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Could Star Wars be real?


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Could a Star Wars like civilization exist? Think about it. The universe is 13.7 billion years old. It could be possible that stars and planets formed "x" amount of years ago, and life began to evolve a few billion years after.


The life that evolved could have gotten horns like the Zabrak or they could be blue like the Chiss. After the humanoid life came, they could have discovered electricity and other technology way earlier than us. They could have quickly developed space travel, maybe not at light speed, but developed it to the point of anyone being able to buy a space ship.


They might have invented blasters, or swords that are lazer-like. They could have two or more "factions" that are at war. (Republic vs Empire for example) We have war between countries, so why couldn't they?


Just something to think about.

Edited by BBriggs
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If such a civilization existed, were screwed big time. We might as well just stop trying to be "creative" and "inventing" things, because compared to the Republic/Empire civilizations of Star Wars were nothing but cavemen. They would all probably laugh really hard about how, were using bullets in our primitive weapons and how our biggest weapon that the human race has is nothing more then a small explosive grenade to them. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Maybe they haven't found us yet. If they are in a galaxy far away, with multiple planets full of life they might assume there is nothing else out there. But there is also the possibility they have died out. Maybe their sun (or whatever they call it) exploded and it destroyed everything. So there would be no reason for it to seem like we are far behind. Edited by BBriggs
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While it's completely plausible that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe there are a few things I'd like to point out to you.

While it's possible that intelligent life exists, it is naive to think that this extra-terrestrial civilisation would resemble humans in any way, shape or form. The evolutionary path we followed to become what we are and how we look is unique to our situation, so it's unlikely that anywhere else something has evolved to look like us or what you referred to as humanoid (but not impossible!!)

When pondering whether or not a civilisaion can truly become "space fairing" one should consider Fermi's paradox, considering the odds, life should be fairly common in the universe and intelligent life uncommon but present, but if that is the case why have we seen no evidence of intelligent life considering the age of the universe (maybe we don't know what we are looking for?).

Also in terms of personal space craft etc. it would come down to the economics of such a civilisation whether or not it is possible to own your own space craft. But if you can't travel faster than light what's the point? You wouldn't be going anywhere fast and if we were too look at our own technology, not cheap in terms of money or resources.

War is completely possible, who knows, war might have wiped all of the intelligent civilisations before they developed the technology to become "space fairing" hence why we don't see evidence of them.

That's just a few of the things I think about when thinking of advanced civilisations, but don't get me wrong, I don't think we should ever stop looking.


also, @Wolfninjajedi why would we be screwed?

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While it's completely plausible that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe there are a few things I'd like to point out to you.

While it's possible that intelligent life exists, it is naive to think that this extra-terrestrial civilisation would resemble humans in any way, shape or form. The evolutionary path we followed to become what we are and how we look is unique to our situation, so it's unlikely that anywhere else something has evolved to look like us or what you referred to as humanoid (but not impossible!!)

When pondering whether or not a civilisaion can truly become "space fairing" one should consider Fermi's paradox, considering the odds, life should be fairly common in the universe and intelligent life uncommon but present, but if that is the case why have we seen no evidence of intelligent life considering the age of the universe (maybe we don't know what we are looking for?).

Also in terms of personal space craft etc. it would come down to the economics of such a civilisation whether or not it is possible to own your own space craft. But if you can't travel faster than light what's the point? You wouldn't be going anywhere fast and if we were too look at our own technology, not cheap in terms of money or resources.

War is completely possible, who knows, war might have wiped all of the intelligent civilisations before they developed the technology to become "space fairing" hence why we don't see evidence of them.

That's just a few of the things I think about when thinking of advanced civilisations, but don't get me wrong, I don't think we should ever stop looking.


also, @Wolfninjajedi why would we be screwed?


Didn't think about the human evolution thing....

Edited by BBriggs
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also, @Wolfninjajedi why would we be screwed?


Well I am saying that because of the OP suggesting of there being a Republic/Empire like civilization, in which case we would be clearly outclassed(if they attacked the world). Because they have capital ships which could make orbital bombardments on a planet, shields that can protect them from blaster fire and explosions. Point defense cannons that could blow any nukes before it even reached the target.


