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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch. Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! It's pretty much a slap in the face. And that is my problem with it. It's insulting your customer base. These people who pre-ordered late paid just as much money as those who pre-ordered earlier. Yet, their welcome to the game is Stephen Reid slapping them in the face and laughing at them. Ha-ha-ha, should have pre-ordered earlier, suckers!


While I partially acknowledge why you decided to do this, I question your methods. Is it really worth it to give everyone who pre-ordered late a very negative gaming experience right off the bat? First impressions are everything in MMO's. If you only get in 6 days later than others who pre-ordered, that's by a mile worse than having long queues for a couple of days. I understand your policy on server balancing and I am extremely happy you're taking it so seriously, but perhaps you need to take another look at the numbers and let more people in, earlier. Fact is that even the starting zones are empty. There is no denying that. Since there's really no reason to not let more people in, why not do it? If everyone were to get that five days for example, I bet the majority would come out extremely satisfied. Yet, if you push it further, it will create an outcry. People will get a very negative impression. That's just how it is, no matter how unjust it might sound.


If anyone from BioWare ever reads this, I would like to request clarification on why are you not letting more people in even though the zones are mostly empty? If there was a good reason behind it, perhaps people would be more understanding of the situation. You've been great with informing your playerbase to this point, keep up the good work :)


for the millionth time, they never said you will get 5 days of early access, they said you could get up to 5 days. IT has been stated over and over and over and over. If you waited untill december to preorder then though luck, that is your decision.

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All of you are a bunch of cry babies. I pre-ordered two days ago, saw the exact same advertisements as you did, and not once did I think "BOY THIS MEANS I'LL GUARANTEED GET EARLY ACCESS".


If some not-so-complicated wording is all it takes to sell you people a non-guarantee, I've got a foolproof plan to make up to $2million credits in less than a week of gameplay, and I'll share it with you for $5 via paypal. Send all payments to omgicantbelieveyoufellforit@lol.com(individualresultsmayvary).

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All of you are a bunch of cry babies. I pre-ordered two days ago, saw the exact same advertisements as you did, and not once did I think "BOY THIS MEANS I'LL GUARANTEED GET EARLY ACCESS".


If some not-so-complicated wording is all it takes to sell you people a non-guarantee, I've got a foolproof plan to make up to $2million credits in less than a week of gameplay, and I'll share it with you for $5 via paypal. Send all payments to omgicantbelieveyoufellforit@lol.com(individualresultsmayvary).


Dont hold back ... let them know how you feel!


BTW I sent 5 dollars to that addy and it came back as non existent ... can you PM me with that info on the credits?

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You'll get in eventually, but with the way things are with the pre-order, it might not be so bad getting in on launch. Who knows, maybe the beginner zones will be less dramatically crammed than it already is?


But that's just wishful thinking. Hope they add many more servers to reduce the queues for servers already active.


You mean the abandoned deserts, because the last wave that launched hours ago is already flying around in their ships?

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Yup we just have to wait it out


Less than a day t'ill the original start of Early Access.


Less than a week until launch. Been waiting nearly 2 years, and most even longer. Waiting another week isn't going to kill us.


Atleast, that's what I keep telling myself.

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Dont hold back ... let them know how you feel!


BTW I sent 5 dollars to that addy and it came back as non existent ... can you PM me with that info on the credits?


I'm sorry, all representatives are busy at the present time. If you would like your query to be given "Priority Access" please forward an additional payment of $5 to omgyoufellforitagain@lolsrsly?.com.


Have a pleasant evening!

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If they had an early beta where only people were invited, then I would understand only allowing certain people in. But when all players that pre-order are ordering the game, then all players should be allowed access during the same DAY.


I fully understood it was to be a staggered launch, but never in my sane mind did I believe they would stagger the launch out over days. 24 hours tops that's all they needed to use for a good launch.


It makes me have no faith in BioWare knowing they thought a staggered daily launch was acceptable. They are admitting that some players may only get 1 day of early access before the mass of players join the game. Early access should be available to anyone that pre-ordered, and it should be a full 5 days; anything less gives too huge of an advantage to the players that got in today.


BioWare needs to allow all pre-orders into the EA 14 Dec.

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The sense of entitlement is cloying in here.


Whine, complain, show your emo all you want, BioWare TOLD you that early access was going to be based on when you redeemed your pre-order. If you thought that "Up to 5 days early" meant "4 or 5 days early" then you really don't understand the english language.


And everyone is missing a seriously key point, they promised UP TO 5 days. 5 days early isn't until the 15th.


We're completely operating on bonus time at the moment, so why all the QQ?

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If you get in 1 minute before general launch they have met the requirement of 'Up to 5 days." Your figures of how many days you are supposed to get is all wishful thinking.


I'm glad they added two more days, that means people will get more time than had they not added those days. It does not mean you are guaraunteed 48 hours access.


