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Mercenary seems to be lacking compared to other classes?


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I honestly think those who believe Merc is fine as it is (talking PvP here) or is uber are either boasting or don't know what they're talking about.

Don't forget in this game classes are hybrid.

In another game you could say we have DPS and shouldn't have any CC because that belongs to the CC classes, fine.

Same goes for healing.


In this game, every class gets more than just dps OR healing or CC or tanking and that's a fact.

Now, compare Mercenary BH to the other classes and tell me with a straight face that our lack of proper crowd/range control abilities is balanced by a dps superior to those classes that not only have dps but also have cc, range control, shielding or healing, cover or stealth.

Also, our range is not superior to the other classes (which would somehow balance the lack of range control abilities, though it wouldn't be fair to snipers of course)

And don't forget how Arsenal pretty much has to stand still to deal meaningful damage, while Pyro is more an over time damage than straight out burst DPS.

If you're honest, you can't do that.

Like I said in another thread, even Powertech has plenty more tools than Mercenary.

Think of Grapple, Jet Charge, Quell, the passive speed bonus and the active speed boost on a relatively low cooldown.

Notice how we're a class that's supposed to keep targets at range, which you normally do via kiting, snaring/rooting or both, but we only get 1 and a half abilities to do that (you have to put points into Arsenal to get Rocket Punch to KD) and even those only knock the target a few meters away.

And most of our opponents have the means to come back to us right away, either via leap, using grapple, stunning/snaring and so on.


And like I said, go check out Sorcerer just to name one class, see if you think we're balanced afterwards.

I know how sorcerer works because my g/f, who plays sitting right next to me, has a sith sorcerer.

She went healing spec yet she not only can heal very good, but she can destroy most opponents of her lvl 1vs1.

Mind that she is no PvPer, she did tag along with me to PvP in some other games, but she's not "pro" at all.


Also, I think I know how to PvP.

I may not be a champion, but I did very well in any other PvP mmorpg I played, on team or FFA servers.

And in SWG I was one of the best Master BHs on my server, I got more unique Jedi Knights kills than any other BHs on there, also my Dark Jedi Knight was never ever killed by a BH nor ever lost a duel against anybody else.

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I am not a huge PVP'er, never have in MMO, usually save that for FPS, but I decided to try PVP here, and having a blast, done several warzones more then I thought I would, and I always come out in the top 3 damage, and this is for someone who is still learning at level 34.


Usually when I look to see who the other top classes are I always see bounty hunter next to me.



So in terms of PVP i would say the class is doing great and having a lot of fun.

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I'm 2.3 rated arena on my rogue

2.1 on sham

2k on hunter


And I got all of these ratings in under 1week.


And if u don't play wow 2.3 is good, and I'm telling you that merc is not pvp class end of.


Half of these guys or dont even all actually have no real pvp xp on other game very similer to swtor and act like they do.


Without a interrupt.


And ability to slow constantly not on just a cd move.

Meens there noway any good for pvp except there raw damage. O actually operative, sorcerers and sniper have far more damage and have atleast two of this things.


Intact earlier today in a war game I was farming two level 50 mercs, I'm thinking there level. Even if its a bad class they should kill a level 35. Didn't drop under 50%. Even the crappest players regardless at 50 should get me to atleast 50%.


So iv made my point, and if any wow players who think merc is good for pvp. I would like too have visual proof of ur arena xp before you tell me Mercs are good.......



I don't think your WoW arena experience is comparable to Swtor. In my mind Swtor pvp is a team game... More so than arena in WoW. Sure, there was teamwork involved. But not as much as in a warzone group. I believe there is a place for every class in a warzone, as each class brings something a little different to the table. Having more classes in one warzone brings more to the table imo. That's just my point of view anyway.

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I don't think your WoW arena experience is comparable to Swtor. In my mind Swtor pvp is a team game... More so than arena in WoW. Sure, there was teamwork involved. But not as much as in a warzone group. I believe there is a place for every class in a warzone, as each class brings something a little different to the table. Having more classes in one warzone brings more to the table imo. That's just my point of view anyway.


If you think arena isn't a team game u havnt played above 2k in 3s end of.

The problem with merc all relates to there 1v1 capability, and they have nothing for it. It's easily comparable to wow and they obviously imitated a lot of thing from wow. That's obvious.


So tell me what merc bring to the table that other class don't or sent better at. I hope u can name 1.


Let's see what type of players do best in star wars, all the ex-glade from wow are already making guilds on my server. Let's see what you saying when they top the rated war games which are getting bought out. Then talk. Your opinion is your opinion. But I'm telling you how it is.

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If you think arena isn't a team game u havnt played above 2k in 3s end of.

