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New content and what would you like to see!


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ok so as the title says. 

this is a discussion about new future content and most importently what everyone would like added or to see.

so i will go first.


i would to see in a future update two things to begin with.


1.  a new playable race my choice would be kel dorian aka plo koons race,  and yes there are two in the game the speak normal and not in their alien/native dialect.


2. would love for the ability to fully defect from one faction to the other. i'e if you go darksider or lightside  with a jedi or  sith  or other republic character/empire characters, then you can defect. how this would work is if you chose too. you would get a prompt come up asking you if you are sure that you wish to do it and once done it cannot be undone.  that way it puts a more serious consquance to the choice.  and yes i know that later on in one of the expansions that our character can side with the empire on iokath and also help sabotage their own faction later on. however it is not the same as fully defecting to the other side. i'e if you go down the dark path early-mid playthrough on a character, if implemented then we could defect.


3. longer missions/story missions i'e like what we used to have. as imo  i dont know about anyone elses. but recent updates the missions have i felt not been that long then once you have completed them your back to then just the same stuff as before with nothing really to do. so yes that is why i would like more longer story missions i'e chapters  or one or two completely new planets with full story missions and side quests like what all the other current planets have always had.


4. lastly i would like for broadsword/bioware to actually make our light/dark side choices actually matter story wise.  i'e if   your character does something throughout the first 3 base story chapters then there should be actual tangible consquances in the game and the story should change to reflect those choices. that in itself would make a massive difference i think.  because at the moment it doesnt really feel like regardless of what choices you back in the base 3 story chapters that anything really changes to a noticable degree.


and there you have it those would be what i would like to see.  what about other people on here? what would you like to see.. would any of you like to see any of what i have started this discussion off with?  and please no negative comments or abusive slurrs.   and i have made this discussion to see what people would like and also in hopes that broadsword/bioware will see it and maybe implement some of them in a future update.  

Edited by sarahdr
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Its hard for me to have an opinion because I take long breaks and only come back when a few story updates have happened so I can roll a new character and experience it all over again.

However, I completely agree with Kel Dor as a species. They are my favorite non human species and Gnost Dural and Tol Braga were awesome every time we saw them. I don't know how possible it will be on the programming side, but maybe just apply a default "radio filter" over the voice? Idk.

What I really want (and I know no one really cares and it doesn't really matter because its a small thing) is a Reforged Revered Master set. Ever since we got the Steadfast Master and Headstrong Apprentice sets, it made me want the Revered Master set touched up. It is THE Jedi outfit and is probably the most iconic for me personally. And if they do it with the new hood hair enabled thing they've been doing?? Maaaan I would cry happy tears :')

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4 hours ago, EchoesOfFate said:

Its hard for me to have an opinion because I take long breaks and only come back when a few story updates have happened so I can roll a new character and experience it all over again.

However, I completely agree with Kel Dor as a species. They are my favorite non human species and Gnost Dural and Tol Braga were awesome every time we saw them. I don't know how possible it will be on the programming side, but maybe just apply a default "radio filter" over the voice? Idk.

What I really want (and I know no one really cares and it doesn't really matter because its a small thing) is a Reforged Revered Master set. Ever since we got the Steadfast Master and Headstrong Apprentice sets, it made me want the Revered Master set touched up. It is THE Jedi outfit and is probably the most iconic for me personally. And if they do it with the new hood hair enabled thing they've been doing?? Maaaan I would cry happy tears :')

actually if they were to release a reforged revered Master armor set, i would buy it as i actually have seen that armor set myself when ive browsed the cartal marketplace and just the standard one looks cool.   


i also agree they could do sort of like voice filter for the kel dor playable race if they add it. if you mean  as in the face mask that all kel dor  have.  i would also like a reforged insidious councilors armor set made. i have the original outfit but would love to see an updated version of it in line with the steadfast set and headstrong apprentice set.


i mean i would like the things i listed to be added naturally as it would freshen the game up but even the armor sets you listed and that i have mentioned if they got an update would be good even

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1. I would love to see Jedi Temple restored and made home to Jedi, making Curouscant the hub for the Republic. Troopers would have their own barracks and smugglers could hang out in a renewed spaceport area. Whole would be united with a singular chat to allow easy lfgs. For the Empire this exists more or less, but it could be expanded throwing some extra rooms/ floors to the citadel to allow us explore more of it. Maybe add dark council Chambers there on dromund kaas and add to both planets more areas for us to explore. Return to the basics, original class stories and core of the game.

2. Get at least 2 new operations for endgame content, like the ones we got with Dread Masters. Could be similar in theme. ( and work on the tier sets and make them look awesome like wow is doing )

3. Cut the fully dubbed dialogue for more content. Here I would also give an example from wow. Make cutscenes only for boss fights and crucial story points and apply kotor like conversations with a refurbrished model.

4. Make dyes multiple use for legacy!!!

5. Remove 8 man premades!!!

6. Bring back old class trees and allow hybrids. 

I am sure that none of it will be implemented, but you can't blame me for trying ;)

Edited by Gibonski
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I'd like to see:

1. The sith mustache that some NPCs have for players.

2. char customization to be free or use credits.

3. More races too, Wookies, Gen dai, Kalamari, etc.

4. More Ancient sith armors/weapons.

5. More speed for unmounted/mounted, like 50% more base.

Speeder piloting to be changed or removed and instead add to the player automatically , i think distances are one of the most off putting things the game has and the worst MMO inheritance.

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New playable races. Especially Rodian, Wookie, Trandoshan and Mon Calamari. The romancing your companion system they have is good...but the downside is that it limits the options for playable races as a result. Right now I'm taking a leave from the game for a while (playing SWG big time recently) but I would return full time if those races were available.


Edited by Milolan
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Pretty much a message to Broadsword.

1. Class/Discipline reset token - The devs can make a huge ROI with this. I get it, it's not easy change, but software development isn't easy. Don't write code today that will be immutable tomorrow. A lot of problems with this game stems from what has been said to be spaghetti code.

2. Bugs Fixed. -- Too many bugs remain unfixed. Devs won't even try to fix them. For once, can you please stop nerfing things and spend that time fixing bugs? I promise you, you will not bring in more paying players by nerfing things like conquest points or Night Life, etc. Fixing bugs will do more benefit than nerfs.

3. Acknowledge legacies exist. -- Not only did you make the Spring Event items bind on pickup, you didn't even at least take 2 minutes to tell us why this was or whether or not this will ever change. Then with night life, you finally chime in about the tokens not being in the legacy wallet and state "This is too hard, we'll change it next year". Why are you still putting things off for being too hard?

4. New game+ -- Think it would be cool to wipe all objectives/choices for a character and throw them back to the prologue, keeping their level and gear. The stories leading up to the end of Ziost are the most enjoyable.




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