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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch.


Well should this be the case I will contact Amazon and cancel my order. **** this. I'll buy the freaking game when I can play what I have paid for. :(

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Up to 5 days does not imply that you will have at least 1 day of EA. It implies that you could maybe get 5 days, or you might get nothing. Basicly Biowares version of "while supplies last" If Bioware planned on giving everyone at least 1 day why didnt they advertise 1 day EA?


Yes they wanted to sell preorders, and telling people they get a whole 1 day of EA if they do so would have cut into the sales a bit, but at least it would have been a bit more truthful.

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It would all be easier if we just know HOW MANY people were invited in the waves sent yesterday, simple as that considering they will invite at least as many today and tomorrow. If they sent out under 100k, well tough luck for us late comers. If it was like 100k-200k then perhaps we got a shot to be in by friday-saturday.
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well i did the guild allignment butt im not going to the pvp server anymore. to far behind and im not in the mood to gett ***** on my server by the imps which on our server its 75% imp guilds and 25% republic. so now also no early ascces . so il be going to antoher server for pve. no point now going to pvp server
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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first.

Also, they told everybody that they were opening 3 more counters, so that everyone would be able to get their burgers within atleast 10 minutes. Then they decided to say, nah, screw it.


'*** McDonalds, y u no fair?!'

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


Except that analogy doesn't work does it. If McDonalds had 400 checkouts there would be no queues, Bioware in theory have hundreds of thousands of checkouts, they could 'serve' everyone at the same time without the need for long queues.

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Except that analogy doesn't work does it. If McDonalds had 400 checkouts there would be no queues, Bioware in theory have hundreds of thousands of checkouts, they could 'serve' everyone at the same time without the need for long queues.


You also dont have to wait 6 months til you can eat your hamburger there einstein.


Good thing we got you minding the fence ;D

Edited by luzzo
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Firt you right about the 5 days i misread that


second my english isnt bad im doing this on my crappy work phone


third the rest is not nonsense go to homepage you se they say on pre order buy now so you can get your early acces how are they supose to give ppl who buy now early acces when ppl from october arent evrn in its al lies


I did mine form a mobile phone on a crowded Tokyo subway during the return rush hour and still managed to sound less garbled. D00d speak is bad and lazy. I suffer no excuses there. Getting early access was guaranteed but the length of early access was never guaranteed.


I think I deserve courtesy from the company I'm buying a product from. Being strung along with no idea of when I'll get to use the product is frustrating and each wave that hits yields more disappointments. They have no publishing of what dates were included in what waves, so there is no way to gauge it. We're left in the dark. That's the point. I don't care if I only get 12 hours. Just tell me that so I don't have to be disappointed whenever I go to check when waves are announced and I get nothing. Some estimate, even if they said "Probably on the 15th" is at least something. I'd not even need to check on the 14th then.


They never strung you along.


1) they said it will come in waves and never promised when that would be for any of their customers. They would have no clear idea of what that would be until they tallied all those pre-orders and made a guess. Hence, that last minute addition of 2 days, that also would include the fear of no grace period for people who ordered via amazon or some other company.


2) How can they be sure when they are probably having to constantly change the size of waves in order to accommodate varying degrees of players attempting to log in at one time or not at all.


3) I doubt it is causing you that much anguish to check your mail every couple of hours. If you ordered it in July expect the 15 or 16th, August the 16th or 17th, September October and November the 17th 18th or 19th, and December the 19th. That is the best guess I could give you basing it around how heavily people would pre order. Took me a few seconds to type and guess it at the same time.


4) I am sure all of their resources are being spent on making sure everything is running smoothly in game and not holding the hands of every Tom Dick and Jane (is that even correct?) who thinks they deserve some special treatment. I live on the opposite side of the planet and will most certainly lose time due to working hours being totally different. Should they stay up till 3am trying to work me in so I can squeeze a few precious extra hours out of the game. No. I am not special. I count myself lucky that they are even providing me the chance to play, since originally, sounded like, they were going to lock out red-zoners. They aren't going out of their way to accommodate us either though. Instead they are putting almost all their resources, I hope, into making sure the thing works as intended.


5) You will get some early access. Enjoy it.

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4) I am sure all of their resources are being spent on making sure everything is running smoothly in game and not holding the hands of every Tom Dick and Jane (is that even correct?)



Sorry, the turn of phrase is "Tom, Dick, and Harry"...


Thanks for playing and better luck next week!

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first.

Also, they told everybody that they were opening 3 more counters, so that everyone would be able to get their burgers within atleast 10 minutes. Then they decided to say, nah, screw it.


'*** McDonalds, y u no fair?!'


Mcdonalds also dont say on their site pre order your burgers now and pay a extra 5bugs and you get your burgers up to 5dsys before every1else

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Wow people just get a life. We've been waiting years for this game. Though this kind of thing happens all the time when a new mmo comes out. Remember when STO came out.


Everyone just chill early access will come if not YOU GET TO PLAY IT ANYWAY

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they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access

Since you apparently don't speak English I'll explain it to you. They never said "at least 5". They said "up to 5", which is the opposite. At least means 5 days minimum, but maybe more. Up to means 5 days maximum, but maybe less. Do you understand the difference now? Why do you people keep constantly misquoting that?

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Since you apparently don't speak English I'll explain it to you. They never said "at least 5". They said "up to 5", which is the opposite. At least means 5 days minimum, but maybe more. Up to means 5 days maximum, but maybe less. Do you understand the difference now? Why do you people keep constantly misquoting that?


But it is not clear and is open for interpretation. Its not possible to know or figure out if they will stagger the release over 3 days or if it will be 7. We still dont know that. People can only guess and speculate. People that are waiting and that are speculating and guessing often get angry. And that can be prevented with better information and communication. There would probably be people complaining anyway. But nothing like what is going on atm..

Being as vague as possible and giving information to customers as late as possible is not a good idea if you want happy customers and peaceful forums.

And it should say "up to 7" anyway.

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first.

Also, they told everybody that they were opening 3 more counters, so that everyone would be able to get their burgers within atleast 10 minutes. Then they decided to say, nah, screw it.


'*** McDonalds, y u no fair?!'


Mcdonalds also dont say on their site pre order your burgers now and pay a extra 5bugs and you get your burgers up to 5dsys before every1else

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Up to 5 days does not imply that you will have at least 1 day of EA. It implies that you could maybe get 5 days, or you might get nothing. Basicly Biowares version of "while supplies last" If Bioware planned on giving everyone at least 1 day why didnt they advertise 1 day EA?


Yes they wanted to sell preorders, and telling people they get a whole 1 day of EA if they do so would have cut into the sales a bit, but at least it would have been a bit more truthful.


Thats what it basically boils down too. Its far easier to sell pre-orders if you promise 'up to 5 days' instead 'up to 1 day'. BW is a company and regardless of what the fanboys/Devs tell you, making money will always come first. If being completely honest is likely to harms those sales figures, it only makes sense to advertise best case scenario regardless of what the customer thinks.


If I popped onto the website at the start of december and saw that I'd only get 1 day of early access, I'd be less inclined to to pre-order. I'd rather just hit dota2 beta for an extra day and play on release.

Edited by LoneXS
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