Now as for fighters, I mean I guess that our fighters could match theirs in speed but thats pretty much it. Their shields would be able to protect them from any gunfire or missiles launched at them. This isn't even talking about the armor that their ships have.


As for ground troops....ya were smoked, their guys wear completely covered armor which protects them from anything short of a blaster shot. What good is a bullet if it can't penetrate armor? The only thing that I could think of that would have a shot at killing troops, would be a tank. But they have war machines of their own that(by our standards) could destroy anything that any army has.


Now if they came in peace, we gain technology and over the course of years we would have technology that is equal to their tech. Of course this could cause problems with other nations, so either way I think were done for.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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One big misconception here. Intelligent life that is way beyond us in years would have no need for money. The monetary system flawed and all systems that have flaws when tried to the end eventually fail. The real money of the universe is energy. Understanding that will make you understand that money is useless and resources are key to creation.


Also, why would this intelligent life have to destroy us with weapons? If anything they would treat us like domesticated animals. Look at how we(intelligent life) treat things that we view as unintelligent. Or maybe they might pity us for being clearly uneducated in the ways of the universe and constantly warring with our own race.

Edited by Trivialed
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One big misconception here. Intelligent life that is way beyond us in years would have no need for money. The monetary system flawed and all systems that have flaws when tried to the end eventually fail. The real money of the universe is energy. Understanding that will make you understand that money is useless and resources are key to creation.


Also, why would this intelligent life have to destroy us with weapons? If anything they would treat us like domesticated animals. Look at how we(intelligent life) treat things that we view as unintelligent. Or maybe they might pity us for being clearly uneducated in the ways of the universe and constantly warring with our own race.


We would be like the Dantari of their universe, though slightly more smarter then the Dantari.

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Also, why would this intelligent life have to destroy us with weapons? If anything they would treat us like domesticated animals. Look at how we(intelligent life) treat things that we view as unintelligent. Or maybe they might pity us for being clearly uneducated in the ways of the universe and constantly warring with our own race.


Exactly what I was about to suggest, what would be the point of them attacking us, they'd have nothing to gain by doing so.

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Also in terms of personal space craft etc. it would come down to the economics of such a civilisation whether or not it is possible to own your own space craft. But if you can't travel faster than light what's the point? You wouldn't be going anywhere fast and if we were too look at our own technology, not cheap in terms of money or resources.


FTL travel is not possible, and there's a lot of discussion about that in various places on the web, with real physicists weighing in on the issue.


One of my favorite science fiction writers, Alastair Reynolds, is a former astrophysicist who wrote his "Revelation Space" series with the rule that he'd only include technology that exists, or technology that's plausible according to the latest scientific understanding.


In that series, ships travel by ramscoops/ramjets which basically collect hydrogen as fuel from the interstellar medium, which gets around the energy problem of acceleration.


In that world, ships accelerated over a period of months to more than a year, reaching speeds of more than 90% light, and had to undergo a similarly long deceleration phase at the end of the journey.


The end result was massive ships called "lighthuggers" that could carry hundreds of thousands of passengers and would take years or more than a decade to travel to other systems. The crews and passengers would survive the journey by compressing time through time dilation (extreme at near-light speed) and a form of cryogenic preservation called reefersleep.


Needless to say, the Revelation Space universe is not Star Wars. It definitely approaches interstellar travel from a real science perspective, and that produces all sorts of strange/insane/fascinating opportunities for plots and subplots in a universe where information can only travel at sub-light speeds and "news" is a decade old by the time it reaches people.


The series also has some of the strangest alien life in any SF work, which is pretty cool when we're used to so many SF franchises falling back on humanoid aliens and in-the-box thinking regarding that stuff.


If you're interested in that sort of thing, the series is very well-written and I recommend giving it a shot.

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FTL travel is not possible, and there's a lot of discussion about that in various places on the web, with real physicists weighing in on the issue.


