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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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Im an ISP. I sell you an internet connection at $50 a month for UP TO 100Mbps..... But all I ever get is 300kbps


By your logic up to 100 Mbps ranges anywhere from 1 bit per second all the way to 99.99999 bits per second


Pull that kinda crap in the real world and there would be lawsuits and criminial prosecutions for fraud flying around


but I guess in the digital world anything goes eh?


When you say up to 5 days people have an implied REASONABLE EXPECTATION that they can get it in around 5 days or so. So if they get 3 days EA sure.. get 1 day or half a day for an advertised up to 5 days? Thats plain fraud


Actually you pull that in the real world, and the company makes a case that they can't provide you with 100 Mbps because you are too far away, there is too much noise, etc. In fact, I know of zero cases where the plaintiff has won on a breach of contract, etc. over suing about internet speed because ISPs cover their *** when they write those contracts you sign.


Up to 5 days does not imply reasonable expectation of around 5 days. UP TO means exactly what it states. You might get in 1 second early, and still fall under the UP TO part.

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Ya know, I was skeptical. I wasn't sure I'd truly have the interest in a theme park game, but the open beta weekend changed my mind. I pre ordered on December 2.


Because of that, I'll be lucky to get a whole day of access. I know that, and I'm perfectly happy with a whole free day. I am the one who wanted to play it safe, and not pre order until I knew I would really pay, and my actions have repercussions.... like less EGA.


Makes perfect sense to me. Dec 19th, here I come!

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The only thing I'd like to note here, is that in a capitalistic society, people still do whatever the hell they want when they run a business. It is not up to them to magically understand every consumer ever, and tailor to their every needs.


They are providing a product in a way that they believe will sell well. It's as simple as that.


You don't agree and think there's a better tactic? That likely won't affect how they run their company. Capitalism is driven by consumer demand, yes, but consumers vary greatly. Just because you consume in a particular manner does not mean that everyone else does. You can estrange whole populaces and still do well in a capitalistic society.

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Nope, You did Bioware and EA a huge favor by putting a deposit down anyways, and improving their cash flows before the games are getting paid for. In exchange for this, they're giving you a crystal and the opportunity for some early game access, but only after they've repaid that same favor to the people who helped them out first.


Sounds kinda exactly like a ponzi scheme

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Actually you pull that in the real world, and the company makes a case that they can't provide you with 100 Mbps because you are too far away, there is too much noise, etc. In fact, I know of zero cases where the plaintiff has won on a breach of contract, etc. over suing about internet speed because ISPs cover their *** when they write those contracts you sign.


Up to 5 days does not imply reasonable expectation of around 5 days. UP TO means exactly what it states. You might get in 1 second early, and still fall under the UP TO part.


Well really this goes under... the marketing dept of the isp sold dsl lines in a area that was not scheduled for dsl for another month. But since the PUC has rules about selling dsl to a customer and the customer not getting the product... ie = isp pays mega fines... which ends up in the data techs rushing to get that dsl to the customer by turning up a shelf of it in one day in a super hurry. I know this very well from my days working for a ILEC... ISP in other words. And the company is scared as heck about saying yeah here is your dsl.. customer pays for it then finds out they have to wait for it... customer gets mad.. techs pull a complete install including bandwidth from the ILEC backbone to the local office in one work day or less to keep customer happy.


That is the real world.. I live in it and deal with it on a daily basis. But now its even worse.. I run a entire state techs and contracts included. And if I gave the answers that BW has given today... ouch the backblast would be huge.


Now I dont care if I am in. Would love it but hey have Skyrim I am messing around with still ( darn game has sooo much stuff in it I cannot believe it). But as a person who used to work in data/telecom at the tech level and now as a State manager level... I would be embarrassed if any of my workers talked to a customer the way BW has today. It reminds me of "what is is...." or the new Holder it isnt lieing because you were not in the correct state of mind....

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Who in their right minds pay money for a game that could fail terribly? I played on the weekend beta and I loved it,also it could of gone the other way,it could of been the worlds worst game.A lot of people don't just give away money then regret it afterwards because the product is bad.Now of course the game is excellent and super fun,but really? it is a slap in the face that people who pre-ordered early gets more EA time.


