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Chasing the Shadow (Black Hole Heroic 2)


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5 hours ago, TahliahCOH said:

It's a Heroic-4 not 2, so it's harder. I just stealth to the end and set the thing off.

Yep, stealthy is the way to go, same as the Section X heroic-4.

It hasn't been buffed, but since the proper use of defenses, crowd control, and aoe makes things easier some classes got hit way harder then others with the ability losses that 7.0 brought us.  ('Choose one of 3' where you used to have all 3 abilities is a loss).

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Some of the pulls can be hard. The safest thing is to avoid AoE. Heavy armor classes might be able to AoE safely. Sorcerers and Snipers have strong enough AoE to survive with bubble and being in cover. Other classes will be safer with a single target strategy: Let the companion tank some of the mobs. Companions have a passive healing per second, so they can survive a lot even when their heals are on cooldown. Prioritize weak mobs first, then silvers, then golds. The companion might die in the larger pulls, but you be able to take out a silver or two solo in 336 gear.

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