One of my favorite science fiction writers, Alastair Reynolds, is a former astrophysicist who wrote his "Revelation Space" series with the rule that he'd only include technology that exists, or technology that's plausible according to the latest scientific understanding.


In that series, ships travel by ramscoops/ramjets which basically collect hydrogen as fuel from the interstellar medium, which gets around the energy problem of acceleration.


In that world, ships accelerated over a period of months to more than a year, reaching speeds of more than 90% light, and had to undergo a similarly long deceleration phase at the end of the journey.


The end result was massive ships called "lighthuggers" that could carry hundreds of thousands of passengers and would take years or more than a decade to travel to other systems. The crews and passengers would survive the journey by compressing time through time dilation (extreme at near-light speed) and a form of cryogenic preservation called reefersleep.


Needless to say, the Revelation Space universe is not Star Wars. It definitely approaches interstellar travel from a real science perspective, and that produces all sorts of strange/insane/fascinating opportunities for plots and subplots in a universe where information can only travel at sub-light speeds and "news" is a decade old by the time it reaches people.


The series also has some of the strangest alien life in any SF work, which is pretty cool when we're used to so many SF franchises falling back on humanoid aliens and in-the-box thinking regarding that stuff.


If you're interested in that sort of thing, the series is very well-written and I recommend giving it a shot.


Why is it not possible? Who says that its impossible? People thought it was impossible to fly, now look where we are we got planes. People thought it was impossible that the earth wasn't the center of the universe, and guess what its not. Just because we haven't figured out a certain way, does not make FTL travel possible. They are jumping the gun way early on that.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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FTL travel is not possible, and there's a lot of discussion about that in various places on the web, with real physicists weighing in on the issue.


One of my favorite science fiction writers, Alastair Reynolds, is a former astrophysicist who wrote his "Revelation Space" series with the rule that he'd only include technology that exists, or technology that's plausible according to the latest scientific understanding.


In that series, ships travel by ramscoops/ramjets which basically collect hydrogen as fuel from the interstellar medium, which gets around the energy problem of acceleration.


In that world, ships accelerated over a period of months to more than a year, reaching speeds of more than 90% light, and had to undergo a similarly long deceleration phase at the end of the journey.


The end result was massive ships called "lighthuggers" that could carry hundreds of thousands of passengers and would take years or more than a decade to travel to other systems. The crews and passengers would survive the journey by compressing time through time dilation (extreme at near-light speed) and a form of cryogenic preservation called reefersleep.


Needless to say, the Revelation Space universe is not Star Wars. It definitely approaches interstellar travel from a real science perspective, and that produces all sorts of strange/insane/fascinating opportunities for plots and subplots in a universe where information can only travel at sub-light speeds and "news" is a decade old by the time it reaches people.


The series also has some of the strangest alien life in any SF work, which is pretty cool when we're used to so many SF franchises falling back on humanoid aliens and in-the-box thinking regarding that stuff.


If you're interested in that sort of thing, the series is very well-written and I recommend giving it a shot.


I'm not inclined to give an opinion on faster than light travel being possible or not, as you say, there are many physicists discussing whether or not is possible but certainly the best discussions are not happening on the web. With experimentation comes discovery. I don't know if you've heard, but a group of scientist proved in September that some subatomic particles can in fact reach speeds faster than the speed of light.

The type of vehicle you're referring to would be impractical because the "scoop" that would be needed to collect sufficient amount of hydrogen from the interstellar medium would have to be colossal and if something is that big and of that shape traveling at 90% the speed of light it's not going to last long, hitting dust particles at that speed would tear such a structure apart very quickly.

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FTL travel is not possible, and there's a lot of discussion about that in various places on the web, with real physicists weighing in on the issue.


One of my favorite science fiction writers, Alastair Reynolds, is a former astrophysicist who wrote his "Revelation Space" series with the rule that he'd only include technology that exists, or technology that's plausible according to the latest scientific understanding.


In that series, ships travel by ramscoops/ramjets which basically collect hydrogen as fuel from the interstellar medium, which gets around the energy problem of acceleration.


