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What would you like to see in 8.0?

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On 3/27/2024 at 1:01 PM, ivicapesun said:

And we need options to finish Oricon-Dread Masters story, not with ops, but with actual story, just like Iokath and gods of the Machine as well-as story, not as ops, as well as dxun story, not as ops, we need options to choose between story and ops, just like we had in Shadow of Revan storyline.

And I wouldn't mind the return of Tenebrae, just this time more powerful than ever, after he ate several galaxies and the life forces of all the living beings and force ghosts combined, another story/not ops, as well.

And easier macrobinocular and seeker missions, so you  can beat the main bosses by yourself, not to play with 4 or more players just to finish it, the same problem is with star forge.

Also, all ops can and should be become stories, so again we need option to choose between story and operations, again, just like Shadow of Revan storyline.

I'm not sure if you're serious, but I feel like this heavily goes against the design ethos of an MMO. And also you WANT Tenebrae back? (That's fine, but I'm shocked because he's my least favorite thing about this entire game. He's so BORING to me) The biggest sin this game commits imo is not letting dead characters STAY DEAD! I don't need Revan, I don't need the emperor, I don't need malgus, I don't need Marr, etc. They ran their course, PLEASE STOP BRINGING THEM BACK!

I agree oricon could have a solo finish as it ties in more heavily to the previous stories and had a dedicated story arc and 2 daily areas. But the later ones are all basically optional from a story standpoint and are only tangential to the actual story. I like incentivizing doing the group content. It's an MMO, it's meant to be played multiplayer. We need MORE group content, not less.

Note, if you are serious, this is not to crap on you. You're also entitled to your opinion and I don't want to yuck your yum so to speak. But ultimately we do need to look at the genre of game. You don't generally play an MMO for an entirely single player experience, it's even in the name of the genre that it's multiplayer.

Basically what I'm saying is the only thing I'd say to be hopeful about is Tenebrae coming back because they are historically allergic to new villains.

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On 3/27/2024 at 1:44 PM, Luciferior said:

8.0?? *rubs hands together*..

Lets see maybe a new tactical for all the classes along with some actual balancing

Some direct adjustments to aspects of PvP such as the returning of ranked matches maybe return of 8v8 ...warzone adjustments galactic star fighter needs some attention.

Changes to the GTN system and the adjusting of this so called trade tax

preferred status for previous subbers getting their credit cap limit raised to an amount that is actually applicable in the games current economy

Maybe some incentive to do PvP in the open world instances again try to find a way to revive that area things like that...

Return of Dark vs Light system 

Least in terms of hopeful wants...



In terms of what I am expecting to see Alot of cartel market adaptions from any star wars TV shows maybe some new metallic dyes with some horrible color combos ...

Alot of posturing from the devs about their so content with the direction of the game ....uh lets see what else 

Some breezy story content that I might fall asleep during im expecting to see another one of these so called "PvP seasons" with lackluster rewards 

Another galactic season track where I ignore 99% of it except for the cartel coins ... I am expecting the weapons and armor from those tracks to be hideous as usual same as the PvP season armor lol ..

Im expecting PvP as a whole to be ignored in general yet again along with all its issues Im also expecting a few slight adjustments to classes so they can say they did something with class balance

Maybe another new planet with a world boss and a rep track to grind...

And yeah thats about what Im expecting off the top of my head I am not feeling real hopeful this is going to be a homerun

Granted they are more than welcome to prove me and I will gladly give them their due credit and praise....

Truly though I dont think there is alot of people who read multiple sections of these forums are looking for 8.0 to be filled with sweeping good changes It could very well be more of the same 

So, given the heavy criticism, what keeps you playing? (Honest question as that will say what content in the game you DO enjoy which is also helpful)

Personally, I like a lot of the armors or weapons we've gotten over the last few seasons. The new stories have been enjoyable if easy, but I try to remember I'm not the average person, I've been playing since before launch. Not everyone playing today is like that. The people here on the forum are more likely to be longer time players invested in the game and community, where as the average casual player just isn't so the perspectives here tend to be skewed.

