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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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Honestly not a single one of you even know what is going on over there. You have speculation, nothing else. They have a reason for rolling out early access in waves and how many a day they do. Even if they have no clue themselves, do NOT presume you have any knowledge on the matter and think you know better then Bioware.
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Honestly, if you're promising an "early access" date you might as well make that your release date. 90% of your player base are die hard fans that have pre-ordered anyhow. I got that from a made-up survey I came up with in my head. :D That nothwithstanding, Rift launched nearly flawlessly. They continually opened new servers as the "old" ones filled up. It is not impossible, or even very difficult to mirror a launch like this.


I've played the Beta of this game and I find it very enjoyable. I don't believe this over-restricted early access is warranted. You could always overestimate your server load and scale down. The pre-sales of this game easily cover the development and launch costs of this endeavor. Stop being such a f-ing corporation and get back to the small scale customer service your fan base expects. Just saying...


What you believe should be doesn't matter to what is.


Everyone who pre-ordered was notified of the staggered roll-out prior to launch.





Previously of "Xenosaga" Forums

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If I would have known that pre-orders were on a first come, first serve basis, I wouldn't have even bothered, and I'm sure hundreds of thousands wouldn't either.


I was one of the first come and still didn't get in got mine within the first two days and turned it in that day digital deluxe. But i was in gamestop today buying some Xmas stuff and venting a little and they said that something went wrong with the earlier codes that were givin to them by Bioware so I wonder if mine is ok

Edited by Omenite
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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should




In Terms of calming the community this is one of the biggest fails in mmog-history ive seen so far. Technically everything seems smooth, which is where others have failed.


But in terms of making people angry and starting a huge negative postwar on their own forums they are just shining over most other launches.



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Yes but the reason Rift had to merge servers later had absolutely nothing to do with having enough servers to handle the early access rush, it was simply because the game was so average and people stopped playing it after a few weeks.


I don't play Rift, but from what I understand, Rift had far fewer pre-orders and subscribers than SWTOR. I can understand Bioware's fear in overloading the servers due to the sheer size of the game and the population of its fanbase. You have to keep in mind that there are the die hard Star Wars fans, people migrating from other MMO's to see what the fuss is about, the Bioware fans and the people that have already been waiting on the game.


Still, I feel like Bioware could have handled this a little differently. What did they expect when they exclude such a large amount of people from being able to play? I'm sure it's already a customer support nightmare over there -- one which they'll have the pleasure to repeat until everybody makes it in game!

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What you believe should be doesn't matter to what is.


Everyone who pre-ordered was notified of the staggered roll-out prior to launch.





Previously of "Xenosaga" Forums


Fine print and nebulous EULA are not notifications. Only bold print and "by the way you won't get to play early" exclamations qualify.

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I was one of the first come and still didn't get in got mine within the first two days and turned it in that day digital deluxe. But i was in gamestop today buying some Xmas stuff and venting a little and they said that something went wrong with the earlier codes that were givin to them by Bioware


Yeah, that sucks. I pre-orderd the day it came out and I didn't get invited. Wouldn't be surprised if my code was faulty.

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Fine print and nebulous EULA are not notifications. Only bold print and "by the way you won't get to play early" exclamations qualify.


But you will, everyone is guaranteed at least one day of early access.


And it wasn't in fine print, it was plastered all over the damn website.

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Meanwhile, since this is an MMO not a SP game, lots of players will gain a considerable amount of advantage from both their level / gear by being able to farm high-level dungeons / professions and many others.


But then again most people defending bioware either aren't competitive at all or are already in and troll the rest.

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I was one of the first come and still didn't get in got mine within the first two days and turned it in that day digital deluxe. But i was in gamestop today buying some Xmas stuff and venting a little and they said that something went wrong with the earlier codes that were givin to them by Bioware



Aha....dude that would explain a whole bunch, right there. Technical difficulties. Thanks for bringing it to the attention of the nerds here.


For me, I wouldn't be surprised if I get the message on Dec. 19th at 11:00 PM, as I ordered this game on the 21st of November.


I really have no clue why people other than the CE order folks are complaining about not getting in on the first day of early access. As far as I know, there are no traceable achievements for "world firsts" on this game. I pray to Allah they never add them. This isn't XBOX.....and those achievements don't even get you anything anyway..... Such a useless "points" system.

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"The sooner you put in your preorder code, the sooner you get into early access"


"Everyone will get at least one day of early access"


I don't understand how those parameters aren't defined. If you don't get in today, wait tomorrow, rince and repeat until it's the 19th and you're guaranteed entry.


By process of waiting for notice, the time for game entry is not defined. The only solid definition is "at least one day." For people who pre-ordered in the middle of everything, there is hardly a set time or hypothetical time.

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I recall a quote from somewhere, can't recall the place but it goes something like this.


"The quickest way to put a man at ease is to inform him. Even if that information is the grim truth."


End tale!


Or you just cause more mass hysteria.


But that's life I guess.

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But you will, everyone is guaranteed at least one day of early access.


And it wasn't in fine print, it was plastered all over the damn website.




I don't follow the website. Most don't. It should've been posted on EVERY pre-order site. I ordered through Amazon.com and it was NOT clearly stated. That being said, I don't really care as I'll still play it, but if you're promising early launch it should not require you to follow the game like a beta nerd.

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I made the mistake to take up Bioware/EA on their promise of early access and up to 5 day play time before the actual launch. At this point it looks like a day, and its just not worth it.

I am logging off the forum and putting monotorium on anything bioware related - just not worth my time.

