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Why was the change to QT UI needed?


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BW/BS made using Quick Travel from an easy to understand (and use) system to one that now takes more then the press of 2 buttons to get to where you want to go. 


What was the point in doing this? Now I need to cycle through the maps to get to the map I want to use to QT to, then click the QT at the bottom of the map to show where the QT points are, and then I can finally click to where I want to go.


This change makes no sense. Before I'd hit the QT on my bar, glance at the map that was brought up and click where I wanted to go. It used to be so much easier to do and understand, and now it's just a mess.

This game has so many bugs that need to be fixed, bad systems that could actually be improved, and this is what time was spent on? Ruining an easy to use system that didn't need to be changed and nobody asked for it to be changed because it was so straight forward to use.

Edited by Toraak
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I also agree. What used to be a simple process was made more complicated by adding extra unneeded steps/clicks. Also, a friend I play with has poor eyesight. This won't help her one bit since the QT points are not only dim, but small. Definitely not a QOL change for the better.

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The devs keeps changing things just for the reason of change. Why replace a system that worked well with a system that's much worse I have no idea.

The old saying of "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" comes to mind here.

Edited by Otowi
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31 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

It's the same quality as all the recent UI updates.

That is say, horrible quality.  I still miss the low shader settings.  They talk about 'making the game more accessable' and then keep pulling crap like this and making things harder to see and use, not easier.

I also miss my Very Low graphics settings. Walking on Mek-sha today doing the WB for GS 5 I noticed it was so dark I couldn't even find my way there without a summons. Usually I was the one running there to summon others. That change still makes me angry.

Edited by Toraak
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Having to constantly compare World Map to Quick Travel Map to make sure you quick traveled to the closest location for mission was poor design, especially for new players who don't know where every base or NPC is located.

My only issue is that quick travel icons over lap with flight path icons. It looks a bit messy right now.

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The other system worked fine, of course it had to be changed. lol Two steps forward, one step back, this is their m.o.. Some of us hate having to beat the dead horse over and over again, but here we are, yet again... lol If some of you are familiar with The Andy Griffith Show, which I'm sure some of you are, Barney Fife is running this show and has been for years.

On a positive note, the prices have been scaled, there is that.

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And on cue all the UI changes broke more things. Now for example your character and companion disappear completely from the Character Sheet randomly unless you log in and out to fix it...  Until it happens again.

I liked the idea of FT and regular map being combined but the way they chose to do it is not good.

Naturally its not done well, The UI has been consistently been going in the wrong direction for 3 years now. Used to be clean and have a nice modular feel, now its clunky and awkward to utilize.

Definitely a poor use of resources and focus. Whomever is in charge of this area, please stop making these awfully implemented ideas & stop breaking things that NEVER get fixed. 

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2 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

yeah it really should default to the world map.

This is the ONE change I would suggest for the new system.  Honestly starting on the zoomed in map almost feels like a glitch, though maybe it isn't.

Otherwise imo the new QT system is SO MUCH BETTER and a huge QOL upgrade that I have wanted for ages.

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8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

This is the ONE change I would suggest for the new system.  Honestly starting on the zoomed in map almost feels like a glitch, though maybe it isn't.

Otherwise imo the new QT system is SO MUCH BETTER and a huge QOL upgrade that I have wanted for ages.

has to be a glitch, there is no reason the quick travel skill brings up the immediate area and not the world map.

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This new QT system is HORRIBLE!

If you wanted to make a new system maybe you should consider a clickable list with all the QT points on the side of the map and hilight the point on the map on hover.

Last night on coruscant, it took me 5 QT attempts to go to the coruscant cantina. Five effing attempts! Dudes!
But that's not all the stupidity of the design. It's that when you select a point to QT to, there is ABSOLUTELLY NO VISUAL OR AUDITORY CUE   to confim that you are travelling there. Tha map keeps staying open and you wondering if the game is teleporting you or is bugged.

WORST QOL Update ever!
Please consider giving an option in preferences to use the old QT system.

Edited by Kogull_x
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What the heck are the developers thinking, if they can think at all, which i no longer believe.

They always say they are low on resources, but instead of concentrating on meaningful/important things, they implement some bulls**t that no one asked for.

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Their reply "simply take a step in any direction".


My reply... "simply revert it back to the old system that was better, quicker, easier to use than this convoluted mess that NO ONE WANTED and doesn't improve anything".

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I have yet so see if i like it or not. But good or bad, since 7.X we got just too many unrequested changes to the UI.

I thought this was going to stop as its been some time since Chris departure, but they keep wasting resources. More so after having less devs since BS.

If the team has too many devs in the UI department and they can't adapt to different part; well maybe place them in another company inside EA? Or give them time to look for another job? UX/UI designers is not exactly a dead job.

Edited by Balameb
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Well, the previous update broke quick travel and travel to stronghold in a lot of areas. Perhaps the UI update was the only way they could fix the problem with those bugs (by totally going around the previous interface) and still keep the QT/Stronghold travel costs. They also made the cost of traveling different for different level characters which would have required an update anyway (and perhaps wasn't compatible with the previous interface as well)

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By all accounts They have removed the QT,,, I tried to use it today as I hate fighting all the way back and have to spend ages trying to get to a taxi point.. It aint fun at all.. Restore the Quick Travel. It was there since Day One.. It is used as part of Subbing, and now it's gone. I suppose the new t@t of ideas felt the need to p@ss people off.

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28 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Y'all don't think it's a good thing to be able to see where missions are on the QT map?

For me, the problem is that the map experience is now hopelessly cluttered, and interacting with it is a hassle. A list of observations I have made since the last update:

  1. QT points are underneath other icons, making them difficult to identify. They somehow manage to be both too small (hard to see) and too large (obscuring other map information) depending on how many other icons are competing for attention.
  2. the QT icon itself changes shape and color every time I move (speaking here of the appearance on the pop-out area map) to indicate that I must stop moving to QT.
  3. Mission lists pop up if I happen to mouse over the quest giver/box on the map, blocking access to the QT point and cluttering the visual field with incredibly small text.
  4. In most cases, quick traveling around the world requires me to open the main map (not the pop-out side map, which is usually in area view), manually click it out to the world map, click to travel, and close the world map--upon which I find my pop-out map has gotten stuck zoomed to the world view, requiring me to open the main map again, click it down into the area view, and finally close it to restore my desired UI.

As a concept, I can appreciate what the devs were going for. In execution, it is far more frustrating than helpful. Hypothetically, I could filter out the QT points for the day-to-day questing and use them only when needed. Oh, but if I did that I'd need to use 3 clicks to reenable them where I used to use 1 to simply open the old QT interface.

Edited by Crystal_Mind
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20 minutes ago, Quantum said:

With the move to Broadsword, the number of people working on the game decreased.  Removing one system by combining it's functionality with another equates to time savings down the road.

Essentially just another way of saying making the job easier for Devs at the expense of the consumer. 

And no one would complain if it was done well, we've been throwing red flags about the UI changes for several years to prevent the reactions you see here. 

They willingly choose this path everytime it feels like. 

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