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How do you deal with the cringe fest that is story after base game with non force users?

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1 hour ago, GuigeekRhadamant said:

But yeah, they think it's so cool to be neither good nor bad because "NoT eVErY tHiNg iS bLaCk Or wHiTe yOu kNoW?" 💩

Look, I detest kotfe as much as the next guy but yes dark side / light side is a rigidly dumb alignment system. Virtually every other fantasy setting does it better. In Mass effect they only have two sides but you can gain points from both and end up as a paragade (and they dumped all of that in MEA anyway). In D&D they have had chaotic/lawful to specify the kind of good/bad person you were, and a more expanded conception of neutral means. In star wars though we get stuck with a binary scale and that's not (for once) the devs' fault, it's baked into the IP because the guy who wrote it clearly didn't spend more than ten seconds thinking about it smh. 

So yes, people look for grey options, something more than dark or light because they want something that better reflects their own conception of morality in a roleplaying game. As it is, I have to headcanon detail in DS 5 vs DS 4 because the game just gives me those numbers, it doesn't explain what they mean, which is one of the worst versions of the dark vs light side alignment (this one is the devs' fault).

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4 minutes ago, GuigeekRhadamant said:

Didn't get the "DS 5 vs DS 4" part

I'm saying that it makes no sense, they're just numbers. Maybe your eyes glow or something, but what do they actually mean? What's the difference between LS 1 and LS 3? Literally just two tiers, the alignment tiers are meaningless though, unlike Lawful Good or something they don't tell you what kind of person you are.

Edited by Ardrossan
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On 6/11/2023 at 3:08 AM, sharpenedstick said:

It doesn't make much more sense for force users, tbh. We defeat an IMMORTAL GALAXY EATING FORCE GHOST. The game is just silly at that point.

And to add to that ridiculousness, our force characters became seriously powerful through the class story and every story after.  As a result, NPCs should respect/fear our awesome power and authoritah BUT the story puts us back to being clueless weaklings.  The one-size-story-fits-all fails so badly in this game.

Edited by Sarova
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On 6/8/2023 at 6:36 PM, Traceguy said:

There really should have been a separate set of story for tech classes. A smuggler should not be catching the attention of valkorian or becoming the supreme commander of the alliance. The smuggler should have their neck cracked in 0.0245923333e+74 seconds when facing Valkorians children.

Uh... Didn't Han Solo and Lando Calrissian become generals of the Alliance only after one day of meeting Leia even though they were smugglers? It doesn't matter what background you have to be a commander as long as you got the capacity to lead and get things done when needed.

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On 6/13/2023 at 1:40 PM, Balameb said:

Is not about relating to reality, is about how much 'fantasy' sense it makes for each person. Sure imagination is key, but it does have it limits. As some people said, they can make it work with a comedic touch, like being in a parody. Sadly for me, Kotfe looks more like a bad parody, not a Mel Brooks one.

So space wizards and laser swords are fine. But someone who doesn't carry a lightsaber and have the force wanting to be more than what they are, and catching the attention of the emperor is were the line is drawn for you?

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On 6/20/2023 at 11:57 AM, Sarova said:

And to add to that ridiculousness, our force characters became seriously powerful through the class story and every story after.  As a result, NPCs should respect/fear our awesome power and authoritah BUT the story puts us back to being clueless weaklings.  The one-size-story-fits-all fails so badly in this game.

Ah yes... Everyone better bow and grovel at my feet, and dare not even look at me or else. For I am too good to be bothered by you peasants and your trivial matters. Seriously. What is with you power trippers? Force eating ghost or not, not everyone is going to prostrate themselves before you because you killed some megalomaniac as a jedi or sith. Which is your job to begin with anyway.

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On 6/8/2023 at 11:31 PM, eabevella said:

I only played Kotfe/et with my two mains. I skip Kotfe/et for all other toons except to lock a romance.