Im an ISP. I sell you an internet connection at $50 a month for UP TO 100Mbps..... But all I ever get is 300kbps


By your logic up to 100 Mbps ranges anywhere from 1 bit per second all the way to 99.99999 bits per second


Pull that kinda crap in the real world and there would be lawsuits and criminial prosecutions for fraud flying around


but I guess in the digital world anything goes eh?


When you say up to 5 days people have an implied REASONABLE EXPECTATION that they can get it in around 5 days or so. So if they get 3 days EA sure.. get 1 day or half a day for an advertised up to 5 days? Thats plain fraud

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Im an ISP. I sell you an internet connection at $50 a month for UP TO 100Mbps..... But all I ever get is 300kbps


By your logic up to 100 Mbps ranges anywhere from 1 bit per second all the way to 99.99999 bits per second


Pull that kinda crap in the real world and there would be lawsuits and criminial prosecutions for fraud flying around


but I guess in the digital world anything goes eh?


When you say up to 5 days people have an implied REASONABLE EXPECTATION that they can get it in around 5 days or so. So if they get 3 days EA sure.. get 1 day or half a day for an advertised up to 5 days? Thats plain fraud


Oh, I dunno, it's more like a Black Friday sale. The people who get in first, get the best deals, those who are later, well, they get a bit less of a deal. And the people who show up at the end of the day? Well, you know the answer to that.


The people who planned ahead, pre-ordered in July, and redeemed their code ASAP? Well, they just showed better planning skills, and are being rewarded for it. Those who wanted to wait to see the game, well, they showed a little less blind faith, and aren't going to get in as early.


Toughen up, there are a lot of people who won't be playing til the 20th. Enjoy your BONUS play time.

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The people that checked the website, read that information and bought the game early ... You snoozed and lost.


Ya that statement would be true if this was an expansion pack. Considering this is the first part of the game and both you and I will be playing from "Vanilla" you can only show more loyalty if i decided not to purchase the next expansion pack.


I am sorry if i don't spend every waking hour checking through every post and threads on the forum. I will have to admit those who do are diehard fans but loyalty to a game that has yet been officially release just sounds made up.


I personally feel that yes if you have pre-ordered your game in july/ august, you absolutly deserves to get in first, however it seems most post on this thread (at least the negative ones) are not directed at the players who have pre orderd from day one, but at the devs for not letting a greater number of players in at a faster rate.


As for the posts where someone says " well you should of ordered first like i did, i got in today blah blah blah." good for you, would it have bother you so much if a person who orders in dec is playing with you just because you ordered before they did?? Does your $5 collect interest so technically your preorder is worth more??


All in all, BW could of handled the whole early access issue much more efficiently then the current method.


PS. THose who like to use the big long word "entitlement" in regards of late preorderee (i made that word up, but you know what i mean), Why are you entitled to few extra days of game play for the same product we all purchased?


Hypothetically If you purchased a movie ticket for the big star wars release weeks in advance, but shows up a minute before the movie starts. Do you think they will bring you to the front of the line because you have purchased your ticket before a guy who got a ticket that day but has been waiting in line for an hour? Would that same theater sell more tickets then seating capacity? OR maybe let a few into the theater at a time incase the sheer weight of everyone sitting at once will crack the very floor beneath them and destroy said theater in the process?

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Im an ISP. I sell you an internet connection at $50 a month for UP TO 100Mbps..... But all I ever get is 300kbps


By your logic up to 100 Mbps ranges anywhere from 1 bit per second all the way to 99.99999 bits per second


Pull that kinda crap in the real world and there would be lawsuits and criminial prosecutions for fraud flying around


but I guess in the digital world anything goes eh?


When you say up to 5 days people have an implied REASONABLE EXPECTATION that they can get it in around 5 days or so. So if they get 3 days EA sure.. get 1 day or half a day for an advertised up to 5 days? Thats plain fraud


Especially when they keep advertising up to 5 days long after passing the deadline.

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dang I thought I payed for the whole game. Im not trippin on early access I'm trippin on the fact that I hope I got enough money in the bank to cover the charge when they decide to take they money. For some reason I thought I payed the whole 80bucks!


But at least now it makes sense cause if we were charged the full amount then they would be liable for given us the full game! Should have read better, but i got into beta and was blow away and was excited to by it!

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I don't think it's fair that we have to pay 5euros extra for just one day ( if we get in the last day indeed ), while others who pay the same amount get 5 days.


what's really neat is that the pre-order amount is actually deducted from the flat cost of the product.




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Especially when they keep advertising up to 5 days long after passing the deadline.



BECAUSE it might be up to 5 days. SEVEN days early was today, and they said that the waves are going to speed up. They said they are, at least, DOUBLING the number of invites tomorrow, and that number could continue to increase on Thursday!

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I think they are trying to reward ALL of us by getting us in so we can get the whole 5 days and knew they couldnt do it all on the first day.


Ha, I'll believe that when I see it. Though that's what they SHOULD be doing.