Edited by Uzmu
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I don't follow the website. Most don't. It should've been posted on EVERY pre-order site. I ordered through Amazon.com and it was NOT clearly stated. That being said, I don't really care as I'll still play it, but if you're promising early launch it should not require you to follow the game like a beta nerd.


I am sorry that it being pasted on the same page you validated your pre-order registration code doesn't seem to be clear enough for you.



Previously from "Xenosaga" forums

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Lol son, son, boi, kid, son what boy, kid huh.


Look I can do it too, doesn't make me right or mature. Your the kid for resorting to such lame excuses for argument, adults have clear coherent thought processes, your posts are barely legible ramblings.


Anyway, the problem AGAIN is not the time frame, its the fact that no communication and everyone that could do anything just seem to disappear when situations like today happen.


How hard was it for you to post your childish retort? It would take BW maybe an hour to formulate a rough access schedule, even a live one that they can change on the fly, but why do that, why appease people when you can just ignore them and feel bigger than them.




Learn how adults speak first off, and learn how to formulate a sentence for second. Then come back and read the posts you think you so wittingly argued against, because your wrong, very wrong.



LOL you sir are an idiot.


"..situations like today happen..." What situations are you talking about son? BW did exactly what they said they would do. Im sorry your butthurt that you and some of your self entitled friends didnt get in today. Im sure you will be done with your crying when they let you in tomorrow, still a full day ahead of what you were even offered.


But hey keep trolling, flaming, and QQing. Noone cares.

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I am sorry that it being pasted on the same page you validated your pre-order registration code doesn't seem to be clear enough for you.



Previously from "Xenosaga" forums


Apology accepted, Captain Needa.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should



They are playing it safe. They opted to have a safe, problem free launch. And i think it is going extremely well. Its been ONE DAY! they will take into consideration how well things went today, and like with ALL issues they will listen to the community and let even more in tommorrow. Listen, you're F5 key is so tired. Go to bed.

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I recall a quote from somewhere, can't recall the place but it goes something like this.


"The quickest way to put a man at ease is to inform him. Even if that information is the grim truth."


End tale!


Just googled it. Nightwish? Band I guess.... It's a good point, though. If you provide information bluntly, you'll either have a split-second of advantage from doubt/uncertainty/hesitation from the person, which you can then use to best gauge their personality. It's a good move for direct assault.


Quickest thing I can think of is shock and awe; detonate a bomb near enough to an enemy to show you mean business, and they'll either surrender or....not. Hiroshima....a day that marked the ending to "total war".

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I don't follow the website. Most don't. It should've been posted on EVERY pre-order site. I ordered through Amazon.com and it was NOT clearly stated. That being said, I don't really care as I'll still play it, but if you're promising early launch it should not require you to follow the game like a beta nerd.


Yes, because going to the website of the game you're buying to check preorder details means you're a beta nerd.

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The same people who are whining about pre-order details not being clearly posted are probably the same people who used to scream at other people on the forums for not knowing enough about the game.


I'm in early access. I know why I'm there - I put my money down early. I get two or three days on a lot of you. That's the harsh truth of it, guys. Early investors coin it.


Works that way in real life too.

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Patience and YOU! How do I get patience? Simple...


So I beta-tested this game, and actually TESTED it. I didn't zoom a toon up as high as possible for epeen, I wanted to stress my comp, see what I can do with it, play multiple classes, learn all the starter area's, and actually take the time to fill out surveys and do what the devs asked us to do.


Now, I know how cool this game is. I know just what I wanna be, and how he's gonna look. I even have a slew of names listed just incase some of them are taken. I'm READY!! Now, just the wait..I feel like cartman waiting for the wii to come out. Me and my girl are gonna play together..should be cool. She's typcially a healer type, and me, a tank..works great. I CAN HARDLY WAIT.


Then I remember...


As enjoyable as playing with my girlfriend can be, she can be rather...well...screw it..she has the brains of a doorknob. But, she's cute, games with me, and doesn't ***** when I hit the bar. So I know whats in store for me and shrug it off.


Since I know the start areas, I'm gonna be ready to zoom. I'll make my toon, customize him, name him, then BAM..IM IN THE GAME. Can't wait till we head out and start killin mobs...


"What color should I make my hair?"


"My hair..I like purple. But the black looks good on this model"


I sit back, stare moodily at the others running across my screen, some with their lightsabers.


35 minutes go by...


"Oooo! I like the eye make up"


"Her eyes, what should I make them look like?"


I cross my arms over my chest for a few minutes. I then spark up a cig, and stare at the back of her head..intently. I happen to glance over to her dresser, and catch sight of her bottle of hairspray as I roll my lighter around in my hand, and smile to myself at what others would consider...unpleasant..thoughts.


60 minutes go by..


She's done! We are both in the game, heading to our first quest giver.

"Why do I have mail"

You have a CE hun, just like me, you get stuff.

"wheres my mount?"

Not sure, get it at 25th lv, dunno if its mailed to you..didnt get that far in beta. Played more then one toon.

"Whats this yellow crystal?"

Changes your saber color

"How do I do that?"

Ill show you when we get to the academy

"wheres the academy"


and a million other questions before youve stepped off the platform.


We finally make it down and pick up a bonus quest. Four hours later, she finally decides that she wants to...turn left.


It's at this point you remember that you just filled the gas container earlier in the week to make sure you have gas for the snowblower over the winter.


Gasoline works much better then hairspray


And that boys and girls is how you learn patience

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