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Legacy System


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you just summed up all known info.



this is a game that they don't even release cryptic info. They literally keep everyone in the dark about everything until after the last minute. It's starting to bug me really. I'd at least like to know plans or ideas they had. Makes it seem like the devs take us seriously and want our opinion instead of giving us the idea that they don't care at all what we even think of their product.

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If you actually look at the legacy page on the talent trees, you would realize that the legacy system will allow you to unlock new character creation option, legacy powers etc. so no.. the devs aren't exactly keeping us in the dark about it, you just aren't looking.
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4th thread on this I have sen today. I am hoping on new playable species but the bear minimum is a new tatoo and a social ability. Something tells me unless James Ohlen gets made supreem chancelor we wont be seeing a new species.

SO I suggest we all vote James Ohlen for supreem chancelor!!!! :D

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More than likely it will unlock more race choices, such as Nautolians, Trandoshans, Togruta, ect.


Aside from that, its anyone's guess. What was lauded as the selling point, and the reason for people to keep playing, isn't out at launch and by the way things look won't be for awhile. When you unlock it at the end of Act 1, all you get is a tltle and a mail in-game saying 'Sorry, nothing yet, but it will be there eventually.'


Fun stuff.

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If you actually look at the legacy page on the talent trees, you would realize that the legacy system will allow you to unlock new character creation option, legacy powers etc. so no.. the devs aren't exactly keeping us in the dark about it, you just aren't looking.


where is such a page?

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where is such a page?



Hit "K" in game and go to the legacy tab at the bottom, then put your mouse over the question mark and there you go. Bioware tells you some of the things they are planning to do with the system right there in the game =)

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where is such a page?


Nest to your talent tree there is a option legacy. In the middle of this is a ?. If you hover over this is says lecagy will introduce new character creation options (most people are reading as new species) and new abilities (the guess is XP gains).

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I was about to start a similar thread until I saw this one. A lots been made out of this system without very many details.


As of the moment, I'm refraining from re-rolling on a different server because of it. I went with one group of friends on a server, pre-launch, but they all went Sith whereas I went Republic. I keep considering re-rolling on a different server with another group but am far enough along with multiple alts to where if there's gonna be a significant difference with legacy included, I'd like to know

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First off, big doubt on new species through the legacy system.

Even though I want that to be a perk of it, I remember the big beepstorm the whiners summoned

on the forums about not wanting to level a throwaway character just to get to be able to play

the character they really wanted.

So I really doubt that will happen. But hey, I'd be happy if I'm wrong on this.


Second, at least the backbone is already in, rather than nothing at all.

Given the fact that this is a living online game instead of some fire and forget offline title

the goods will eventually patched in. And hey: lastname! :D


So in closing: something is better than nothing. Doubt on new species.

Can't wait for the endless Smuggler act 1 to end to finally get my legacy.

Pants optional.

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I remember dozens of threds about wanting new playable species before release. They look to have died, either because the search function is no longer avlaiable because no one can find it or because they refused to buy the game if they can not make the char they want to be.


I was against legacy species saying they should be avaliabele for everyone at launch. But as they are not I now hope they wil be added through legacy. If I can not create a charater I want to play by 20/01/2012 I will cancel my subscription. I dont want to but I think this is the only way Bioware will listen to me,

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First off, the old threads are gone, there was a forum wipe shortly before early game access.

And b) You might as well just stop playing now, because there definitely won't be any new playable species

coming in the next three weeks.

Not if the way they handled playable species before release is any indication.

I'd like to be surprised though...


But if you think you want to sit the game out until there are more character options no one will stop you.

All the best on your future endeavours. :)

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Does anyone have ANY idea as to what the legacy system is going to be? Anyone hear any rumors or hints? Cryptic or otherwise?


It seems odd to me that a system that was in the game for release is not defined or finished.




Another broken system that will likely be bugged to hell and will not work. It will fit in with the rest of the game well.

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I remember dozens of threds about wanting new playable species before release. They look to have died, either because the search function is no longer avlaiable because no one can find it or because they refused to buy the game if they can not make the char they want to be.


I was against legacy species saying they should be avaliabele for everyone at launch. But as they are not I now hope they wil be added through legacy. If I can not create a charater I want to play by 20/01/2012 I will cancel my subscription. I dont want to but I think this is the only way Bioware will listen to me,


Unsub now.


Your illogical reasoning is basically a symptom of the sickening entitlement culture of today. The universe exists without you. Life goes on without your imprimatur. Bioware will not shift it's designs because of the temper tantrum of one immature person who can't accept things take time.


Unsub now, I was gonna get my brother this game and you just convinced me to do that and give him a game card to. I have invalidated your protest.


Ta ta!

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To be honest, I prefer it the way it is over bringing the finished system at a later point. And I think the only reason why we already have what little we have is that XP earned now does already count towards the legacy system. I've so far had several "you gained a legacy level" messages, so the legacy XP already counts, and as soon as they fully implement it, we will be able to receive our first rewards immediately. Compare that with Rifts latest similar system, where all XP earned at max level before its implementation was entirely wasted.


That's why I think Bioware is actually doing us a favor here. When they announced it near the end of beta, I am sure they did not know themselves what exactly it should reward, only that it would be based on XP continuously earned even at max level. So they put in the XP gain and the legacy name part and may still be figuring out what kinds of rewards we're going to get.

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I will kinda be sad if it adds new races...... because then I will have to re roll some of my characters.... (but then again.. it doesnt take that long to lvl ;))


This I don't understand. You want all the possible playable races to be in at the very beginning so there is no room to grow? So there is nothing to look forward to in any expansion? That makes no sense to me. Is it just me or does the current generation of gamers just want everything everything NOW. They have zero patience. That want eerything within the first few days of launch or they quit.

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This I don't understand. You want all the possible playable races to be in at the very beginning so there is no room to grow? So there is nothing to look forward to in any expansion? That makes no sense to me. Is it just me or does the current generation of gamers just want everything everything NOW. They have zero patience. That want eerything within the first few days of launch or they quit.


It's got nothing to do with lack of patience, but with the fact that most people are playing their main characters now. If the species they would have always wanted for that main character is implemented later, they will for understandable reasons want that species for their main character without being forced to reroll. But maybe, just maybe, whatever species the legacy system unlocks can be applied retroactively to characters created before the species becomes available.

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Are the Legacy surnames in place yet? I want to finish Act 1 before starting an alt just incase it's a requirement of the Legacy system.. Anyone know???


Yes they are in game, that and legacy lvl's are the only part of the legacy system in game at the moment.

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This I don't understand. You want all the possible playable races to be in at the very beginning so there is no room to grow? So there is nothing to look forward to in any expansion? That makes no sense to me. Is it just me or does the current generation of gamers just want everything everything NOW. They have zero patience. That want eerything within the first few days of launch or they quit.


I feel that thats an "I want to sound mature" response when it fails and makes you look rude. Some people had hopes for certain races, like me. So its not very appealing that some of them cry about it, but thats no reason to get your high-and-mighty self to respond. I imagine people now want more now because thats the way society is shaped today. Even if all of the races that people wanted were released at launch im sure bioware could figure out more for an expansion.. they are a very successful company.


Its actually quite insulting to them that you tie races to expansions as if thats the only thing they can release in them.


There are many possibilities, and i hope that in the future instead of lowering yourself to acting like that 80-year-old man on his yard yelling at the kids who walk by, you will think about what your typing before it spills out of your mouth.

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