The problem with merc all relates to there 1v1 capability, and they have nothing for it. It's easily comparable to wow and they obviously imitated a lot of thing from wow. That's obvious.


So tell me what merc bring to the table that other class don't or sent better at. I hope u can name 1.


Let's see what type of players do best in star wars, all the ex-glade from wow are already making guilds on my server. Let's see what you saying when they top the rated war games which are getting bought out. Then talk. Your opinion is your opinion. But I'm telling you how it is.


Hold on there cowboy, or, should I say, WoWboy. You are way off base here. Mercs can heal just fine for PvP. Your PT can't do that.


As for damage, turrets are only good when played by extremely talented players or against bad players. So, if you want to roll Merc for PvP, you better be very, very good.

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Hold on there cowboy, or, should I say, WoWboy. You are way off base here. Mercs can heal just fine for PvP. Your PT can't do that.


As for damage, turrets are only good when played by extremely talented players or against bad players. So, if you want to roll Merc for PvP, you better be very, very good.


Well if ur going healer spec then fair enough. Hold on... Merges can't tank which will be useful for huttball.

Only way ur doing good is against bad people. There's nothing to it.

As for dps most classes can interrupt ur main move.

Mercs are nothing


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Coming from a dota background (think arena mixed with tower defense where a single mis click can lose a game).


My Guardian needs a combination of skills to be effective in pvp. My merc, in comparison, requires very little to dominate a warzone.


Basic Guardian example;


"Do I want to keep in guard range of the healer or leap and interrupt that sorc?"


Basic merc example;


"Do I want to kill that sage with a missile animation or the flamethrower animation?"


We are definitely not underpowered or balanced.

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Merc can single target dps very well actually. Using only power shot and tracer for the armor debuff. Since for single target, power shot is the higher dps, and its cooldown is instant. But you have to play safe with the heat, to keep the dps pumping.
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I only have issues with guards/juggernauts. I do 200k+ dmg in war zones. Obviously the numbers can be skewed based on what I'm doing and how hard I'm going for kills. My numbers aren't op, but then again I'm still 45. I have no problems killing most classes. Sages/sorcs are the easiest but then again they can just move out of range and there is nothing I can do. Game is very balanced. Mercs are fine.


The problem is you the wow "Pvper". You are now just learning what balance is. You can't just gear your way out of this and spam rediculous macros. You actually have to know how position yourself and use tactics.

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1. Yes it is correct that a Merc Pyro can deal some wicked damage in warzones. (I had some 300k games in my noob blue gear)


2. Yes Pyro is the only PvP option for Mercs. Arsenal is too much effort to deploy damage and keep them alive (bullseye on your forehead anyone?)


3. Yes the Merc Pyrotech lack a great deal compared to PT Pyrotechs. In damage as well as in utility/mobility.


Mercs reset their railshot with power shot and unload. Both are abilites that root you and can be pushed back. So you pretty much destroy the mobility aspect of the entire spec. And without heat free railshots you have a considerable damage gap.

Also if you compare power shot to flame burst you will see that besides the fact that one is instant and the other isnt´. Power shot costs on top of that 25 heat compared to flamebursts 16. So the merc has to get stabilizers AND muzzle fluting in order to make the power shot a semi practical ability. Wihtout muzzle fluting you will overheat very fast and with only 30% reset chance you. And taking stabilizers makes you drop the 6% crit from the bodyguard tree and that also screws you a lot.


So basically...if Mercs had an instant power shot with 16 heat I wouldn´t complain about the lack of CC, interupts and the like. Cos then you can stay on the move and don´t have to make suicidal attempt to rest the railshot.

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hilnarox is right guys


the mercenary can kill stuff,that's for sure but the powertech performs better in every possible way


Insanely better survivability


more mobility


He has an interrupt


he has More CC than us


and guess what he deals more damage,everytime i get a target on melee with my powertech im able to dish out an insane amount of damage,every talent tree of the powertech boost the damage of flames the attack beyond the oblivion


instead if we go arsenal the only advantage is the 20% armor reduction that you get after landing 3 Tracer missiles and if we land 5 of them we get what? a 25% more powerful railshot?


the powertech Railshot ignores 60% of the enemy armor does 9% and has a 25% chance to autocrit with the retractor blade or the rocket punch


when talented flameburst deals nearly the same damage of tracer missiles(and if it crits due to the critical bonus talent Even more) and we are talking about an istant attack with no CD at all,our main ability is always the same,the only upgrade is the combo With HSM that deals quite good damage


now you can tell me"but the powertech needs to stay close to the enemy to perform this",well the powertech can use the Grapple wich has a ridicolously short CD or if he is specced on ST he can charge you with the jetpack,getting a powertech off you is just impossible.


last but not least he is even more fun to play,Mercenary rotation is tracer missiles non stop then railshot and HSM repeat,powertech has a much more variable playstyle


anyway on pve since your only goal is to deal damage,the mercenary can be an alternative,but on pvp atm we are just a joke compared to the Powertechs


if you dont believe me roll a powertech till level 10 and go to play warzones,you can kill almost anything just my spamming flame burst non stop......

