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please ease off naming restrictions.

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I was planning on making a toon after Naga Sadow... those plans gone awry. I don't the full name just the last name and I think that it should be allowed. while it makes perfect sense that you wouldn't want to have access to the full name but did ya'll not think that by giving us their armor that we would want be part of their legacy? this is overly restrictive. please lessen it, 

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I wanted to name a character "Celestine" but it came up as "invalid name" for some reason, not a taken name and as far as I'm aware and Celestine doesn't have any rude words in it.

Unless they added an NPC with that name since I last played and it's now a reserved name... I did have a my Jedi Shadow named Celestine back in the day before server merges and the name got changed because someone else's toon also had that name. Now on a new server, no one has that name, yet I can't give my toon back that name for some weird restrictions. Super annoying. 

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35 minutes ago, Abmong said:

I wanted to name a character "Celestine" but it came up as "invalid name" for some reason, not a taken name and as far as I'm aware and Celestine doesn't have any rude words in it.

Unless they added an NPC with that name since I last played and it's now a reserved name... I did have a my Jedi Shadow named Celestine back in the day before server merges and the name got changed because someone else's toon also had that name. Now on a new server, no one has that name, yet I can't give my toon back that name for some weird restrictions. Super annoying. 

So...back before a server merge in either 2015 or 2016, I tried to reserve the name Chiss'tina on another server, which is the name of my original BH created in 2013. It said "invalid name." Not "name unavailable," invalid. I'm super confused to this day. ESPECIALLY since I recently saw another toon with "Chiss" at the beginning of their name. 404 explanation not found.

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I tried to create an assassin named Jenevelle Shadow, but couldn't because I guess Shadow isn't allowed.  Class name I guess?  The name I came up with to fix it is a bit spoilery, but at least there's no mistaking who I'm cosplaying as.

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I'm able to use Hord, Ragnos and Kun. again, I fully understand why they wouldn't want us to use their full names and that's perfectly fine. but again, if we're able to use their armor -- then, there's no reason why we shouldn't use their last name. my Hord is named Odimius which is taken from from the  Latin word ''odium'' meaning hatred. I have a Mors Ragnos and a Balles Kun -- both from Laten words ''death'' and ''warrior''.

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4 hours ago, grumpehcat said:

So...back before a server merge in either 2015 or 2016, I tried to reserve the name Chiss'tina on another server, which is the name of my original BH created in 2013. It said "invalid name." Not "name unavailable," invalid. I'm super confused to this day. ESPECIALLY since I recently saw another toon with "Chiss" at the beginning of their name. 404 explanation not found.

I had the exact same issue one time when I was trying to do a chiss name... I have multiple chiss with "chiss" names of varying lengths and complexities (Serir'ra'iala, Miras'ra'rena, Ezev'res'sar, Eva'ri'ana) where I had no problems whatsoever, but then I had one character that I was trying to give a chiss name and it kept coming back with that same "invalid" message... I tried a ton of different possible versions of beginnings of the name (it was two syllables before the first apostrophe, kept changing the first one) to see if changing it could fix it... none of the parts of it matched any in game character, or anything questionable, etc, and I tried about a dozen different options, but nothing would take...... finally I just got fed up and chopped the first syllable off the name entirely and it finally took it.... it was so weird.

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39 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I had the exact same issue one time when I was trying to do a chiss name... I have multiple chiss with "chiss" names of varying lengths and complexities (Serir'ra'iala, Miras'ra'rena, Ezev'res'sar, Eva'ri'ana) where I had no problems whatsoever, but then I had one character that I was trying to give a chiss name and it kept coming back with that same "invalid" message... I tried a ton of different possible versions of beginnings of the name (it was two syllables before the first apostrophe, kept changing the first one) to see if changing it could fix it... none of the parts of it matched any in game character, or anything questionable, etc, and I tried about a dozen different options, but nothing would take...... finally I just got fed up and chopped the first syllable off the name entirely and it finally took it.... it was so weird.

Oh sad. I have several Chiss toons of the Nuruodo and Bintrano houses. Well, I guess that part of the name no longer denotes houses anymore, according to new canon? Example from old EU: Aristocra Chaf'ormb'intrano, or Formbi, who was of House Bintrano. I liked his character, so he was the first Chiss I used to formulate names. But my husband told me the Bintrano part is just... some leftover part of grammar or something now? He's finished all the new Thrawn books. I never even got through the first one. :( If there's a mix-up on that, I'd be happy to be informed of what the real case is.

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I'm going to sound like an old man yelling from my porch, but I REALLY miss the days before you had spaces in names and your only second name was your legacy name. I felt like it kept things more unique. I personally find making Tulak Hord or Naga Sadow or other existing characters distasteful, (I'm not shaming you, do what makes you happy, I just don't like it personally) as their stories have already been told and it's just kind of silly to me. But then again half of fleet just runs around in slave girl outfits so I can't really harp on any one thing as "immersion breaking," it's just a pet peeve.

