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What if BioWare made 8v8 ranked only?


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As an objective only player, how confident are you about your ability to battle the ranked 8v8 and 4v4 players of the past? Do you feel like the way you play objectives now days could compete with them?

What about if the 4v4 ranked players started playing more objectives now that 8v8 was ranked? Do you think you could still beat them?

How confident are you that what you’re doing while “playing objectives” now days actually contributes to winning a war zone if both sides are actively trying to win? Could it be you’re just trying to avoid being farmed?


If you're uncertain about the answer to any of these questions, I suggest looking up some class guides and skilling up. There’s a reason even PvE has dps checks and why tanking requires a complete understanding of the boss / opponents mechanics in PvE.

PvP is the same way. You should learn your class. 

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Funny how this would freeze the q entirely since nobody sensible is going to play pvp if its all an e-sport. Ive said it before, people log to play a videogame and they arent going to care if they dont meet a competitive standard of play.

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18 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

They think PVP is like the cartel market you just come in and if you want something you just get it. No you actually have to like do things and learn to play the game to get the rewards. I know it's a shocking concept.

I think ive told you before that people arent going to care enough to invest the time and effort needed to meet your standard of play. Thats not to blame on them, its on the gamemode itself not offering the incentive. People log to play a game and unwind from real life. The seasons are a reason to q, but thats where it stops for most people.

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I'm an objective player, who was pretty good back when we did 8v8 ranked. I still play to win, but after 14 years can play any part of this game with my eyes closed.

PvP after this long is like driving a car after 20 years, you forget you're even driving, everything is automatic; you're just kinda sight seeing while your arms and legs drive.

After 14 years of pvp, winning and objectives are like that. You can do everything deathmatchers do, but can also be aware of everything around you and anticipate what the enemy will do. You can communicate all that to your team, and have your map open and see what's going on elsewhere. And it's all automatic, it's just a part of being a good player. Experience.

Deathmatchers can't do all that. Some can, but they don't care. Many others couldn't win a game if their life depended on it. So they focus on one small part of the game and then call that the best pvp there is. The pinnacle of pvp experience! Because that is their limit. And what their limit is means that's all there is to pvp. But they're just shallow and inexperienced.

A good player can be good at more than just one thing.


Lionwing - SF

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22 hours ago, Wulfurkin said:

Funny how this would freeze the q entirely since nobody sensible is going to play pvp if it’s all an e-sport. Ive said it before, people log to play a videogame and they arent going to care if they dont meet a competitive standard of play.

The pvp queue used to be very active and full of good players who could do objectives and deathmatch. Like AocaVII was saying earlier in this thread, people used to learn how to pvp. 

Tbh, the bar in pvp is so low that I’ve quit playing since it feels like I’m fighting bots or have bots on my team. (No exaggeration whatsoever)

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3 hours ago, Monterone said:

I'm an objective player, who was pretty good back when we did 8v8 ranked. I still play to win, but after 14 years can play any part of this game with my eyes closed.

PvP after this long is like driving a car after 20 years, you forget you're even driving, everything is automatic; you're just kinda sight seeing while your arms and legs drive.

After 14 years of pvp, winning and objectives are like that. You can do everything deathmatchers do, but can also be aware of everything around you and anticipate what the enemy will do. You can communicate all that to your team, and have your map open and see what's going on elsewhere. And it's all automatic, it's just a part of being a good player. Experience.

Deathmatchers can't do all that. Some can, but they don't care. Many others couldn't win a game if their life depended on it. So they focus on one small part of the game and then call that the best pvp there is. The pinnacle of pvp experience! Because that is their limit. And what their limit is means that's all there is to pvp. But they're just shallow and inexperienced.

A good player can be good at more than just one thing.


Lionwing - SF

I have to disagree with you about “some”. All is more accurate because I’ve played with deathmatchers who I convinced to play objectives with me before. Every single one of them knows how the game works (when farming bots who run to objectives it becomes obvious what those objectives are)

Maybe you are talking about the very worst deathmatchers who are brand new and simply trying to get a kill achievement? In that case you might be right, but I’ve honestly never met one of those.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/28/2024 at 11:27 AM, Monterone said:

Deathmatchers can't do all that. Some can, but they don't care.

I think many Deatchmatcher can do that.

They know game mechanisms and maps better than anyone and objectives aren’t rocket science. Being good at killing ppl, dueling etc… is actually a far more valuable skill than just knowing objectives.

But you’re right on one point you need both to win anyway.

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Ranked pvp at its absolute most popular, when they were compelling non pvpers to play it for conquest points amounted to 1/10th of 1% of the active accounts in the game.  They only amounted to that many if you believe every single name on the leaderboards was a unique person playing a unique account and that they didn't have multiple characters from the same account.   Ranked pvp requires separate coding, separate rewards, and separate resources.   Its not worth the companies effort unless more people get involved in pvp. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/9/2024 at 11:20 PM, Raazmir said:

Ranked pvp at its absolute most popular, when they were compelling non pvpers to play it for conquest points amounted to 1/10th of 1% of the active accounts in the game.  They only amounted to that many if you believe every single name on the leaderboards was a unique person playing a unique account and that they didn't have multiple characters from the same account.   Ranked pvp requires separate coding, separate rewards, and separate resources.   Its not worth the companies effort unless more people get involved in pvp. 

« Separate coding » where ? Lmao it’s was just a regular arena with an elo system which was already in place.

« Seperate rewards » they recycled the old ranked rewards for the last 4 seasons. I don’t think adding « replica » in the items name required a lot of ressources.

I’m sure that dating pets and all the ugly seasonal rewards are a better way of spending ressources.


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1 hour ago, Ajalkaar said:

I’m sure that dating pets and all the ugly seasonal rewards are a better way of spending ressources.


If the goal is to turn a profit on a two generation old MMO (a format that is in its declining years in favor of single player rpgs and soulsesque games) then yes..as should be obvious.

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3 hours ago, Raazmir said:

If the goal is to turn a profit on a two generation old MMO (a format that is in its declining years in favor of single player rpgs and soulsesque games) then yes..as should be obvious.

Turn profit ? By letting down all meaningful endgame and losing hundreds of players lmao you are coping.

They are just letting this game slowly dying by doing easy and cheap development if you didn’t realize.

They don’t want the game to be a success anymore.

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18 minutes ago, Ajalkaar said:

Turn profit ? By letting down all meaningful endgame and losing hundreds of players lmao you are coping.


You're the one coping bud...if it wasn't turning a profit they'd shutter the servers and we'd all be playing on some fan run server like OG everquest.   You just don't like that they can turn a (much smaller) profit on content life support except for cartel packs and new skins. 

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