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Could Star Wars be real?


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What makes you think that Humans are intelligent life? Using their history as a litmus,they are the dumbest clucks on the planet. What makes you think we have not gotten proof of other beings. It's not a question of if there are flying space machines around are earth,but who the heck is flying them.


There are more forms of life in the universe,then there are on Earth. Stop using your senses to detect such. It would be like trying to detect heat,with a meter that detects gases. We sit as a speck on the edge of our galaxy. We know little of it.


We have been to busy looking on other planets,when their is all kinds of life next to us,in other dimensions. An ocean,or pond would be a good example. The fish in it,would have no concept of what you are,or if you exist,yet they live right next to you,in your world.


Only a child would even think there is no life besides them. Use the Force..

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If such a civilization existed, were screwed big time. We might as well just stop trying to be "creative" and "inventing" things, because compared to the Republic/Empire civilizations of Star Wars were nothing but cavemen. They would all probably laugh really hard about how, were using bullets in our primitive weapons and how our biggest weapon that the human race has is nothing more then a small explosive grenade to them.


Actually Stephen Hawking says it best. If a alien intelligence made its way to earth, we'd end up like the native Americans; we'd slowly just have everything taken away from us.


hypothetically of course, if the republic were real, and we were discovered by them, I think we should embrace the fact a faction of so many alien races could coexist and we could learn from them.

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While it's completely plausible that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe there are a few things I'd like to point out to you.

While it's possible that intelligent life exists, it is naive to think that this extra-terrestrial civilisation would resemble humans in any way, shape or form. The evolutionary path we followed to become what we are and how we look is unique to our situation, so it's unlikely that anywhere else something has evolved to look like us or what you referred to as humanoid (but not impossible!!)

When pondering whether or not a civilisaion can truly become "space fairing" one should consider Fermi's paradox, considering the odds, life should be fairly common in the universe and intelligent life uncommon but present, but if that is the case why have we seen no evidence of intelligent life considering the age of the universe (maybe we don't know what we are looking for?).

Also in terms of personal space craft etc. it would come down to the economics of such a civilisation whether or not it is possible to own your own space craft. But if you can't travel faster than light what's the point? You wouldn't be going anywhere fast and if we were too look at our own technology, not cheap in terms of money or resources.

War is completely possible, who knows, war might have wiped all of the intelligent civilisations before they developed the technology to become "space fairing" hence why we don't see evidence of them.

That's just a few of the things I think about when thinking of advanced civilisations, but don't get me wrong, I don't think we should ever stop looking.


also, @Wolfninjajedi why would we be screwed?


im sorry I have to do it... Space Faring

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Could a Star Wars like civilization exist? Think about it. The universe is 13.7 billion years old.

Correct according to the cosmological observations and models.

It could be possible that a planet(s) was formed 10-11 billion years ago, and life began to evolve a few billion years after.

Incorrect. According to current observations there were any stars nor galaxies formed at that epoch.


But, yes, it would be great to travel all around the galaxy. :D

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Well I am saying that because of the OP suggesting of there being a Republic/Empire like civilization, in which case we would be clearly outclassed(if they attacked the world). Because they have capital ships which could make orbital bombardments on a planet, shields that can protect them from blaster fire and explosions. Point defense cannons that could blow any nukes before it even reached the target.


Now as for fighters, I mean I guess that our fighters could match theirs in speed but thats pretty much it. Their shields would be able to protect them from any gunfire or missiles launched at them. This isn't even talking about the armor that their ships have.


As for ground troops....ya were smoked, their guys wear completely covered armor which protects them from anything short of a blaster shot. What good is a bullet if it can't penetrate armor? The only thing that I could think of that would have a shot at killing troops, would be a tank. But they have war machines of their own that(by our standards) could destroy anything that any army has.


Now if they came in peace, we gain technology and over the course of years we would have technology that is equal to their tech. Of course this could cause problems with other nations, so either way I think were done for.


One word: Ewoks

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Also in terms of personal space craft etc. it would come down to the economics of such a civilisation whether or not it is possible to own your own space craft. But if you can't travel faster than light what's the point? You wouldn't be going anywhere fast and if we were too look at our own technology, not cheap in terms of money or resources.

War is completely possible, who knows, war might have wiped all of the intelligent civilisations before they developed the technology to become "space fairing" hence why we don't see evidence of them.

That's just a few of the things I think about when thinking of advanced civilisations, but don't get me wrong, I don't think we should ever stop looking.


also, @Wolfninjajedi why would we be screwed?


in terms of the resources and whatnot, maybe they're not all greedy bastards? just because there is life doesn't mean it has all became power obsessed like humans have.. the matter of the fact is, if the government didn't make money, and people were free to take what they wanted (in a relaxed form (not rioting and stealing everything)) it is very well plausible that it could be done..

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As you approach the speed of light, your mass gets closer to infinity and the amount of energy required to further accelerate also gets closer to infinity. So when you eventually hit the speed of light, your mass would be infinity. Lets assume that is possible. If you were to touch ANYTHING, the resulting collision would have an infinite force and would completely wipe out everything. I am fairly certain I have got most of the science right but feel free to correct me.
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Michiu Kaku!!!! they're a type 3 civilization. we're a type 0 almost on the cusp of type 1. we're literally millions of years away from acheiving type 3 which is harnessing the power of a galaxy. type one is harnessing the power of our planet; we're type zero because we're still using finite fossil fuels for the majority of our energy needs.


the best defensive news for earth is we're way off in an out-of-the-way area of the universe so its likely if there are other civilizations out there they won't find us hiding off in the middle of nowhere.


we're kinda like tatooine.. if there's a bright center of the galaxy we're on the planet it's farthest from :D


