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Note to developers, and writers... Tying up the Darth Malgus storyline..

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It really is time please, to end the Darth Malgus storyline. Its been dragging for too long! In your next update., please, bring it to a conclusion. There's no point in dragging it out for so long. We have now, the Mandalorian civil war to possibly deal with, That is a great storlyline! Darth Malgus is getting beyond boring. Its tedious. Malgus dies, Malgus is reborn, etc, etc etc. This game has so much potential, there is no need to re-hash Malgus. Yes, I am a huge Mando fan, so we got alot to work with there storywise, so why not do it? If you really need content to write about, why not let us go back in time, and meet the ancient Sith- Lord, Ajunta Pall or Exar Kun? So much potential! But Malgus is dragging on and on and on. Its time to stop the Malgus re-hash. Please! 

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Yes please !
I think one big boss per expansion is enough, even if it comes back later as a enemy or friend to fight another one.
Malgus has done his time in the game, we need another big fat boss !

That said, I think this is already planned by the wonderfull writers swtor has. (Mabye some people in Bioware didn't want that to happen in the past...)

We have to wait for hints to be revealed in a future 7.4 teaser.. maybe in october ??? ;)

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9 minutes ago, Shayddow said:

And by "another big fat boss!" I don't THINK he means resurrect Baras. 


At least, I hope not...

i think its not going to happing at all since if you know your sith worrier story good you know what has happing with baras in the end.

since in both 2 way's there are he is death in the end.

Edited by Spikanor
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The story is more about Darth Nul and Sa'har than it is about Malgus at this point. 

I actually prefer the Darth Nul/Malgus story to the Mandalorian one, which is also dragging at this point. I'm assuming the story updates not really going anywhere were the result of the team not being sure about the BW to Broadsword transition and what might take place when. 

All that said, just be happy if we even get fully voice-acted story updates twice a year, as in the past few years, after 7.4. That's not even been confirmed as still occurring by Keith, which I found odd. It's among the most basic aspects of story in SWTOR, player character responses being voice-acted. 

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Totally. It's time to bring Malgus to the just end that he deserves.


Malgus has tried my last nerve at this point. Sith don't leave their enemies alive if they are of no use to them. Malgus is a proven traitor to the Sith Empire and treason deserves only one form of punishment. The total cessation of breath.

Time to light his ass up.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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All that said, just be happy if we even get fully voice-acted story updates twice a year, as in the past few years, after 7.4. That's not even been confirmed as still occurring by Keith, which I found odd. It's among the most basic aspects of story in SWTOR, player character responses being voice-acted. 

They are unlikely to respond during the current writer's strike until things are cleared up legally.

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Nah ...  While I'm not a Malgus fan (at all)...  Things will work out just fine!

It should also be noted that unless the next step in the story was already completed (including editing) everything is going to be delayed.

Might as well drag up a chair ... grab a deck of cards.  It's gonna be a while!

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15 hours ago, arunav said:

The story is more about Darth Nul and Sa'har than it is about Malgus at this point. 

I actually prefer the Darth Nul/Malgus story to the Mandalorian one, which is also dragging at this point. I'm assuming the story updates not really going anywhere were the result of the team not being sure about the BW to Broadsword transition and what might take place when. 

All that said, just be happy if we even get fully voice-acted story updates twice a year, as in the past few years, after 7.4. That's not even been confirmed as still occurring by Keith, which I found odd. It's among the most basic aspects of story in SWTOR, player character responses being voice-acted. 

I have no idea if Bioware were going in this direction, but by the looks of it I feel like they are setting up The Twi'lek bounty hunter to be the big bad.

Malgus will somehow escape, maybe with the help of Heta Kol, they'll find the machine or weapon or device that makes the children of the Emperor - The twi'lek will get angry at his sister or Heta Kol or Malgus and use the machine, which will enhance his force ability to the nth degree and empower him with the dark side.

Using this newfound force power, he'll unite the mandalorian clans away from Shea and form a new mandalorian army. the big bad guys for the next expansion will then be a mandalorian neo-neo crusade that strikes at both the Empire and Republic.

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We have already defeated an IMMORTAL GALAXY EATING FORCE GHOST at the head of an empire strong enough to subjugate the entire galaxy in less than five years.

Unless the next enemy is Jesus dual wielding +5 Nuclear Lightsaber Shotguns, it doesn't matter. Anyone else is going to be insignificant next to the IGEFG. This is the fundamental issue that burdens all of SWTOR's stories after the horrible KotET/KotFE story.

EAware needs to get away from big baddies and back to smaller, more personal stories. No realistic opposition is going to matter on a galactic scale now. But as guerillas have proven time and again in the real world, intractable opponents of lesser capabilities can be very significant.

Edited by sharpenedstick
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I agree that it is time to wrap this storyline up. As I quipped before in a different thread, it is a bit like "Winter is Coming" from Game of Thrones, which took years to finally arrive. :rak_05:

However, and I won't spoil it, but most will know what I mean (but not all, which is why no spoilers)...

SWTOR strongly hinted at the end of Echoes of Oblivion (EoO) who the next big baddie is going to be.

