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I mean lothal wouldn't offer to much in the way of engaging stories. Sure there is that connection with Rebels, but that is about it. 

There are more interesting Planets we could go to. 

-Kashyyk: it would be a nice callback to KOTOR, and would be interesting to hang out with some wookies. 

-Mandalore: It would be interesting to travel to the Mandalorian Homeworld, and also given the present storyline it would fit quite well. 

-Raxus Secundus: I think this would be an interesting planet to visit, The Future Capital Planet of the CIS. We could see the planet in a similar fate to Onderon where A large Portion wants to Defect to the Empire, while some still having Republic Loyalties.

-Serenno: Count Dooku's Homeworld, We could see the planet in a similar fate to Alderaan with the various Houses fighting each other. 

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Lothal would be a rather boring destination. By the time of the Empire it was a mostly-barren backwater that was only important because it was chosen for the location of the TIE Defender factory. Before that it doesn't appear to have been relevant in the galaxy by any standard. Other than the ancient Jedi temple there's nothing of interest that would be there around the time of SWTOR, and even that temple may not even be there yet - or it could have already been abandoned by this point. Lothal may very well not even be properly settled by non-Jedi at the point in time that SWTOR takes place.

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