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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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All i can say it for all you people who feel entitled to play this game and say they are never gona play this game..good for me. Never wanted kids like you to play this game anyway, only thing you can do is whine and moan about things. Trash of the mmorpg's.


go f yorself....kids have no money....only adult makes money and allow kids to play

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Yeah, you're going to be waiting "indefinitely".


Me? Not so much. Others? According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, yes. I am fairly certain I used the word correctly. If you have any further issues with my use of language, please enlighten me.


Definition of INDEFINITE


: not definite: as

a : typically designating an unidentified, generic, or unfamiliar person or thing <the indefinite articles a and an> <indefinite pronouns>

b : not precise : vague

c : having no exact limits

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Well tbh i am not that angry about not getting to early access... I just wish EA/bioware or whoever would refund my pre-order 5 euros. That was especially for early access.


They charge you 5 bucks to "hold" the item, when you are fully charged for the game they reduce the 5 bucks from the total cost.



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If Bioware released a tentative schedule on the waves and who was in them I can guarantee the complaining wouldn't be half as bad. People just want to know what's happening.


WRONG!!! You would still be crying!!


They told you ahead of time how this was going to work.


They are going to let all first day pre-orders at least one day ahead of schedule (tomorrow which is 6 days out instead of 7)




Get it now?

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Me? Not so much. Others? According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, yes. I am fairly certain I used the word correctly. If you have any further issues with my use of language, please enlighten me.


Definition of INDEFINITE


: not definite: as

a : typically designating an unidentified, generic, or unfamiliar person or thing <the indefinite articles a and an> <indefinite pronouns>

b : not precise : vague

c : having no exact limits


They actually did give you a limit, they said everyone was going to have at least one day of headstart.

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I see that a lot of people are complaining about the staggered early access invites and I thought I would share my views in the hope it show these people how silly this really is. I pre-order the game the day after pre-orders where being excepted. due to logistics issues at best buy I got my pre-order code a week late. I have yet to be invited to the early access yet and I will continue to wait till it is my turn. I am not mad or upset over this because the developer could have easily not given anyone early access ad told everyone to just wait till launch day. so they where nice enough to give you not just 5 days but 7 days of staggered invites to everyone who has pre-ordered. that is 1-7 days of free game play before you even get the game.( which you could return if you don't like it, after launch day or even pay for a single month) this staggered access I think is better than the alternatives such as a mass invite ( where you can't level at all due to massive amounts new chars hogging all the spawns) or a random draw for the invites ( with my luck I would get on 1h before launch day ). so if everyone could just sit in line and wait, instead of complaining in every thread we could free up the boards for better discussions.

if you think that the people already playing have an advantage over you don't worry about it. anyone who calls him or herself a gamer knows it takes more than levels, gear or money to make a good player. it takes skill, talent, and persistence to make a good player. reaching top level the fastest does not mean you know how to play. it just means you know how to level really fast, and just because you have the best gear does not mean you can play you class.


So it you are sick of waiting just go out for a walk or do some work that needs getting done instead of wasting your time posting.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Quoted for TRUTH

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Me? Not so much. Others? According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, yes. I am fairly certain I used the word correctly. If you have any further issues with my use of language, please enlighten me.


Definition of INDEFINITE


: not definite: as

a : typically designating an unidentified, generic, or unfamiliar person or thing <the indefinite articles a and an> <indefinite pronouns>

b : not precise : vague

c : having no exact limits



Definition of PETULANT



(of a person or their manner) Childishly sulky or bad-tempered.


testy - pettish - peevish - irritable - cantankerous

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They give significant and persistant notice for waves of invites.


It's really unfair to ask, "I preordered X, so when is Y wave being sent?" The technical term is: petulant.


You're not being punished. Launch is in 7 days, as it was, as it will be.


You are correct, people are not being punished. In an earlier post I was merely stating what it may feel like to some players. The true meaning of words have no impact on an MMO launch. Perception on the other hand.....well Bioware/EA may have opened up a can of worms unfortunately.

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If I would have known that pre-orders were on a first come, first serve basis, I wouldn't have even bothered, and I'm sure hundreds of thousands wouldn't either.


But then the books wouldn't look good and investors would pull out. As I mentioned in another thread, the entire staggered launch and "first come first serve" basis is to establish a sense of limited supply and we all know how supply drives a demand.

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You are correct, people are not being punished. In an earlier post I was merely stating what it may feel like to some players. The true meaning of words have no impact on an MMO launch. Perception on the other hand.....well Bioware/EA may have opened up a can of worms unfortunately.


Not really, it's an MMO launch. No matter what you do, people are going to complain about something. I've seen it more times than I care to remember.


Even Rift, as flawless as that launch was, people were still complaining.

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I'm just getting irritated at the possibility that people will be level 50 and have enough money to control the markets before I even get in the game.


