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or customers feeling undervalued by the lack of communication


Lack of communication?


Not sure if srs.


I know exactly how the EGA works, because I read and comprehended the available information. They don't have to detail their schedule to you, would it be nice? Sure, but you're blowing it out of proportion, it's not a deal breaking problem. You know how it works too "Based on date of pre order code redemption".

Edited by Boundd
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MAY play UP TO 5 days early


It amazes me the amount of people that have never read a book.


Yeah i know what it says. My point is that if the game is still being sold with bioware knowing those that order it now WONT get up to 5 days is a lie.




"wont" and "may" are two different words.

I don't care about me in this scenario. Lets get that out of the way. Lets just say that if ANYONE gets the game through that ad and DOESN'T get up to 5 days early its deceptive. Especially if they already know they buyer isnt and doesn't have a chance to.

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If something like this, is causing so many of you whiney crying babies to not play TOR .... GREAT !

That hopefully means that we dont have to hear it in game, dont have to hear you whining about loot going to someone else, and the best part of all ...


You wont be the reason Bioware dumbs everything down cuz your crying you couldnt get your Kingslayer title with a 30% buff like the rest of us did at 0-25%


People that cry " Im not getting what I want, when I want it " are exactly the people that I dont want to play with. And I will enjoy the game more knowing you arent playing cuz they didnt give you the 7 days Early Access you wanted =) They only said "up to 5 days". I hope you only get 1 day ... and you quit.


Last but not least, thank you bioware for giving me any early access i get. They could just make me wait till the 20th.

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Although almost 6.500 Threads and over 100.000 Post in less then 48 hours on this forum is quite...impressive, what is being posted here does not really refelct the customer base as a whole i think.

People need to understand that not everyone who preorderd is in rage mode right now and that not everyone who´s invitation has been sent is immediatly logging in the game.

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


Cry more cry baby. The are very smart for handling this launch the way they did, and they dont owe you anything. They explained how they were going to handle the launch a long time ago. They start it 2 days early but still you impatient cry babies freak out anyways. Go find a new game if you dont like it, we could use less childish people in the community.

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It amazes me the amount of people that have never read a book.


Yeah i know what it says. My point is that if the game is still being sold with bioware knowing those that order it now WONT get up to 5 days is a lie.




"wont" and "may" are two different words.

I don't care about me in this scenario. Lets get that out of the way. Lets just say that if ANYONE gets the game through that ad and DOESN'T get up to 5 days early its deceptive. Especially if they already know they buyer isnt and doesn't have a chance to.



as they have said MANY MANY MANY times there is no specific of how many they are sure they are going to let in on the day anyway so until the last wave tomorrow the statement is perfectly valid.


PLUS there is no problem with an advert like that still anyway the only way there would be an issue is if they put the advert UP tomorrow.

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It amazes me the amount of people that have never read a book.


Yeah i know what it says. My point is that if the game is still being sold with bioware knowing those that order it now WONT get up to 5 days is a lie.




"wont" and "may" are two different words.

I don't care about me in this scenario. Lets get that out of the way. Lets just say that if ANYONE gets the game through that ad and DOESN'T get up to 5 days early its deceptive. Especially if they already know they buyer isnt and doesn't have a chance to.


Even if they "WONT get 5 days". It's not lying, maybe you should try and understand English. Up to 5 days includes the length of the EGA being potentially 1, 2, 3, 4 (or 5) days. So if you pre ordered yesterday, and get 1 day, that's "Up to 5 days" see? Ergo not lying.


Difficult I know.

Edited by Boundd
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OMG theres nothing to forget, at the end of the day if u don't like what bioware have done for us all ect bata testing/ early access/ updates and more.. then don't play the game. I think the paitent ppl thats waited long as u moaners, are fed up of yall. "I'm one of them ppl that hates moners!":)


Deal with it.

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LOL Guys come on.


Honestly if I knew this , I definitely won't have preordered but it has been soooo funny watching these forums with all the nerd rage.