On my agent main, I write my own fan fiction and have him work with my other main JK as co-commanders, so problem solved - the agent deals with all the non-Force related military stuffs while the JK deals with all the Force bantha poo-doo. An Agent-JK LS alliance actually works well to fit the Kotfe/et theme and provide vital context for major NPC like SCORPIO. Guess I'm lucky that at least my two mains fit the narrative.

I like this idea 😃 I just saw the little Legacy family tree panel - does linking up your alts I'm the tree actually grant any bonuses or anything?

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21 minutes ago, Addictress said:

I like this idea 😃 I just saw the little Legacy family tree panel - does linking up your alts I'm the tree actually grant any bonuses or anything?

Unfortunately, no.

But the legacy family tree in game is terrible in design anyway (very linear with no room of complex relationships), so it's forgettable.

I just make up my own notes elsewhere.

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Legacy is another system that one team of devs put a ton of work into, only for the next team to completely abandon. Whether this is ego (devs LOVE their pet projects) or an inability to interact with older systems due to a lack of knowledge retention, or both, it's incredibly short sighted.

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I really wish there had been 4 different stories during KOTFE & KOTET: 1 each for Empire/Republic and 1 each for F.U. &, non- Force-User.

And yes, Han Solo was in the OT, and did significant things, but it was Luke who used the force to destroy the Death Star, by making that one "impossible" shot.

Just like in the Mandolorian.  The mandolorian fought well, but at his upper limit against one cyborg Dark Trooper. But Luke came along and destroyed whole hallways of them.  That is the power of the Force. Or, as Papa Palps said, "ULTIMATE Pow-ah!"

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The way i see it, as a beginner

So, my character is this bad*** bounty hunter who won the Great Hunt, defeated an ancient Sith-Jedi-Reward Box called Revan, another dude old enough to be her gramps ( Malgus), then a few traitors ( Colonel Tough Dude and Lord Dude-with- skirt) then Revan again, then the Big Boss ( Valky). Still, she seems to be very OOC, like she has no place in this. 

If the character is a Mando, her loyalty is with Mandos. If is not, then their loyalty is to Muchos Dineros, A Lot Of Money and so on. 

This isn't exactly the profile of a galactic hero, isn't it? 

Then Valky taking over her body : umm.. Boss.. how to tell you this, but my girl is married to Torian.. so even if you take over her body, she will still be Torian's wife.. so maybe just maybe realize this is awkward af? 

Can't complain, my guildies warned me the story will make no sense at some point. 

Edited by NorthernNephilim
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On 7/28/2023 at 4:08 AM, Bigfallenstar said:

Ah yes... Everyone better bow and grovel at my feet, and dare not even look at me or else. For I am too good to be bothered by you peasants and your trivial matters. Seriously. What is with you power trippers? Force eating ghost or not, not everyone is going to prostrate themselves before you because you killed some megalomaniac as a jedi or sith. Which is your job to begin with anyway.

My dark side characters ARE ridiculously powerful megalomaniacs!  That's my point.  My non-force users are not, nor will they ever be, dark or light megalomaniacs as it just doesn't fit who they are.  In my dark force users, it does.  Also, have you played a dark side Sorcerer class story?  So many conversation options let your character act as if they are all powerful against anyone they see as weak (robes of gold anyone?).  Besides, it's fiction; you seem to be implying/reacting as if I/we are wanting this due to some kind of real-life fantasy which is wrong.  I'm saying that the storylines after the class story do not fit the characters we've "powered up".  Our characters always return to being subservient and/or weaker than they should be and have their decisions overridden by advisors we never chose.  A good example of this is in the last story (Empire side) when we speak to Malgus:


my characters (dark or light) would never choose to allow Shae Vizla join via comms.  All my empire force-using characters said "no" but are overruled by Lana and Theron. That override made the conversation/scene in the corridor pointless. Why even have that conversation if the game's narrative lets Shae butt in regardless of my character's choice?  I'd have preferred my force users to lightning or force push her into the elevator or at least have her dragged out of my character's sight kicking and screaming.


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