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New Playable Species...


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Two reasons why this won't ever happen: 

  1. Their voices are all modulated. That won't work because devs are never going to rework every piece of dialog ever recorded by every single voice actor just to fit one race. If you say, just flop it out there without the modulation, then all the immersion is ruined.
  2. They are xenophobic isolationist nonpartisans. Why on earth would they join either faction, ever? Makes zero sense as an adventuring character. 

Bonus reason: How are the Voss going to react when your character goes there for the first time? Nope. Breaks the storytelling to pieces. Disastrous. (...and don't bother suggesting they rewrite those stories. They haven't even done bug fixes from 10-year old problems.)

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Given that 20th Century Fox distributed the Star Wars movies AND produced the Predator movies, and given that Disney now owns both 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm, there is one playable race I'd like to see, and for a very specific reason:


That's right, a Yautja Mandalorian!  But I've resigned myself to the fact that the closest we'll be able to get is a Twi'lek Mandalorian, but hey, at least we have a helmet for that now! :csw_fett:

Edited by ReKabNad
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eh not them either, lore reasons, sorry im sure im annoying when i say it  but voss are very closed off race that lives in religious isolationist planet, they don't even go to space, you need to understand that the reason we get so few species and why devs are so picky about what they'll add is becuse most of these species wouldn't make any sense to be in the game.

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I think the Echani would be a good race to follow because they are so close to Humans and since they are a race first introduced to us by KOTOR 2. It would make a lot of sense given that it would take no voice modulation for the Echani, it would take little effort to add them, and given the lore of the Echani in KOTOR, they would be perfect to add to the game.

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25 minutes ago, kyledll said:

I think the Echani would be a good race to follow because they are so close to Humans and since they are a race first introduced to us by KOTOR 2. It would make a lot of sense given that it would take no voice modulation for the Echani, it would take little effort to add them, and given the lore of the Echani in KOTOR, they would be perfect to add to the game.

The Echani are so similar to humans that I doubt they would even bother adding them as a separate race. Instead they would create an echani pack in the cartel market with additional hair and eye colors for humans.

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19 hours ago, Jarcen said:

So last time I wondered about Rodian. Now there is another that might be more likely, and that's Voss. If there's one species ingame that could be a playable one, then this is it.

I think your idea is great but it was mention long long time ago the reason is not because of lore or anything with voice stuff. it's because of character modeling. Any Playable race would have to have a humanoid face structure. If you went to character creation and toggle between the different races you notice they all have the same character face model or very similar to it with some slight changes. 

This was one of the major flaws with the Current Game Engine. They would need to invest a bunch $$$$$$$ Transfer the game into whole another Game Engine like Unreal Engine.

The dev's can only work in the space they were given.  But we don't know the future they could be working on that as we type these post. 

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On 12/18/2023 at 1:04 AM, CLJolliff said:

Two reasons why this won't ever happen: 

  1.  If you say, just flop it out there without the modulation, then all the immersion is ruined.

"Then all immersion is ruined".  Well I'm glad that the Sith pure blood, with a red lightsaber and a sorc combat class is not ruining the immersion of the Jedi Knight story, as I slaughter life throughout the galaxy.  Gotta keep things lore accurate kids.

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Hmm new species are cool I guess. I only play humans not against. I have a suggestion they should have species abilities. Stat boost and active keybinding abilities maybe even dialog reactions. With that said I think we should have two playable species. 1 a wooky that allows you to rip of droid arms

2 some kind of fish person that can gender bend because that would just be ridiculous.... because fish can change gender Oh my gosh that would be so funny... oh and they can swim


But really the cybernetic class should be able to auto slice and in computer mission that make you choose light or dark by delivering an encrypted file it should let the cybernetic class make a copy.

Edited by Alexisshade
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On 12/19/2023 at 1:46 AM, denavin said:

Many years ago the Dev's stated these rules for Player Races....

All Player Races...

1. Must fit on a Human Size Skeleton.

2. Must be able to wear Human Size Gear and use Human Size Weapons.

3. Must speak Basic as their primary language.

4. Can not conflict with the story line in any way.

They did it once by putting a Nautilan head on a human body and thoroughly screwed up the appearance of the race. The outrage from players was severe. It also cause a conflict in the KOTFE story line when Senya sees a Nautilan for the first time and says, "I've never seen that race before" and the player standing right next to her is a Nautilan.

