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What I've been seeing in PvP lately


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       First, let me clarify that i'm not a complainer. I've been playing this game since 2013 and i've rolled with the punches this whole time. I've seen good and bad PvP over the years. Now it seems like every class has so many escapes, dcd's and ways to get out of a fight that globaling people just isnt a thing anymore. If you have a high DPS character, they should have some weaknesses. You're trading survivability for damage, but now we have every class who can cloak, bubble, stealth out, that it's just impossible to global. Another thing i've been experiencing is either the lack of players in Queue, or the fact that i'm solo and get stuck every match going against a 6m premade on voice. I like playing with friends, but maybe the amount of people who play pvp is so low now that if you're solo, you're going to be stuck getting rolled on. I know, skill issue, get better, but when i have 6mil avg damage and avg dmg taken is over 4mil a match, i stand no chance against them. especially since killing a player now takes waiting for them to blow all their dcd's. I play operative mainly, so im just waiting for all the people to not actauly read, but have a rebuttal or argument about that.

     I would be wrong to hate on people playing with their friends, but also trying to sit down and play a night of pvp against them every match isnt really fun. I know by the past, pvp hasn't been a big goal or deal for the Devs, but it is getting pretty unplayable now. I'd like to see the Devs answer or at least try to help me understand why our matchmaking is so bad now. I'm in groups with players at 328 gear and the other team is rolling 7 people with full gear on voice. Probably a skill issue and i need to get better :(. All the classes with high dmg are now tank level hard to kill and tanks can now survive a couple minutes with 6 people beating on them. Remember, this isnt a coordinated group of players, its a bunch of solo's playing a 2 healer, 2 tank and rest mercs/juggs. 

   I'm going to stick around as always, but i'd really love to see some work done for the pvp players. I dont want to think that queue only has like 20 people in it and thats why im getting the same teams over and over, but i'm really starting to believe thats where we're at.


    I look forward to the angry replies that will tell me why im wrong. We have many experts on most things in this world that play SWTOR. Just look at Fleet chat. 

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5 hours ago, picklesrskankin said:

       First, let me clarify that i'm not a complainer. I've been playing this game since 2013 and i've rolled with the punches this whole time. I've seen good and bad PvP over the years. Now it seems like every class has so many escapes, dcd's and ways to get out of a fight that globaling people just isnt a thing anymore. If you have a high DPS character, they should have some weaknesses. You're trading survivability for damage, but now we have every class who can cloak, bubble, stealth out, that it's just impossible to global. Another thing i've been experiencing is either the lack of players in Queue, or the fact that i'm solo and get stuck every match going against a 6m premade on voice. I like playing with friends, but maybe the amount of people who play pvp is so low now that if you're solo, you're going to be stuck getting rolled on. I know, skill issue, get better, but when i have 6mil avg damage and avg dmg taken is over 4mil a match, i stand no chance against them. especially since killing a player now takes waiting for them to blow all their dcd's. I play operative mainly, so im just waiting for all the people to not actauly read, but have a rebuttal or argument about that.

     I would be wrong to hate on people playing with their friends, but also trying to sit down and play a night of pvp against them every match isnt really fun. I know by the past, pvp hasn't been a big goal or deal for the Devs, but it is getting pretty unplayable now. I'd like to see the Devs answer or at least try to help me understand why our matchmaking is so bad now. I'm in groups with players at 328 gear and the other team is rolling 7 people with full gear on voice. Probably a skill issue and i need to get better :(. All the classes with high dmg are now tank level hard to kill and tanks can now survive a couple minutes with 6 people beating on them. Remember, this isnt a coordinated group of players, its a bunch of solo's playing a 2 healer, 2 tank and rest mercs/juggs. 

   I'm going to stick around as always, but i'd really love to see some work done for the pvp players. I dont want to think that queue only has like 20 people in it and thats why im getting the same teams over and over, but i'm really starting to believe thats where we're at.


    I look forward to the angry replies that will tell me why im wrong. We have many experts on most things in this world that play SWTOR. Just look at Fleet chat. 

100%. It's very strange people with low gear (320s etc) seem to deliberately get matched vs these premades specifically. Sometimes there'll be two groups against each other, but the smaller group always gets the 320 geared players, while the voice premade with 6-7 and a meta comp with mitigation PT tank, two healers, ap pt, snipers etc gets the better solo q players.


Matchmaking is beyond broken right now. And then, when you make an equal sized group with skilled players to get placed against the other group, you don't actually get placed vs them. Instead you get placed against random solo queuers in low gear. I wonder if it's because low gear players are trying their very best to win warzones, so it artificially inflates their current matchmaking ELO making the game think they're skilled enough to be placed against that kind of premade. (meanwhile "winning" a warzone doesn't really indicate whether the match is going to be balanced in terms of K/D ratios)

Edited by RACATW
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It's garbage most of the time. Log on if it's good play if not do something else. Developers continue to "lord" over us and not listen to what we want in a game and is best. They think they know better than the players who play the game.

I want to vomit when I think about any change they make they seem to attract bad ideas and implement them, been doing it 12 years. That's why the matchmaking system don't work because they chased all the players away with the ridiculous decisions and implementations of things they did.

They made the PVP awful how it is right now just horrendous. It's not the players fault. People are just trying to PVP around there ridiculous implementations.

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