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Could Star Wars be real?


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Funny. This is just like religion. Some people need to believe there is more out there in order to find meaning in their own existence.


yeah because logic equals religion


i call all the stuff made from our big bang a matter cluster, not the universe since i think the universe is everything and if theres more than 1 matter cluster out there then ours isnt everthing



oh and i believe in the multiverse theory sort of. the universe technically encompases everything so i think space is infinite, big bangs are happening throughout the entire universe. i mean somewhere after you get past all the matter that was made from our big bang or however this was created, 99999999999999999999999999999999999 lightyears or parsecs another clutter of matter may be there and they think that is their universe.

sorry i dont sound smart and am bad at explaining things but it makes sense in my head


i believe theres an infinite ammount of matter clusters throughout the entire infinite universe

Edited by Nunchi
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I just had my suspicions confirmed. Last night at Times Square, Darth Malgus was breakdancing in the middle of the street, while Sith Warriors were rapping and Sith Troopers were chanting "Go Malgus, Go Malgus Go Malgus, Go Malgus, Go Malgus!" They're real!:eek:
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I agree that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, but I also agree that intelligent life has come into contact with this planet, and has been for the past millions of years.


Anyway, that's irrelevant to the point of this thread.


Is Star Wars possible? Yes. Extremely possible. Is a civilization much more advanced than the Star Wars possible? Yes, especially if they had billions of years more than what we had.


We have the potential to build a lightsaber, which has been theorized by physicists as requiring plasma, and a warehouse-sized power source (but not impossible).


Remember... years ago, a computer required an entire wall for space for simple mathematical calculations. Now, we have iPod Nanos that can fit in the middle of our hard that have 100x the processing power of the computers at that time. Hell, they have more processing power than even the most powerful computers of the 70s.


In my honest opinion, between the next 500 - 1000 years, we could have an actual Star Wars-like planet. That's just what I believe.

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I agree that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, but I also agree that intelligent life has come into contact with this planet, and has been for the past millions of years.


Anyway, that's irrelevant to the point of this thread.


Is Star Wars possible? Yes. Extremely possible. Is a civilization much more advanced than the Star Wars possible? Yes, especially if they had billions of years more than what we had.


We have the potential to build a lightsaber, which has been theorized by physicists as requiring plasma, and a warehouse-sized power source (but not impossible).


Remember... years ago, a computer required an entire wall for space for simple mathematical calculations. Now, we have iPod Nanos that can fit in the middle of our hard that have 100x the processing power of the computers at that time. Hell, they have more processing power than even the most powerful computers of the 70s.


In my honest opinion, between the next 500 - 1000 years, we could have an actual Star Wars-like planet. That's just what I believe.


no a lightsaber is 100% impossible it breaks every rule of phsyics. Now if you want to make a plasma blade that cuts like a lightsaber. sure that is more then possible however you cant have it have the same properites of a light saber.


Such as being able to deflect blaster bolts or clashing with other light sabers. Plasma is still essentially a gas and a gas IS NOT SOLID.



Yes computers have become smaller and more advanced but they have never broken the laws of physics and yes a 1,000 years from now the cities might be similar to those in Star Wars however there are somethings like Lightsabers and force fields that will never be possible.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Exactly what I was about to suggest, what would be the point of them attacking us, they'd have nothing to gain by doing so.


I agree, however there's one thing that sticks out to me and that is when I was young I remember taking a magnifying glass and burning ants on an ant hill ... they did nothing to me I was just bored ...

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The very definition of perpetual motion proves there is conservation of energy. Carnot cycle is to prove efficiency yes, but you forget to take in effect efficiency if energy is conserved. If all the energy is conserved there is no gain and no loss therefore it is efficient. I understand how you think but you fail to recognize simplicity with your "PhD", opinions and lack of facts.


Oh and if you are so right. Show mathematical proof that Michio Kaku is wrong, don't just say it.


Wow you're really reaching into the realms of stupidity and pulling out some great gems for yourself. The Carnot Cycle proves, quite easily, that a perpetual motion machine is impossible because of the simple fact matter cannot retain 100% energy transference into one medium. Because the simple Newtonion construct of Work has to be done, you will not and cannot have perpetual motion. Welcome to Physics 101, again, no arm-chair physicists since you cant' seem to grasp the most basic of concepts. TY.


Every theory involving motion proves Kaku wrong, why would I reinvent the wheel if it's already been done countless times?

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If such a civilization existed, were screwed big time. We might as well just stop trying to be "creative" and "inventing" things, because compared to the Republic/Empire civilizations of Star Wars were nothing but cavemen. They would all probably laugh really hard about how, were using bullets in our primitive weapons and how our biggest weapon that the human race has is nothing more then a small explosive grenade to them.


I disagree. Modern day soldiers would pwn any Star Wars trooper or the such. 'Our' guns shoot with higher speeds and much greater accuracy. The speed and accuracy difference would mean the death of jedi/sith as well.


