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So no more voice acting for our characters?

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10 minutes ago, eabevella said:

No disrespect to the new VA and it might be the original VA doesn't want to take the role anymore but I HATE how I have to know this AFTER the patch is out.

F this sneaky surprise bs BS keep doing.

You're welcome 😕 
Sadly we'll never know why they replaced him. If they start replacing everyone I'll assume that it's due to contracts being too expensive. This is worrying, game may be much further deep into maintenance mode than we all expected. I mean, it kinda is already, has been for a while. But that's concerning.

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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, NicoleMay said:

I think it's less investing in other parts of the game, and simply a low budget on EA's part. Gotta make cuts somewhere, and not having to do 48 voice lines every time the player speaks helps.

All the more reason I honestly think expansions should be paid again. I want this game to have more resources to make sure the game goes off with a bang and not a thud when it eventually preps for maintenance mode.

I imagine getting the VA into the studio is the biggest problem, not that they have to be there for an extra 15 min to say an additional 20 lines or w/e once they're there.  So write the story out, know what's going to be said, and do it all in one go.  I mean some parts were voiced so they had the VA there.  How hard is it to just be prepared and get everything that's needed from the VA, instead of bits & pieces here and there.  Even if they have lines that will ultimately be thrown away, better to have them than to not.  This just feels lazy & incompetent.

Edited by Setta
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21 minutes ago, GeneralGyro said:

at least we still have the original stories to enjoy the voices at their prime

I HOPE there is a way to replay the class stories.

11 minutes ago, supertimtaf said:

You're welcome 😕 
Sadly we'll never know why they replaced him. If they start replacing everyone I'll assume that it's due to contracts being too expensive. This is worrying, game may be much further deep into maintenance mode than we all expected. I mean, it kinda is already, has been for a while. But that's concerning.

They still get Troy Baker who's a famous VA so I'm inclined to think it's personal issue, I just HATE how BS held the information AFTER the patch as an afterthought instead of making a formal announcement, more respectful to both the old and new VAs and the players.

I think the change of VA is independent problem but the KOTOR styled cutscene in the main plot is still unacceptable.

I can get used to a new VA but I can't stand SILENCE.

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1 hour ago, LtGeneralGezlin said:

Not to sound rude or anything, but... It's time we hear from @EricMuscoor @KeithKanneg about WHY the last three story updates have become a mix of of the KotOR style and normal style cinematics. Is it a cost thing? A result of the recent strikes? A new decision going forward? And can this decision be reversed?

I could understand it being used in 7.3, but why have a KotOR Style cutscene, then hear our character talking outside of cutscenes when doing quest objectives? Ever since the KotOR style cinematics were introduced, they were only used for side story stuff, and the main story was fully voiced. Now, it's a mix, with a majority of the cutscenes being in the KotOR style. I get that it's so there is more options in the cutscenes, but IF I had to choose between class references or fully voiced cutscenes, I think every player would choose fully voiced cutscenes.

I'm pretty sure we won't get an answer from them. But the reason seems to be money. Voice cast cost money and they don't have a lot of money. If only Disney could care about the game and know the chance they have to get a whole mmorpg ready to be played, they could put the money on the table and make swtor great again.

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6 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I think the change of VA is independent problem but the KOTOR styled cutscene in the main plot is still unacceptable.

I can get used to a new VA but I can't stand SILENCE.

Definitely. At this point it's also misleading, people are playing the game for something, people are *paying* for something that is not being delivered. If they intend to keep with the Kotor style cutscenes, they *need* to make an announcement about it. Because this is definitely purposedly not delivering what people are expecting

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32 minutes ago, supertimtaf said:

You're welcome 😕 
Sadly we'll never know why they replaced him. If they start replacing everyone I'll assume that it's due to contracts being too expensive. This is worrying, game may be much further deep into maintenance mode than we all expected. I mean, it kinda is already, has been for a while. But that's concerning.

Severely doubting this is the reason otherwise they probably wouldn't have bothered recasting the role in the first place

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39 minutes ago, eabevella said:

The KOTOR styled "cutscenes" in the main story is a f****** disgrace.

I agree with this. I hope it's not too much. I will play it friday.

The KOTOR styled "cutscenes" was fine in the 7.4 main story because it only happens for minor stuffs. I really want to keep more voiced cutscenes over than KOTOR styled "cutscenes" but I can accept KOTOR styled "cutscenes" in the main story ONLY if it's for minor stuffs (like the four people on Ord Mantel in the house of the imperial dude).

But I admit I'm not a big fan of KOTOR styled "cutscenes".

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1 minute ago, denajii said:

Severely doubting this is the reason otherwise they probably wouldn't have bothered recasting the role in the first place

Depends, if they're now fine with kotor style cutscenes, maybe they're also looking at lowering the cost of voicelines in itself from VAs ? We don't know how much the original VAs were paid and how much the new ones are so...

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Not much else to say, the main questline should not have KOTOR style dialog.  What is more aggravating is that almost every other character and quest we come across is fully voiced.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, DuchessKristania said:

I completely agree. It makes our characters feel like nothing more than supporting cast for Sa'har. Super fun to feel like your playing someone else's story. This was a misstep, and a bad one.

to be fair, all of kotfe and kotet was playing someone elses story


the valkorians

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, GeneralGyro said:

to be fair, all of kotfe and kotet was playing someone elses story


the valkorians

I didn't really feel that way about it. I know I'm in the minority, but it felt like getting to be in my own Star Wars movie to me. That being said, even in those expansions our characters had voices. They did more then stand around and stare at the flavor of the week companion as they glitched all over the screen. Though, if the glitches I saw had been supposed be there at least it would have made sense for my character to just stare, lol. I'd rather have my character speak than see more mist and trees added to Hutta.