"Hey, we've decided to extend EGA and give all those people who were ahead of you even more of an advantage!" - BioWare/EA/Whatever


Right? I mean it should never have gotten EGA in the first place. All this does is allows people to grief others more proficiently than before, and it rewards players further who preordered early, that they'll get to corner the market in game, and get a stockpile of credits, controlling the server economy easily. Not to mention the who jump on gear and "server firsts".


This isn't fair nor "fun" at all, and it's setting a poor tone for what to expect in the future.


Severely disappointed. I thought they we're "MMO affection adoes". Guess not, because anyone who ever played in a MMO before would recognize this.

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There's too much going on in these threads to really ever get the community to be aware of or understand.


Most comments I'm seeing from people on the supportive side of the Devs aren't acting any more mature than those seemingly to be called "Whining." You can't possibly think that calling someone a QQer, Whiner or nerdrager is at all placing you upon a higher psycho-social level because you happen to support people with power. Hell, if anything you've basically allocated yourself as "Lapdogs." I'd have less issues with these so named "Lapdogs" if they gave any real depth to their points and not just throwing out platitudes like "That's life!" or using some "Meme" from other games.


To give some clarification on my opinions so that maybe people can walk away with a more shaded stance and not just black and white civil war. This whole "That's life!" stance people seem to be taking is widely incorrect, Life happens to be capitalistic for most everyone buying this game. Within Capitalism, as I've stated in a few other posts, you have Supply and Demand. One party has the initial concept to create a supply based on possible interests from one section of society, these are called consumers. Consumers have now stated a demand of supply and it's the job of the Supplier to fulfill these demands. Now... what exactly happens when supply isn't met? Interests are taken elsewhere, as it was said in an unexpected movie to have such a quote "A man has an idea, an idea attracts others... like-minded, the idea becomes an institution. What was the idea?" -Top Dollar, The Crow. You have a lot of companies who've been waiting for this day, they've marketed to try and steal thunder from ToR in an effort to route and poach members from the community. I promise you that there are people who've canceled their Pre-order and gone to play WoW with it's release of Twilight Hour, Aion, Rift or many other popular games. That number probably isn't staggering but as we ramp up the various splinters things take shape, and that is the definition of "Life" within Capitalism.


Two of my main issues I have are widely held with many in the community, these are the issues of communication and structure.


First, my initial and main issue, is that the planning of the EGA seems to be very questionable. I know that many have said "This sucks, it's not fair I paid too!" Yes, I get that people have various opinions on this being that they feel cheated or that they're annoyed people can't wait. This is a line, plain and simple, we must wait and that's to be expected... wasn't improperly communicated either. Though, without getting too deeply into issue number 2, there's little to no communication from the Devs to the community. There've been many posts from the Devs and apparently Tweets on them but each one seems to say "We're sorry we cannot give any additional information on this, please be patient." That is not clarification nor is it communication, that's simply placation. That's like sitting on hold with customer support to only have an automated message pop up saying "Please continue to hold, all of our technicians are currently helping other customers and your call will be handled in the order in which it was received." I know I'm on hold, that's what waiting means. Bioware has an answer, that is a fact any way you cut it, it may not be accurate to a "T" but they have a very close estimation for when people will be allowed EGA.


Just to jump into issue two before it all mashes together. The Devs, I've noticed that over the entire expectation of the game the communication has been "Sorry we can't give you any information at this time." It was the same thing when people were curious on the release date "Sorry, because of other possible market challenges we cannot give an exact date at this time, we however expect to see a launch in late 2011." Seriously? This syncs up exactly with what's going on, "Sorry we cannot give any further details at the moment as these numbers are typically kept internal and supplying these numbers would not give you any more of an accurate assumption." Basically what I've gathered is that Bioware is going to withhold all information until they can state the obvious, which as a customer I find that extremely disheartening. The Dev's attitude as well is staggering, I can hardly believe the inaudible tone I've perceived from a few of their threads such as "BW's 9-5 job while the world waits...", "More invites will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday)." or "Here's a good reason: we're not interested in broadcasting those figures to the world. That kind of information is usually kept internal, and there are good reasons for that... Here's another reason... Here's a third reason... I'll have an update later on today's invites." (please read these threads for further details). I just get a feeling that this is a game of Shell in which we the community attempt to guess the correct location.


Things to consider...


EGA invite times, as someone stated on another thread "Why are invites stopping at wave 5 it's mid day, when the EGA invites go out tomorrow it'll be at the same time today's EGAs are logging back in." That's a very point from any side of the coin. If they want avoid "Stress Testing", as they've made so officially clear, then they should of setup the second batch of Waves for the nighttime.


My final stance is that I expect most people to be in within the next few days, I wouldn't be surprised if we get through all of July and August tomorrow followed by staggered completion the day after that. So I don't see a lot of need to be alarmed just yet, though should they barely scratch the Pre-orders tomorrow and stop again at an absurd time I expect the backlash will be twice the magnitude as it was today.


I'd tell everyone to wait a day or two.

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