Talk about 1% of the population controlling 99% of the money...


Jeez, this is ALWAYS the case, although frankly I'd just rather not play on a server with those kind of people. Still, that's unavoidable, I suppose...


Still and all, there are ALWAYS those people that control everything. At least with the staggered release you're getting the players who are keenest to play getting in first and having a small advantage, not just those who have decided they need an unpaid job set in the Star Wars universe.

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They actually did give you a limit, they said everyone was going to have at least one day of headstart.


Where between now and "at least one day" is defined? Time can be divided up into infinite points between now and "then."



They give significant and persistant notice for waves of invites.


It's really unfair to ask, "I preordered X, so when is Y wave being sent?" The technical term is: petulant.


You're not being punished. Launch is in 7 days, as it was, as it will be.


"Launch" in its plain and ordinary meaning for a MMO is the first day the servers allow access to players. Last I checked, that was Dec. 13, 2011. If you want to get technical, Bioware has called this "launch" in their announcement.


Their notice immediately prior to (and sometimes after when you already can) logging on is not notice.


Punishing is to impose a penalty. The penalty here being not being able to play in the first wave of invites.


Edit: As a side note, I always love a good argument. Thanks for obliging Monotoli, though I find your posts to lack some proper thought and come out more as personal attacks.

Edited by Chaosy
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I hope they let more people in tomorrow, if they don't, and then try to cram everyone in on the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd day of early access (assuming tomorrow will be equally slow) Bioware will create exactly the nightmare server issues they trying to avoid. It is kinda like doing homework, it is nice when you get a head start, but if that time is not use to their max potential, then rushing it on the 11th hour (also assuming they can only let in certain amount of people each day without blowing servers up).


People that pre-order get early access, or at least thats what they promised, 1-5 days from my understanding, so if Bioware doesn't use the extra 2 days to clear out some of the clout, then try to live up to what they promised on the early access from 15th-19th, prepare for a **** storm...


And heaven forbid if there is enough people falls through the crack and doesn't get their early access at all; people make mistake when things is rushed, then we will see law suits and Bioware will go down in history for having the worst launch in MMO history.


I hope none of this will happen, that people in Bioware knows what they are doing.

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Meanwhile, since this is an MMO not a SP game, lots of players will gain a considerable amount of advantage from both their level / gear by being able to farm high-level dungeons / professions and many others.


But then again most people defending bioware either aren't competitive at all or are already in and troll the rest.

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Honestly, if you're promising an "early access" date you might as well make that your release date. 90% of your player base are die hard fans that have pre-ordered anyhow. I got that from a made-up survey I came up with in my head. :D That nothwithstanding, Rift launched nearly flawlessly. They continually opened new servers as the "old" ones filled up. It is not impossible, or even very difficult to mirror a launch like this.


I've played the Beta of this game and I find it very enjoyable. I don't believe this over-restricted early access is warranted. You could always overestimate your server load and scale down. The pre-sales of this game easily cover the development and launch costs of this endeavor. Stop being such a f-ing corporation and get back to the small scale customer service your fan base expects. Just saying...

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Well they ended up having to merge the servers later. I think this is partially the reason they've done this, however I can't see how it's going to change anything in the grand scheme of things. All it's accomplishing right now is upsetting customers.


Yes but the reason Rift had to merge servers later had absolutely nothing to do with having enough servers to handle the early access rush, it was simply because the game was so average and people stopped playing it after a few weeks.

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Don't hate, appreciate.


They said "up to 7 days early". Mate, that means don't hope for anything but maybe an extra hour's head start....


You're putting a bit too much faith into something that was half-promised at the get-go. They don't have to give you anything for early access except maybe a minute. Big whoop?


To be honest, it would've just been fine if they'd released at 20th, and you saw all the servers crash consistently for probably the first 2 weeks of the game, just like WoW and Everquest....


Just let them do their thing; it's like you were never a kid once and odered from a catalog. States on the order "up to X amt. of days/weeks un til delivery..."


This is how queue's are done, man... You stagger the crowd so that it doesn't turn into a mob. Except, from a digital point of view, you stagger out your players and see how fast they level/collate the data/recompute another batch of early accessee's and then go off their numbers too....


Chill the heck out. Be happy if you get even an extra minute's early start. Appreciate having to actually drool over something for once. The world's gotten too damn set on this "instant gratification" bullshet.


Patience....Even the dang Sith understand the importance of that one....

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Where between now and "at least one day" is defined? Time can be divided up into infinite points between now and "then."


"The sooner you put in your preorder code, the sooner you get into early access"


"Everyone will get at least one day of early access"


I don't understand how those parameters aren't defined. If you don't get in today, wait tomorrow, rince and repeat until it's the 19th and you're guaranteed entry.

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