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Michiu Kaku!!!! they're a type 3 civilization. we're a type 0 almost on the cusp of type 1. we're literally millions of years away from acheiving type 3 which is harnessing the power of a galaxy. type one is harnessing the power of our planet; we're type zero because we're still using finite fossil fuels for the majority of our energy needs.


the best defensive news for earth is we're way off in an out-of-the-way area of the universe so its likely if there are other civilizations out there they won't find us hiding off in the middle of nowhere.


we're kinda like tatooine.. if there's a bright center of the galaxy we're on the planet it's farthest from :D



I actually saw Michio Kaku doing a convention in Boston once. I had respect for him till I reallized how much he over-exagerates everything. For example, he said we today are able to transport one thing on one side of the room to the other through molecular transportation. Best wat to describe it, getting beamed down or up in Star Trek. In fact this was completely false. Small microscopic objects were travelling in incredible high speeds to a targeted location.

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Is it possible? Yes, of course :)


Is it probable? No ... arguably possible, but not probable.


It fills you with awe to think, though, the universe is so large it can easily accommodate multiple tier-0 civilizations on many planets in an however many galaxies. who knows how many there could be -- we really only understand our universe through "light" and are still learning about dark matter, and can "barely see anything," as it is.


It's possible that civilizations have existed on other planets but have gone extinct once reaching the nuclear age. Dose of (sci-fi inspired) reality for ya, there :p

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Well I am saying that because of the OP suggesting of there being a Republic/Empire like civilization, in which case we would be clearly outclassed(if they attacked the world). Because they have capital ships which could make orbital bombardments on a planet, shields that can protect them from blaster fire and explosions. Point defense cannons that could blow any nukes before it even reached the target.


Now as for fighters, I mean I guess that our fighters could match theirs in speed but thats pretty much it. Their shields would be able to protect them from any gunfire or missiles launched at them. This isn't even talking about the armor that their ships have.


As for ground troops....ya were smoked, their guys wear completely covered armor which protects them from anything short of a blaster shot. What good is a bullet if it can't penetrate armor? The only thing that I could think of that would have a shot at killing troops, would be a tank. But they have war machines of their own that(by our standards) could destroy anything that any army has.


Now if they came in peace, we gain technology and over the course of years we would have technology that is equal to their tech. Of course this could cause problems with other nations, so either way I think were done for.


Ha! Their armor sucks. A bullet could easily penetrate that crappy stuff.

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Everyone has been talking about speed and how to accelerate to light speed to get anywhere will take forever but we forgot to factor in how time is perceived. In earth terms it might take our decades to travel to a distant planet but thats because of the way humans perceive time. If another species which calculates time differently and also lets say that species' brain also perceives time differently than ours as well, our few years to travel could feel like hours to them.
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Theoretically the only big hurdle from our civilization to the one depicted in Star Wars is warp drive travel through hyperspace. We don't know if a hyperspace exists though it does figure in some of the "bulk" cosmologies of M-Theory.


All the other stuff is theoretically doable within the next few centuries. Even light sabers could be done if we figure out better manipulation of electromagnetic fields and plasma. I'd argue that our latest "droids" look far more advanced than C-3PO, and its only a matter of time before our software is as advanced and sophisticated enough to run the A.I. of a droid like him.


This of course leaves aside the whole "force" issue as that is paranormal like ESP and telekinesis which are both very dubious when examined using quantum physics.

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Could a Star Wars like civilization exist? Think about it. The universe is 13.7 billion years old. It could be possible that a planet(s) was formed 10-11 billion years ago, and life began to evolve a few billion years after.


The life that evolved could have gotten horns like the Zabrak or they could be blue like the Chiss. After the humanoid life came, they could have discovered electricity and other technology way earlier than us. They could have quickly developed space travel, maybe not at light speed, but developed it to the point of anyone being able to buy a space ship.


They might have invented blasters, or swords that are lazer-like. They could have two or more "factions" that are at war. (Republic vs Empire for example) We have war between countries, so why couldn't they?


Just something to think about.


Considering the Universe isn't that old. Lightsabers are impossible, fire in space is impossible, blasters are impossible, 90% of the technology in Star Wars is impossible. No. The world is about 6000 years old

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Considering the Universe isn't that old. Lightsabers are impossible, fire in space is impossible, blasters are impossible, 90% of the technology in Star Wars is impossible. No. The world is about 6000 years old


**I removed my reply in order to not offend you. It took me awhile to realize you are viewing this from a religious standpoint. I am sorry, thank you for your input.**

Edited by BBriggs
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Correct according to the cosmological observations and models.


Incorrect. According to current observations there were any stars nor galaxies formed at that epoch.


But, yes, it would be great to travel all around the galaxy. :D


Well thanks..I think I will remove that part then. I learned something new! :D

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If such a civilization existed, were screwed big time. We might as well just stop trying to be "creative" and "inventing" things, because compared to the Republic/Empire civilizations of Star Wars were nothing but cavemen. They would all probably laugh really hard about how, were using bullets in our primitive weapons and how our biggest weapon that the human race has is nothing more then a small explosive grenade to them.



Jedi would get massacred by our "primitive weapons". The lasers they dodge and parry move at speeds so slow the human eye can follow them. Try parrying a squad of elite soldiers firing machine guns at you, mister Jedi ^^



Sure, they could probably nuke an entire planet and thereby destroy us, but if they wanted to come down and fight us they would get their asses kicked. In the movies, when portraying large battles, their main tactic seems to just horde together and move forward. Pretty damn dumb.


And don't tell me we can't shoot through storm trooper armor, or their walkers, or anything of the sort, cause if Ewok arrows can pierce them, and a log can smash an AT-ST so can bullets.

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