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im lucky, my GF is a gamer as well. weve played WOW for over 4 years now, and guess what? we both cancelled our WOW subscriptions and cant wait to emerse ourselves into the SWTOR world. i cant say i HATE WOW or that i want them to fail, but they definately need some competition. theyve been sitting on their colledtive rears for years now opening the game up to more and more casual players making everything easier ( which might not be too bad ) but with absolutely no effort to story. and if CATA was a story it was a lame one at that. maybe some good ole competition will help make all of these games that much better and to PUSH forward into unchartered territory.


lol. same here. my wife cried as she said goodbye to her arena hunter. i didnt even bat an eyelash.. ITS FRICKEN STAR WARS

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i have to say, my biggest fault with WOW and the primary reason i cancelled last week, and thoroughly look forward to SWTOR is the fact that for th last 3 years i feeil like ive done nothing but kill bosses, get gear, kill bosses get gear, level, kill bosses get gear. the story aspect of SWTOR form personal class story to flash point and operation story has me excited for the first time in a long time. i cant WAIT! all they have to do is stay ahead of the game focus on story and player interaction, keep the new ctent coming and im sold! i prob wont even care how hard or challenging the raids are! lol theyve got 3 different difficulty levels anyway! WOOT! im looking forward to playing this game for a long time to come.
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Oh thank god.


I thought I left this baseless whining when I left WoW. :p


LOL well some of the cool people are going to be playing, also. WoW and star wars share very little in common. the fan base for star wars is like... the whole earth. lol.. and it has a long long history of lore that was created to draw from. much more than just about any franchise.. and if you had learned anything from watching the movies, it would have been patience. well; not you. lol.. just in general. DRINK!!!

Edited by Darthorka
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So I'm trying to figure out where people were confused when Bioware first announced the Early Access that it was going to be a staggered launch meaning you COULD play up to 5 days early but it was not a set thing. They specifically said if I remember right that the earlier you preordered the better. So....if you didn't preorder earlier, yeah you didn't get the bonus time, who cares? They aren't breaking a promise, there never was a set promise of 5 days of early access.
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Anyone posting like this is a fool.


I could be more eloquent in my post and describe why they're a fool, but many people have done so with far better grammar than I, and on numerous occasions.


This is by far the smartest way for them to handle their launch, it will help balance servers and ensure a solid population base, not too many, not too few, and hopefully with decently balanced sides.


Get a grip, thousands of customers aren't pissed off. Maybe hundreds are, it just happens to be that idiots scream louder than those that have no beef at all.


The mass hysteria is actually a small core dumbdumbs.

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Anyone posting like this is a fool.


I could be more eloquent in my post and describe why they're a fool, but many people have done so with far better grammar than I, and on numerous occasions.


This is by far the smartest way for them to handle their launch, it will help balance servers and ensure a solid population base, not too many, not too few, and hopefully with decently balanced sides.


Get a grip, thousands of customers aren't pissed off. Maybe hundreds are, it just happens to be that idiots scream louder than those that have no beef at all.


The mass hysteria is actually a small core dumbdumbs.


I like the cut of your jibberish!


IMHO BioWare has done a fantastic job with their pre-launch (& no I am not one of the lucky ones who have received an invitation email yet.)


My only wish is that BioWare could have set up some kind of server filter so I wouldn't have to deal with these "he got in but I didn't," "I quit my job because I thought Id' be playing SWTOR today," "BioWare you ruined my life," whiners and snivelers in game.



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whoever made this is ********.... ever since early access was even announced it has been said that players will get UP TO 5 days early access... guess what guys we're not even at the 5 day mark for early access..... this is 6 days before release.... stop qq'ing and acting like you're entitled to something that bioware doesnt have to give you at all
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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


dude its not been 5 days yet and it says up to 5 days that doesent meen **** they could give u 15 mins if they wanted to all im saying is there are a lot of us who wasnt evan told how long when we pre ordered and still arnt in dont here us ************

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For it being the smoothest launch I've ever seen, I'll take some pissed off customers that think they are entitled to everything.


When you preordered the game, it was stated it would be a staggered early access.


Most people knew when the game was comming out when they preordered (initial weeks or whatever, the release date wasn't set yet).


They started EA even earlier than they initially stated they would.


And people complain.


And yes, you are a paying customer, you are paying for the game to come out on the 20th. Everything else is a bonus.


The money you already paid for the game, Bioware/EA can't technically do anything with until they deliver the service.

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Ill remember it and every release onwards ill be thinking i hope they dont do the same stupid thing bioware did...


The next release game I play, I'll probably be wishing they did do it this way, in order to keep the servers stable and the zones a bit spread out on release.

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