So unfortunately, I disagree and I like having naming restrictions. I feel there's a distinct lack of creativity. All my character names have been made without any special characters beyond an apostrophe here and there where appropriate and with all unique but perfectly readable and sensible, so you don't even HAVE to have a second name to avoid special characters.

Again, I'm not shaming and it doesn't matter that much, but that's my take on it. Right now we're living somewhere between my ideal world and your ideal world. It's mostly fine. I just also get frustrated by some of the names because it's impossible to read or type some of them sometimes. (You know, the extreme examples done on purpose)

But I do appreciate wanting to do like a character is an original but a member of a clan or something, like I get it and that's cool and play your game and tell your story.

6 hours ago, grumpehcat said:

Oh sad. I have several Chiss toons of the Nuruodo and Bintrano houses. Well, I guess that part of the name no longer denotes houses anymore, according to new canon? Example from old EU: Aristocra Chaf'ormb'intrano, or Formbi, who was of House Bintrano. I liked his character, so he was the first Chiss I used to formulate names. But my husband told me the Bintrano part is just... some leftover part of grammar or something now? He's finished all the new Thrawn books. I never even got through the first one. :( If there's a mix-up on that, I'd be happy to be informed of what the real case is.

So, sort of, but not really. The canon describes the third part of the name as "Other social factors" They basically break it down as family name ' given name ' other stuff. Mitth'raw'nuruodo aka Thrawn (His "core name") is an adopted member of the Mitth family. (who appear more starting in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising) They haven't touched much on chiss names beyond that as far as I remember. So hypothetically a smaller "house" within a family could be a thing. But they haven't really touched on anything beyond the families themselves in the canon novels at least as far as I've gotten. The interesting thing is Zahn wrote both the old novels and the new ones so they're fairly consistent all things considered.

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1 hour ago, Rohndogg said:

I'm going to sound like an old man yelling from my porch, but I REALLY miss the days before you had spaces in names and your only second name was your legacy name. I felt like it kept things more unique.

No offense but like, in what universe does having a surname make a character name less unique?  In particular, how does having a surname unique to an individual character make a name somehow less unique than making every single one of your characters have the same surname because they just use the legacy name??  (I ask this as someone who has 'show legacy name' turned off on ALL characters because to me that's not part of anyone's name, it's just the name of my legacy)

Even if it means multiple characters have the same first name, like, that's just realistic.  In the real world, loads of people share first names lol 

also like probably 70-80% of canon Star Wars characters have a surname sooooooo.....


8 hours ago, grumpehcat said:

Oh sad. I have several Chiss toons of the Nuruodo and Bintrano houses. Well, I guess that part of the name no longer denotes houses anymore, according to new canon? Example from old EU: Aristocra Chaf'ormb'intrano, or Formbi, who was of House Bintrano. I liked his character, so he was the first Chiss I used to formulate names. But my husband told me the Bintrano part is just... some leftover part of grammar or something now? He's finished all the new Thrawn books. I never even got through the first one. :( If there's a mix-up on that, I'd be happy to be informed of what the real case is.

I choose to go by original canon (where chiss were actually created), not Disney canon, so no idea. 😅

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

No offense but like, in what universe does having a surname make a character name less unique?

I'm specifically saying when they use it to copy existing characters and injecting yourself into a family line that doesn't exist, that's not unique to me, I find that boring. And again, I don't really care that much what other people do with their toons. I won't do that, I'm not gonna stop anyone or say anything mean or anything. Just inside I'm thinking to myself it's dumb.

But why I like single names beyond that (Because people liked to do the above with legacy names anyway) Is basically that. It kinda reduces the value the legacy name. You had THAT as your surname. They had the family tree thing and everything. It was literally the point of the legacy system. I think it devalues an entire previous major update fairly substantially. I know that's probably an unpopular opinion, but it's mine.

I never said you can't have unique names with two. But I think it DROVE creativity when you had more restrictions because you HAD to. Basically "necessity is the mother of invention" in a way.  So yeah, I do have actual reasons to think that adding spaces to names that way is negative. Because I also think it drives more instances of these copy characters.

I also am like "oh look another one" every time I see an "incredible hulk" It's like the dad who makes the same joke at every restaurant. To them it's funny, but to the waiter that has heard the joke 1000 times, it's not funny anymore. I'm the waiter, I've seen so many of something that even if I liked it at one point, I just don't anymore. /shrug

I want to make clear, this is not meant to shame anyone and I don't think anyone is like a bad person or anything like that, I just have different taste and I just have to ignore it. But I also don't want it opened up more than it already is if it were up to me.

