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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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Wow, I stumbled in here expecting to get a good giggle before bed. I found a thread that is mostly full of angry nerds. This is sad. You will get to play with your lightsaber later than others, don't worry little padawans and sithlettes.


Also, am I a nerd for having bought this game and expecting to have a lot of fun waving my pyro-po-- I mean my force choke around?

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I waited until November... I saw gameplay videos (from the beta) and thought the game looked ******.. But the people I knew who took part in the beta swore up and down that it's awesome - That being the case, I never really expected to get 5 days, but it IS misleading when they say "pre-order NOW and get up to 5 days of early access" when in fact if you pre-order now, it is highly unlikely (if not impossible) that you will get five.


In any case it doesn't really matter to me when I get in the game... It's not like it's going anywhere. But yeah, it's totally misleading.


To anyone who actually cancels their order over this: all I can say is that you're majorly overreacting.


To the apologists: You guys need to stop. You're not helping, you're just adding to the problem. As paying customers they have every right to complain about whatever they want.


When it comes down to it neither side is right or wrong about this situation. It depends on where you're standing, I guess.


As for me, I'm going to play some MechWarrior 4. Because that game is the ****.

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I can see people canceling their pre order. I was a late order so im wasn't expecting to get in within the first 3 days. Now if it is looking like i will get one day early access I will cancel my pre order. **** the only reason I pre ordered was because im going outta town the 23rd and i wanted to get at least 5 days to play before i go out of town and cannot play for ten days. Now im not gonna give them an extra five dollars for one day early access. that's absurd. Because it clearly states on the receipt they sent me in my email that i am paying 5 dollars for pre order and THEN BEING CHARGED FULL PRICE FOR THE GAME. I wouldn't cancel it if the 5 dollars went to the cost of the game.
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IS misleading when they say "pre-order NOW and get up to 5 days of early access" when in fact if you pre-order now, it is highly unlikely (if not impossible) that you will get five.

How was that misleading? Come on, out with it!

They've already said


Sooooooooo, even if you DID order in late November, you're STILL going to get 5 days of access, most likely. If not, they were VERY clear that preorders get UP TO 5 days of access. There's nothing 'misleading' there at all. THEY, themselves didn't know how much access was going to be given to everyone, so it's not like they can tell you that.


You want misleading? Those of us smart enough to pre-order in July had intentionally misleading and vague. You don't see us in here whining about that, do you?

Edited by TomWhiting
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So wait...the 5 Euro pre-purchase surcharge is what? A price for a lottery ticket with possibility to win anywhere from 7 days to ... 0 early access?


That is going to come out of the end product price. If it doesn't, well, you ordered from the wrong place.


Don't blame EA/BW for the charging policies of [insertcompanyhere]. You didn't pay EA/BW ANYTHING for pre-orders. You may have been ripped off by [insertcompanynamehere] but that's not EA/BW's fault.

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That is going to come out of the end product price. If it doesn't, well, you ordered from the wrong place.


Don't blame EA/BW for the charging policies of [insertcompanyhere]. You didn't pay EA/BW ANYTHING for pre-orders. You may have been ripped off by [insertcompanynamehere] but that's not EA/BW's fault.


Errr.... Origin? != EA ? As far as I am concerned everything payed there landed directly in EA/BW pocket....

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I pre-ordered from Origin specifically for my early access (the FAQs may have said up to, but I don't believe Origin did), Origin IS EA's digital distribution.. They charged me the 75 dollars for the edition I bought AND a 5 dollar pre-order fee, all prices came through on my CC at once for me and the buddy I ordered for. Like most of the "angry nerds" here I'm pissed.
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That being the case, I never really expected to get 5 days, but it IS misleading when they say "pre-order NOW and get up to 5 days of early access" when in fact if you pre-order now, it is highly unlikely (if not impossible) that you will get five.


UP TO!!! being the key words here. What is misleading about that? Read it to yourself out loud and see if it makes any sense. UP to 5 days, not 5 days guaranteed but a possibility of having five extra days.

Oh the tears, how they flow

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UP TO!!! being the key words here. What is misleading about that? Read it to yourself out loud and see if it makes any sense. UP to 5 days, not 5 days guaranteed but a possibility of having five extra days.

Oh the tears, how they flow


Actually it isn't misleading so much as it's a direct lie by the company when they still have it posted on the website, since they knew then (and now) that the people coming in on the tail end wouldn't have a shot at getting 5 days because they were unwilling to deviate from their "plan" to fit everyone in on schedule.


"UP TO 5 days" implys the potentiality of actually getting those 5 days, so in this case bioware /EA is just continuing to directly lie to any new preorders.

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I pre-ordered from Origin specifically for my early access (the FAQs may have said up to, but I don't believe Origin did), Origin IS EA's digital distribution.. They charged me the 75 dollars for the edition I bought AND a 5 dollar pre-order fee, all prices came through on my CC at once for me and the buddy I ordered for. Like most of the "angry nerds" here I'm pissed.


I just rechecked my CC and the actual charge IS just the pre-order fee.. It's a little strange because it dropped my balance the full amount of both originally (for both copies I ordered I might add), maybe it was a hold to ensure there was enough on the card? So I'm glad I didn't get charged the pre-order fee and the full deluxe edition cost at once after all. But still not happy at all with the way Origin presented the pre-order originally. The publisher should be on the same page as the developer. NOW Origin says "May be up to 7 days", and they always had "AVAILABILITY OF EARLY GAME ACCESS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME BY EA IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION.". But seriously FY EA, the wording was different when I bought the game. I coulda just waited.... Not to mention 160 on my credit card was held for 4 days even though it wasn't charged.

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even if you are not allowed on until the 17th-18th. dont you get the color stone? i pre-ordered the game because i wanted a color stone. (with hopes that others would get to buy one later in their swtor experience) so even if i get only 1 day of early access i still will get a color stone! freaking hope my blaster fire can be purple.:)




p.s. pizza the hutt!

Edited by Orkies
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I imagine nearly everyone who hasnt already been invited will get it tomorrow, i preordered on the 6th Dec and got mine today.


Plenty of servers at "normal" load still, they should just open it up for everyone else. Hold in there guys :(

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I Pre-Ordered this month i really want to play but i get it they cant just allow us in all at once.It would be like black friday at a best buy everyone trying to get in at once and people in the way and complete chaos.They are trying to get us in as smooth as possible.Now i wish i would have pre-ordered this when it first was out but i did not cause i was not sure if i was going to play but as months went on i decided to play it.So now i have to wait if i have to wait till the 20th then ill play more skyrim that helps eat up alot of time trust me.Just relaxe they will get us in.
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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


You forgot "slap in the face" in your sentence. Other than that, Logic is not allowed in this forums!!! +10 internet points for you sir... Yes, positive points, remember nothing logical is allowed...

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If you pre-ordered the last half of the 8th or through to the 10th there's a good chance you're getting into this morning's first wave. My wife is on pins and needles. I have been in since the 14th. Despite what you may think, we're all very happy every time new folks get in, and alot of us are managing fellow guild members who have yet to make it, and are doing our best to ensure that those folk are not left behind.


Try not to be silly and sarcastic, there's a strong chance the rest of you are getting in today if you pre-ordered, even if it was up to the 13th of Dec.


May the Force be with you.

Edited by VerdicAysen
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