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10 Good
  1. the looks of 35-49 gear is awesome, then at 50 they look crap, I loose a few stats but Modding lower level gear is the way to fix this
  2. is there any config file so that I can remove exp and loot from 'system feedback'? I just hate that I miss so much because of this little button, and I dont want it clicked as then I wont be able to look away for a sec without chat getting flooded
  3. seeing only snipers whom is a DPS only class as the only class out damaging me as a merc, I say we are the OP ones
  4. this is regular quests, I got so many bugged quests that I have to abandon quests I will do later (pvp quests) so I can accept new ones because of the quest cap
  5. why are alot of the quests abandon button greyed out? reset quest does not fix this either
  6. Dont know why a forum moderator moved me here. Anyhow, what do you do while waiting to play?
  7. meh, was in queue for almost an hour, at place 50, back at 680 now, stupid internet provider. What to do while waiting?
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