On 12/17/2023 at 7:34 PM, Jarcen said:

So last time I wondered about Rodian. Now there is another that might be more likely, and that's Voss. If there's one species ingame that could be a playable one, then this is it.

For the same reasons that were stated in your last post.....

Though they speak Basic as the primary language. The Voss are much Taller than a Human and you have NEVER met a Voss until you go to Voss... Plus The Voss are Isolationists and shun the Jedi, Republic, Sith and the  Empire . 

Major Story Line Conflict.

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On 12/21/2023 at 5:42 AM, denavin said:

They did it once by putting a Nautilan head on a human body and thoroughly screwed up the appearance of the race. The outrage from players was severe. It also cause a conflict in the KOTFE story line when Senya sees a Nautilan for the first time and says, "I've never seen that race before" and the player standing right next to her is a Nautilan

They also nonsensed a couple of missions when they added Cathar, notably Stolen Medecines on Ord Mantell, where the guy carefully explains what a Cathar is when speaking to a Cathar player character, but also one on Impside Taris.

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Welp if they broke the game once they can do it again. Yay voss would be so cool maybe sometimes their annoying.

Anyway um we could use aI to run through text. And see what people said like all text. We can do that with audio too and turn it into text and have a computer check that then build if then checks to remove dialogue that doesn't make sense. So the game would offer different dialogue based on species.

So I i play voss I could just have a bunch of random people blankly stair and ask what the heck are you. Or some being polite and not mentioning and the player dialogue says um I guessing you've never seen my species before. Stuff like that.

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On 12/19/2023 at 10:42 AM, Setta said:

"Then all immersion is ruined".  Well I'm glad that the Sith pure blood, with a red lightsaber and a sorc combat class is not ruining the immersion of the Jedi Knight story, as I slaughter life throughout the galaxy.  Gotta keep things lore accurate kids.

There ARE in-story examples of pure-blooded, red-skinned Sith turning to the light and becoming Jedi Knights, so you can take all that sarcasm and stick up your Dark Side. 

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1 hour ago, CLJolliff said:

There ARE in-story examples of pure-blooded, red-skinned Sith turning to the light and becoming Jedi Knights, so you can take all that sarcasm and stick up your Dark Side. 

Only one turned Knight that I'm aware of.  He was already honorable before hand, just on a different side, and needed to be beat down before turning to realize the dark side is not all that.  Not a psychopath running around force lightning everyone, and everything, making dark side choices left & right while the Jedi put their hands up and play the oblivious game with you.  So nah, I'll share my sarcasm all I want.  It's stupid AF to think that this does not break immersion, as the Jedi would put you down themselves before letting you get so far out of control.  Yet here we are.

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8 hours ago, CLJolliff said:

There ARE in-story examples of pure-blooded, red-skinned Sith turning to the light and becoming Jedi Knights, so you can take all that sarcasm and stick up your Dark Side. 

Is JK's backstory a redeemed sith lord? Or just an FS born in the republic and invited to jedi training? Sith pureblood as an option suggests the existence of some Sith enclave within the republic. Considering how they have been perceived in the republic since the outbreak of the war, it would have to be some kind of closed reserve or ghetto under constant observation and protection of the army. JK doesn't behave like someone who lived and grew up in such conditions. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of limiting people's race and class combinations, I play NFS sith pureblood myself. But let's be honest, for some classes such as SW, noble in the empire, restrictions would make sense for purely plot reasons, although these should not be more important than players creating the character they want.

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I greatly LOVE they added Cathar race as yet another option, still I'd greatly welcome several new Races especially:

  • Bey'wan Aygo is an excellent option or Bothan Race to add; and one that's long been missing for Republic Players to try.

There are also several others many might like to see, yet honestly what I'd desire far more is:

  • Skin tones, Fur or Pelt Tones.
  • More Facial variations: Forehead, Eyebrows, Nose, Cheeks, Ears, Chin & Jaw. 
  • Tattoos / Tribal or Clan Markings.
  • Cybernetic Implants: That offer a bit more detail, or fancy.
  • Fine if those above were are Cartel Market ones.
Edited by Strathkin
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1 hour ago, dtlucario said:

Rather than more species, I hope that the existing ones get more and more fantastical customization options.