I mean until you wait there are other games, friends, pubs, going out in the sun and yes even sex ( O My)


EA/ Bioware are aiming for scalability with the increase in usage. Most of the pre-order people are mainly acting as testers until December 20th to ensure no F*** ups with servers.


Go and have some fun smoke some weed, I think EA/Bioware staff are having a field day with laughs just watching this nerd rage on the forums.

Edited by shanil
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Lack of communication?


Not sure if srs.


I know exactly how the EGA works, because I read and comprehended the available information. They don't have to detail their schedule to you, would it be nice? Sure, but you're blowing it out of proportion, it's not a deal breaking problem. You know how it works too "Based on date of pre order code redemption".


I understand but people were asking for wave numbers and date ranges. I think that would have helped but Bioware never even commented on this

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.



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Am I the only one who casually managed to stumble upon the website and see the announcement 'Early Game Access Has Begun -Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game!






And got super excited and got out my credit card so fast and instantly bought the game...without reading the 'read more' link? :cool:


Then I spent hours waiting around while downloading and installing the game only to be greeted with the inability to actually play?


My first thoughts were *** man, they just said if you pre-ordered the game you can play now...I better click this 'read more' thing and check that out...oh damn, what's this fine print stuff.




I totally know it's my responsibility to read that but come on BW, you guys should consider putting that info in a more prominent place next time instead of the mildly misleading headline you still have up now.

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To be fair, however unlikely it is, everyone COULD still get up to five days, considering tomorrow marks that five day period... Do I think it will happen? Of course not! But the amount of crying over not getting the "promised" up to five days when they started two days earlier than they originally claimed... Well, really, it's childish. I'd say I can't believe the amount of self-entitlement I'm seeing, but I've been around the block a few times and this is no different than any other gaming community I've seen either.


Still, though, people need to grow up and get over themselves. Their problems--and the problems of the thousands of players still waiting to get on--are not the end of the world and, in two weeks, none of this will even have mattered.

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Only people who are angry about the EGA pre ordered later when it was made CLEAR what was going to happen and that you MAY be entitled to 5 days access.


Stop your whining, it's pathetic. Learn to read too by the sounds of it. Getting tired of seeing dumb threads.

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1 <= x <= 5


If you'd paid attention in class and used any kind of critical thinking you wouldn't be pissed that wearing Axe body spray doesn't make every girl in a block radius chase you like you were the Beatles, OP.


Inside, the thought of you getting your invite email tomorrow but missing it in your spam folder until the 19th, makes me giggle.

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LOL Guys come on.


Honestly if I knew this , I definitely won't have preordered but it has been soooo funny watching these forums with all the nerd rage.


Why do so many people not ACTUALLY read preorder info and instead just click the button then !?!

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I didn't pre-order til after thanksgiving beta. I was fully aware before placing my order that I'd have to wait my turn for the EGA because it said in big gold letters "UP TO 5 DAYS". I'm sitting here like a nerd on the forums and watching streams til then. I don't feel like I should be in the game right now because I read what they said and knew this was coming. If people don't read they have nobody to blame but themselves. I can understand being irritated that you aren't playing. I am too. But complaining and blaming Bioware isn't helping anyone. It's only making this launch less fun for everyone. It's our own fault. Not Biowares. They were clear.
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Only people who are angry about the EGA pre ordered later when it was made CLEAR what was going to happen and that you MAY be entitled to 5 days access.


Stop your whining, it's pathetic. Learn to read too by the sounds of it. Getting tired of seeing dumb threads.



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1 <= x <= 5


If you'd paid attention in class and used any kind of critical thinking you wouldn't be pissed that wearing Axe body spray doesn't make every girl in a block radius chase you like you were the Beatles, OP.


Inside, the thought of you getting your invite email tomorrow but missing it in your spam folder until the 19th, makes me giggle.


'Best Quote' vote +1! :cool:

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