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58 minutes ago, DuchessKristania said:

It makes our characters feel like nothing more than supporting cast for Sa'har. Super fun to feel like your playing someone else's story.

ngl, I wrote an entire essay length post in the suggestions begging them to please stop with this unvoiced nonsense, and you said why better than I did in one sentence 😂

Because yeah, this.  LITERALLY THIS.

I love Sa'har, but she is not the player character.  Our characters are meant to be the focus and driver of the story.  When literally everyone but them is talking, it really really feels like they aren't.  An occasional cutscene where our characters aren't there at all to add to the overall story is one thing.  A ton of cutscenes in a row in the main story where our character IS there but they may as well not be because they just silently nod and face mug in the corner?  It just feels like we're suddenly not even participating in our own story.

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I really wanted to stop saying anything more bad about this game but i can't anymore. This is third story update in a row where we can't have fully voiced acted story. We said we DON'T WANT Kotor style cutscenes in main story for year already and nothing changed.

Game turned to be better after broadsword came? No.

That means we will have mixed cutscenes in future updates too. You can accept it or not, nothing more we can do because it's clear devs don't want change anything on that matter. We got this or nothing, simple as that 😐

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I'm in the middle of the road here. For some things I don't mind KOTOR style stuff. I'm old I loved OG KOTOR and TSL. When doing the Slave Rebellion Quests, it's no big deal for me. But when talking to Galactic Heads of State... YES! BIG DEAL! I do not understand how they plan when to use voices and when not to, it makes no sense. Like I said, for stuff like fetch and carry quests, why not cut costs, but real impact moments, I so wanted to Sass that Dark Council!

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52 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, I wrote an entire essay length post in the suggestions begging them to please stop with this unvoiced nonsense, and you said why better than I did in one sentence 😂

Because yeah, this.  LITERALLY THIS.

I love Sa'har, but she is not the player character.  Our characters are meant to be the focus and driver of the story.  When literally everyone but them is talking, it really really feels like they aren't.  An occasional cutscene where our characters aren't there at all to add to the overall story is one thing.  A ton of cutscenes in a row in the main story where our character IS there but they may as well not be because they just silently nod and face mug in the corner?  It just feels like we're suddenly not even participating in our own story.

I didn't like her until this update, but even with her having grown on me, I don't want to be her supporting cast.

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It really lessens the impact during scenes if the player characters are silent during them. Also, in the last few updates, my character was silent for so long that when he finally spoke it was so jarring

I want my characters voiced. I am not a fan of the black bar, partially voiced quests. Especially the main quest. I hate it so, so much. I love the way the voices sound. Especially my male bounty hunter's. I love Tom's voice acting. I want to hear more of it. The voiced characters are the main reason I was drawn to the game and why it is the main game I play right now. I don't want the voicing to go away.

26 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I'm in the middle of the road here. For some things I don't mind KOTOR style stuff. I'm old I loved OG KOTOR and TSL. When doing the Slave Rebellion Quests, it's no big deal for me. But when talking to Galactic Heads of State... YES! BIG DEAL! I do not understand how they plan when to use voices and when not to, it makes no sense. Like I said, for stuff like fetch and carry quests, why not cut costs, but real impact moments, I so wanted to Sass that Dark Council!

Agreed! If the devs need to cut costs, do it for sections or side quests that won't have as much impact. In my opinion, not being able to talk during monumental scenes or the main story is just not cool or fair. 

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Posted (edited)

I think it is weird how so many people talking about this  sound as if they were half convinced  that among the devs, dropping PCVA  is seen as some cool, fun  idea to experiment with. "Oh hey, let's remove player char VA, That'll be so much  fun!" Yeah no. No doubt it is something they must do, not something  they'd want to do. Not something that sounded like a fun idea to them.

It takes 48 voice actors to do PlayerChar. That has always been beyond unreasonable.  I think it a miracle  BW was able to do full VA as long as they did. I believe every other imagineable aspect of this game has made so many sacrifices on the altar of fully voiced PCVA  over the years.

If/When they do more and more KOTOR style dialogue, hopefully it means a huge increase in  roleplaying options as well.For now, dropping PCVA has in practice  only meant dialogue similar to normal VA stuff in written form. As if all the VA-related restrictons were still in place. They'd be wise to show people what can be done when free of the doubtless massive restrictions of full pcva. Ie tons of class, alignment specific dialogue and so on could and should happen.


Edited by Stradlin
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This is absolutely disgusting to be honest. This game actually grosses as one of the biggest money makers in the mmo world. I'm talking like top 3. It even made more than wow one year. The fact they can't even give voice acting is a slap in the face. I literally do not understand how these developers can get on their live streams and say with a straight face "we're so excited for this." The story was the last thing this game had going for it and they found a way to kill that now. How do the developers sleep at night knowing they just collect a paycheck just to ruin all their fans hopes and aspirations for this game. We have been waiting for over a year to finish this part of the story to get a pie baking event and a voiceless storyline. Making posts about hiring a new actor and for what? What's the point of you're not gonna use them? I'm all for using it for dailies area and senseless stuff like that. Just disgusting how greedy people can be. Making more money than most mmos that have been here for years, that are still actively releasing content just to wait a year for a voiceless story mission. Not an expansion, a mission.

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6 hours ago, eabevella said:

*snip* They still get Troy Baker who's a famous VA *snip*

For the sake of all that's holy, do not say that aloud, please xD There were moments/updates where the only thing that kept me playing was Theron's voice. Don't jinx it, I'd rather not crowdfund Troy Baker's salary just to keep him among SWTOR cast xD

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