In Star Wars, the blaster lasers travel slow as hell and 90% shoot on luck and miss a lot. Nah, if they'd exist, I wouldn't he scared at all. Our technology looks more barbaric, but it actually is a lot better.

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Wow you're really reaching into the realms of stupidity and pulling out some great gems for yourself. The Carnot Cycle proves, quite easily, that a perpetual motion machine is impossible because of the simple fact matter cannot retain 100% energy transference into one medium. Because the simple Newtonion construct of Work has to be done, you will not and cannot have perpetual motion. Welcome to Physics 101, again, no arm-chair physicists since you cant' seem to grasp the most basic of concepts. TY.


Every theory involving motion proves Kaku wrong, why would I reinvent the wheel if it's already been done countless times?


Yawn, put an object in space. Now apply force to it, that object will move at that relative velocity until acted upon by another force. So if you spin something in space it will continue perpetually until another force stops it or slows it down. Hence perpetual motion. Think outside the box. Energy is once again conserved.


Do they hand out PhD's in cracker jack boxes now?

Edited by Trivialed
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I once read some where that most of our storys we as people come up with bleeds throught the multiverse. That it has happened some where in the universe at some point in time and that some people can tap into that. It may just be a story to us.
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The speed of evolution of intelligent life (i.e. slooooooooooow), the relatively young age of the universe and the current infeasibility (and physical impossibility) of rapid interstellar travel says no.


In all likelihood, while there is probably more intelligent life in the universe, it is at a relatively similar stage of advancement to humanity in terms of space travel. People don't really comprehend just how long it takes for evolution to take place. Earth is 4.5 billion years old, yes, but that prior 9 billion years is not automatically rife with life. The first few billion years of the universe were so violently blasted with radiation and all manner of cosmic phenomena that it's very unlikely that planets would have or could have formed in any way accommodating for organic life. Remember that there are not parts of the universe that moved faster than we do in a traditional sense (not counting irrelevant gravitational wackiness.)


The formation of Earth itself was not an instantaneous process. First, our star had to be born and spend an incredible amount of time slowly cooking and spewing out the heavy matter that comprises the rest of our solar system. Then the Earth had to coagulate into a planet, clear its orbital path of debris, built up a (then toxic) atmosphere and oceans of water, and that's all before life started. It took about a billion years after the Earth resembled Earth before life even showed up, and then the single-celled organisms spent about 2-3 billion more years processing the Carbon Dioxide-rich atmosphere and creating the Oxygen-rich atmosphere that we are familiar with today, and only then could land-based organisms even begin their path toward the current species diversity we have today.


Now, maybe another planet could have a billion or so years on us, but considering how improbable our own existence is and just how many horrible ways space is trying to murder everything, not to mention the resource and fuel plateau that a hypothetical species will likely reach before ever being able travel between stars (i.e. you cannot create a space ship if you run out of fuel), the odds of their being a hyper-advanced and cosmically ancient civilization are very unlikely. In all probability, other hypothetical species will be at a similar stage of technological advancement as humanity is today.

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As an engineer I've never really understood Star Wars.

The canon law covers some 3 or 4 or 10 whatever thousand years of history.

And it seems from day 1 to day 10,000 not a whole lot of engineering is going on.

It's like an entire galaxy hit a certain level of development and said, "eh... done."


When I look at the Star Trek universe it actually makes more sense to me from an invention/design standpoint.

Because you can see where humans were at X point in history, and as you advance, 50, then 100, then 200 years, you see Moore's Law applied and there's pretty common sense predictions on where the Star Fleet and humans are technologically.


In Star Wars however, not a whole lot has changed in several millennium.

That's never really made sense to me.

Unless both sides are SO dedicated to the Force that the pseudo-religion aspect of the Force is like a repressive Dark Ages where the "church" of force users are suppressing technological/scientific advancement.

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The Drake equation states that:



N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible;


R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy

fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets

ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets

fℓ = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point

fi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life

fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space

L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.


or do it this way


The equation can really be looked at as a number of questions:


N* represents the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy

Question: How many stars are in the Milky Way Galaxy?

Answer: Current estimates are 100 billion.

fp is the fraction of stars that have planets around them

Question: What percentage of stars have planetary systems?

Answer: Current estimates range from 20% to 50%.

ne is the number of planets per star that are capable of sustaining life

Question: For each star that does have a planetary system, how many planets are capable of sustaining life?

Answer: Current estimates range from 1 to 5.

fl is the fraction of planets in ne where life evolves

Question: On what percentage of the planets that are capable of sustaining life does life actually evolve?

Answer: Current estimates range from 100% (where life can evolve it will) down to close to 0%.

fi is the fraction of fl where intelligent life evolves

Question: On the planets where life does evolve, what percentage evolves intelligent life?

Answer: Estimates range from 100% (intelligence is such a survival advantage that it will certainly evolve) down to near 0%.

fc is the fraction of fi that communicate

Question: What percentage of intelligent races have the means and the desire to communicate?

Answer: 10% to 20%

fL is fraction of the planet's life during which the communicating civilizations live

Question: For each civilization that does communicate, for what fraction of the planet's life does the civilization survive?