I'm not going to put too much stock in what the devs have said, it's still early. But on that same thought, I'm not going to assume they won't really turn things around as it's still early. We'll know when we know. I also respect that you're willing to own it if they do manage to release some good content/updates.

I'd personally like them to focus on fixing existing content, resolving bugs, and as far as adding things, focus on character customization and tailored story content. The class stories are the hands down best thing about swtor and what set it apart at launch. Moving away from that design direction was the BIGGEST mistake and led to the continual decline. More player individuality is the best recipe for MMOs imo.

I do agree with you on bringing back DvL, I think that was some of the more entertaining and unique content. Credit caps getting rebalanced is also just a simple QoL thing though I doubt they do it because they want to incentivize subbing.

I think what I'll say is, I'm honestly expecting decent things from 8.0 and I feel like the devs have a level of care that's better than it was in the past so it's hopeful. But I'm also not expecting a miracle and not getting my hopes up because it's just not worth it after all these years. I'll trust in the force lol

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@Rohndogg Ill admit I am a bit of an odd player when it comes to this game Im an altoholic.. iv had probably had 30+ characters but that isnt what makes me odd

Everytime I play a character now I go thru all of the class story expansion story till I reach lv 80 then I set my gear for PvP do some spoils of war for a few weeks reroll a new toon

I love PvP the competition fights sometimes even getting roflstomped by someone opens up a new perspective for an idea I hadnt considered..

I enjoy the class story content and expansions Iv rerolled multiple toons just to do a different dialogue option and different endings ranging from class story to the current expansion content

I refuse to play a character on a specific combat style with out the knights of eternal throne attuned buff icon visible so anytime I want a new class for PvP which is a big aspect of what I like then I roll thru PvE via story till I get 80 and not by spamming flashpoints

Alot of those times Ill get 80 around Onderon/Mek Sha depending on how I leveled during the class stories the only real content I do not participate in is Operations and thats because I believe I would be a burden in those instances so I refrain from joining in

I like to think I have a wide perspective when it comes to this game I dont imagine there are alot of PvP centered players who still do the class stories by choice...

Iv participated In ranked back when it was up I earned a few rewards as keepsakes 

When I make a character I design everything I possibly can down to the last detail ranging from the characters look the eternal throne attuned buff icons to compliment the combat style and even the outcomes of class stories and expansion content down to the character name all to reflect a specific intent Or Ideal that mirrors the name of that specific character and then I take it into PvP

Whats that line Papa Palpatine says to anakin? to understand the force you must embrace a larger view of it? something to that extent

I consider that a decent line to sum up this game If I only Pved via class story content and my end game was role playing on tython the other facets and aspects of the game would probably seem unusual to me

As a role player with a narrow perspective of the game the intricacies of Hard mode Operations and Ranked PvP as their respective end games would potentially leave me feeling Indifferent to how they are handled as I wouldnt be participating in any of that content as a role player

And what some would call heavy criticism some of us who dabble more than one aspect of the game would call Valid Complaints

Same can be said for initiative that was intended to combat inflation in the game

Iv been rich and poor alike in this game when your subbed and you have some billion + credits and valuable items to trade you might feel ok with the economy 

Yet on the reverse side as a lv 80 player with a preferred status credit cap of 1 mil credits in the current economy things might look very different..

You want or need something off the GTN? But its above your credit limit ...Oh darn ...you have oems to trade for that item but because of the trade tax you cant afford to trade the oem because of the price of it on the gtn atm means the tax to trade it is more than your credit limit as a preferred status player and by preferred status I mean prior subber..