Even if they are testing server stability you guys had ages to fix and upgrade server stability and only way to test it is to stress the servers to breaking point but no you let few players on the first day and i am sure they will have few players tomorrow.that is not testing the servers at all,"monitoring" servers that are barely on medium population..I can't wait to see Launch day there is going to be Server crashes for at least a few days and then they will loose players because they took their sweet time in fixing it.


To the point,you're not really monitoring the servers,they are just scared that the servers will crash,hence why they are taking it retardation slow to get people playing.This is truly disappointed Bio ware,I have bought all your games and Plan not to buy any games in the future from this company.


Money is all they want,they don't care what we ask or want. it's all money money money..they should be ashamed...really

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FML i p/o after the week end beta to see how good was this game and now after paying


Item(s) Subtotal: $59.95

Shipping & Handling: $35.98


Total Before Tax: $95.93

Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00


Grand Total: $95.93


i might only get one day, then wait for another 15days (for shipping)...honestly, this is ******** BW

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On a sidenote. I notice many in Here complain that they might get only 1 day of early access then complain of having to wait 2-10 days to get their game in the mail. Now why is that? I pre ordered like a week ago and I got my physical copy yesterday. Every retailer is to have the game delivered the 15th at the latest since that is the day early access actually begins.


And I DO hope ppl know their extra 5 bucks/euros are deducted from the retail price so you are NOT paying anything extra.for.the game...you are depositing money that u get back if you cancel or deducted when u pay for the retail.


Does nobody bother reading anything before they buy anymore??

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Well really this goes under... the marketing dept of the isp sold dsl lines in a area that was not scheduled for dsl for another month. But since the PUC has rules about selling dsl to a customer and the customer not getting the product... ie = isp pays mega fines... which ends up in the data techs rushing to get that dsl to the customer by turning up a shelf of it in one day in a super hurry. I know this very well from my days working for a ILEC... ISP in other words. And the company is scared as heck about saying yeah here is your dsl.. customer pays for it then finds out they have to wait for it... customer gets mad.. techs pull a complete install including bandwidth from the ILEC backbone to the local office in one work day or less to keep customer happy.


That is the real world.. I live in it and deal with it on a daily basis. But now its even worse.. I run a entire state techs and contracts included. And if I gave the answers that BW has given today... ouch the backblast would be huge.


Now I dont care if I am in. Would love it but hey have Skyrim I am messing around with still ( darn game has sooo much stuff in it I cannot believe it). But as a person who used to work in data/telecom at the tech level and now as a State manager level... I would be embarrassed if any of my workers talked to a customer the way BW has today. It reminds me of "what is is...." or the new Holder it isnt lieing because you were not in the correct state of mind....


You are talking about a very different situation there, sir.


As for the embarrassed part, I agree. Their customer service has dealt with the situation poorly. And I'm sure their execs are not gonna be happy with it, and they'll get some new policies. That being said, they didn't poorly word any of this. It was very well written that you get in based on when you pre-order. It wasn't just a little blurb about 'may get in' there was a whole sentence that specifically stated you get in based on when you put in your pre-order code.

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


Mc Donalds does 24/7 where needed and you will see them open more queues if there are a lot of people around. You wont see them standing around and poking in the nose and shutting down the deepfriers because they have overcapacity ...

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FML i p/o after the week end beta to see how good was this game and now after paying


Item(s) Subtotal: $59.95

Shipping & Handling: $35.98


Total Before Tax: $95.93

Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00


Grand Total: $95.93


i might only get one day, then wait for another 15days (for shipping)...honestly, this is ******** BW


So cancel, and buy retail on release day.

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FML i p/o after the week end beta to see how good was this game and now after paying


Item(s) Subtotal: $59.95

Shipping & Handling: $35.98


Total Before Tax: $95.93

Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00


Grand Total: $95.93


i might only get one day, then wait for another 15days (for shipping)...honestly, this is ******** BW


Cancel. Order from Origin. Direct Download. You could get the Digital Deluxe and pay less than you are currently paying.


Oh and the ridiculous shipping & handling charge is not BWs fault.

Edited by jdnyc
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I for one and disapointed in how they don't tell us how early access is to be performed, but there are various reasons for it. They are trying to see how things hold up as each day progress's. As I have seen while beta testing a few weeks ago, it appeared there was a memory leak on one of the world servers I was on, this is something they need to make sure isn't going to happen when they go live, parts go bad over use, and it could be sooner than later.