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7 hours ago, Rohndogg said:

So, sort of, but not really. The canon describes the third part of the name as "Other social factors" They basically break it down as family name ' given name ' other stuff. Mitth'raw'nuruodo aka Thrawn (His "core name") is an adopted member of the Mitth family. (who appear more starting in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising) They haven't touched much on chiss names beyond that as far as I remember. So hypothetically a smaller "house" within a family could be a thing. But they haven't really touched on anything beyond the families themselves in the canon novels at least as far as I've gotten. The interesting thing is Zahn wrote both the old novels and the new ones so they're fairly consistent all things considered.

Thank you for the clarification on that. Given that yes, Zahn authored all the novels, I didn't understand why there'd be a change. It just didn't seem necessary. I'm really interested in Chiss culture and lore, so for the naming structure to potentially be different made me sad. It was like "hey, even though we're bringing over an entire race of people into new canon, let's rewrite some core pieces of their society!" Which ... yeah. Anyway, getting off topic. Thanks again for the info.

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If we were identified by our logins, then we could name our character whatever, and we wouldn't need to worry about our names being taken by somebody else.  Which was the whole reason I created my username as BelorfinSiana in the first place.  I wanted my friends from Neverwinter Nights to be able to recognize me.  Giving a different friends list, different UI, etc. to each character is just bizarre.  Is this typical of MMO's?

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1 hour ago, Abmong said:

Meanwhile just the other day I saw a toon running around named Adolf Hither... 🙄

... okay, it's been thirty seconds, possibly more, still rolling my eyes. That's not funny. Anyone who thinks it is, needs to be taken aside and given a stern talk.

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13 hours ago, BelorfinSiana said:

If we were identified by our logins, then we could name our character whatever, and we wouldn't need to worry about our names being taken by somebody else.  Which was the whole reason I created my username as BelorfinSiana in the first place.  I wanted my friends from Neverwinter Nights to be able to recognize me.  Giving a different friends list, different UI, etc. to each character is just bizarre.  Is this typical of MMO's?

Yes it's typical of MMORPGs, emphasis being on the RPG, not an insignificant proportion of MMORPGs players do like to role-play, having a single account name for all characters would kill the immersion side of things. There is already a middle ground for what you want however, the Legacy name system, that's less of a personal information risk than displaying account name across all your characters and doesn't kill the RP immersion. The other middle ground would be to hard force the Legacy name to be displayed if they were to allow players of different accounts to have duplicate names. Like one account could have "Skywalker" as their legacy name and another have "Starkiller" but they could both give the first name as Luke, so we would have a Luke Skywalker and a Luke Starkiller running around. But a lot of people don't want to have legacy/surname on display which brings us back to square one...



12 hours ago, grumpehcat said:

... okay, it's been thirty seconds, possibly more, still rolling my eyes. That's not funny. Anyone who thinks it is, needs to be taken aside and given a stern talk.

Yep sad, unfortunately some people have the maturity of a 12yo and that's not being fair to actual 12yos 🤷‍♂️

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13 hours ago, BelorfinSiana said:

If we were identified by our logins, then we could name our character whatever, and we wouldn't need to worry about our names being taken by somebody else.  Which was the whole reason I created my username as BelorfinSiana in the first place.  I wanted my friends from Neverwinter Nights to be able to recognize me.  Giving a different friends list, different UI, etc. to each character is just bizarre.  Is this typical of MMO's?

Yeah, but I don't want my display name on all of my characters. Mine is not exactly conducive to a good character name.  But also, I have a few "incognito" toons that are not in my normal guild and stuff like that. Sometimes I see someone on that I like but don't want to interact with and if we're identified by user, then they'll be able to link that toon back to me if they see me. I don't think that's the move. As someone else said, that's kinda the point of legacy names anyway.

3 minutes ago, Abmong said:

Like one account could have "Skywalker" as their legacy name and another have "Starkiller" but they could both give the first name as Luke, so we would have a Luke Skywalker and a Luke Starkiller running around. But a lot of people don't want to have legacy/surname on display which brings us back to square one...

I made my legacy "Nounverber" and it has been a wonderful joke for over a decade. I still get whispers every once in a while when someone new gets the joke. I display it a lot. Especially if the toon already has a long name and a long title. For example: "Character" Nounverber, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt never gets old. It's tough because the names are inherently disconnected from RP but also irrevocably tied to it. And it's all on a sliding scale

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4 minutes ago, Rohndogg said:

I made my legacy "Nounverber" and it has been a wonderful joke for over a decade. I still get whispers every once in a while when someone new gets the joke. I display it a lot. Especially if the toon already has a long name and a long title. For example: "Character" Nounverber, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt never gets old. It's tough because the names are inherently disconnected from RP but also irrevocably tied to it. And it's all on a sliding scale

Yeah my original legacy name before I changed it was Blackadder just because I couldn't think of anything at the time and I'm a fan of the TV series,

suited my Edmundus Blackadder Sith character but that got old after a while and I changed both the character name and legacy name.

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