With recent changes in studios / writers, etc., I obviously can't guarantee the foreshadowing in EoO will come to fruition in 8.0 (assuming there is an 8.0), but it's a distinct possibility.

Full disclosure, I was mixed on 7.3. I thought the Flashpoint, Shrine of Silence, was well done, but I found the main story was kind of blah / meh. While I agree that SWTOR backed themselves into a corner by having us defeat the most powerful evil force in the galaxy, I didn't think they would make us sweep floors and take out garbage. Moreover, the ending was still yet another breadcrumb. 



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1 hour ago, Jdast said:

I agree that it is time to wrap this storyline up. As I quipped before in a different thread, it is a bit like "Winter is Coming" from Game of Thrones, which took years to finally arrive. :rak_05:

However, and I won't spoil it, but most will know what I mean (but not all, which is why no spoilers)...

SWTOR strongly hinted at the end of Echoes of Oblivion (EoO) who the next big baddie is going to be.

With recent changes in studios / writers, etc., I obviously can't guarantee the foreshadowing in EoO will come to fruition in 8.0 (assuming there is an 8.0), but it's a distinct possibility.

Full disclosure, I was mixed on 7.3. I thought the Flashpoint, Shrine of Silence, was well done, but I found the main story was kind of blah / meh. While I agree that SWTOR backed themselves into a corner by having us defeat the most powerful evil force in the galaxy, I didn't think they would make us sweep floors and take out garbage. Moreover, the ending was still yet another breadcrumb. 



I remember the foreshadowed implications that were there.  I kind of hope you wrong (this time... sorry).

If I had to guess it seems like the last few episodes have had a LOT of breadcrumbs along the way.  I saw the waiting on tables .. taking out the trash as more or less a subtle message.  Not surprising really.  I also think that there was more to the message of what the  3 were telling us than meets the eye.  

"Everything will burn" !  


OR...  maybe just Malgus?

OR ... Someone just messin' with us?  And in the end kind of ho-hum?  This writers' strike isn't helping anyone!!  (The cost of production just went up ...  again!)

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On 8/1/2023 at 7:18 PM, Jdast said:

I agree that it is time to wrap this storyline up. As I quipped before in a different thread, it is a bit like "Winter is Coming" from Game of Thrones, which took years to finally arrive. :rak_05:

However, and I won't spoil it, but most will know what I mean (but not all, which is why no spoilers)...

SWTOR strongly hinted at the end of Echoes of Oblivion (EoO) who the next big baddie is going to be.

With recent changes in studios / writers, etc., I obviously can't guarantee the foreshadowing in EoO will come to fruition in 8.0 (assuming there is an 8.0), but it's a distinct possibility.

Full disclosure, I was mixed on 7.3. I thought the Flashpoint, Shrine of Silence, was well done, but I found the main story was kind of blah / meh. While I agree that SWTOR backed themselves into a corner by having us defeat the most powerful evil force in the galaxy, I didn't think they would make us sweep floors and take out garbage. Moreover, the ending was still yet another breadcrumb. 



Oh, no! I have played it like... 5 times, and I cannot remember the foreshadowing at all! Mind putting it in spoilers? Now you got me intrigued!

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3 hours ago, Quendorite said:

Oh, no! I have played it like... 5 times, and I cannot remember the foreshadowing at all! Mind putting it in spoilers? Now you got me intrigued!

Hey! I sent you a private message with the spoiler. Open at your own risk! :rak_03:



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On 8/1/2023 at 4:37 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Totally. It's time to bring Malgus to the just end that he deserves.


Malgus has tried my last nerve at this point. Sith don't leave their enemies alive if they are of no use to them. Malgus is a proven traitor to the Sith Empire and treason deserves only one form of punishment. The total cessation of breath.

Time to light his ass up.

I hate to be the one to burst Malgus' bubble ... but he ain't THAT good!  And frankly he's been on my nerves since he was re-introduced!

Will the REAL Darth Malgus please stand up!  (some of you might remember that one liner) 

If Vader was more machine than man ... both twisted and evil ... just exactly where does this mechanical monstrosity fit into the grander scheme of things?  Key word (IMO) ... scheme!

I'll make a deal with ya Warriorx ... you shove him in an air lock ... I'll press the magic button!

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On the contrary, I hate Mando arc. It is sometimes cool, but story overall is as meh as possible. I'm more interested in Nul and Malgus arc. And 7.3 gave me a hint of hope of chance to join Malgus \o/

Problem with that arc, and tbh all stories that are going on now is that they are going slower than a snail. During 3 patches (7.1-7.3) we got absolutely no answers of push of the story. While Mando had big battle it honestly does not pushed story almost at all. Malgus/Nul arc is even worse. We are getting some pointless and meaningless info about nothing. Ye, cool Nul was Jedi. How does it change anything? Nothing. I want to know what Malgus is up to, not interested that Nul was 12356891 Jedi that Emperor manipulated.. If 7.4 won't push the either of those stories significantly, then it never will. I'm getting tired and annoyed by that the story is not moving forward that fighting Malgus again (I like him).

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