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if you dont believe me roll a powertech till level 10 and go to play warzones,you can kill almost anything just my spamming flame burst non stop......


I did that and was shocked...topped the damage by pressing three buttons:


1. flame burst


2. railshot


3. rapid shot to fill the gaps


it´s true...you better believe it.

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I can only facepalm at people who say merc is lacking damage.


I'm ashamed of playing merc because i'm killing people so fast i pity them fighting against me.


I can only facepalm at people who don´t get what the discussion is all about.


We are not talking about the damage on paper while standing still.

Edited by Frontplayer
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I'm usually top dmg in warzones, if i don't get focused too much.... i'm not even trying really hard just do the odd warzone once in a while to break the questing.


I usually top the damage too but the obvious problems come when someone decides that you have to die. And if he knows what he´s doing your box of tricks is not very big and on the move your damage output drops drastically since you cannot reset railshot. Or do you want to stand still with a melee chasing you?

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First of all, arsenal merc below 50 are amazing, at 50 they suck. Once melee or counicilar understand your are an easy kill you will be zerged in every match with little ability to help your team.



As far as damage...it is a complete and utter fallacy that arsenal mercs 3 shot people in pvp. I have never seen over a 3k crit, but I have been crit for a heck ofa lot more. I had a sniper and assassin open on me out of stealth and literally dropped me in about 2 seconds. The guy next to me could not even believe it.



All the QQ about arsenal mercs is not at 50. I often do close to top damage as well...but assassins and sorcerers and power techs are outdoing me by 100k easily.

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And if u don't play wow 2.3 is good, and I'm telling you that merc is not pvp class end of.


Half of these guys or dont even all actually have no real pvp xp on other game very similer to swtor and act like they do.


Without a interrupt.


And ability to slow constantly not on just a cd move.

Meens there noway any good for pvp except there raw damage. O actually operative, sorcerers and sniper have far more damage and have atleast two of this things.


2.3 isn't that good anymore. We have an interrupt, snare, and multiple knockbacks when spec'd. Your entire point is pretty much moot considering you didn't even know anything about the class. If we're making WoW comparisons then go with Arcane Mage. In arena, still useless, but for RBG's they've actually made a solid comeback when you have a team that can peel. If you can even get a moment to nuke you can crush your opponents.

Edited by Nikusu
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ptechs are gods in huttball, its ridiculous what one ptech with a decent brain can do to an opposing huttball team, and on most servers, empire seems to get huttball 75% of the time, so ptechs are better in that light


arsenal mercs do good damage if you actually put some thought into your positioning, but i think they need a sort of "blessing of freedom" (temp immunity to slows), some kind of root, or a sort of "force speed"


mercs can also tank a lot of melee (knights/warriors) and just outdamage them if knockbacks are down

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Bring any merc to me ill destroy him 1v1 and on damage and medels. Last 3 game iv got 300k damage with atleast 8medels. I swear merc can't even crit over 2.5 loool on my pyro powertech i at the lowest a 2.7 and I'm 35, and I have got the +9% and +60% armour pen yet for rail shot. Merc hasn't got nothing on powertechs. U stand still for the whole match. Well done.
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2.3 isn't that good anymore. We have an interrupt, snare, and multiple knockbacks when spec'd. Your entire point is pretty much moot considering you didn't even know anything about the class. If we're making WoW comparisons then go with Arcane Mage. In arena, still useless, but for RBG's they've actually made a solid comeback when you have a team that can peel. If you can even get a moment to nuke you can crush your opponents.


What hasn't changed about wow ratings? Except there a HARDER messed up knew before so its harder to get 2.3. Imo it isn't great, but because ur a wow player and ur supporting he theory that Mercs good. U better be able to log on wow and have higher rating.

Arcane mages army viable for pvp. What's ur point.


Tell me how you play ur merc and ill say how I could easily improve and how I could counter if I no nothig about Mercs. The fact ur comparing them to arcane shows u no nothing. Arcane can keep a slow up for as long as they like. They also get a silence. They also get dropped in 1hit. How is that like merc. Merc does average good damage and that's it. What ur point.


Back to my point. I want to see ur xp as ur talking greaze

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