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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Odessen Stronghold please.


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Hello! so, I would like to propose an Odessen Stronghold. In my opinion, it would make the most canonical sense out of all of the strongholds in the game. It would be where the commander would have stayed throughout at least the eternal empire chapters. I am aware that there is a bedroom in odessen base, but I think that there would at least be a place where the commander would have built a barracks for other troops. I know that most of these could be explained easily but I would still love to have a customizable place on odessen for my main. I actually started playing this game for the alliance, and I would just like to submit this idea. It would mean a lot to me if you would at least consider it. Maybe it could be bought at the top of hill where there is a lift to next to the starship for the commander on odessen. It currently has no purpose, and I think this might be a nice way of putting it to use. If you consider my idea, maybe there could be four rooms reminiscent of the sections of the alliance, a barracks, a large main room, maybe overlooking a cliff like the base, and a couple smaller rooms? Thank you for reading this if you took the time to. I appreciate your taking the time to read this, and maybe even consider my idea. Have a good day, and please at least give this idea a chance. 

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3 hours ago, BlackSilverFire said:

-1 Not Signed.  Would much rather have an Ilum SH for toons at the lv50 class story completion point - the planet's skyline is the best. 

That or Nevarro SH, like in The Mandalorian S4E8 ending, with a pond & aliens frogs.

Why couldnt we have both, Odessen and Ilum? ☹️

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I'm down for an Odessen SH (or any, actually), but PLEASE any new strongholds need rooms to open. Credit sink for the economy and a lovely way to make groovy conquest points for those who already have all the existing SH's open.

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Huge missed opportunity. This should have been one of their top priorities when KOTFE released. Why is Umbara SH even a thing, that has to be the worst SH in the game. It has frame drops, and is just the recycled flashpoint. 

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