and all favoring one side at that.


Didn't say they didn't. But to be fair you're only pointing out the ones that favor the empire, I haven't researched this extensively, but the inq knockback, overload, has a significantly longer animation than the sage version.

Edited by Aidank
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If you are dying because of an extra second of a long animation then you were going to die anyway. Face the facts that 1-2 seconds really only matters in certain situations. Could it determine a match yes. But every fight. No way. This is just qq due to bad teammates/teamwork.




You might be the biggest goofball and very reflective of the empire side who doesn't want it fixed


Your down right lost your mind if you do not think those matter big time huge in PvP


Omg you have no clue


Pve doesn't matter PvP it's everything


And if you had bothered to read both his / her poss you would see he has pre made republic team and wins most matches with team speak etc and just overcomes the poor balance in delays


But to say agai. You should have read last part of first post you just made yourself look really dumb

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PVPers tend to roll whatever side give them advantages. That's part of why Republic is losing so much. PVPers saw advantage in Empire=roll Empire.


Even a slight advantage like this makes people roll it up. Seriously, I played a bounty hunter a bit just to see how death from above really worked. It's almost a full 1.5 seconds faster. When you're trying to land an aoe on a cluster of people that is a HUGE delay that gives them more time to move out of it. So I just pray for stupidity when I fire mortar volley.

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If you are dying because of an extra second of a long animation then you were going to die anyway. Face the facts that 1-2 seconds really only matters in certain situations. Could it determine a match yes. But every fight. No way. This is just qq due to bad teammates/teamwork.


Are you serious? Its pvp. Seconds are a big deal. A heal should go off when the cast time is done, not when my character lowers her hands and finishes the animation. 2.5 second casted heals end up being closer to 4 seconds. It is stupid and needs to be fixed. Stop trying to defend broken mechanics.


I don't really think it is a republic vs empire thing. I have seen issues on both sides.

Edited by Cyndelx
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PVPers tend to roll whatever side give them advantages. That's part of why Republic is losing so much. PVPers saw advantage in Empire=roll Empire.


Even a slight advantage like this makes people roll it up. Seriously, I played a bounty hunter a bit just to see how death from above really worked. It's almost a full 1.5 seconds faster. When you're trying to land an aoe on a cluster of people that is a HUGE delay that gives them more time to move out of it. So I just pray for stupidity when I fire mortar volley.


The game came out like a week ago, I just noticed the animation differences the today.



I really doubt there are very many people that noticed the difference that early and rerolled asap.

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The game came out like a week ago, I just noticed the animation differences the today.



I really doubt there are very many people that noticed the difference that early and rerolled asap.




you do realize that like 500,000 people beta tested maybe more and many of those for a long period of time


and word spreads quick in pvp community dont be so naive

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you do realize that like 500,000 people beta tested maybe more and many of those for a long period of time


and word spreads quick in pvp community dont be so naive


Seeing as this is the first i've heard of it in the forums, I don't think many people knew about it, including beta testers (I've got friends that beta tested as well that had no idea)



If you knew about the animation lag, why didn't you go empire?

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The bottom line is this :


I do NOT CARE if they have the republic sides animations hoping like an easter bunny with flowers coming out of their ears ... but make the animations last the same time as empire side ... simple as that



zero reason period ever for so called mirror classes ( and they are pretty much exactly mirrored ) to have such a lopside animation tilt to one side that cuases such an imbalance


example ... one so called mirror class having to completely come to a stop and not move to gt off an ability then resume moving while empire side animation is on the move and never has to stop running ... way out of balance


and so many 1-3 sec diffences in button push to action to count all tilted to empire side




so again i do not care what the animation is if the dev wants to make our animation doing the moonwalk i do not care ... just ake both so called mirrors do the same THING period end of story

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I would like to see some animation advantages given to Republic. I can't think of any at the moment. Anyone know of any?


I wish mortar volley was half as fast to start firing as death from above.


there are zero animation ( ZERO ) advantages for republic

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