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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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I think people would be a lot less upset if they would have received an email telling them when exactly their early access would begin... you know, so they could plan their day off or whatever. Beta emails were well done I am surprised they did not do the same thing with early access! That said, I'm a patient person but I understand the frustration.
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I have played multiple MMO launches that did not involve any early access and did not have any of the issues Bioware is claiming might occur with TOR. I hope this helps.


If you think this is the only plan that would work then you are quite out of your reckoning.


Im played dozens and pretty much every one was a GD mess at the start. This is a brand new game with over a million people wanting to play ASAP. Give me a break. You are quite out of your reckoning. You dont have a foggy friggn clue.

Edited by Redredred
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Nah there's no black mark. EGA was supposed to start on the 15th and it's the 13th still so, I think it's a "white" mark that they are giving us even MORE time than we would have had. I may actually get in on the advertised first EGA day, again, the 15th, which I never would have dreamed of being possible before.


This is true

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Im played dozens and pretty much every one was a GD mess at the start. This is a brand new game with over a million people wanting to play ASAP. Give me a break. You are quite out of your reckoning. You dont have a foggy friggn clue.


Dozens? Rofl. Quit trolling.

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Many of you should check page 9 of this thread and read Stephen Reid's address concerning this issue. Makes sense, allllll of it.


Others have been saying we're a bunch of entitlement *******...correct as well.


Is it that big of a deal we don't get access early when the original start was the 15th and they pushed it up two days? I'd much rather have a smooth ride from start to end of this game instead of getting in as early as possible, whining about "not getting what we paid for" when we essentially are. Long term thinking folks, not short.


Biggest point I saw in Reid's address to the public was that they needed to make sure everything was smooth because they received so many pre-orders and expect a high number of launch date orders. I'd rather have the servers stay up and smooth instead of crashing because their prep time was rushed.


I'll be on BF3 while I wait for early game access but some of you posters are complete idiots. This game will be around for a long time (I hope) so what's wrong with waiting one or a few days? You won't get to level 50 fast enough?


Last point: its not a problem yet...game hasn't even officially launched. If the game was launched and things were messing up, then you can hate BW and SWTOR but until then, **** and go occupy your time with something else. Losers.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


^ this

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Wasnt it originally 5 days? I mean lets face it we are being given 2 extra days of access we normally wouldnt get. I am happy with that. If I get in today, tomorrow or whenever thats 2 extra days I probably get I wouldnt have before. Other games make you fight with everyone else etc for access. The login servers crash, registration servers crash etc etc. I like this better to be honest.
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I know it's a lottery ordeal because I know for a fact that there are people from the first pre order day that did not get in today. I also heard that some December orders got in too.So it's pretty much a 50/50 chance as I'm seeing it right now :cool: Edited by Lavariusstar
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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Thats the thing putting me personally over the top!

The server I will be playing on is currently LIGHT LODE and will remain for the entire time I normally play (next 7.5 hours)


I know 5 people that got in today and all 5 are now fast asleep, yet I cant get in.


So your 90% right


But actually the staggered is pissing me off as well.


Now I dont care who gets to 50 first, I dont care who gets a world first or what ever first, none of that remotely matters to me.


What REALLY PISSES ME OFF (and far more then I ever thought it would) Is im paying same money for less access!


People today got 7 free days before their free month

I will never get that, yet I paid the same amount of money

If I dont get in for 2-3-4 days from now, Im getting substancial less bang for my buck



And honestly I dont think its right

Im sure its worded in such a way its legal but that just adds to aggreivation of issue.


If the pre order gets 7 days head start, they should get 7 days head start!

If Bioware wants to stagger, fine today started for those peoples 7 days

tommorrow starts for those peoples 7 days

day after ect


Its really burning me up that Im paying just shy of $100.00 for my order and not getting my full bonus.


Ill get over it when (if, ive now set a dead line that my own number) I get in, but ill never pre order another bioware product. Not a huge loss as this title is only Bioware product ill pay more then $10.00 going forward since ME2 (so just means ill not pre order any expansions, but still) but its surprised even me (seriously, caught me right off guard) how angry I am about this launch and how it was mishandled!

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Thats the thing putting me personally over the top!

The server I will be playing on is currently LIGHT LODE and will remain for the entire time I normally play (next 7.5 hours)


I know 5 people that got in today and all 5 are now fast asleep, yet I cant get in.


So your 90% right


But actually the staggered is pissing me off as well.


Now I dont care who gets to 50 first, I dont care who gets a world first or what ever first, none of that remotely matters to me.


What REALLY PISSES ME OFF (and far more then I ever thought it would) Is im paying same money for less access!


People today got 7 free days before their free month

I will never get that, yet I paid the same amount of money

If I dont get in for 2-3-4 days from now, Im getting substancial less bang for my buck



And honestly I dont think its right

Im sure its worded in such a way its legal but that just adds to aggreivation of issue.


If the pre order gets 7 days head start, they should get 7 days head start!

If Bioware wants to stagger, fine today started for those peoples 7 days

tommorrow starts for those peoples 7 days

day after ect


Its really burning me up that Im paying just shy of $100.00 for my order and not getting my full bonus.


Ill get over it when (if, ive now set a dead line that my own number) I get in, but ill never pre order another bioware product. Not a huge loss as this title is only Bioware product ill pay more then $10.00 going forward since ME2 (so just means ill not pre order any expansions, but still) but its surprised even me (seriously, caught me right off guard) how angry I am about this launch and how it was mishandled!


So you are pissed that you are not at the front of the line two days ahead of when you thought you MAY get in. Grow up.

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I have played multiple MMO launches that did not involve any early access and did not have any of the issues Bioware is claiming might occur with TOR. I hope this helps.


If you think this is the only plan that would work then you are quite out of your reckoning.


me either (well not since EQ launched anyways) and I have more hands on experience then anyone else posting here!

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Thats the thing putting me personally over the top!

The server I will be playing on is currently LIGHT LODE and will remain for the entire time I normally play (next 7.5 hours)


I know 5 people that got in today and all 5 are now fast asleep, yet I cant get in.


So your 90% right


But actually the staggered is pissing me off as well.


Now I dont care who gets to 50 first, I dont care who gets a world first or what ever first, none of that remotely matters to me.


What REALLY PISSES ME OFF (and far more then I ever thought it would) Is im paying same money for less access!


People today got 7 free days before their free month

I will never get that, yet I paid the same amount of money

If I dont get in for 2-3-4 days from now, Im getting substancial less bang for my buck



And honestly I dont think its right

Im sure its worded in such a way its legal but that just adds to aggreivation of issue.


If the pre order gets 7 days head start, they should get 7 days head start!

If Bioware wants to stagger, fine today started for those peoples 7 days

tommorrow starts for those peoples 7 days

day after ect


Its really burning me up that Im paying just shy of $100.00 for my order and not getting my full bonus.


Ill get over it when (if, ive now set a dead line that my own number) I get in, but ill never pre order another bioware product. Not a huge loss as this title is only Bioware product ill pay more then $10.00 going forward since ME2 (so just means ill not pre order any expansions, but still) but its surprised even me (seriously, caught me right off guard) how angry I am about this launch and how it was mishandled!


Would you, in the future be fine with it if they ended the first day peoples access at exactly 7 days while the others played out to a full 7 days as well? (in this idea the launch date would have to be something like the 21st or 22nd)

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me either (well not since EQ launched anyways) and I have more hands on experience then anyone else posting here!


You think 100s of thousands of people logging on in the same areas is a viable plan? Really?

Edited by Redredred
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