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Re opening up the Character Transfer to Shae Vizla


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Can you please please open up the character transfer to the Shae Vizla APAC server? The credit economy sux and it is hard to build them up so I can use the outfitter with my armors and weapons. I need lots of creds to play as I can't afford to buy a 30-pack to sell and there aren't enough creds in the economy for anyone to buy it. So please open it up so I can transfer my toon with all my creds and stuff.

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On 11/26/2023 at 5:09 AM, MotherCrusher said:

You're in the wrong section of the forum.

Asides from that, please no. The moment that happens we're back to people with 100 billion controlling the entire market.

That is uber paranoid. Most people have a legacy on other servers. If people transferred it wouldn't be 10 it would be loads of people and the economy would balance out. Please stop the drama before it even happens. XD

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I'm one of those crazy people who actually like the fact that it's a "fresh start" server with a "clean economy."

That may not have been part of the reasoning for the server, but it is a great side effect.

Now transfers for legacies, not allowing ANY credits, I think would be ok in the manner that it wouldn't impact much on the new server.


This server, again probably unintentionally, is the best way to see if any of the changes to the economy the devs have made in the last few months actually work long term.

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On 11/25/2023 at 4:01 PM, miclanman said:

Can you please please open up the character transfer to the Shae Vizla APAC server? The credit economy sux and it is hard to build them up so I can use the outfitter with my armors and weapons. I need lots of creds to play as I can't afford to buy a 30-pack to sell and there aren't enough creds in the economy for anyone to buy it. So please open it up so I can transfer my toon with all my creds and stuff.

The last thing Shae Vizla needs is an influx of transferred credits. 

Im all for opening up transfers, but I hope the devs limit how many credits can be transferred per Legacy. 

My suggestion would be to cap credits to either 10 million per character or 50 million per legacy. Anything more will flood the server with too many credits that will ruin the economy.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
Edited credit amounts to take into account boosted characters are already earning more credits than I originally suggested.
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20 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The last thing Shae Vizla needs is an influx of transferred credits. 

Im all for opening up transfers, but I hope the devs limit how many credits can be transferred per Legacy. 

My suggestion would be to cap credits to either 1 million per character or 10-20 million per legacy. Anything more will flood the server with too many credits that will ruin the economy.

Ideally I'd like enough credits to get my strongholds back, but yeah I agree there should be pretty strict caps on how much money people can bring in from other servers. It's the only fair way to keep the economy from instantly collapsing and killing the hopes and dreams of actual new players or people who can't afford/choose not to pay 1000 CC per character to transfer multiple characters over. 

Edited by khamseen_air
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6 minutes ago, khamseen_air said:

Ideally I'd like enough credits to get my strongholds back, but yeah I agree there should be pretty strict caps on how much money people can bring in from other servers. It's the only fair way to keep the economy from instantly collapsing and killing the hopes and dreams of actual new players or people who can't afford/choose not to pay 1000 CC per character to transfer multiple characters over. 

When we can transfer a character, it should open up all SH’s & legacy unlocks you currently have opened on that Character. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Watching this as it has unfolded, the only way I see SV being successful long term is if they are willing to customize a lot of things for all to be happy. Lets hope they are willing to make so many exceptions and to work for the betterment of the SV server and its community.

Edited by Lord_Malganus
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I'm not seeing my original post for this. But I am opposed to allowing more than 1 million credits to transfer over. And put a limit on 1 character per month. (so, you can transfer over a few, but 1 character per month @ 1 million credits wouldn't break the economy because there should be some people with that, based on how much someone can earn if they are an instant 80th per mission).  This will give the rest of us time to catch up.

Even so, I'm opposed to this happening sooner than a few months from now. (Maybe next May, in time for May 4th)



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9 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

When we can transfer a character, it should open up all SH’s & legacy unlocks you currently have opened on that Character. 

If you bought them with credits, like I did, you still have to pay the reactivation cost.

Nar Shaddaa - 250,000
Mannan - 2,500,000
Alderann - 4,000,000
Yavin - 2,500,000
Tatooine - 2,500,000
Rishi - 3,000,000

So that's just shy of 15 million. 

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1 hour ago, khamseen_air said:

If you bought them with credits, like I did, you still have to pay the reactivation cost.

Nar Shaddaa - 250,000
Mannan - 2,500,000
Alderann - 4,000,000
Yavin - 2,500,000
Tatooine - 2,500,000
Rishi - 3,000,000

So that's just shy of 15 million. 

Then maybe they could cap the legacy transfer at 20 million 🤷🏻‍♀️

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4 hours ago, Shayddow said:

I'm not seeing my original post for this. But I am opposed to allowing more than 1 million credits to transfer over. And put a limit on 1 character per month. (so, you can transfer over a few, but 1 character per month @ 1 million credits wouldn't break the economy because there should be some people with that, based on how much someone can earn if they are an instant 80th per mission).  This will give the rest of us time to catch up.

Even so, I'm opposed to this happening sooner than a few months from now. (Maybe next May, in time for May 4th)



There are definitely some people who’ve already hit 1 million because I’ve seen guilds my characters are in with guild ships and multiple rooms & multiple bank slots already open. And sure those are collectively, but the guilds I’m talking about dont have that many member's. 

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6 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

There are definitely some people who’ve already hit 1 million because I’ve seen guilds my characters are in with guild ships and multiple rooms & multiple bank slots already open. And sure those are collectively, but the guilds I’m talking about dont have that many member's. 

I used CC from GS to buy boosts.  2x 80's and 2x 70's (one of each per account)    I've been able to do enough content to get over 6 million so far.    Donated some to a guild that took in my toons, and used some to buy some strongholds and level up a couple crafters.

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13 hours ago, Darev said:

I'm one of those crazy people who actually like the fact that it's a "fresh start" server with a "clean economy."

