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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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I agree pinkfuzzybunny. Everyone needs to stop the crying and be glad if you get in at all. I mean really you can't believe that they will say this is when you are getting in on early access because if some unforseen problem arises and they can't fulfill that agreement, then what... everyone is screaming,"but you said I WOULD be in early access at this time". Then you would have a legitamate complaint. That didn't happen so just stop crying about it. Come on is everyone on here 2 years old and can't understand the word "may".
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God I think most people know they meant up to 5 days but I think just getting 1 day is a slap in the face comon most people thought they would get around 3-5 days but just 1 day is weak!


Why should people be rewarded with 5 days early access when they bought the game 15 minutes ago?

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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch. Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! It's pretty much a slap in the face. And that is my problem with it. It's insulting your customer base. These people who pre-ordered late paid just as much money as those who pre-ordered earlier. Yet, their welcome to the game is Stephen Reid slapping them in the face and laughing at them. Ha-ha-ha, should have pre-ordered earlier, suckers!


While I partially acknowledge why you decided to do this, I question your methods. Is it really worth it to give everyone who pre-ordered late a very negative gaming experience right off the bat? First impressions are everything in MMO's. If you only get in 6 days later than others who pre-ordered, that's by a mile worse than having long queues for a couple of days. I understand your policy on server balancing and I am extremely happy you're taking it so seriously, but perhaps you need to take another look at the numbers and let more people in, earlier. Fact is that even the starting zones are empty. There is no denying that. Since there's really no reason to not let more people in, why not do it? If everyone were to get that five days for example, I bet the majority would come out extremely satisfied. Yet, if you push it further, it will create an outcry. People will get a very negative impression. That's just how it is, no matter how unjust it might sound.


If anyone from BioWare ever reads this, I would like to request clarification on why are you not letting more people in even though the zones are mostly empty? If there was a good reason behind it, perhaps people would be more understanding of the situation. You've been great with informing your playerbase to this point, keep up the good work :)


I would like to note, that nowhere in that stunning wall of idiocy did you actually cite your source. F for you, sir, try again next semester.

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Ultimately it is shoddy customer service to give not even a hint of an ETA to people waiting to use their product (that they may or may not ultimately pay for at this point). They could have given general estimations to people in mails so they didn't have to be disappointed at every single wave that came out that didn't include them.


Look at it this way Bioware: You're giving everyone presents every time you give out waves, but guess what? Most people don't have anything when they unwrap that present, except disappointments and hopes dashed. I don't know how any Customer Service people could find this acceptable to toy with people in this manner (people who may be very eager to play).


This whole game is soured for me, personally, due to the way this has been handled. I don't really care when I get in, but I'd like to KNOW when, instead of having my hopes lifted and dashed at every turn.


Do better, Bioware. Do you really want to keep showing the shiny toy to the children, only to yank it away every few hours from some of those children? That isn't kind or good business practice. It certainly doesn't encourage purchase of the game.


Disappointments are disappointing. Give us some ETA even if it changes. Something more than presents that are probably empty but we open hopefully anyway.

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The game retails for $59.99. Assuming you still play the game, it was only a $5 deposit. You paid nothing for the in game goodies if you simply pre-ordered the normal edition.


$79,55023 from origin for swedes :´( standard edition

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Aye, seems to me that is it exactly. My opinion (Which doesn't count for much) is they originally planned to stagger it out from the 15-19th, but due to public response realized that wasn't the best idea and bumped the date up a couple days and decided to get everyone in by the 15th.


The only reason they coming out and saying "Almost everyone will get in by the 15th" is they don't wan't to create another mess if they fail to meet expectations if there are a few people who don't get an invite on the 15th who pre-ordered before than.


Seems a good strategy. Keep the old marketing technique, use new plan. Fall back on the old one if it falls through.


I wish there was a dump of the amount of posts per day on the forums somewhere. I'd love to see someone chart out the posts/day over the next few days just to see how the community reacts (especially if what we are thinking is true).


Not to mention the amount of posts that contain words such as early access and WHERES MAI KEy???!?!11

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Ultimately it is shoddy customer service to give not even a hint of an ETA to people waiting to use their product


Heh, this makes me think of apple and how they like to play with release dates. And yet everyone still loves them!