Answer: This is the toughest of the questions. If we take Earth as an example, the expected lifetime of our Sun and the Earth is roughly 10 billion years. So far we've been communicating with radio waves for less than 100 years. How long will our civilization survive? Will we destroy ourselves in a few years like some predict or will we overcome our problems and survive for millennia? If we were destroyed tomorrow the answer to this question would be 1/100,000,000th. If we survive for 10,000 years the answer will be 1/1,000,000th.

When all of these variables are multiplied together when come up with:

N, the number of communicating civilizations in the galaxy.

Edited by Roguetrooperz
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I forget the name of the show but it has been on history channel a few times it is also on the full saga of star wars on bluray, but any ways it talks about the technology in star wars, most of what is seen in the movies we have now or are not far off from getting about the only things we are no where close to is light speed and light sabers and blasters being they seem to be based on the same science as the sabers.
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I forget the name of the show but it has been on history channel a few times it is also on the full saga of star wars on bluray, but any ways it talks about the technology in star wars, most of what is seen in the movies we have now or are not far off from getting about the only things we are no where close to is light speed and light sabers and blasters being they seem to be based on the same science as the sabers.


The blasters are actually a bit closer than many people realize. The blsters use matter not energy so their not lasers per say, they are more on the line of plasma rifles. These are still a bit ahead of our time, but the concept is there, so if future humans, can contain plasma, store it, and keep it under control, then rifles that work like blasters could happen. Lightsabers, as everyone was discussing can be created similarly with contained plasma but these are more on the line of laser chainsaws than laser swords.

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The blasters are actually a bit closer than many people realize. The blsters use matter not energy so their not lasers per say, they are more on the line of plasma rifles. These are still a bit ahead of our time, but the concept is there, so if future humans, can contain plasma, store it, and keep it under control, then rifles that work like blasters could happen. Lightsabers, as everyone was discussing can be created similarly with contained plasma but these are more on the line of laser chainsaws than laser swords.


Plasma guns are possible. Something more like what is in Warhammer 40k where it is just a burst of super heated plasma.


Blasters like you see in Star Wars are impossible. It's a movie special effect that people people are trying to define like it's actual science. Add in the fact that some how Light sabers are able to deflect them and it becomes really imposbile because then it has to be a solid of some sort.

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oh also the concept of engery shileds for space ships is also impossible. What kind of engery is it? Electrical? Is it some sort of Magnetic Field? It's just one of those Science fiction things we just accept even though it has no basis in reality.



So Lightsabers, Blasters, Engery Shields are all impossible.


cell phones were considered to be impossible 100 years ago.

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If such a civilization existed, were screwed big time. We might as well just stop trying to be "creative" and "inventing" things, because compared to the Republic/Empire civilizations of Star Wars were nothing but cavemen. They would all probably laugh really hard about how, were using bullets in our primitive weapons and how our biggest weapon that the human race has is nothing more then a small explosive grenade to them.


They wouldn't laugh when they tried to deflect our bullets with their lightsabers. They'd die.

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For humans to get into a galaxy far, far away a long time ago in such a large and diverce faction, the human race must have gotten there in a colonization push form our future by use of a one way wormhole into the past of that galaxy. that way the humans who would be classed as force sensitive only became so once thay got there. plus the threat of races with advanced space travel at the time.
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cell phones were considered to be impossible 100 years ago.


1. no not really in fact Tesla had designs for several devices that are very similar to cell phones.


2. Cell phones don't break the laws of physics.


edit: yeah hold on 100 years ago cell phones were not considered impossible. You really couldn't have picked a worse example


100 years ago we already had radios and were communicating wireless through radio waves. In fact the military was already working on ways to make it more portable.



Remember Star Wars is a movie written by a guy who didn't care about science. It's like saying humans will be able to fly just like superman with out use of telekenisis, external technology or anything like that. It will be flying by pure willpower alone.

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1. no not really in fact Tesla had designs for several devices that are very similar to cell phones.


2. Cell phones don't break the laws of physics.


edit: yeah hold on 100 years ago cell phones were not considered impossible. You really couldn't have picked a worse example


100 years ago we already had radios and were communicating wireless through radio waves. In fact the military was already working on ways to make it more portable.



Remember Star Wars is a movie written by a guy who didn't care about science. It's like saying humans will be able to fly just like superman with out use of telekenisis, external technology or anything like that. It will be flying by pure willpower alone.


fine than, let me adjust my numbers, "700 years ago" feel better?


you act like the laws of physics are written in stone and don't evolve as we discover new things, your a real doubter you know.

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fine than, let me adjust my numbers, "700 years ago" feel better?


you act like the laws of physics are written in stone and don't evolve as we discover new things, your a real doubter you know.




700 years ago people didn't even have the idea for a cell phone.


Let me ask you this. Do you believe it is possible to have a magic wand like in Harry Potter? A stick that has a phoenix feather or dragon scale as it's core and is able to cast spells such as Eat Slugs which cause a person to create life in their mouth????

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