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Reverse Engineering *** AM I DOING WRONG?????


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I have now Reverse Engineered 62 items and I havn't got a single Schmatic?


Not in my inventory, not in my crew skill window, no alert, nothing?


Is there some skill I need to buy to get RE schematics or what am I doing wrong???


The items I RE'd are:


40 Level 24 Medpacs

18 Level 16 Medpacs

4 Level 32 Medpacs


This is starting to waste ALL my credits and I am seeing nothing from it, yet everyone in my guild and in general chat seems to say it works for them? Am I bugged or something? What am I missing???

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First of all I do assume that you do have Biochem as a crafting skill? And that you are RE on crafted packs only? If so I am afraid it is just stamina and pure dumb luck. I got my first Prototype (lvl 8) forst try and first purple after two or three tries. When I was needing an upgrade it took aaaaaages instead!


My advice is to not waste too mich money on things that dont raise your crew skills in the first place.... That you can save for lvl 50!

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If you reverse certain types of armours IE heavy/light/medium eventually you will get that type schematic BUT. the schematic will only show for the armour that you've reversed. If you reverse medium around you will only get schematics for that type of armour and so on.
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