You gota get creative at that point to where you need to have a friend to rely on or a guild that will support you in those moments and if your a fresh join to that guild you have a 30 day wait to use the bank if I recall correctly ...sounds kinda rough lol

Its all down to perspective and its done past time for some of the folks on the forums to get in on that mindset and get some said perspective

Just because I roleplay on Tython and story content romancing Kira is my end game and Im content does not mean the many other facets of the game are peachy

Edited by Luciferior
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I'm also an altoholic and used to love pvp but not so much in recent patches. I also mostly run class stories over and over outside of ops a couple times a week or so.

I think the biggest issue is the game has no real identity in the sense that it was very clear at launch and the first expansion or two, but I think Kotfe and Kotet were the worst thing to happen to this game from a health standpoint. They reworked basically everything, it was extremely divisive, and the best part were the cinematics. They've been struggling to find a new identity since. That's why I'm sick of Tenebrae and Revan, they keep bringing them back because they're like "well the players liked it the first time."

It has gotten old. At least the new stuff has shaken things up a bit. Though I'm really hoping to wrap the mando stuff up soon. It's just so unconnected to most of my characters.  I like it, but it's starting to go on too long. the constant problem. It lacks novelty

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Elimination of premade groups for PvP and GSF. Better matchmaking.
Cross server queues.
Story Completion and absolutely no return of Malgus 8.0
New original companion Chapters and stories. Extension of them via a new story line and challenge along the lines of actual Republic vs Imperial ruling of the galaxies.
New crafting based on SWG crafting mechanics including farming resources with gathering machines built via crafting. Get high end crafting from challenging content to at least match 2nd level top tier gear. (not high end gear from NiM operations but a level below)

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On 4/3/2024 at 7:21 PM, Rohndogg said:

I'm not sure if you're serious, but I feel like this heavily goes against the design ethos of an MMO. And also you WANT Tenebrae back? (That's fine, but I'm shocked because he's my least favorite thing about this entire game. He's so BORING to me) The biggest sin this game commits imo is not letting dead characters STAY DEAD! I don't need Revan, I don't need the emperor, I don't need malgus, I don't need Marr, etc. They ran their course, PLEASE STOP BRINGING THEM BACK!

I agree oricon could have a solo finish as it ties in more heavily to the previous stories and had a dedicated story arc and 2 daily areas. But the later ones are all basically optional from a story standpoint and are only tangential to the actual story. I like incentivizing doing the group content. It's an MMO, it's meant to be played multiplayer. We need MORE group content, not less.

Note, if you are serious, this is not to crap on you. You're also entitled to your opinion and I don't want to yuck your yum so to speak. But ultimately we do need to look at the genre of game. You don't generally play an MMO for an entirely single player experience, it's even in the name of the genre that it's multiplayer.

Basically what I'm saying is the only thing I'd say to be hopeful about is Tenebrae coming back because they are historically allergic to new villains.

Not at at all, personally I think they all should be faaar more powerful than before, but also I will ask you what is it that you propose, I am always willing to listen the other side, I'm always opened to new idea, we do need some uber-powerful enemy.

You said Tenebrae was the least favorite, I cannot see why, I actually like the idea of the bad guy being so powerful like Thanos in marvel and that everyone have to join forces in order to even stand the slightest chance to stop him.

Please do put your own opinion in here what should be done in further expansion stories.

I mean we cannot stay on existing expansion stories, we should move on on many, many more expansion stories against uber-powerful opponents, this is why I suggest Abeloth in its most powerful form/levelm and I can't see why is this against the design, it's boring when you have adventures against weak enemies and why not make all operations also as expansion stories, solo-stories that you can finish alone, not to team up with other players, they have so much material and they never, ever use it in a long time.

I also suggest many, many more very, very powerful opponents in upcoming expansion stories, swtor has plenty of them in their arsenal from beings in ops to stories (but like I said make all the uber-powerful beings from ops to transfer to very good expansions stories.

And no this is not against the design ethos of an MMO, it's what swtor is all about in the first place!


Edited by ivicapesun
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