As I am sure over the last 47 pages that have been added, they said up to 5 days early access to the game, now they are giving 7 days, think of this as a beta without your characters getting wiped. I am one of the people that is sitting here waiting for a early access, but hey, what other game gives you early access outside of the beta testers? I really don't recall any or many at least!

I am sitting here waiting patiently for that game even though some of my guild is in the game already, (not really patient), but I know it is based on when I redeemed my code which is my fault for not doing it till November till I got my first beta access, followed by 2 others, (great experience).

My only concern is that they say that if and when the serves fill up they will be adding new ones that they have implemented already. My problem with that is, if we are in a guild and if by time people get in the game the server is filled up drastically, or close to, and people in a guild try to join, then what will bio ware do then? Full server, yet I was in a guild already assigned to that server?

Guess that is something we have to consider, yet at the same time, early access is still a privelege that not every gamer will get, and should be greatful of it, as is you will still get a head start no matter what over those that have to wait till launch day.

Overall good job bioware on the game, and early access along with spreading out the day 1 mass conflict of trying to fight over the same quest stuff!

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No, he got in line before you ... because he wanted to eat before you ... or he had the oppertunity to do so ... maybe you were stuck in traffic.


true, but neither you or the guy infront of you had to pay any money before you stood in line. And Mcdonalds is not gonna give everyone and their mother a burger on the 20th all at the same time either.:cool:

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Except I am not complaining about the situation. I am not complaining about the complainer's either. While my wording may be harsh, I am offering constructive criticism by telling them to let BioWare know they are unhappy (through email, starting a forum thread, etc) but in a constructive manner - crying over and over with a body of text stating nothing more than 'I AM MAD RRRRRRRRR' is not going to do anything for anyone.


show me where you saw "I AM MAD RRRRRRRR" prior when you posted that and i will show you where it say WILL get 5days.


weird, you sound just like bw.

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You are talking about a very different situation there, sir.


As for the embarrassed part, I agree. Their customer service has dealt with the situation poorly. And I'm sure their execs are not gonna be happy with it, and they'll get some new policies. That being said, they didn't poorly word any of this. It was very well written that you get in based on when you pre-order. It wasn't just a little blurb about 'may get in' there was a whole sentence that specifically stated you get in based on when you put in your pre-order code.


I will state again I dont mind waiting for my time of Early release because I dont like to pay for a game till I get to test it out or read some real reviews.


But like many has said. I look at prime time cst and 1 high pop server and 16 low pop rest were medium pop. They should have let more in really (and no matter what it wouldnt have been me so I am not saying this to say hey let me in). I watched the live feed of a player while I was messing around in skyrim earlier. And it was empty... is this what they want a world where you deal with npcs and hardly ever work with other players?


I am not a server guy.. purely Telecom and data traffic.. but I do not see what there fear was with so few let in the first day.


And I see where alot of people


A. Upset about names being taken (I personally dont care I will use a different one if the one I want is used)


B. PVP servers... ohh god you get in last day of early release to get *** owned from the time you enter the game... ohh that sounds fun ( again wont bother me I know better to play any game on a pvp server they are always the breeding grounds for no life players who get off on ganking lowbies)


C. Economy... if a game has one 2-5 days of time lets you get in position to have items made or mats ready for new players and can really put them over a barrel. I know from my time in Rift I did this.. made a killing on low level bags because I moved fast up the level and crafting trees and was selling bags for 30x what they really were worth but new people wanted them... so I abused the system. It can get alot worse then that if people really know how to mess with a economy thru AH manipulation.


Not really seeing how BW didnt see any of the above situations.


But this is just my 2 cents before I hit the sack. Will be back at skyrim and other home duties the rest of the week.. I have it off but not because of this game... had the time and my boss told me to take the days off before I lost them.. so I am off the rest of this week and next week to burn my left over vacation time... so I will be off when I get access just gives me more time to get some around the house stuff done and get my new Caster in skyrim thru the magic academy quest line I never did with my rogue and warrior.

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"and I DO hope ppl know their extra 5 bucks/euros are deducted from the retail price so you are NOT paying anything extra.for.the game...you are depositing money that u get back if you cancel or deducted when u pay for the retail.


Does nobody bother reading anything before they buy anymore??



not to mention anyone that is paying for pre order on origin, is being charged 79.99 for the game, $5 for preoder, which is given back to u, then tax, so your total is almost $90, in the end you will only be charged $79.99 + tax in your region. read the facts as was previosly stated.

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