In that world, ships accelerated over a period of months to more than a year, reaching speeds of more than 90% light, and had to undergo a similarly long deceleration phase at the end of the journey.



Faster than light travel is possible, but not with our current technology or state. They have already proven that neutrinos can move faster than the speed of light. Also they have teleported electrons across continents and to the moon, by changing the spins of electrons.


So it can be done if we build 2 machines one at the starting place and the other at the destination. These machines would have to be able to change the spins of all our electrons to a different frequency and then project them into a different dimension and reintroduce them at the destination location.


The process is so complex and complicated that we haven't been able to do but one electron, but that doesn't mean it wont be possible in the far future.


As for ships moving at the speed of light, well Michio Kaku (renowned physicist) has the best idea so far for creating one. I can't explain it as well as him of course, but if you look it up online you can see the many videos/explanations about quantum theoretical physics that he has posted around.

Edited by Trivialed
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Well if it did exist it sure was stagnant and silly. The same creatures on different planets? I am sure planets made at different times under different circumstances would evolve things differently but no planets with similar climate have the same creatures and animals on them. Wow..amazing.


Technology wise? Nothing has advanced period. Sure things have been tweaked but for the most part its pretty lame.

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One big misconception here. Intelligent life that is way beyond us in years would have no need for money. The monetary system flawed and all systems that have flaws when tried to the end eventually fail. The real money of the universe is energy. Understanding that will make you understand that money is useless and resources are key to creation.


Also, why would this intelligent life have to destroy us with weapons? If anything they would treat us like domesticated animals. Look at how we(intelligent life) treat things that we view as unintelligent. Or maybe they might pity us for being clearly uneducated in the ways of the universe and constantly warring with our own race.


So you're saying we could end up in fighting rings with extra-terrestrial spectators eagerly wagering on our success or failure?

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If such a civilization existed, were screwed big time. We might as well just stop trying to be "creative" and "inventing" things, because compared to the Republic/Empire civilizations of Star Wars were nothing but cavemen. They would all probably laugh really hard about how, were using bullets in our primitive weapons and how our biggest weapon that the human race has is nothing more then a small explosive grenade to them.


In the Star Wars universe slug throwers are available as an alternative type of weapon, and have their advantages, their just more expensive than blaster bolts and messier.

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Well I am saying that because of the OP suggesting of there being a Republic/Empire like civilization, in which case we would be clearly outclassed(if they attacked the world). Because they have capital ships which could make orbital bombardments on a planet, shields that can protect them from blaster fire and explosions. Point defense cannons that could blow any nukes before it even reached the target.


Now as for fighters, I mean I guess that our fighters could match theirs in speed but thats pretty much it. Their shields would be able to protect them from any gunfire or missiles launched at them. This isn't even talking about the armor that their ships have.


As for ground troops....ya were smoked, their guys wear completely covered armor which protects them from anything short of a blaster shot. What good is a bullet if it can't penetrate armor? The only thing that I could think of that would have a shot at killing troops, would be a tank. But they have war machines of their own that(by our standards) could destroy anything that any army has.


Now if they came in peace, we gain technology and over the course of years we would have technology that is equal to their tech. Of course this could cause problems with other nations, so either way I think were done for.



I agree with you about the capital ships and fighters but not about the ground troops.



Remember the Emperors Elite troops were defeated by Ewoks. Their armor is can not even stop arrows.





here are some screen caps (from the non blu ray edition) of an arrow piercing stormtrooper armor. Its much clearer on the blu ray edition.

stormtrooper armor is so weak that it even breaks if you fall in it.


Then you have AT-ST armor being able to be crushed by logs. A rocket launcher or well placed explosives have more force then logs and thus would be able to easily take out a AT-ST.

Edited by jarjarloves
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I really think there is Aliens in the universe, I really do. But I doubt anything is close to Star Wars though (nobody can know this ofc though ). I do think atleast on Alien form knows about us, but they dont really care about us. Because we are like antz for them, we are no threat to them because we are like cavemans for them. They also migth not come because the gravity here might be different compare to their planets which makes them die :o.
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