They can start by letting Togruta characters actually wear the headbands we see them wearing in the TV shows and movies! 🙄

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On 12/20/2023 at 11:42 PM, denavin said:

Many years ago the Dev's stated these rules for Player Races....

All Player Races...

1. Must fit on a Human Size Skeleton.

2. Must be able to wear Human Size Gear and use Human Size Weapons.

3. Must speak Basic as their primary language.

4. Can not conflict with the story line in any way.

They did it once by putting a Nautilan head on a human body and thoroughly screwed up the appearance of the race. The outrage from players was severe. It also cause a conflict in the KOTFE story line when Senya sees a Nautilan for the first time and says, "I've never seen that race before" and the player standing right next to her is a Nautilan.


For the same reasons that were stated in your last post.....

Though they speak Basic as the primary language. The Voss are much Taller than a Human and you have NEVER met a Voss until you go to Voss... Plus The Voss are Isolationists and shun the Jedi, Republic, Sith and the  Empire . 

Major Story Line Conflict.

Not necessarily a major storyline conflict when we've seen from the planet of Voss picking sides to support. Plus Sana-rae even leaves Voss to join the alliance based off her visions. In terms of story line it wouldn't be hard to believe that the player's character could be one of those rare choices. Plus not all Voss are much taller (Prime Example below). So its doable. Just depends on if Bioware sees us asking and commits to it. The only thing weird would be the non force classes, however that can be solved with a melee class that doesn't use lightsabers. 


Edited by Darkraious
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12 hours ago, Darkraious said:

In terms of story line it wouldn't be hard to believe that the player's character could be one of those rare choices

Maybe, maybe not, but it would, nevertheless, convert almost the entire Voss segment of the story (er, Chapter 3, between Belsavis and Corellia, not KotET Chapter I!) into gibberish:

  • You get sent to a mostly-unknown world ("er, hey, I know it well because it's my homeworld").
  • You need to get special permits to be allowed to go there ("er, hey, no need for that because it's my homeworld").
  • Everyone tells you cannot do this or that or the other because you are not Voss ("er, hey, use your eyes, maybe, and *look* at me").
  • If they aren't doing that, they call you an outsider ("er, hey, I'm as much an outsider as you").

So it falls into the category of "no, but ... no".  Shame, that.

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5 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Maybe, maybe not, but it would, nevertheless, convert almost the entire Voss segment of the story (er, Chapter 3, between Belsavis and Corellia, not KotET Chapter I!) into gibberish:

  • You get sent to a mostly-unknown world ("er, hey, I know it well because it's my homeworld").
  • You need to get special permits to be allowed to go there ("er, hey, no need for that because it's my homeworld").
  • Everyone tells you cannot do this or that or the other because you are not Voss ("er, hey, use your eyes, maybe, and *look* at me").
  • If they aren't doing that, they call you an outsider ("er, hey, I'm as much an outsider as you").

So it falls into the category of "no, but ... no".  Shame, that.

I agree. Its a huge toss up, especially as you mentioned with Chapter 3. The only thing that would make it work from a lore standpoint is you lock it behind a origin story and class set that fits. Doable, especially with other mmorpg like swtor that do this. WoW, GW2, etc. However, knowing Bioware and EA, they would make an unlock for the race to use across the board. However, this all depending on if they choose to do that work to make it make sense. 

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On 12/21/2023 at 12:42 PM, denavin said:

Many years ago the Dev's stated these rules for Player Races....

All Player Races...

1. Must fit on a Human Size Skeleton.

2. Must be able to wear Human Size Gear and use Human Size Weapons.

3. Must speak Basic as their primary language.

4. Can not conflict with the story line in any way.

They did it once by putting a Nautilan head on a human body and thoroughly screwed up the appearance of the race. The outrage from players was severe. It also cause a conflict in the KOTFE story line when Senya sees a Nautilan for the first time and says, "I've never seen that race before" and the player standing right next to her is a Nautilan.


For the same reasons that were stated in your last post.....

Though they speak Basic as the primary language. The Voss are much Taller than a Human and you have NEVER met a Voss until you go to Voss... Plus The Voss are Isolationists and shun the Jedi, Republic, Sith and the  Empire . 

Major Story Line Conflict.

Not exactly a story conflict when actually you've already seen a Voss in fleet selling mods...

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