While I disagree that this is bad customer service, I know that a lot of people are too young and/or too emotional to handle a hidden countdown to their access time. Would I have handled it differently? Yes. But I don't run BioWare. Nor do I think they are handling this improperly. It's just inconvenient for some people.

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Why should people be rewarded with 5 days early access when they bought the game 15 minutes ago?


why should a company be allow to give the impression you could play 5 days early to a guy who just bought the game 15 minutes ago


when the whole time they knew they couldnt ?

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with the current speed of waves, and it only being 5 waves the first day :/


Yeah but for arguments sake ... lets say 500 people pre-ordered the game. They could have allowd 200 of those in on the first 5 waves ... We do not know the numbers ... then next 200 could take us to end Sept, end Nov ...

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why should a company be allow to give the impression you could play 5 days early to a guy who just bought the game 15 minutes ago


when the whole time they knew they couldnt ?


It's still not the 15th at 11:59:59. You don't know that someone who pre-ordered 15 minutes ago won't get in on the 15th.

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why should a company be allow to give the impression you could play 5 days early to a guy who just bought the game 15 minutes ago


when the whole time they knew they couldnt ?


The key word is MAY, you may have had up to 5 days ... if you pre-ordered early.

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Some of us had issues with our pre-order codes and didn't get them entered until late November or early December. I ordered for his account back in early August and due to issues with codes, I get the shaft.


we don't know that, and neither does Bioware. just because you say so, does not mean we have to take your word for it.

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Yeah but for arguments sake ... lets say 500 people pre-ordered the game. They could have allowd 200 of those in on the first 5 waves ... We do not know the numbers ... then next 200 could take us to end Sept, end Nov ...


So true. None of these waaaa-waaaa threads address the fact that we do NOT know the actual numbers of people getting in. I was part of that Thanksgiving weekend and if those numbers are any indication of the amount of people trying to play this game, then I am very happy with the staggering system.


For those that took days off from work/canceled plans/rescheduled their weddings etc....GET A LIFE!

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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch. Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! It's pretty much a slap in the face. And that is my problem with it. It's insulting your customer base. These people who pre-ordered late paid just as much money as those who pre-ordered earlier. Yet, their welcome to the game is Stephen Reid slapping them in the face and laughing at them. Ha-ha-ha, should have pre-ordered earlier, suckers!


While I partially acknowledge why you decided to do this, I question your methods. Is it really worth it to give everyone who pre-ordered late a very negative gaming experience right off the bat? First impressions are everything in MMO's. If you only get in 6 days later than others who pre-ordered, that's by a mile worse than having long queues for a couple of days. I understand your policy on server balancing and I am extremely happy you're taking it so seriously, but perhaps you need to take another look at the numbers and let more people in, earlier. Fact is that even the starting zones are empty. There is no denying that. Since there's really no reason to not let more people in, why not do it? If everyone were to get that five days for example, I bet the majority would come out extremely satisfied. Yet, if you push it further, it will create an outcry. People will get a very negative impression. That's just how it is, no matter how unjust it might sound.


If anyone from BioWare ever reads this, I would like to request clarification on why are you not letting more people in even though the zones are mostly empty? If there was a good reason behind it, perhaps people would be more understanding of the situation. You've been great with informing your playerbase to this point, keep up the good work :)


Umm....I dont recall seeing "at least" anywhere....all the signs said "up to" which means....well...at most 5 days..so those with 6 or 7 should be dancing in their boots. Those with 5 or less that are pissed off but still get in early should take reading lessons. Bioware is delivering as promised, you just expected more than they promised...

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It's not the end of the world if people don't get in. I pre ordered mine in OCT. We've waited three years for this game what's a few more? So for all lose like me who are still waiting for that email just chill the email will come sooner than you think.
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Umm....I dont recall seeing "at least" anywhere....all the signs said "up to" which means....well...at most 5 days..so those with 6 or 7 should be dancing in their boots. Those with 5 or less that are pissed off but still get in early should take reading lessons. Bioware is delivering as promised, you just expected more than they promised...


Stop! Don't ruin the fun... I enjoy reading all the immature banter! I'm almost done with this joint. When I go to bed you can start talking logic.

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It's still not the 15th at 11:59:59. You don't know that someone who pre-ordered 15 minutes ago won't get in on the 15th.



true but right now they are giving themselves a two day grace period to meet that obligation


so being a betting man i would wagger that guy aint going to make it ~

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