That may not have been part of the reasoning for the server, but it is a great side effect.

Now transfers for legacies, not allowing ANY credits, I think would be ok in the manner that it wouldn't impact much on the new server.


This server, again probably unintentionally, is the best way to see if any of the changes to the economy the devs have made in the last few months actually work long term.

Heh, it is actually a good way to do this social experiment project. If this is not one of Boradsword's original intentions, they should consider it lol

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5 hours ago, khamseen_air said:

If you bought them with credits, like I did, you still have to pay the reactivation cost.

Nar Shaddaa - 250,000
Mannan - 2,500,000
Alderann - 4,000,000
Yavin - 2,500,000
Tatooine - 2,500,000
Rishi - 3,000,000

So that's just shy of 15 million. 

Right. Not to mention if you want dyes, mats, etc. And no one should "cap your credits" as a sub. Don't like the way the economy works maybe find a new game? They make it sound like the apocalypse if transfers open. It will work the same way other servers do. Not devastating or scary. 👽

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On 11/26/2023 at 1:09 PM, MotherCrusher said:


Asides from that, please no. The moment that happens we're back to people with 100 billion controlling the entire market.

Let me tell you about this player i introduced to SWTOR , her name is Eden, she's from Brisbane and worked in Sweden for 3 months as a volunteer veterinarian. Now, she has to go back home to Australia. 

She played the game for 2 months, has two classes completed, two strongholds unlocked and a relatively low ammount of credits. When she goes back to Brisbane, she won't be able to play with us on Darth Malgus server because of the time zone difference. 

I honestly think it is unfair to not let her transfer to the APAC server in order to be able to play with people from her own time zone. 

Yes, i know, you will say "she can start all over again". But for someone who just started and struggled to get some credits together to outfit two characters , open two strongholds and learn two sets of crew skills it would be an unpleasant gaming experience, to say at least. 

And how about the decorations she purchased from Cartel Market with CC ( so she spent real money..) ? She starts all over again on the APAC server so she loses the decos activated on DM, how is that OK with anyone? 


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On 11/28/2023 at 10:07 PM, Shayddow said:

I'm not seeing my original post for this. But I am opposed to allowing more than 1 million credits to transfer over. And put a limit on 1 character per month. (so, you can transfer over a few, but 1 character per month @ 1 million credits wouldn't break the economy because there should be some people with that, based on how much someone can earn if they are an instant 80th per mission).  This will give the rest of us time to catch up.

Even so, I'm opposed to this happening sooner than a few months from now. (Maybe next May, in time for May 4th)



If returning APAC players can’t transfer their legacy back to APAC soon (like in December) it will turn a lot of them off & this server will ultimately fail because of it. Waiting till May as you suggest would be a deathnell for the server. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Kind of hoping @JackieKo will announce server transfers to start on the 5th December to correspond with the 7.4 release 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any later and they’re going to miss out on the momentum of returning APAC players who join & discover they can’t move their old legacy back to APAC. This is a massive turn off for most APAC players, both current & returning.

Please Jackie, talk to the powers that be & get them to understand you need to do this transfer soon. 

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14 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Kind of hoping @JackieKo will announce server transfers to start on the 5th December to correspond with the 7.4 release 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any later and they’re going to miss out on the momentum of returning APAC players who join & discover they can’t move their old legacy back to APAC. This is a massive turn off for most APAC players, both current & returning.

Please Jackie, talk to the powers that be & get them to understand you need to do this transfer soon. 

I second this!

I know APAC players that refuse to transfer to SV since they cannot take their Legacy, all perks and credits with them and I cannot fault them for that.

Why bother to even set up a new server for it to ultimately fail based on such sever limitations?

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19 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

I second this!

I know APAC players that refuse to transfer to SV since they cannot take their Legacy, all perks and credits with them and I cannot fault them for that.

Why bother to even set up a new server for it to ultimately fail based on such severe limitations?

100% this 👆

It would be another failed business opportunity in the long line of missed swtor business opportunities to let a newly opened APAC server fail because of poor execution or lack of critical thinking. 

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I said it in your other thread on promoting the server (which i wasn't trying to derail btw) it's a token effort with the bare minimum done to try and appease us. You've been around long enough to see how they regard us as a community (APAC players i mean) - nothing has changed communication wise even after Eric changing roles. They don't care about the time we've put into the game over the years hence no transfers and they don't actually care about a fresh economy, it was just an excuse for laziness because if they did, no boosts would have been enabled. Anyone that thinks a day 1 hour 1 (number of) boosting player(s) wont impact a new servers economy is either deluding themselves or just an idiot.


As much as i agree with what you're saying and trying to accomplish, i have no belief that anything will eventuate because they don't give a crap about APAC beyond the bare minimum to try and paint themselves in a positive light and everything to date demonstrates that.

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I must be a real weirdo.

I actually love that I can't bring my billions and old legacy over to the new server. All of the achievements popping again, my low amount of credits that I need to budget, everything feels like it did when I first started in 2012 and I don't want that to change. Or at least, to keep going until it will inevitably change in the future. Hopefully in the far future. I love having a new APAC server again. My ping is below 20ms instead of over 300! But everything else, I want it to stay the same.

Please no transfers! xD

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17 minutes ago, Cattooo said:

I must be a real weirdo.

I actually love that I can't bring my billions and old legacy over to the new server. All of the achievements popping again, my low amount of credits that I need to budget, everything feels like it did when I first started in 2012 and I don't want that to change. Or at least, to keep going until it will inevitably change in the future. Hopefully in the far future. I love having a new APAC server again. My ping is below 20ms instead of over 300! But everything else, I want it to stay the same.

Please no transfers! xD

This quoted post above, will be the only one they listen to.

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